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ĐỀ 5 KIỂM TRA AVCN UNIT 5 MAKING DEALS Giáo trình The Business 2.0 Intermediate B1

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Based on the success of the original edition, The Business 2.0 continues to offer Business English students the confidence, language and fundamentals skills they need to succeed in the competitive international business environment.

ESP -VOC U5 Franchisers can limit _ by helping new businesses avoid the mistakes that independent start-ups would make a risks b manuals c agreements d outlets The correct answer is: risks _ involves handling with all legal and administrative documents of the company such as producing reports, keeping records, and writing letters a Business loan b Venture capitalist c Brand image d Official paperwork The correct answer is: Official paperwork The knowledgeable man, who has contributed to the development of the company, is the _ director of The Conservation Organization a founding b seniority c establishing d junior The correct answer is: founding As a business begins, one of the major goals of advertising is to generate customers’ _ of the business image and its products a security b fashion c awareness d demonstration The correct answer is: awareness Advertising is extremely expensive, so many companies nowadays only advertise when they enter a new market or _ a new product a develop b identify c reach d delete The correct answer is: develop Many people believe that we need to have a unique, completely _ idea to have a chance at success in start-up businesses a emerging b demanding c original d pessimistic The correct answer is: original Local _ and the social, political, and business environment can also be very different from the franchiser's domestic market a premise b risk c diversity d legislation The correct answer is: legislation A work _ is a temporary job that students as part of their study in order to get practical experience a degree b fair c offer d placement The correct answer is: placement _ is a payment that a franchisee pays to the franchiser periodically for the use of the franchiser’s products, business model, and trademarks a Return b Résumé c Revenue d Royalty The correct answer is: Royalty 10 The company _ him for his years of service with a grand farewell party and several presents a presented b offered c supplied d rewarded The correct answer is: rewarded 11 A _ employee has the motivation to get things done as efficiently as possible so that he can get the company to trust him and the company can become more successful a loyal b flexible c passionate d tolerant The correct answer is: loyal 12 After you have signed the franchise _, the next step is to obtain a loan from the bank so that you can have enough capital for your business a risk b agreement c manual d outlet The correct answer is: agreement 13 The second step of advertising is to build customers’ _, which means to make them keen on the product and learn more about the product a desire b demonstration c interest d awareness The correct answer is: interest 14 If they want to increase _ from the factory, they'll have to modernize their machinery and equipment in the production line a income b outcome c output d input The correct answer is: output 15 Today, one-third of America's top franchise _ are outside the USA, and this number keeps increasing a outlets b risks c manuals d agreements The correct answer is: outlets 16 Before buying the baby's car seat, consumers always make sure that it _ to the official safety standards a confers b confides c conquers d conforms The correct answer is: conforms 17 His most recent business _ ended in bankruptcy so, as an investor, he has fallen into serious difficulty a promoter b venture c speculator d entrepreneur The correct answer is: venture 18 The _ of these two companies would create the world's biggest accounting firm a takeover b buyout c acquisition d merger The correct answer is: merger 19 A _ workplace is very beneficial in business, so we need to encourage collaborations among team members and respect the differences of others’ opninions a passionate b tolerant c demanding d pessimistic The correct answer is: tolerant 20 It is clear that, for both franchisers and franchisees, the potential rewards are enormous, and easily _ the extra effort and investments a justify b penetrate c risk d source The correct answer is: justify 21 A job _ is an event where employers offer information about their companies to people who are looking for jobs a offer b degree c placement d fair The correct answer is: fair 22 A _ is a person or financial organization that invests in new and risky businesses a paperwork b business loan c brand image d venture capitalist The correct answer is: venture capitalist 23 A _ is a lending agreement between a company and the bank so that the company can have more money for startup or expansion a business loan b brand image c paperwork d venture capitalist The correct answer is: business loan 24 A _ work environment that emphasizes the willingness and ability to