JOliltNAL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY • No 88 - 2012 INITIAL STUDY OF INFLUENCE OF MICROWAVE-RADIATION OF MOBILE PHONE ON CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM NGHlfiN CUXJ BAN f)AU Vfi A N H IIUttNG C O A B O C X/S VI BA D1$N THOAI Dl D O N G LfiN H$ Tl I A N K I N H T R U N G U O N G Mai Huu Thuan, Nguyen Truong Luyen Hanoi University of Science and Technology Nguyen Trong Luu Military Central Hospital In the past, micmwave radiation is generally considered 'good' (hy photon energy of about KT'^ICf^eV) However, in recent years many studies have shown vivo extremely sensitive to micmwave and it may cause danger to human health, especially the central nervous system Survey results of micmwave radiation exposure eariy in 120 different locatkins in the Hanoi area (the ama near the BTS) and about 38 handy of diffemnt mobile phone (during the call or hear) the msults the rate of radiation exposum unstable (fmm 0049*C 0OB9mW/cm'), although the capacity is smaller than a critical thmshold of the Vi/HO (1mW/cm^) and recommended ICNRP (for a 10MHz HF radiation to 10GHz SAR ! : 56 820 1819 70,270 00163 79 695 01747 935 I 4779 19 105 1978 33 155 1805 42 840 00163 ^74|S 01848 71830 1805 ?•) s:() 01747 995 1SS4 2') 7SS 1819 U 115 1805 45 290 25)9 ^7 42 OISOS 72075 1704 80000 00062 lI'MiliHIil llic power Jisinhiilion ofthe luiiid\ \()kiu S ""ifJ after lime 12fi JOliRNAL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY • No 88 - 2012 Table The list of some handy type! Nr Pic 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Name of handy R Nol Ihl Ih ^\j!Li>L-nV"l) ;i() |Ni:u\fnl[uu"l In the normal limilulion min, Nokia 8251 l.L(; m normal 10 mia Nokiuj 1,1 ti is normal 8250 _ 20min,Noki;i 8250 l-F-Xi IS • l i d IS normal Change not worth mentioning Most slow u'j\c tivqucno A|>pc-jni^ the high amplitude vvuvcs CruiLin^ the slight cxcilcnxiit in the ( oncliidc: EEG is in the nomul limit i I Ci changes slight a-rh>lhm ha,s ihc low amplitude The frequency and amplitude arc less stabilil> P- rhj thm is stable, fhc slight alTecting on the twain lithe normal limit The vMiM's are less regular The figure of EEG is in the nomul limil a-rh>thm has the lo\^ amplitude The frequency and amplitude arv lesser stable than one before calling.prhjthm dispersed on some lines The active decreasing of the electro brain i: Icndeiicv to regular EEG is influence VNorth mentioning l.G LS in the normal limit ! Waves are less stable, frequency and amplitude increase j Creating the slight excitement in the cerebral membrane LLG is in the normal limit JOURNAL OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY * No 88 - 2012 Preliminary findings on the EEG showed 10 volunteers with long calls on the 10 minutes have negatively affected the brain especially the older generation of phones If the radiation exposure time big with power levels will be negatively affected human health Thus Ihe initial hearing ands hould not be called to look at the first cell phones and call time limitis not too long To limit the influence of electromagnetic waves, for example, use headphones (including wired or wireless) for headphones emit less than the phone itself should senda message instead of calling because then device consumes less power thus less emission than at collection calls or listen, not use the phone when contacted poor signal because then the phone will emit more in Ihe process of trying to capture credit effect 2.2.4 Investigating the radiated infiuence on fhe living tissues of the microwaves with the TV frequency from 200MHz lo 300MHi f9j In order to examine the mieroradiation having the negative influences on the living tissues, we are carried the TV microwave raying on 10 rabbits with the weight around kg/rabbit by our performed devices The distance between a rabbit and radiating antenna is 2em with a average power from 1.11 mW/kgto l,58mW/kg(seetab.5) Tab State ofthe researcit rabbits after the rayitig tittle Raying time Raying dose Rabbit State ofthe Rabbits (min.) (MHz/V/mW/kg) 40 200/1/20 Normal 50 