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AAMC Survey - July 2021 Q1 Do you think the AAMC should continue to pursue legal options to ensure the Trustees receive the information and documentation necessary to make an informed decision as to the financial health of the College and the future of the College? Answered: 755 Skipped: Yes No Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 83.71% 632 No 12.32% 93 Other (please specify) 3.97% 30 Total Respondents: 755   # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE Yes but be mindful of not spending all of the aamc money Some of it should stay in reserves for the future 7/13/2021 4:44 AM Are legal actions the only way? I'm very wary of throwing $$$ at lawyers 7/11/2021 10:52 AM I'm not sure; I don't understand why the Alumnae Trustees haven't been granted this information that I assume the other Trustees received 7/10/2021 1:38 PM The financial ill health of the college has been known for some time It's surprising that so many alums seemed surprised I think when the college declared a fiscal crisis was the first clue the college was in dire financial shape 7/9/2021 6:07 PM I support the AAMC obtaining the information demanded in the complaint This information would ideally be released in discovery and then once AAMC has the information it wants, it can withdraw the suit.I not believe the information provided will reveal a better option for Mills College 7/9/2021 4:43 PM I feel I need more information I am against the dissolution of the College, but unclear what is really going on 7/9/2021 11:39 AM If the trustees feel they have the information, there’s no need to keep fighting for a different answer 7/9/2021 5:53 AM I am not ready to give up, so yes I want to pursue legal actions However, I am concerned that 7/8/2021 1:00 PM / 13 AAMC Survey - July 2021 no matter what the law suit is for, the Trustees will find a way around it and propose yet another plan Not sure, need to know why ATM dropped out of lawsuit 7/8/2021 9:30 AM 10 Only pursue this if you think Mills is financially viable 7/8/2021 6:44 AM 11 The AAMC should pursue legal options to halt the closure or merger of the university and give up this pointless strategy of seeking documentation, which we all know was fraudulently put together by Beth Hillman And if the AAMC is going to take emergency legal action, it should move with alacrity and immediately seek an ex parte temporary restraining order 7/8/2021 12:07 AM 12 It's been clear to me that enrollment and interest in Mills has been on the downward trend for years The school cannot continue the way it's been going I just want to separate out the need for change from the desire of alumnae to maintain a failing (educationally, spiritually AND financially) It's stupid to endure the expense of a lawsuit if the school cannot survive What happened 10 years ago, or what should have happened 20 years ago, is not relevant to what needs to be done now It would seem no one wants an expensive lawsuit so what exactly in the way of documentation does the AAMC want that it feels it's not getting? I'm an attorney and I feel like this is better handled by mediation 7/7/2021 9:01 PM 13 Have all other options been exhausted? Is Mills in a breach of contract with the AAMC- is it legally obligated or required to share such info with the AAMC? If so then I am somewhat okay with the legal battle 7/7/2021 7:29 PM 14 Are you saying that only ALUMNAE trustees don't have info that ALL OTHER Mills College Board Trustees have?? 7/7/2021 6:21 PM 15 I am sad to see that it is has come to this for legal action If granted, how does that change the course they have taken? 7/7/2021 5:14 PM 16 if the legal action is to simply 'insure trustees receive information' the price tag sounds very very high 7/7/2021 4:08 PM 17 I am really not sure but lean towards "no." I find quite a bit to like in the proposed merger as long as alumni continue to be included on campus and also have the Northeastern connection 7/7/2021 3:28 PM 18 Yes to the future of the college, No to the financial health Is there really anything we haven't already found out regarding finances? 