iiiiiiiiBhiiiaii^iiii a(iiii; itTg^„ If iMCi win mn mf ift if iwiir, CIIEH TMAT em VAN BOHII VIEN TENNIS Tl£ Tltfl ti''''mkH IITMMC Cl rtlO*NtayfNNAM,BAil,,«ciVylS;W^^^^^ Hyc; ''''•fmmm V Yu KarpoV, R E Pet[.]
iiiiiiiiBhiiiaii^iiii.a(iiii;.itTg^„ If iMCi win mn mf ift if iwiir, CIIEH TMAT em VAN BOHII VIEN TENNIS Tl£ Tltfl ti'mkH IITMMC Cl.rtlO*NtayfNNAM,BAil,,«ciVylS;W^^^^^ V Yu K a r p o V , R E P e t r u n i n " M A Petrova*** AJVC hufin luyfn thfi I lifin c«>u niy d i dua Mjufin bj cda chu ky Hyc; I chuyfiil iVOV B cd xfi^ c difin '•fmmm hfin doiil i'S'nhlnVthfTyc^;! 7-'^W^^K'J'ytL^'^'' ''T^ ' — -1 qui nghifin o i u cdth4 i n rtiTnl^T^TTF^*^ ' ^ ' "'*"9 * " ^ '-^- ***ằ iôifl Nga Matxcova Sochi ^ ^ "P' BAIBAO KHOA HOC iramof Abstract: ntific-theoretii |tts of scientific lining of youi lof initial I the I nee dev i flayer I tactJcaQ [of level ( demize educatio base efficiency of irj pities i ol research i SChYSSOP ^nd technical and tactical training of youn| year cycle of sports training at the stage of I ttend of development of tennis requires systeij nokigical bases of long-tenn training of players and reasons for contents of the program of physid nis players in the preparatory period of a year cyd ion It is focused on redistribution of amounts of trai cry period of a year training cycle which consecul ent of coordination capabilities and to conskler| e course of draw ofa ball The program cons Is and psychophysical qualities, allows toj ysical and technical and tactical fitneg d ttaining process of the young mentation of physical and for devfl initial spj in^ irsical culture and in systen lers on tennis ihysical and technical and tacticd long-term sports preparation mevitably leads to borrowing of a number of components of loading from tfae spfaere of trauiing of skilled atfaletes tfaat not only does not lead to mcrease of level of sports skill of young atfaletes, but also faarmfiil uifluencesfaealthof engaged Tfae specified contradictions allow to state tfaat among scientists and ttainers tfaere is no single and rationally reasonable understanding fliat specifically sfaall enter contents of tfae program of sports training of young tennis players in tfae preparatory period ofa year cycle of sports ttaining at a stage of initial specialization yet Tfae variety of approaches existing on tiiis matter, decisions and recommendations of scientists constitutes content of flie real scientific problem existmg today requuing flie permission [7, 8] As one of private tasks of the specified problem tiie task of scientific research and reasons for contents of die program of physical and technical and tactical ttaining of young tennis players infliepreparatory period ofa year cycle of sports ttaining at a stage of initial speciaUzation acts [3, 10] Purpose of research- to develop , to prove tfaeoretieally and to experimentally approve the program of pfaysical and technical and tactical ttaining of young tennis players in the preparatory period of a year cycle of sports ttaining at a stage of initial specialization Technique and organization of research The problems set in research were solved with the help of the followmg methods: analysis and generalization of data of pedagogical and special scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical supervision, video filming, pedagoga^ experiment, eonttol and pedagogical testing^ methods of mathematical statistics Pedagogical experiment was made based on Adler tennis academy of Sochi, Krasnodar Krai At the beginnmg of pedagogical research (March, 2011) there took place the stating experiment as a result of which of 102 young tennis players of 10 -12 years 50 afliletes have been selectwL The selected athletes-tennis players at a stage of the stating pedagogical experiment did not differ on a level of development of physical and technical and tactical fitness It has allowed to complete fbr carrymg out tfae creating pedagogical experimtrt ; two groups of examinees (boys) - control ("KGT, , n=25) and experimental ("EG", n=25) - For a year cycle of flie formmg pedagogical experiment 208 educational and ttaining classes, as m eonttol are given ui flie CfaYSS program,' md experimental group on die CfaYSS program taking mto accountfliedeveloped tasks Duration of eacfafrainmgoccupation made two faours Results of research and their discussion to die conditions ofrattieruniform increase at young tennis players of basic motive c^iabihties, the accuracy of flieu movements can be developed due to enhancement of management Motive abiliiies MmMmmm»,MmmmL of movements In particular, enhancement of management of siKh components of accuracy, as 1) mcrease of mdicators of accuracy'of musculoarticulate feelings and moUir components of sigfat (deep and peripfaeial sigfat)2) mcrease of psycfaological stabihty on movement accuracy in case of blows to a ball (attention, concenttation of attention) Acfaievement of great tecfanical and tactical skills in our opinion, is determined by flie followmg factors provided m figure * f < = « » c y o» provi»ion of p « t o of a body kl M c h C n » intofvai TECHNICAL A N D TACTICAI s v - w i ' Motiwe lenniivity and : L _ - "~—T oompooemi o f ^Sur L The factorsfa.fl„ench.gtechalca and Uctica ,ki„ „r young tennis pUy.