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1 Two key skills associated with team members are playing advantageous roles and providing helpful feedback to build relationships with other team members FALSE 2 Your co worker has a habit of constan.

1 Two key skills associated with team members are playing advantageous roles and providing helpful feedback to build relationships with other team members FALSE Your co-worker has a habit of constantly interrupting you when you are talking He is practicing validating communication FALSE What should you when practicing congruent communication? Match the communication, verbally and nonverbally, to what you are thinking and feeling People that have a high internal locus of control are likely to score high on which dimension of empowerment? Self-determination Which source of conflict is one of the more difficult to resolve? Personal Differences Relationships should be formed during the forming stage of team building TRUE George has been busy deciding if his company should provide customer service He is not sure if it is the right thing to What role is George playing? Leader To reach the fourth stage of the four stages of team development labeled by Tuckman, a team must progress through the first three stages of development TRUE The quickest way to increase your power in an organization is to enhance the image of your manager FALSE 10 Which statement best describes the difference between a vision of abundance and a vision of goal achievement or effectiveness? A vision of abundance speaks to the heart and the head Visions of goal achievement speak to the head 11 In the process of trying to improve your employee's behavior, you say to her, ""What I'd like to see you is contact each of your clients personally before you begin to enforce a policy change That way, no one is surprised Will you that next time?"" Which of the guidelines for improving behavior have you just followed? Redirect 12 All of the following are methods firms are using to establish closer connections between individual performance and pay except which of the following? Linking the pay of key employees to the accomplishment of new strategic initiatives 13 A negative view of "personal power" is held by cultures that place a high value on ascription and on individualism FALSE 14 Leaders don't have to feel overwhelmed about organizational results because when results are poor, low level employees get fired or become the scapegoats FALSE 15 What is the notion of legitimacy within an organization related to? Corporate cultural values 16 As a team leader, the ability to express certainty about what you want is the single most important requirement for leadership effectiveness FALSE 17 Assume Carrie is a poor performer You have already provided the necessary resources, redesigned her job, and provided her with training, yet her performance is lacking What is the next step? Reassign Carrie to another position 18 The principal tools available for overcoming poor performance problems due to lack of ability are resupply, retrain, refit, reassign, and release TRUE 19 To foster a climate of collaboration using the integrative strategy of negotiation, an appropriate question to ask is "What common goals provide a context for these discussions?" TRUE 20 As a manager, Bill understands the concept of empowerment He recognizes he can empower his employees by creating circumstances in which his employees feel empowered TRUE 21 If you were designing a reward program for your employees, what assumptions could you make? That a cafeteria-style incentive program would probably be successful 22 An employee is late to work This is her first time What should you first? Talk to her about how tardiness is not a behavior you accept 23.Which of the following characteristics are important sources of personal power? Knowledge 24 Which is an effective principle for providing feedback? Focusing feedback on the amount of information the recipient can use helps team members 25 Which of the following supervisor statements is an example of coaching? Let’s sit down and work through the audit process together this time so that you see what I’m looking for 26 Time is a moderately important factor, you have no power, and the ongoing relationship is critical to you Which conflict response will you most likely use? Accommodating 27 An employee's performance is at a level that is not desirable After reprimanding, what should you next? Describe the behaviors you expect 28.If delegation is competently administered, the results can produce the following for Employees: a sense of competence choice, meaningfulness, personal consequence, and trust 29 After interviewing a candidate for a job, the interviewing manager decides that he likes the candidate He finds his personality exceptional When the manager refers to the candidate's personality, to what is he referring? Aptitude 30 A peer has asked you about empowerment Which is the best summary statement to share with your peer? Essentially, workers accomplish tasks because they are intrinsically attracted to them 31 As a staff person in the organization, you determine you have very little power However, you could compensate for weak position power by developing knowledge about a particular aspect of the organization TRUE 32.Managers who recognize patterns and exceptions to patterns are able to manage change more effectively than managers who not recognize these things TRUE 33 Consistency and frequency are necessary for a leader to achieve commitment to what the leader wants TRUE 34.What are the two basic factors that influence a person's power in an organization? Personal attributes and position characteristics 35 "How are we doing relative to our best competitors" is a question that can be asked to help set a best practice standard based on comparative standards TRUE 36.Some cultures, i.e., Japan, are more comfortable spending substantial amounts of time on relationship-building activities before moving toward task accomplishment TRUE 37 What is the role called that helps the team accomplish its objectives? Task-facilitating role 38 What is the outcome of supportive communication? The message is delivered accurately and relationships are enhanced 39 If the team works to build core competence and encourage creative problem solving, what stage of team development is the team at? Performing 40.A person is probably an ineffective conflict manager if she/he _ Relies on one or two strategies regardless of changing circumstances 41.Research indicates that positive interpersonal relationships fostered by supportive communication often contribute to an organization achieving