7/7/2021 2:24 PM 19 I think it is important to know the financial health of the college and I would think Northeastern would need that information as well I not think we should continue to spend more money but should request the information 7/7/2021 1:43 PM 20 It seems as if things are changing fast with the merger with Northeastern While I think the alums should be provided will all of the information and documentation about the merger, and shown more respect and transparency, I worry that we'll pour a lot of money into a lawsuit that will not get resolved into after the decisions with Mills have been set in stone and we cannot anything about them Money that could go to current students and alums, and ensuring the merger between Mills and Northeastern goes well and does not cause emotional or financial damage to current students, faculty, and staff 7/7/2021 12:28 PM 21 I think I'm mostly indifferent 7/7/2021 12:26 PM 22 Let it go! The opportunity to see the institution has passed Kissing up to Beth and Jeff was the wrong tact and all promulgated by VNC AAMC should've seen the writing on the wall when Beth was made president 7/7/2021 12:21 PM 23 While I agree that the information should be provided, I also am concerned about money going to lawyers rather than for supporting Mills students The costs of the lawsuit will be borne by AAMC and the College as they fight each other I prefer that we find a way to get on the same page 7/7/2021 12:18 PM 24 Ask for documentation, avoid lawsuit 7/7/2021 11:39 AM 25 I'm not sure, I'm feeling very out to the loop and not sure if I can make an informed decision I'm not sure if I want the alumnae to pursue this if it's going to cost alot of money, I rather this be handled through conflict mediation 7/7/2021 11:18 AM 26 Yes! Do the trustees know what happened to the negotiations with UC Berkeley? It was an 7/7/2021 11:16 AM / 13 AAMC Survey - July 2021 unfortunate ending 27 Yes, I am confounded as to why that has not been disclosed to date Can someone explain to us what the concerns are from all legitimate perspectives? 7/7/2021 10:17 AM 28 I think it is important to advocate for full disclosure of information and documentation to the Trustees, but am not sure a law suit is the best strategy 7/7/2021 10:10 AM 29 No You're acting like fools and exposing the poor job that you and your trustees were doing on the board What is wrong with you 7/7/2021 9:59 AM 30 I regret this adversarial approach 7/7/2021 9:48 AM / 13 AAMC Survey - July 2021 Q2 If the lawsuit continues to trial, the total cost could be quite high - more than the AAMC currently has in its endowment. The Board of Governors has approved $350K thus far on this lawsuit They need to know your opinion about going forward The AAMC has approximately $1 million readily available and $2 million in the form of a line-of-credit granted to the College. The AAMC will be launching a fundraising campaign, “For Generations Still," to help offset legal costs, improve the AAMC’s infrastructure so we are less dependent on the college’s systems, and augment staff.The AAMC / Board of Governors should (pick one of the following): Answered: 755 Skipped: Spend as much as needed Reserve $1 Million for Spend $1 Million of w Stop spending! It is too much Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Spend as much as needed 23.71% 179 Reserve $1 Million for the future of the AAMC, but spend as much as needed after that 23.58% 178 Spend $1 Million of what we have and fundraise the rest 28.61% 216 Stop spending! It is too much 14.17% 107 Other (please specify) 9.93% 75 Total Respondents: 755   # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE Spend as much as needed AND!We need a visible parallel campaign along with the legal fight Maybe a demonstration during alum reunion? 7/13/2021 7:24 PM I not want AAMC to become obstructionist when the numbers suggest that Mills needs to 7/13/2021 2:38 PM / 13 AAMC Survey - July 2021 pursue other ideas to support women's education/empowerment I also don't like the idea of AAMC being in conflict with the college trustees and administrators Do not spend any 7/13/2021 1:44 PM I am not sure about how much to spend 7/13/2021 1:27 PM Reserve $500,000 for AAMC future How quickly can line of credit funds be returned to AAMC? 7/12/2021 2:21 PM Drop lawsuit 7/12/2021 9:41 AM If AAMC continues this path, I’ll cut AAMC out of my will 7/11/2021 1:42 PM See above 7/11/2021 10:52 AM I'm ok with A, B, or C, bit don't feel like I have enough information to make an informed choice between them 7/11/2021 10:38 AM 10 This financial situation is not new Had alumnae fully sustained participation over the decades with the same passion they are demonstrating now, we