VE XAY DtTNG VA PHAT TRIEN CON NGirdi VIET NAM HIEN NAY TRAN SY PHAN" 'r°-f^" ^ydVng vd phdt triin can ngM Viit Nam ddpHig ylu du phat triin bin vine dit •^f-:'^-^ trang nliSng chi truang Un cia Bang vd NhA nudc takUnnxiy Trong tdm xdy ^f^'-"^'^chimloxdydifngconngmc6nkdncdck.msgngti,dep,vmcdcddcHnkcdl,in: yiunu^, nkdn di, ngkta Hnh, Irung thifc, dodn M dn cii, sdng too Main vdy trudc mil dngidi •'•'y^>'f'"^'mank(giitapkdltri6ivdnhdavdixaydilngvdpkdttriinconngM;xdyditnghigia trt eua eon ngudi Viet Nam; ngdn chin, diy ltd tink trgng suy fhadivitu tudng chink tn dao dUc, IH fs'rongmSII,6pk^nnkdnddn,nkitldt,ongm«IUpk4nkh6„gnkicdnl,6,c6ngckdc,'ddngviin o niidc ta hiin '^''MuiXdydUngvapkdttninconngimtkegidtrichuinciaconngumVietnamhiinnay Abstract: Constructing and developing tke Vietnamese person in response to national sustainable development is »„» ofthe miyor policies of Ike Communist party and Ihe government nowadays The center of cultural development is construeUng the Vietnamese person mith a good personality, a positive imstyle and taste traits such as patriotism, humanity, love, koncsty, unity, conscientiousness and creativity As a result, it is important to manage tke relationship between cultural development, and kuman construction, build the value system of Vietnamese person, and prevent moral erosion in a group ofthe population, in pariicular a number ofgovernment officials and members of the political party in Vietnam nowadays Keyuiorde: Human construction and development; normative value system for Vietnamese people nowadays Ngdy nhdn bdi: 711212014; Ngiy duyet ding bdi: 151312015 l.Datvandl KS tu Dai hdi D ^ bieu toto qudb Mn thtJ IV (nSm 1976) den nay, Dang Cdng smg Vidt Nam da nhilu lin dl c4p dek v&i dl xfiy dilng ngudi mdi, ngudi Vift Nam xa hoi chu nghia vk ciing nhieu Mc md Unh ngudi mdi da ducic Dang ta xie dinh™ Tuy nhidn, cho din vide xSc dinh hf gia tri chung, hf gia tri chuSi cia ngudi Vidt Nam thdi k* cdni „,r1,iS„ >,A= hia A •l.A - V , „ nghidp hda, hifn dai hda va hdi n h i p qudc t l v i n cdn dang tilp tuc Mdt nhflng nhidm vu quan dl rfy dung ngudi Viet Nam giai-do?n hidn duoc Nghi quylt eg 33 NQmV (ngay 9-6-2014) Hdi nghi lin the Ban chip htoh Trung uang khda XI dl 14: "Ode kit vk xay dung hd gia tri » E " ^ ' ' ? ' ' " '?*"