Drn̂ vuJĥ E V '''' 15 Vai tro cua giao due do''''i vofi viec thiTc hien, phat trien quyen con ngirofi TliS TA THI THU DONG Khoa Ludt Oai hoc Qudc gia Ha Ndi rOI\flTAT Bao dam quyen eon ngudi la tieu ehuan[.]
Drn^vuJh^E V.' 15 Vai tro cua giao due do'i vofi viec thiTc hien, phat trien quyen ngirofi TliS TA THI THU DONG Khoa Ludt - Oai hoc Qudc gia Ha Ndi rOI\flTAT Bao dam quyen eon ngudi la tieu ehuan ehinh xac nhat danh gid sU phat tnen cCia lien bp xa hpi nen dac bigl can tdi sy hd trd dac lUe eQa giao due, Ben canh vide trang bj tri thflc khoa hpe va thflc tinh, giao dye ngfldi y thflc ve qflyen eon ngfldi, giao due cbn ddng vai trb trung Idm viec thflc hien vd thuc day sQ bao dam quydn ngudi, la ed sd de giai phdng va phat trien mpi nang iQc ciia eon ngUdi, SUMt\^ARY Human rights and the role of education in doing, developing human rights Assurance human rights is the most accurate standard to assess the development of progress social So that it needs to the support effectively of education In addition to provide and equip scientific knowledge for human, awaking and educating human aware ef human rights, education is the central role in doing and promoting assurance human rights It is base to liberate and develop all capabilities of human, nhQng quyen) nhat djnh, cd ban, NhQng khong phai tat thay moi ngQdi deu y IhQc dQde quyen ay Vi the, ngQdi d i xam pham va bj xam pham ve quyen Khi quydn ngUdi bi xam pham thi du khoa hpe ky thuat va cbng nghe ed phdt trien den may, cua eai xa hpi lam ed dbi ddo bao nhieu di chang nQa, gia trj thang dU c6 cao de'n nhudng nao thi tat ca cung trd nen vo nghTa, bdi nb i