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ACKERMAN-Planned Course Statement.Child Serv 2

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Child Service Syllabus Course #292314 / NCES Code #2923 Rm 162 - 164, Period & – T, Th, F HHS Academy Jessica Ackerman, University Wisconsin-Whitewater, BA in Education ‘00 Portland State University - Infant Toddler Mental Health Certificate, ‘07 Oregon Teacher Standards – Professional Technical Teaching License ‘ 07 Phone: 503-844-1250 Voicemail: 5268 Email: ackermaj@hsd.k12.or.us WELCOME: You can take great pride in know that Liberty’s High School Preschool is a quality early childhood program This program meets the State of Oregon’s Professional Technical Education criteria I want to thank you in advance for taking the time to read the information below If you have any concerns or questions, please not hesitate to contact me At the end of the syllabus you are asked to provide me with your signature as an indication you understand the grading procedure and the classroom expectation in Child Service COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is a continuum of Child Service 1, allowing student to gain a deeper understanding of working with children and families, administration roles of an early childhood program along with community resources Students are responsible for all planning, documenting, assisting with the daily operations of the on-site preschool in a collaborative manner This course is one of your last opportunities to launch into the child development profession from a lab setting Students’ professional development through teaching, leadership, promoting scholarly activities, and guiding relevant practical experiences will be facilitated Graduates of the program will be knowledgeable and reflective professionals who recognize and value the uniqueness and diversity of children and families across multiple contexts INTENDED OUTCOMES: Accordance with PCC course ECE 241 & the National     Establish and follow routines and procedures to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment is offered Analyze developmentally appropriate practices to design and implement early childhood lesson plans Identify the skills and strategies needed to make accurate observations of individual children based on child development principles Implement appropriate guidance techniques that supports the program’s philosophy  Complete a case study of a child using observation techniques covered in class  Articulate statements of competence in at least two competency goal areas for the CDA, suitable to use as evidence for CRLS  Demonstrates ways to advocate for children and families by attending a professional meeting within our community Along with the above skills, students will complete the graduation requirement, which includes a MLA formatted research paper and extended application project Students will revise their Personal Statements and enhance career-related learning reflections and evidences PORTALND COMMUNITY COLLEGE CREDIT Students who complete this course with a B or higher in both period & and evolve their professional portfolio to illustrate competencies in at least two of the Child Development Associate (CDA) a subject areas may receive one credit TEXT & READING MATERIALS A variety of articles and book excerpts will be assigned to read over the course of the year In addition, students will use the following district assigned text, by The Goodheart-Wilcox Company, Inc publishing: Working with Young Children Judy Herr’s Worksheet Book, Mastering CDA Competencies, will be used to help provide necessary proof for the CDA competency goals If a student wishes to take textbook home, students must check it out before removing the text from the room through Mrs Ackerman CLASSROOM GUIDELINES Food & Drink: Only water bottles filled with water are allowed in the preschool, except during lunchtime You may bring a sack lunch and eat with the preschool students as along as it is a healthy balanced meal (no soda or fast food) Gum is not allowed in the preschool due to the safety of the young children Classroom Cleanliness: All supplies, chairs, and desks should be returned to the proper place before dismissal The preschool must be properly sanitized before dismissal A class or individual students will not be dismissed until the classroom is back into the condition they found it in Being in-tuned to the schedule is essential to maintain a clean and organized environment ATTENDANCE & TARDINESS: If tardiness or attendance becomes a concern, your enrollment in this course will be reviewed with your family and administration It is not possible to make up exactly what occurred at preschool or during instructional class time, good attendance is needed Attendance is directly linked to student achievement If a student is absent s/he is responsible for obtaining the information and make-up work during non-instructional class time Options to make up lab points have been provide in the Staff Handbook GRADING POLICY: Since most of the time is in a lab setting, much of the responsibility for the learning depends on your preparedness, organization, and contributions All work should be high quality and completed on time Students are expected to complete all work assigned This class is structured in a format that will cater to the learning styles of all students via a format of group discussions, groups activities, teacher directed lectures, reflection tasks, and so forth Grades are weighed through a percentage scale: Period 4: Period 5: Extended Application Work 30% Weekly Observations & Duties 25% Senior Portfolio Assignments 25% Examinations 50% 50% Planning & Preparing Material 20% Teaching & Participation Grading Policy will adhere to a scale of: A 90% - 100% B 80% - 89% C 70% - 79% D F 50% - 69% less than 50% Late Work: Students must be prepared for