wouldn't be here Stop spending money that could be better served elsewhere 7/10/2021 5:30 PM 11 That money should be spent on helping students, not enriching attorneys If the alums could raise enough money for this frivolous lawsuit, they could have bailed Mills out long ago 7/9/2021 6:07 PM 12 AAMC should try to get the information it is asking in discovery 7/9/2021 4:43 PM 13 Honestly, I think this fight could diminish economic and name brand value of Mills in discussions with other schools It's not that the spending is too much, it's that the opportunity to win is too low 7/9/2021 4:31 PM 14 No opinion 7/9/2021 2:25 PM 15 Get our $2 million loan of credit back from Mills College for breach of agreements with the AAMC Spend what we have available and fundraise 7/9/2021 1:19 PM 16 spend $500,000 and fundraise the rest 7/9/2021 1:08 PM 17 Again I need more context When I have called or emailed with questions I have not gotten answers 7/9/2021 11:39 AM 18 I honestly don't care about the AAMC if Mills is dismantled and loses its entire focus Spent it all to try to save Mills and what Mills stands for 7/9/2021 12:22 AM 19 Go as high as the $350k from AAMC, fundraise any more needed Sorry, I got confused by the options above 7/8/2021 10:01 PM 20 What is the latest communication from the attorneys? What have we learned? Can't the alumnae on the board tell us anything? 7/8/2021 1:00 PM 21 Not sure per above, but certainly spend no more than $750K and fundraiser We need to have an endowment for the future 7/8/2021 9:30 AM 22 Process doesn’t matter anymore- this is only useful if there’s a pot of gold you didn’t know about 7/8/2021 6:44 AM 23 negotiate some pro bono hours from law firms; is it possible for law firm to delegate work to volunteering alum who practice law? 7/8/2021 1:24 AM 24 I need more information 7/8/2021 12:49 AM 25 This case will NEVER go to trial A trial would not happen for several years AAMC must seek energy relief in the form of a TRO & a preliminary injunction That legal work should in no way amount to more than half a million dollars in legal fees 7/8/2021 12:07 AM 26 Conduct comprehensive viability assessments at every inflection point to determine whether we still have a chance of winning 7/7/2021 11:46 PM 27 see above 7/7/2021 9:01 PM 28 I am not sure I have enough information to weigh in on this I am interested in the possibility of Mills joining with another educational institution (perhaps Northeastern) to continue its mission 7/7/2021 8:05 PM / 13 AAMC Survey - July 2021 to BOTH diversity and degree granting 29 I'm confused by this 7/7/2021 8:01 PM 30 Spend some amount and evaluate the impact 7/7/2021 7:45 PM 31 Spend the one million and fund raiser for more but are there any attorneys willing to pro Bono work? 7/7/2021 6:52 PM 32 I don’t know enough about what reserves AAMC would need to survive, but I support aggressively pursuing legal options 7/7/2021 6:42 PM 33 I have neither the political/legal nor fiscal expertise to make a recommendation 7/7/2021 6:38 PM 34 Spend AND fundraise for as much as needed If not now, when? 7/7/2021 6:22 PM 35 Seek pro bono rRepresentation from alumna and alumna spouses who are California Baradmitted attorneys 7/7/2021 5:51 PM 36 stop spending period 7/7/2021 5:46 PM 37 The lawsuit is unjustified Plaintiffs’ position does not represent that of the majority of Mills alumnae 7/7/2021 4:25 PM 38 Spend the $350K thus approved and fundraise the rest 7/7/2021 4:12 PM 39 It is sad to realize that Mills probably should have gone co-ed 7/7/2021 4:11 PM 40 I don't really want to donate for a lawsuit I am more interested in supporting a strong and positive role for alumni with the school going forward 7/7/2021 3:28 PM 41 No opinion because insufficient information However, the college’s dismissal of alumnae concerns and the alum.association it self is appalling Why is the president of the college still in office? 