changes can lead to increased employees’ satisfaction and improved productivity a loyal b tolerant c pessimistic d flexible The correct answer is: flexible 25 The _ is a set of opinions and ideas that customers connect in their minds with a particular product or service a official paperwork b venture capitalist c brand image d business loan The correct answer is: brand image 26 “ _ on investment” is a business term to evaluate how well an investment has performed or to measure how effective a marketing plan is a Return b Revenue c Royalty d Résumé The correct answer is: Return 27 Local entrepreneurs and global franchisers need to understand _ in attitudes, beliefs, and values of their customers a diversity b risk c legislation d premise The correct answer is: diversity 28 In early 2010, _ markets like the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) only produced 25% of world GDP, but by 2050 this figure will be much higher a pessimistic b emerging c original d demanding The correct answer is: emerging 29 The third step of advertising is to create customers’ _ so that they feel the strong needs to own the product a demonstration b desire c interest d awareness The correct answer is: desire 30 Before you can open your franchise outlet, you have to find suitable _ which are located in good locations for your business a manuals b premises c agreements d risks The correct answer is: premises 31 The first step of advertising is to raise customers’ _ to make sure that more customers know the new product and its benefits a awareness b interest c desire d demonstration The correct answer is: awareness 32 If you don't _ your invention, other people may make all the profit out of it a publish b patent c claim d declare The correct answer is: patent 33 Customers not like these models anymore because they are out of _, so we should invest in R&D to develop new models a desire b fashion c awareness d interest The correct answer is: fashion 34 Developing an advertising strategy requires careful planning to create customers’ _ so that a awareness b desire c interest d security Phản hồi The correct answer is: desire 35 _ markets like the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are often attractive to foreign investors due to the high return on investment they can provide a Pessimistic b Demanding c Original d Emerging The correct answer is: Emerging 36 That man is a _ employee who has always focused on the success of the company and spent more energy on the operations of the corporation a tolerant b pessimistic c flexible d loyal The correct answer is: loyal 37 Being a CEO is a highly _ position because they have to work really hard with effective business plans to meet the expectations of directors, shareholders, customers, and employees a demanding b optimistic c original d emerging Phản hồi The correct answer is: demanding 38 The franchisees can either buy stock from the franchiser or they can _ suppliers themselves as long as they have to ensure the quality of the materials a risk b penetrate c source d justify The correct answer is: source 39 Following a successful franchise's _ is perfect for markets where local entrepreneurs have limited skills and experience, and this trend is increasing around the world a manual b risk c agreement d outlet The correct answer is: manual 40 For the moment, franchisers have not _ deeply into new markets such as China with only 3% of all commercial activities a sourced b penetrated c risked d justified The correct answer is: penetrated 41 I want to impress my new manager and show that I am really _ about the job I am doing here a flexible b passionate c loyal d tolerant The correct answer is: passionate 42 We have to invest in new technology if we would like to remain _ a leader b competitive c following d challenger The correct answer is: competitive 43 We are very _ about our business growth this year because the sales are increasing, and the promotional program seems very effective a demanding b original c emerging d optimistic The correct answer is: optimistic 44 A job _ is an invitation for a potential employee to work in a specific position of the company a placement b fair c offer d degree The correct answer is: offer 45 A _ is the qualification given to a student after that student has completed the studies at the university a brand b placement c degree d fair The correct answer is: degree ... Phản hồi The correct answer is: demanding 38 The franchisees can either buy stock from the franchiser or they can _ suppliers themselves as long as they have to ensure the quality of the materials... franchisee pays to the franchiser periodically for the use of the franchiser’s products, business model, and trademarks a Return b Résumé c Revenue d Royalty The correct answer is: Royalty 10 The company... demonstration c interest d awareness The correct answer is: interest 14 If they want to increase _ from the factory, they''ll have to modernize their machinery and equipment in the production line a income

Ngày đăng: 12/11/2022, 19:31

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