their assigned lead teacher week If a student is not prepared for his/her lead week or not here due to an unexcused absence the grade will be automatic 20% reduction Cheating/Plagiarism: Cheating of any kind is not acceptable; punishment on the first offence will be an alterative test or assignment to be completed during Saturday School that immediate follows incident Continued offences will be referred to the administration and will result in an automatic zero If plagiarism involves the senior project, the student will need be required to choose a new topic and start completely over More information can be found in the ACT and HHS Academy Student Parent Handbook Staff Handbook Introduction: High School Students will be looked upon and treated as a staff member of Falcon’s Nest Preschool, which requires an agreement to the following: • Seek clarification of rules and philosophy of the preschool • Advocate for their own learning experience by requesting the support and feedback needed to meet their goals • Support the work of the center by supporting myself and peers in the daily routines and through respectful interactions with staff members, parents and children • Behave in an ethical and professional manner OPPORTUNITIES FOR ASSISTANCE: Students are encouraged to seek help whenever necessary and to use all available resources Students may schedule time to meet with me during my prep periods (2nd and 7th), and before school (Please sign, detach and return) Student’s name: (please print) Date: _ Student’s signature: Parent name: (please print) Date: _ Parent signature: Any immediate questions or something you would like to share about your child? For questions, I will find an answer and get back to you within a week Child Service - COURSE SCHEDULE *The following schedule is subject to change based on students’ needs and interests Week Topics and Assignments Introduction to Course Summer Journals? Internships Applicants? *Pick Lead Week Topics & Dates Milestones of Four to Five Years Old & Guiding Preschoolers Chapter – Understanding and years old Child Development – First Five Years, By: Harold Ireton Noticing Difference, By: Stephen Policoff “The Case Against Gold Stars,” By: Alfie Kohn “Towards a Better Understanding of Children’s Behavior,” By: James Hymes ASQ – years old *Test: Positive Guidance & DAP 2/3 Work on Lesson Plans Preschool Philosophy & Procedures Staff Handbook Provided *share information with family Staff Orientation *must attend before working in preschool – State of Oregon License Regulations *Quiz – State Licensing Regulation, Falcon’s Nest Procedures *CPR – First Aid Training, $30.00 fee to become certified Multiple Intelligence – Learning Centers Reviewing Multiple Intelligence Theory and Incorporate it into Learning Centers *Pamphlet, Due next class if not completed in class Setting up the Preschool - Preparing for Open House *Rough Draft Lesson Plan Due 4-5 Setting up Portfolios -PRESCHOOL OPENS UP “Portfolios as an Assessment Tool: Is Collection of Work Enough?” By: Gaye Grounlund Assessments – Special Needs “Reaching Potentials Through Appropriate Assessment,” By Tynette Hills Chapter 30 – Guiding Children with Special Needs *Interview Assignment Due 7/8 – NO INSTRUCTIONAL CLASS - Lesson Plans Create bridging activities from one topic to the next 10 Learning Environments “Creating Invitation for Learning,” By: Deb Curtis 11 – NO INSTRUCTIONAL CLASS - 12 Homes – Holidays “Developing Culturally Responsive Caregiving Practices,” By: Louise DermanSparks 13/14 15 THANKSGIVING – NO INSTRUCTIONAL CLASS Day in the Library work on Research Paper 16 Peer Editing Day 17/18 WINTER HOLIDAY BREAK – NO INSTRUCTIONAL CLASS 19 Rough Draft of Research Paper – Due 20/21 Day in the Library – Work on Research Paper 22 Professional Development “Professional Dimensions of Leadership,” By: Linda Espinosa 23 AntiBias Curriculum “What if All the Children in My Class are White?” By: Louise Sparks *Create activities/lessons 24 Peer Editing Day 25 Computer Lab: Research Paper 26 Final Research Paper Due 27 Work on Spring Lesson Plans 28 Review Feedback on Research Paper 29 Prepare for Week of The Young Child 30 SPRING BREAK – NO INSTRUCTIONAL CLASS - 31 Computer Lab – Review Resume, update it 32 NO INSTRUCTIONAL CLASS - 33 Computer Lab - Review Personal Statement, update it 34 Letters of Recommendations due 35/36 Documenting CRLS & placed in portfolio 37/38 Computer Lab - Work on Display Boards for Senior Exhibition / Complete Board 39 Review – Reflect upon Senior Project Process Write not a reflection paper, but a page paper regarding how this process helped your professional development (Questions listed in the extra credit section of syllabus, may help you formulate your thoughts.) 40 Collecting Information About Families “Guidelines For A Culturally Responsive Child Intake Form,” Adapted from UMinn *Provide questions you see valuable and appropriate along with a summary paragraph 41 Last Week of Preschool – Playground Review Appendix C – Intro to ECE, Pg 500 – Playground Rating System” * Review Outdoor Material from catalogs What you see needing to be purchased? – Due at End of class 42 Review Materials & Order Supplies – Sanitize Preschool ... *Create activities/lessons 24 Peer Editing Day 25 Computer Lab: Research Paper 26 Final Research Paper Due 27 Work on Spring Lesson Plans 28 Review Feedback on Research Paper 29 Prepare for Week of... Draft of Research Paper – Due 20 /21 Day in the Library – Work on Research Paper 22 Professional Development “Professional Dimensions of Leadership,” By: Linda Espinosa 23 AntiBias Curriculum “What... 5: Extended Application Work 30% Weekly Observations & Duties 25 % Senior Portfolio Assignments 25 % Examinations 50% 50% Planning & Preparing Material 20 % Teaching & Participation Grading Policy

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2022, 00:30