7/7/2021 3:07 PM 42 Stop generational wealth transfer to Northeastern U Land back to Ohlone people 7/7/2021 2:53 PM 43 Allow up to $350K, then stop spending 7/7/2021 2:24 PM 44 If the goal of the lawsuit is to get the financial information necessary to meaningfully participate as members of the board of trustees, then I fully support up to 500K It's hard for me to conceive requiring more money to obtain the financial info that the admin says led to the decision to stop granting degrees I'm not happy about the admin's decision, lack of transparency and treatment of the AAMC But I don't think AAMC can litigate a way toward Mills continuing to be a degree granting women's college Once the financials have been procured, let the BOT review and vote on the future of Mills College 7/7/2021 1:41 PM 45 Reserve $250K of the $1M for future use; spend the rest on lawsuit & fundraise 7/7/2021 12:37 PM 46 $350k is a significant sum and should be enough Stop spending This issue is easy to solve The College should provide the information as requested 7/7/2021 12:18 PM 47 I think $350K is good for the initial budget and would hope that the suit resolves early before the association has to spend much more than that GT is a very reputable firm but I would also make sure that they are being as cost-conscious as possible on their end Hopefully AAMC has someone in a position to make sure we are appropriately managing outside counsel as they incur these expenses 7/7/2021 11:42 AM 48 I not know I want Mills college to remain Mills I not want it to be a name only department of another institution I would feel no obligation to contribute in an ongoing way if Mills is secondary to the other institution This may be the only, reasonable choice but in that case Mills is finished for me Currently Mills is in my will but the instructions are that If Mills ceases to exist as an autonomous college, that money goes to San Jose State where I got my MA 7/7/2021 11:40 AM 49 The spending needs to be limited and prudent 7/7/2021 11:31 AM 50 Only continue to trial with a valid, winnable case The college should pay AAMC's expenses if they lose 7/7/2021 11:16 AM 51 We should go forward, but ask about additional funding After we hear the first update 7/7/2021 11:14 AM / 13 AAMC Survey - July 2021 52 Reserve $1 million for the future of the AAMC, spend and fundraise 7/7/2021 11:02 AM 53 Is the $1 Million what is really needed for the future of the AAMC, or could we still exhist on a little less? If after reserving something for the AAMC, spend as much as needed after that 7/7/2021 10:56 AM 54 hopefully it should reach a settlement and disclosure long before trial 7/7/2021 10:54 AM 55 Stop spending-no point 7/7/2021 10:51 AM 56 I question fundraising for the alum assoc when really the fundraising should be to see the college solvent 7/7/2021 10:44 AM 57 I don’t feel informed enough to give advise 7/7/2021 10:40 AM 58 As much as needed as cap; evaluate progress, if any, in terms of goals and likelihood of risks/benefits continuing 7/7/2021 10:34 AM 59 I'd like to know more about the potential outcome as the lawyers see it Does the college actually, legally owe us anything? We are stakeholders in a nostalgic sense but I'm not sure if legally they are beholden to us in any way clearly via their actions, they don't believe they are I want alums to have a seat at the table to negotiate the best path forward but I don't know what that is in today's current climate As they say, "In a divorce, the only winners are the lawyers." I would hate to squander resources for a futile battle 7/7/2021 10:28 AM 60 I don't feel I can adequately make this decision as I'm not sure what the money would be used for otherwise 7/7/2021 10:20 AM 61 This is a very hard question to consider Fundamentally, why should AAMC have to sue to obtain financial and other info from our school? It's egregious - AAMC is being treated like a petulant child rather than an organization of women Mills taught us to be But these people appear to be so dug-in that they will respond only to lawsuits So sue! 7/7/2021 10:19 AM 62 I know you would not pursue this if an out of court resolution were possible - but perhaps this survey can be used to urge that to occur I hate to see Mills or AAMC funds used this way when they should be for students and Mills 7/7/2021 10:17 AM 63 I have no sense of what this ‘should’ cost 7/7/2021 10:17 AM 64 I would not spend any more money than the AAMC now has in its bank accounts 7/7/2021 10:13 AM 65 I would rather see these funds put into AAMC being able to be a strong partner in designing a future Mills, including through being a strong advocate for the Alumni voice within the NU partnership discussions 7/7/2021 10:10 AM 66 unsure 7/7/2021 10:09 AM 67 Spend up to $500,000, plus anything fundraised Save the rest for the future of the AAMC 7/7/2021 10:05 AM 68 It does not seem that Mills College is viable as Mills College anymore I am open to new academic