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ĐỀ 1 KIỂM TRA AVCN UNIT 1 ABOUT BUSINESS Giáo trình The Business 2.0 Intermediate

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ESP – VOC P1 1 As competition for places in Europe and the US is , more and more students are doing their internships in Asian countries a fierce b relaxing c nice d essential 2 I have two assistants.

ESP – VOC P1 As competition for places in Europe and the US is _, more and more students are doing their internships in Asian countries a fierce b relaxing c nice d essential I have two assistants in my department, and we work together closely as a _ to achieve our business goals a team b society c band d fan The word “internship” is used for white collar (professional) careers while the word “ _" is used for blue collar (manual / technical) careers a operation b appreciation c apprenticeship d completion Many Asian organizations are _ because the employees have to strictly follow the orders of the boss a permanent b patient c hierarchical d independent In reality, internships can be done part-way through a course of study in order to _ a university degree a appreciate b obtain c operate d locate At first, I didn't like the new workplace, but I quickly _ to the way things were done there and was soon very happy a appreciated b completed c adapted d located When we intern for a small company, we will probably be able to develop stronger _ with the people we are working with a appreciations b applications c relationships d operations The experience gained on an internship is helpful for getting a job or for _ one's studies a appreciating b completing c operating d locating Nowadays, many Vietnamese companies seek for _ (who have just finished their university education) with some experience in working with foreign customers a managers b launchers c organizers d graduates 10 When he was young, all the salary he could _ at the factory was £1 a week a graduate b launch c earn d manage 11 Customers who have strong _ toward a brand are likely to pay more than customers who are only satisfied with the products a processes b deliveries c payments d emotions 12 Asian businesspeople generally prefer to take more time rather than make wrong decisions, so multicultural teams need to be _ to wait for their reply a independent b permanent c patient d hierarchical 13 One of Brazil's largest _ of logistics service has an excellent opportunity for a manager in its Recife warehouse a shareholders b contributors c allowers d providers 14 According to the Confederation of British Industry, 80% of employers first look at the experience and skills that a person _ on an internship a faces b owns c produces d acquires 15 Working across _ can help us to be more independent, more confident, and better at working with foreign people who are different from us a universities b departments c offices d cultures 16 In many universities, an internship is an essential part of the education because students can get some real _ during their internship a bargain b experience c payment d comment 17 In order to increase sales, businesses need to understand how customers’ _ affect their decisions to buy products or use services a deliveries b emotions c processes d services 18 Almost every student expects that their college training will help them find internships and professional _ after graduation a locations b applications c positions d completions 19 One important skill in the 21st century is the ability to _ relationships between people from different cultures a build b produce c own d face 20 Working across cultures can help us understand how our own cultural _ are different from other people's a values b departments c senses d methods 21 When working in a hierarchical organization, employees are required to _ the boss and follow the orders of their leaders a encourage b respect c guarantee d impress 22 In business, if your customer _ is poor, people will complain about it, and you’ll lose your customers as well as a lot of money a process b delivery c service d level 23 In the UK, the practical experience gained through internships was _ by full-time students a operated b appreciated c completed d located 24 Successful interns in a multicultural environment need to _ their communication to the local style, and to think carefully before they speak a analyse b force c demonstrate d adjust 25 Most companies understand that purchasing decisions are based more on customers’ personal _, and this can affect the profits of these businesses a emotions b processes c deliveries d payments 26 In the UK, most big companies accept internship _ in the autumn, and it is essential to know the business cultures of these companies a operations b applications c relationships d appreciations 27 The new leader is very good at _ our large team to achieve the business objectives, and we really admire him a receiving b managing c launching d graduating 28 Larger companies have greater resources than smaller firms, which means we can _ more information and learn new knowledge during our internships a obtain b operate c appreciate d complete 29 After a year working abroad, he became more _ and better at looking after himself a permanent b uncertain c hierarchical d independent 30 In business, it is important to keep a high _ of satisfaction when customers buy things from you a emotion b delivery c level d process 31 In our company, the managers often _ us to things in teams such as having lunch together or going out together after work a respect b guarantee c impress d encourage 32 I would like to gain some business experience on a one-year internship with a _ cosmetics manufacturer like Rose Inc a bottom b regular c high d leading 33 Working across cultures requires intercultural _, which means the ability to see things in different ways a sensitivity b demonstration c confidence d dependence 34 After the internship, he felt _ with his personal abilities and believed that he could be successful in the future a confident b productive c diplomatic d permanent 35 The new employee is very _ in dealing with difficult clients and can always solve the problems successfully a productive b uncertain c permanent d diplomatic 36 In some Asian companies, the _ of handling customers’ problems is very long and ineffective a process b emotion c delivery d service 37 Our customers are not satisfied because the company does not provide free _ to those who live in the suburb of the city a payments b emotions c deliveries d processes 38 I am motivated and hard-working, so I am confident that I can make a valuable _ if I can work for your organization a provider b contribution c shareholder d allowance 39 It is common for interns to work for free, but the experience they gain during the process _ for not receiving a salary a analyses b compensates c acquires d demonstrates 40 Internships in a small company can offer many chances to be creative, to make greater contributions, and to _ practical experience a appreciate b operate c obtain d locate 41 Our company offers free accommodation, good benefits, and a monthly _ of $500 for new employees a contributor b allowance c shareholder d provider 42 After one or two years working abroad, 90% of our clients could find a _ job which allows them to work for the company all their life if they want a diplomatic b friendly c productive d permanent 43 The customer _ department of that company has always provided effective solutions when customers complain about their products a emotion b process c service d level 44 Our company is going to _ a new type of cosmetic products by the end of this month, so we are really busy now a graduate b organize c manage d launch 45 Working for this large electronics manufacturer, you will have a lot of opportunities to _ projects and work with a team of foreign colleagues a graduate b organize c supply d launch 46 As a warehouse supervisor, you have to _ ideal stock levels and on-time deliveries to our customers a encourage b respect c guarantee d impress 47 It is said that working in a multicultural environment can help us to _ the ability to live and work in a different culture a relax b demonstrate c analyse d force 48 In fact, many companies are spending more money on customer _ training to keep their customers happy a emotion b process c delivery d service 49 In a hierarchical organization, it's important to _ your boss by your job attitudes and work performance if you want to be promoted a encourage b impress c guarantee d hurt 50 Many companies are working really hard to increase the high satisfaction _ of their customers so that they can increase the sales a emotions b deliveries c processes d levels 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 The correct answer is: completing The correct answer is: graduates The correct answer is: earn The correct answer is: emotions The correct answer is: patient The correct answer is: providers The correct answer is: acquires The correct answer is: cultures The correct answer is: experience The correct answer is: emotions The correct answer is: positions The correct answer is: build The correct answer is: values The correct answer is: respect The correct answer is: service The correct answer is: appreciated The correct answer is: adjust The correct answer is: emotions The correct answer is: applications The correct answer is: managing The correct answer is: obtain The correct answer is: independent The correct answer is: level The correct answer is: encourage The correct answer is: leading The correct answer is: sensitivity The correct answer is: confident The correct answer is: diplomatic The correct answer is: process The correct answer is: deliveries The correct answer is: contribution 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 The correct answer is: compensates The correct answer is: obtain The correct answer is: allowance The correct answer is: permanent The correct answer is: service The correct answer is: launch The correct answer is: organize The correct answer is: guarantee The correct answer is: demonstrate The correct answer is: service The correct answer is: impress The correct answer is: levels ... hard to increase the high satisfaction _ of their customers so that they can increase the sales a emotions b deliveries c processes d levels 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26... affect the profits of these businesses a emotions b processes c deliveries d payments 26 In the UK, most big companies accept internship _ in the autumn, and it is essential to know the business. .. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 The correct answer is: completing The correct answer is: graduates The correct answer is: earn The correct answer is: emotions The correct answer is: patient The correct

Ngày đăng: 12/11/2022, 19:31

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