200/1/20 Quakes slightiy.rabbitbody shrinkages, wool makes up seeks shelter \_3 50 200/1/20 Quakes, breaths strongly, wool makes up 60 Huddled up, wool bristledup 250/1/25 There is tired manifestation, glassy eye, both closed and opened 70 250/1/25 Lies quiet, tight closed eyes 80 250/1/25 Breathes rapidly, lies quiet tightclosed eyes 90 250/1/25 Breathes rapidly, there is the convulsion IOO 300/1/30 Breathes rapidly, the slight convulsion The rabbit died 110 300/1/30 after the second raying Breathes rapidly, the continual convulsion 10 120 300/1/30 The results in table showed obviously that the different raying dose of the microwaves expressed through the outside normal states ofthe rabbit With these effects our per formed devices can be used to study the microwave influence on the jiving tissues, in particular, in the range ofthe great powers, the high fi^uencies and the long raying durations In this range, the negative influence is ino'easing obviously [9] CONCLUSION The environmental microwave-radiated powers are measured in the far and near posidons with the artificial radiated sources These results confirmed that the Hanoi- area is polluted by the microwave-radiated sources But, with the far distance to the radiated sources, the radiated power overcomes not yet the dangerous WHO threshold If the microwave-radiated sources are near and their power is stronger, the negative influence of these sources on the living bodies increases many time, since the radiated power increases after the inverse-square law relationship Therefore the persons working or living near the microwave-radiated source with the high power must have the preventable methods as using the clothes blanking wave and decreasing the radiated revealed time and frequency of the direct working with the powerful radiated source in the near future ue shall study the influence of the high radiated sources and some ordinary handys on the living bodies Acknowledgement: We thank very much colleagues ofprojectB2008-0l-l 83; Institute of nuclear technology HUT and 108-Army hospital for technical help JOL'KNAI Ol- SCIKNCL & TECHNOLOGY « No 88 -1012 REFERENCES F.Apollonio.G.D.In/co.L.Tiirricone "Theoretical analysis of voltage-gated membrane channels under GSM and DECT exposure" in IEEE MTT-S Microwave Int Symp Dig.Denvcr 1997 pp 103 106 A-Van der Vorst F.Duhamel "1990 -1995 Advances in investigating the interaction of microwave fields with Ihe nervous syslem '" M.H Thuaan N.T Luyen N T Luu: Design carry out the compact, hand-held muliifunclionat device measuring the power of microradiaiion Proceedings of the 5* national melrology conference Hanoi 20-21/05/2010 (in Vicinamesc) R Scger ei At Dohnmley & Sons Ince 1984 some influences of handys on the mothers in USA and Danmark Epidemiology 7/2008 S.Michaelson J.C.Lin Biological i;fTccts and health Implications of RF radiation New Yoric plenum 1987 Nguyen Trong Anh (2010) ThcsisMiisicrofEnginccring IMI>MCS C.A.Balanis: Advanced engineering electromagnetics hitp:// =^HaNoi B.Q.Binh N.T.Luyen M.H,Thuan, P.N V.Ha Some sludies on Ihe influences of metric wave on living tissues Proceedings ofthe Intemational conference in Engineering physics Hanoi October 9-12.2006 10 Mai Huu Thuan (2004) Thesis Master of Lngineeniiy Physics Atiihar S Mai Huu Thuan - Tel: (814) 3869.3350 .iiiail: mhlhtian-icpg' Department of Optics and Optoelectronics, Institute of Engineering Physics Hanoi University of Science and Technology No.l, Dai Co Viel Sir Hanoi Vielnam ... microwave-radiated harm nor the exact determination of its harmless levels [4] The sufficient, fiindamental, interdisciplinary studies on Ihe microwaveradiated influence to the living bodies are... that immediate have to find some solutions to the human protection before the regarding microwave-radiated influence and the safe threshold negative the microwave-radiation MEASURED DISCUSSION... results of the average, immediate radiated powers ofthe different handy types in the calling and hearing time with the duration of 80 seconds and distance to the radiation probe of cm (see tab