agreements 7/7/2021 9:59 AM 69 I really don't know, but Mills needs to be saved 7/7/2021 9:59 AM 70 Stop spending Not only is it too much, but it's absolutely insulting that you sit there whining about the college and then demanding to use it's info database to fundraise against them! Do you have any concept of the fact that you're attempting to use college resources to purposefully shit all over them? Come on 7/7/2021 9:59 AM 71 need more detail 7/7/2021 9:52 AM 72 How much we have? I’d like a combination of fundraising and saving some If I knew how much we have I could comment on the options However, the College needs to pay back its loan to the AAMC immediately 7/7/2021 9:50 AM 73 I leave this up to the AAMC board 7/7/2021 9:50 AM 74 Please don’t spend anything on this adversarial approach 7/7/2021 9:48 AM 75 I would really try to keep from spending much money If you survive the lawsuit, yo0u will need the money to continue to operate 7/7/2021 9:46 AM / 13 AAMC Survey - July 2021 Q3 Will you donate to “For Generations Still” campaign knowing that some of the money may be used for legal action? Answered: 755 Skipped: Yes No Other (please specify) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Yes 63.97% 483 No 22.52% 170 Other (please specify) 13.51% 102 Total Respondents: 755   # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE I will if I can afford to so (Recovering from spendy medical bills.) 7/13/2021 7:59 PM I will not donate to any fund that destroys the core mission of Mills I feel strongly that Mills should remain a degree granting liberal arts college for women Providing the unique opportunities for women in the future is critical! 7/13/2021 1:21 PM I don't know I not want to donate to support Mills becoming anything other than a degree granting liberal arts college for women I am strongly opposed to the merger with NEU There is so much that the Mills administration has NOT done to save the college but instead are pursuing an 'institute' or 'merger' that will destroy the core of the Mills mission 7/13/2021 1:19 PM I'm unlikely to give if the campaign is about simply raising operating expenses that include legal fees It's unclear what the goal of the campaign is, if Legal is only one part of it Without saving the college, there are no more generations 7/13/2021 12:41 PM I don’t know Not if the campaign funds efforts other than keeping Mills an independent women’s college No UC Mills No to becoming part of Northeastern No to becoming an institute 7/13/2021 8:04 AM Yes but I'm only able to be a small donor 7/13/2021 4:44 AM perhaps 7/12/2021 11:35 PM Don't know at this point 7/12/2021 7:37 PM If I felt comfortable that retained counsel was acting in good faith and not using the situation solely for monetary gain I would be much more likely to donate 7/12/2021 5:20 PM / 13 AAMC Survey - July 2021 10 Depends on what future is outlined for Mills I stopped donating when mills fired my favorite professor, Vivian Chin I don’t want to donate if I don’t know what future we are dreaming of 7/11/2021 11:32 AM 11 Maybe 7/11/2021 8:01 AM 12 Absolutely NOT I have been a Mills donor for years and one of the initiators of the AoCC Endiwed scholarship I was well aware of the continuing financial woes I already stepped up The patient is on life support I am not going to invest in this exercise initiated by those where were shocked They needed to pay attention NOT ONE PENNY FOR THIS ENTITLED REACTION Since I can't write an other for the next question I an putting it here I am not opposed BUT I need more information The wording if your survey skews responses in absolutes Mills has to something And the or million being ponied up to stop negotiations ludicrous Pony up 25 million and maybe we might have a way of retrofitting and fixing what needs fixing Given that Mills was NOT making itself viable in it's own community, and entitlement continues to decline, who is benefitting from this legal action? It's not the students or the community In all this talk, I have yet to understand who benefits by stopping this merger Perhaps you should lead with that 7/10/2021 5:30 PM 13 Maybe 7/10/2021 1:46 PM 14 Probably would 7/9/2021 4:42 PM 15 I'm not employed at the moment, so no I will not be donating regardless 7/9/2021 4:31 PM 16 Ibid 7/9/2021 11:39 AM 17 I would if I could afford to make a donation 7/9/2021 10:40 AM 18 If the aim is to block cis-men from attending Mills as an undergrad, yes