NGHIEN CUU - TRAO DOI NGHIEN Cl/U, THIET KE vA CHE TAO MAY EP THANG TOM PHUC Vy XUAT KHAU Dang Thi^n Ngdn', Huynh Chi H f ' Trudng D?i hpc SU pham Ky thuit Tp Hd Chi Minh 'TrUdng Cao ding Cdng ngh? Thu DUc TOM TAT Viit Nam Id mgt so 10 nUdc xudt khdu hdng ddu thi gidi vecdc mat hdng thuy hdi sdn, troi xudt khau tdm chiem tdi 38% [1] Trong ddi sdn phdm tdm xudt khdu, sdn phdm tdm bd datt, loin vd ep thdng (tdm Nobashi) Id mdt cdc sdn phdm tdm che bien chiim ti trgng ldn trongcik nhdtiti^ chi bien tdm xudt khdu Hiin tqi, cdng doqn ndn thdng tdm vdn cdn dtXdc thtic hiin mot cdeh thi c% chu yeu dtXa vdo stxkhio leo ciia ngiidi nin ndng sudt khdng cao Bdi bdo trinh bdy qud trinh n^ cdu, thiet kevd chi tqo mdy ip thdng tdm nhdm gidm sit nguy hiem thao tdc bdng tay cita cdt^tw cdt thiin ndng sudt che bien vd tqg rq sdn phdm tdm co gid tri cao phtic vti xudt khdu Keywords: tdm, tdm Nobashi, thiet bi ndn thdng, thiet bi cat, tdm ip thdng ABSTRACT Vietnam is one often leading seafood exporting countries in the world, in which shrimp expot products accounted for 38% [1] In the structure of Vietnam shrimp exports, the headless, peeldm straightened shrimp (Nobashi Shrimp) accounts for a large proportion However, the stage ofstrai^tte^ shrimp hqs conventionqlly done by hand in the most of seafood processing manufqcturers Theprodu^ and quality of products therefore is offen low and depends greatly on individual's skill This paper presemi design and manufacture of a shrimp straightening device to reduce the labor costs qs well as to imp" productivity qnd quality of shrimp products for consumption and exporting purposes Keywords: shrimp, Nobashi shrimp, straightening equipment, cutting equipment, shrimp TAP CHi CO KHi VlfiT NAM • Sd (Thing nam 2012) strai^tm NGHIEN COU - TRAO D | l.GIOITHIfiU NGUYEN Lf HOAT DONG CUA MAY £ P THANG TOM Tdm Nobashi li mdt cac sin pham Cat vd ep (nan) thang tdm thUc te tdm ch^bien chiem ti ldn cac nhi miy thudng dflpc thflc hien bang tay vdi cae bflde sau [3]: ch^ bien tdm xuat khau Diy li loai tdm dUpc che bien theo qui cich cUa khich hang Nhit tU sin (1) Cam vd lat tdm ngfla bung l^n tren pham tdm PTO (Peeled Tail-On Shrimp - tdm Idt (2) Cat ngang hay cat x^o len bung tdm 4-5 vd, bd diu, chUa dudi) dUcJc keo din vi ep thing v^t (chi^u sdu eat khoang 2-3 mm) (hinh 3a) vdi mdt sfi yeu cau nhat dinh [2] (hinh 1), Xep tdm da cdt byng vdo khudn (up bung (3) tdm xudng dfldi, lUng hfldng len tren) Dung dung cu (thfldc thang) ep nhe thing (4) len tdm (hinh 3b) *< Hinh 1: Tdm PTO va Tdm Nobashi Tdm PTO sau dflpc che bien thudng bi eong thdnh hinh cung hinh dang tU nhien vd phan ca dudi bung tdm eo lai nen viec keo dan vd 2p thing de che bien thdnh Tdm Nobashi thudng dupc thUe hien theo qui trinh [3]: > Tom - • Cat bung — Ep — Ngam PTO ~ torn ~ thang ~ dung dich > r a) C^t bung toni Hinh 2: Qui trinh che bien Tom Nobashi Hien tai, d cac nhd may che bien tdm xuat diau, cdng doan ep (nan) thang tdm van cdn dUpc JiUc hien mdt edch thu cdng, chu yeu dUa vdo sU