„ of, - ,2 years Of forming of technical and tactical actions m tennis at young afliletes of 10 12 years is maximum implementation of cumulative • ''.^'"mined by a number of factors: game potenttal of flie aflflete in competitive practice Proceedmgfromflieaforesaid, in figure flie m siniation; functional and mental conditionsttuettire and content of components of physical ia condition ofa sports equipment and equipment' and technical and tactical ttaining of youne m At flie same time, tiie game sittiation can be temiis players of 10 - 12 years whicfa are m a • "etenmined: fait accuracy a ball in courtcertam mteraction wifli eacfa oflier is provided .: accuracy of a ttajectory of fligfat of a ball' Regulatory and mfonnation and emotional -, sn^Tiness and variety ofa plassuovka ofa ball a kinematic background (blow from toe n l l v l components " ' * ^ ° ' ' constittite " ^ * ^ ^ "a ""basic ^'^ level '^«''of of pfaysical Physical inmovement); by foJ o f b l w l d ' S of ^ ' ' ^ ' ^ ' = ^ f"* «^ T E C H M I C A I A N D T A C T I C A X S U B S T A N T I A L COIi4PO!NENT Ptayncal incfMOt'stioii Xeduucal a n d tactical preparation KfcDtal pwf>anttlon REOUE.AT(XtY COMPONElvrr Kifotor Vegetative regulation C state an essential suiplus of confirmed by statistics of tecfanical and tactical fliese mdicators at exanunees of experimental readiness of young tennis players of tiie group dunng experiment in comparison witii researched groups, and also results of carrying conttxil (p < 0,05) «« games between groups at tiie begummg and Conclusions The sttuettire of disttibution of •ne end of experiment trammg time by types of preparation and a ratio The surplus of such uidicator of tecfanical and Hcfacal readiness as "efficiency of equipment" of amounts of ttaming loads of various onentatton in flie preparahiry period of a year ^ B A I B A O KHOA HOC Evfaikfa, R V Kvasfauk, B N ShustinZ/Messenger of sports science 2008.-No 4.-Page 16-19 Karpov V Yu., Pefaimin R E Bases of integrated training of the afliletes specializing in tennis / V Yu Karpov, R.E.Pettunin//tfae Tfaeory and practice of physical culture 201I.jya9.P.21 Karpov V Yu., Petrumn R E Optimization of pfaysical actions ofyoung tennis players of 10-12 years onfliebasis Ly Hoang Nam, tay vg^ tre s6 cua of interactive tecfanologies Physical l i n g Quan vqrt Vi^t Nam {anh minh hpa) kultura:vospitaniye, education, training cycle is expanded and modernized due TpeHnpoBKa.2011.Xa6 Page 19 to inclusion of special sets of exercises Karpov, V Yu Content of technical ttainng As a result of experienced and experimental of afliletes in game sports / V Yu Karpov, R E part of researcfa it is establisfaed tfaat Petrunin, A.V Rodui/ZNews of Sochi Shite implementation, tfae young tennis players University 2011 No Page 271 - 273 developed witfain tfae program of training, Karpov, V Yu.Cfaildren-youfli sport in training tasks positively was reflected in development of pfaysical culture offlieshidying dynamics of indicators of physical fitness 10 youthA^.Yu Karpov, VA Golov//Phyi||J 12-year-old tennis players Srednegruppova rate culture, sport - science and practice 2008 Iw of a surplus of physical fitness of physical Page 9-11 fitaess of examinees of experimental group for Karpov, V Yu Theoretical an] the period faas made carrying out pedagogical experiment - 15,87% Positive dynamics methodological aspects of the interfiwed foUowuig flie results of experimental work faas development of physical qualities and formatwn been noted also ui eonttol group, but it bad no of equipment of physical actions at girla of sucfa pronounced efaaracter and an orientation middle school age / V Yu Karpov, N.JI Mar'ina, K.K Skorosov/ZScientific notes ef Srednegruppova rate of a surplus of target university of name P.F Lesgafta 2015 No accuracy of blows of examinees experimental (124) Page 91-96 groups during experiment has made 63,6% that Karpov, V Yu Metodik of formation of is 27,4% more flian at exammees of eonttol motive koordination at young tennis players of group 5-6 years / V Yu Karpov, E.P Gasparyan, AB The conducted pilot studyfaasrevealed high Samoylov/ZSochi Journal of Economy 2012 efficiency rate of flie developed program fliat is No I.Page 155-160 confirmed by statistics of technical and tactical Nikittisfakin, V G Tfaeory and technique readiness of young tennis players of the of youthful sport / V G Nikitusfakm - 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