If not, no 7/9/2021 12:22 AM 19 If I am financially able 7/8/2021 8:44 PM 20 I need more info 7/8/2021 5:14 PM 21 Yes, if the money is used in a way that is most effective Hopefully, the case won't end up in trial 7/8/2021 4:02 PM 22 I am broke now but I will be better in January to give 7/8/2021 3:07 PM 23 unemployed 7/8/2021 2:22 PM 24 with more information on the direction being taken I would donate, but my contribution would be small 7/8/2021 2:07 PM 25 If I can 7/8/2021 1:00 PM 26 I want to so badly but have a disability and have faced financial hardship since graduating in 2017, sorry 7/8/2021 12:01 PM 27 perhaps, when I learn more 7/8/2021 10:50 AM 28 Most likely yes, particularly if liberal arts education as a product can reclaim prominence over victim based ideologies 7/8/2021 10:31 AM 29 Not sure per above 7/8/2021 9:30 AM 30 Depends on my employment status 7/8/2021 7:31 AM 31 Depends on my financial situation and the goals of the campaign 7/8/2021 6:37 AM 32 I am so broke (just finished grad school) otherwise I would 7/8/2021 1:58 AM 33 not sure 7/8/2021 1:37 AM 34 perhaps in-kind donation in form of pro bono work 7/8/2021 1:24 AM 35 Depends on how much of the money is used for legal action 7/8/2021 12:49 AM 36 Not with this legal strategy! 7/8/2021 12:07 AM 37 As long as you plan to keep the current admissions policy and we better market our school Invest in development and admissions 7/7/2021 11:48 PM / 13 AAMC Survey - July 2021 38 I am not in a position to donate for personal financial reasons If I had the resources, I would donate and be fine with the funds being used toward legal action 7/7/2021 11:29 PM 39 Not in financial position to donate 7/7/2021 10:52 PM 40 My donation must needs be very small Wish I could better 7/7/2021 8:51 PM 41 I have committed funds for the next several years to the AAMC 7/7/2021 8:05 PM 42 Depends on pending clarifications 7/7/2021 8:01 PM 43 Not enough information, yet 7/7/2021 7:55 PM 44 Mybe It depends on how events unfold 7/7/2021 6:29 PM 45 Unsure, but at the moment, leaning to No 7/7/2021 6:21 PM 46 Don't know 7/7/2021 6:03 PM 47 Not able to donate right now 7/7/2021 5:57 PM 48 Need more information 7/7/2021 5:51 PM 49 Possibly I'm a recent graduate and currently unemployed 7/7/2021 5:31 PM 50 maybe 7/7/2021 5:22 PM 51 maybe 7/7/2021 5:14 PM 52 Maybe, limited income, I wouldn’t be able to donate a significant amount 7/7/2021 5:00 PM 53 I'm not able to donate currently 7/7/2021 4:41 PM 54 Unsure 7/7/2021 4:12 PM 55 Maybe 7/7/2021 4:03 PM 56 If we don’t use it to save Mills, what is the point to any of this? I’m opposed to anything that allows men at Mills 7/7/2021 3:49 PM 57 maybe, if the negotiations cut alumni out, yes, but I would rather donate for other purposes 7/7/2021 3:28 PM 58 not sure yet might depend on what happens next with college 7/7/2021 3:13 PM 59 I will re evaluate fundraising needs when the time comes 7/7/2021 2:59 PM 60 maybe 7/7/2021 2:51 PM 61 Maybe Would want to know how the money is being spent 7/7/2021 2:24 PM 62 I would if I could, but I have no income, so I cannot donate NOTE about Northeastern U negotiations: I don't understand why the Mills campus couldn't remain a women's+ campus, since NEU is a private university I wish that were part of the negotiations 7/7/2021 2:24 PM 63 I can't promise to donate to anything until I know the entire financial plan for the funds 7/7/2021 2:11 PM 64 Not sure 7/7/2021 1:53 PM 65 I am a recent grad who just entered the teaching profession in OUSD Elementary, I barely have any disposable income and it mostly goes to my classroom I can try to donate $5 a month 7/7/2021 1:53 PM 66 I may if I have the means to 7/7/2021 1:48 PM 67 I am unemployed but will give annually to AAMC undergrad scholarship fund as I have for as long as I can remember 7/7/2021 1:43 PM 68 I'm not sure Like I wrote above, It's hard for me to conceive attorney costs that exceed 350K to 500K just to obtain the financials needed to meaningfully participate in the BOT I would be more interested in donating to fund the infrastructure of the AAMC to support all alumnae including staff, website, tech, upkeep of the house 7/7/2021 1:41 PM 69 not sure 7/7/2021 1:25 PM 10 / 13 AAMC Survey - July 2021 70 haven't decided if this is worth the effort 7/7/2021 1:00 PM 71 I donate to Mills annually, usually around Christmas Once we get to this Christmas, I'll donate to the Mills- related cause that seems to