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ĐỀ 3 KIỂM TRA AVCN UNIT 3 PRODUCTS AND PACKAGING Giáo trình The Business 2.0 Intermediate

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Based on the success of the original edition, The Business 2.0 continues to offer Business English students the confidence, language and fundamentals skills they need to succeed in the competitive international business environment.

ESP -VOC U3 1 A lot of cosmetics companies give away free so that customers can try the product before they buy a commercials b credits c samples d leaflets 2 The most suitable advertising option for your business depends on your audience and your company budget a target b media c combination d campaign 3 Every company needs to advertise its products to inform customers about the products, increase the sales, acquire market value, and gain better in their industry a campaign b combination c target d reputation 4 Many experts say that advertising in a specialist magazine can reach your market quickly and easily a campaign b target c combination d media 5 The word “ _” means what customers think and evaluate about a particular product or service of the company a reflection b loyalty c inflation d unemployment 6 The company is in serious trouble because the supply chain is not efficient, and information is not communicated from one to another a stock b quality c partner d chain 7 First impressions are very important, and that’s why is a consumer’s first introduction to the products a extracting b inspecting c integrating d labelling 8 _ business occurs when customers regularly return to buy more products or services from the same company a Existing b Returning c Repeat d Current 9 Sales is the quantity or number of goods sold or services sold in the normal operations of a company in a specified period a volume b advantage c operation d performance 10 In business, _ occurs when a person is actively searching for a paid job but is unable to find the job a unemployment b loyalty c inflation d reflection 11 Advertising companies spend a lot of money on creating clever that are short and memorable, such as the message 'Just do it' of Nike a stocks b exhibitions c slogans d posters 12 More and more advertisers are developing strategies to obtain personal recommendations via social a target b campaign c combination d media 13 After the factory's buyers have purchased the raw materials from specialist suppliers, these materials are delivered and checked for a chain b partner c stock d quality 14 Facebook is a great advertising tool for most small businesses, because of the widespread adoption of this and the relatively low cost of their ads a target b campaign c platform d reputation 15 After the production stage, the goods are to check their quality before they are delivered to reach the customers a labelled b integrated c extracted d inspected 16 If news about a product comes to you by , it means someone tells you about it rather than you see it in an advert a word of mouth b the Internet c the press d free samples 17 Using automated systems, all the key business processes of the company are into a single system a packaged b integrated c extracted d inspected 18 The word “ _” refers to a general rise in the prices of services and goods in a particular country, resulting in a fall in the value of money a loyalty b reflection c unemployment d inflation 19 A _ is the state when a person has decided to do something and will not let anything stop him or her a determination b negotiation c loyalty d priority 20 A business _ refers to the process of discussing a business issue with someone in order to reach an agreement a priority b determination c negotiation d loyalty 21 There are many digital marketing strategies including placing ads on popular websites and social sites a target b combination c media d campaign 22 A _ refers to something that an entrepreneur needs to do first because it is more important or urgent than other things a priority b negotiation c c determination d loyalty 23 _ customers are those who have purchased the company’s goods or services continuously within a period of time a Returning b Repeat c Existing d Unemployed 24 There are several types of online advertising that companies can use to place advertisement for internet audience a campaigns b media c targets d combinations 25 A supply is the series of processes involved in getting goods from the suppliers to the end users a stock b partner c chain d quality 26 You need to make sure that these products are carefully so that we can easily recognize their names Select one: a inspected b extracted c integrated d labelled 27 In the primary industries, raw materials like iron ore or oil are from the ground or from the sea a labelled b integrated c inspected d extracted 28 A successful advertising will spread the word about your products and services, attract customers, and generate sales a media b campaign c combination d target 29 An _ is someone who is ready to help you, especially against someone else who is causing problems for you a option b upgrade c inflation d ally 30 Products and processes are the fundamental building blocks of a company’s in determining the competitive positioning of a company a advantage b performance c volume d operation 31 In the traditional workplace, employees can be monitored closely to check on their , and this might not be effective at all a performance b operation c advantage d volume 32 Every business spends a lot of money on advertisments, but this will lead to success only when the best of advertising is used for the products a technique b combination c target d reputation 33 Many companies use post and electronic because they can target a particular group of consumers all at the same time a mailshots b exhibitions c endorsements d samples 34 The word “ _” implies customer’s support of a company by buying the products or services continuously over a long period of time a inflation b unemployment c reflection d loyalty 35 Celebrity , a marketing strategy that uses famous people to advertise a product or service, is very popular at the moment a research b exhibition c sample d endorsement 36 During the production process, is managed carefully so that the factory can never run out of materials a partner b stock c chain d quality 37 Only by cutting the business costs will the company maintain its competitive _ in this industry a performance b advantage c operation d volume 38 It is important that we should the goods carefully to see if they are faulty or not before we accept delivery of them a extract b label c intergrate d inspect 39 You may find that a of advertising in your national newspaper and your local paper can give you the best results a campaign b media c combination d target 40 Jake Lasseter is the CEO and supply manager at Lasseter Ltd, a family business that manufactures plastic toys a chain b quality c partner d stock 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 The correct answer is: samples The correct answer is: target The correct answer is: reputation The correct answer is: target The correct answer is: reflection The correct answer is: partner The correct answer is: integrating The correct answer is: Repeat The correct answer is: volume The correct answer is: unemployment The correct answer is: slogans The correct answer is: media The correct answer is: quality The correct answer is: platform The correct answer is: inspected The correct answer is: word of mouth The correct answer is: integrated The correct answer is: inflation 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 The correct answer is: determination The correct answer is: negotiation The correct answer is: media The correct answer is: priority The correct answer is: Existing The correct answer is: campaigns The correct answer is: chain The correct answer is: labelled The correct answer is: extracted The correct answer is: campaign The correct answer is: ally The correct answer is: operation The correct answer is: performance The correct answer is: technique The correct answer is: mailshots The correct answer is: loyalty The correct answer is: endorsement The correct answer is: stock The correct answer is: advantage The correct answer is: inspect The correct answer is: combination The correct answer is: chain ... 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 The correct answer is: determination The correct answer is: negotiation The correct answer is: media The correct answer is: priority The. .. Existing The correct answer is: campaigns The correct answer is: chain The correct answer is: labelled The correct answer is: extracted The correct answer is: campaign The correct answer is: ally The. .. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 The correct answer is: samples The correct answer is: target The correct answer is: reputation The correct answer is: target The correct answer is: reflection The correct

Ngày đăng: 12/11/2022, 19:31

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