a competitive advantage in the marketplace TRUE 42.The intrinsic value of the job is directly tied to which dimension of empowerment? Meaning 43 Which component of a vision statement is used less often by managers? Articulating the vision of the future 44 Which is a method for establishing a climate of positivity? Build on strengths and best self 45 Focusing on process improvement, recognizing team achievement, and fostering win/win relationships are needed from team leaders You are at what stage of team development? Storming 46 The situation has high task structure, the employees have experience, and there are strong group norms What would be the appropriate management involvement? Less involved high involvement is not necessary or expected 47 Which is a method for creating readiness for positive change? Institute symbolic events 48 During what stage of team development is the main challenge to create a cohesive unit? Norming 49 You have observed Sally's performance for a few months There is no doubt about her effort; it is evident she tries very hard However, there doesn't appear to be any improvement in her performance since you have been watching What should you conclude? This is an ability issue 50 You have recently been promoted In looking through the prior supervisor's records, you note that she had regular meetings with her employees both individually and as a team The meetings seemed to focus on how important the individual's and the team's efforts were to the organization's objective What was this supervisor good at? Providing support 51 According to the hierarchical needs model, needs are organized into which hierarchy? Physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization 52 Empowerment uses sufficient amount of personal power to achieve high levels of effectiveness TRUE 53 What guideline should a firm follow to attain the greatest motivational impact from a new awards programs? Use awards infrequently 54 What does relevance as a power base refer to? Being associated with activities that are directly related to the organization's central objectives 55 High-performing teams in the performing stage of development emphasize _ Elevating the team's performance, improvements that are large and dramatic 56 You have been told that each department's budget is to be cut by percent for the next fiscal quarter Top management stated this was the fairest approach, given declining sales Top management is using a compromising approach to resolve potential conflicts TRUE 57 You feel vindicated, but others may feel defeated and possibly humiliated The approach you probably used to resolve the conflict is forcing TRUE 58 Your supervisor remarks to you, "You spent an hour scheduling meetings today when that could have been done by your assistant." Your supervisor is using global communication FALSE 59 What is the best way to gain visibility? Give a good presentation of the report to an executive committee 60 Sponsoring team members' ideas, orchestrating their implementation, and fostering extraordinary performance are needed from the team leaders You are at what stage of team development? Performing 61 Which would make employees in an organization the most comfortable? Experiencing compatible relationships 62 What position characteristics that foster power include? Centrality 63 Which does an Everest goal require? An understanding of your core values and purpose in life 64 According to the text authors, why people seek social change? To increase access to empowered conditions 65 The more an employee can perform a complete job from beginning to end and the more the work has a direct effect on the work of other people, the more the employee will view the job as meaningful TRUE 66 If you want to increase your power by having information routed through your position and by increasing the technical sophistication of your work, what have you increased? Centrality of your position 67 You have just brought your team together What should you in this early stage of your team's development? Focus on helping members become comfortable with one another regarding task accomplishment 68 Your manager has just finished a presentation demonstrating the need for change He summarizes his presentation by stating, "That is how we are doing compared to our best competitors." What kind of best practice standard is this manager trying to set? Comparative standard 69 What factor dominates all other factors in determining promotability? Being able to say "no" 70 Power can be viewed as a sign of personal efficacy (i.e., the ability to mobilize resources to accomplish productive work) TRUE 71 Your department is average in its performance You believe if you were in charge, the department would perform above average You would probably score highest on the self-efficacy dimension of empowerment FALSE 72.What are two major problems that result when principles of supportive communication are not followed while coaching or counseling subordinates? The person feels put down, ineffectual, or insignificant, and the person shows anger, aggression, competitiveness, and avoidance 73 The behaviors a team leader exhibits in this stage are to foster innovation and continuous improvement simultaneously and to provide evaluation concerning how the team can improve performance What stage is it? Performing 74.What is the most likely outcome of the best-self feedback process? Individuals will focus more on the positive while still paying attention to the negative 75 After presenting the problem, the initiator should (1) not make accusations, (2) draw inferences about the responder's motivations, and (3) not attribute the undesirable behaviors to the respondent's personal inadequacies Which statements are correct? Only statements and are correct 76 When a supervisor analyzes the components of his or her subordinate's job and creates different combinations of tasks, the manager has used the refitting option TRUE 77.Teams can _ take too long to make a decision compromise on excellence in order to get agreement from everyone 78 Research supports the proposition that employee preferences for rewards can differ based on their position in the organization, age, seniority, educational level, and marital status TRUE 79 Allowing an employee to telecommute increases the critical psychological state of experienced meaningfulness of the work FALSE 80 If subordinates are continually told to "split the difference," what may they conclude? That their manager encourages game playing and that what they should really is ask for twice as much as they need

Ngày đăng: 03/11/2022, 10:25

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