best help Mills students, alums, faculty, and staff If this is that cause, I will donate, otherwise, I will donate to another cause 7/7/2021 12:28 PM 72 Not sure, I just retired and have already pledged 7/7/2021 12:04 PM 73 undecided 7/7/2021 12:04 PM 74 I not trust that any money donated at this moment will go to the appropriate places, and would need clear definitions of how such a campaign would use any donations 7/7/2021 11:56 AM 75 Maybe 7/7/2021 11:39 AM 76 I will need more information and we should look at PRO BONO opportunities for representation 7/7/2021 11:38 AM 77 Not sure 7/7/2021 11:33 AM 78 I wonder if we have Mills alumnae who are skilled conflict mediators who would be willing to help communicate with the college instead of having to spend money fighting the college 7/7/2021 11:18 AM 79 I will donate some, but only if the goal is to keep Mills a 4-year degree-granting college 7/7/2021 11:16 AM 80 maybe, it depends on what the suit finds from what it has requested so far 7/7/2021 11:13 AM 81 Can’t at the moment but eventually if I’m in a position to 7/7/2021 11:11 AM 82 I would say yes- of course However, my finances are very unstable at this moment in time and I am unable to commit to anything 7/7/2021 10:56 AM 83 watching 7/7/2021 10:54 AM 84 Undecided 7/7/2021 10:40 AM 85 I have been unemployed for the better part of a year and don't have the resources to donate significantly at this time 7/7/2021 10:28 AM 86 maybe 7/7/2021 10:25 AM 87 Will consider this option but still paying off student loans from Mills (and I'm almost 50 years old) This might be something to address!! 7/7/2021 10:20 AM 88 I am unsure at this point Depends on how much is needed 7/7/2021 10:16 AM 89 I don't understand the AAMC's financial position well enough to know whether I will contribute 7/7/2021 10:13 AM 90 It depends I don't donate to it now, but I am willing to donate to legal action 7/7/2021 10:11 AM 91 Not sure, depends on my financial situation I still owe $20,000 for my Mills education 7/7/2021 10:05 AM 92 I hope I can 7/7/2021 9:59 AM 93 If I’m financially able to 7/7/2021 9:59 AM 94 What would be the outcome of the legal action? It seems Mills is would still be in a financial hole 7/7/2021 9:59 AM 95 I will never, under any circumstances, donate to you 7/7/2021 9:59 AM 96 Mills has become far too liberal, I not support it's "woke" agenda 7/7/2021 9:57 AM 97 I will never send another dollar to AAMC if this continues AAMC has lost its collective mind Please some deep reflecting on how things change, acceptance and how to be a "team player" with supporting a community with change Shame on you 7/7/2021 9:57 AM 98 Not at this juncture 7/7/2021 9:52 AM 99 more information please about the specific designation of funds 7/7/2021 9:52 AM 100 I live on fixed retirement income My charitable giving, of necessity, is noncash Whether AAMC spends donations on legal costs is not a factor in my giving decision My understanding of 501(c)(3) expenses is that legal costs are allowable (Political campaign spending is not allowable.) 7/7/2021 9:50 AM 11 / 13 AAMC Survey - July 2021 101 Yes, but need to know what the organization will be and what it will for alumnae "What's in it for us?" What will be your relationship with the new version of Mills? If you will continue to benefit Mills Alumnae, I will move my contribution to AAMC 7/7/2021 9:46 AM 102 unsure 7/7/2021 9:43 AM 12 / 13 AAMC Survey - July 2021 Q4 What is your position on the negotiations that Mills College has begun with Northeastern University (NU)? Answered: 755 Skipped: I am strongly opposed to I am opposed to Mills I am neither opposed to n I am in favor of Mills I am strongly in favor of I need more information 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES I am strongly opposed to Mills engaging in exploratory negotiations with NU 18.28% 138 I am opposed to Mills engaging in exploratory negotiations with NU 10.07% 76 I am neither opposed to nor in favor of Mills engaging in exploratory negotiations with NU 10.46% 79 I am in favor of Mills engaging in exploratory negotiations with NU 13.11% 99 I am strongly in favor of Mills engaging in exploratory negotiations with NU 10.33% 78 I need more information on the nature of these negotiations before sharing my position 37.75% 285 Total Respondents: 755   13 / 13

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2022, 00:54

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