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Một số lý thuyết và chủ đề nghiên cứu phát triển nông nghiệp - nông thôn qua lăng kính xã hội học.pdf

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GIAO DUC - XA HOI 107 l'^ MOT SO LY THUYET VA CHU OE NGHIEN CUU PHAT TRIEN NONG NGHIEP- NONG THON QUA LANG KINH XA HOL HQC ThS Bill Nhirt Phong' TOM TAT Mac dil ti le dd thi hoa ngdy cdng fang trin phgm vi lodn cdu, hinh thdnh cdc khu dd thi vd siiu thf hiin dgi, nhimg phdn ldn ddn cu trin thi giai vdn dang sdng khu vuc ndng thdn Hiin su tdp tnmg ddn cu a cdc nudc cd thu nhdp thdp vd tdm quan cua xa hoi ndng thon cdc ke hogch phdt triin kinh te - xd hdi a cdc quoc gia thugc thi gidi thu- ba khien cho viec hiiu xd hgi ndng thon vd cdc mdi tuang ldc cua nd vdi xd hoi long ihi ngdy cdng co y nghia Nghiin ciru biin ddi xd hot ndng thdn vd cdc vdn di gdn liin v&i no la moi quan tdm cua nhieu ngdnh khoa hgc nhu: khoa hoc chinh tri, kinh ti hgc, nhdn hgc vd xa hgi hoc Bdi viit trinh bdy cdc chit thuyet, chii de vd hi vdn di nghiin ciru lmh virc phdt triin ndng nghiep - ndng thdn hiin dirdi quan diim xd hdi hgc ABSTRACT Although the rate of urbanization increased on global, the forming urban and modern mega - city, but most ofthe world's population still lives in rural areas Nowadays, the concentration of population in low income countries as well as the importance of rural society in the plans of socio - economic development in many countries in the Third World, it makes the understanding the rural society and its interaction with society as a whole more meaningful The study of rural social change and the problems associated with il is the concern of many branches of science such as political science, economics, anthropology and sociology' etc This article focuses on theories, the topics as well as the researching in the developing in current agriculture and rural from the sociological perspective Dat van de Hidn Viet Nam dang trone qua trinh ddv manh cdng cudc ddi mdi tidn hdnh cdng nghiep hda va hien dai hda chuvdn tir xd hoi ndng ngbipp truvdn thdng sang xa hdi cdng nghiep vdi linh nang dpng xd hdi cao Qua trinh dd gdn lidn vdi cdc thay ddi sdu sdc vd nhanh chdng tren mpi mdt cua ddi sdng xa hdi Trong tidn trinh phdt trien khu vuc ndng thdn van ^iit vai trd cbii dao Nhin vdo tdng thd nen kinh d vdi gSn 70% dan sd sdng a nong thon va 78% song phy thupe vao nong nghipp nhQ'ng nam toi day Viet Nam van phai nhdn m^nb su phat trien ndng nghiep vd nong thdn mdi theo hudng tdng ndng sual san xuat ndng nghiep phdt Iridn boat Oiang vir" ^'A'w A'W;

Ngày đăng: 08/11/2022, 10:22

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