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ACKERMAN-Planned Course Statement.Child Serv 1

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Child Service Syllabus Course #292301 NCES Code#2923 Rm 162 - 164, Period & – M, W, F HHS Academy Jessica Ackerman, Phone: 503-844-1250 x5268 Email: ackermaj@hsd.k12.orus University Wisconsin-Whitewater, BA in Education ‘00 Oregon Teacher Standards - Professional Technical Teaching License ‘07 Portland State University - Infant Toddler Mental Health Certificate, ‘07 WELCOME: Falcon’s Nest Preschool at Liberty’s High School is recognized as a quality early childhood program, meeting the State of Oregon’s Professional Technical Education criteria “Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew Carnegie If you have any concerns or questions, please not hesitate to contact me At the end of the syllabus you are asked to provide me your signature as an indication you understand the grading procedure and the classroom expectation COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course develops the needed skills to work young preschoolers in a group setting Students will utilize Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory to create topic based lesson plans, one per semester Students are responsible for the planning and maintaining of the program The first three weeks will be dedicated to opening of the preschool Once the preschool begins students will work with children twice a week for ½ hours Mondays are instructional days, but will be referred to as Staff Meetings, which means students will reflect on situations that occurred in the preschool, review objective developmental observations, and explore new concepts and material Homework may be given on this day, if we are not able to complete the work in class Also, 10 hours of volunteering in a family and/or children setting is required Students will engage in the beginning thoughts of the state required Senior Project This process will include identifying student’s interest and skills that will assist them in creating a professional portfolio and developing a formal outline that will be used as the framework for their senior research paper This course provides the framework of knowledge that will be built upon in Child Service 2, which emphasizes internships, senior projects, and administrative roles of a preschool program INTENDED OUTCOMES: Accordance with Portland Community College Course • • • • • • • Establish and follow routines and procedures to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment is offered Analyze developmentally appropriate practices to design and implement early childhood lesson plans Identify strategies needed to make accurate observations of individual children based on child development principles Implement appropriate guidance techniques that supports the program’s philosophy Articulate observations in a professional manner to parents, written and verbal Develop a professional portfolio that includes: personal statement, resume, letter of recommendations, reflections and varification form of at least 10 hours of volunteer experiences and proof of competence in the six areas of Career Related Learning Standards (CRLS) that the Oregon of Education has identified Evidence may include: o Planning events for families of the preschool o Contribute to children’s portfolios that illustrate child’s development o Conduct a Parent-Teacher conference o Design and set-up a dramatic play setting that fits the topic of interest o Write a newsletter article o Develop a resource file of community services o Write an anecdotal report of how you successfully addressed a child’s challenging behavior over a period of time o Illustrate guidance techniques you used with specific examples to illustrate their effectiveness along with two resources that support the technique o Professionally articulated lesson plans, typed o A meaningful reflection of your lead week that is documented on a Bridging Form o Documentation Board that illustrates how a planned activity or environment meets the development domains of the children Demonstrates flexiability when things not go as expected allowing you to look at all sides and perspectives of the situation PORTALND COMMUNITY COLLEGE CREDIT Students who complete this course with a B or higher in both period & may obtain credits through PCC Attendance is critical TEXT & READING MATERIALS A variety of articles and book excerpts will be assigned to read over the course of the year In addition, students will use the following district assigned text, by The Goodheart-Wilcox Company, Inc publishing: Working with Young Children Judy Herr’s Worksheet Book, Mastering CDA Competencies, will be used to help provide necessary proof for the CDA competency goals CLASSROOM GUIDELINES Food & Drink: Only water bottles filled with water are allowed in the preschool, except during lunchtime You may bring a sack lunch and eat with the preschool students as along as it is a healthy balanced meal (no soda or fast food) Gum is not allowed in the preschool due to the safety of the young children Classroom Cleanliness: All supplies, chairs, and desks should be returned to the proper place before dismissal The preschool must be properly sanitized before dismissal A class or individual students will not be dismissed until the classroom is back into the condition they found it in Being in-tuned to the schedule is essential to maintain a clean and organized environment Staff Handbook Introduction: High School Students will be looked upon and treated as a staff member of Falcon’s Nest Preschool, which requires an agreement to the following: • Seek clarification of rules and philosophy of the preschool • Advocate for their own learning experience by requesting the support and feedback needed to meet their personal and career related goals • Support the work of the center by supporting myself and peers in the daily routines and through respectful interactions with staff members, parents and children • Behave in an ethical and professional manner ATTENDANCE & TARDINESS: Students should always come to class on-time and prepared There are only a few minutes to prepare before the preschool children arrive Your commitment to the preschool program and your team will ensure success for all If tardiness or attendance becomes a concern your enrollment in this course will be reviewed with your family and administration It is not possible to make up what occurred at preschool or during instructional class time, good attendance is needed Attendance is directly linked to student achievement If a student is absent s/he is responsible for obtaining the information and make-up work during non-instructional class time Options to make up lab points have been provide in the Staff Handbook GRADING POLICY: This class promotes not only learning of class material, but also the development of special character traits that will ensure success in a professional working environment All work should be high quality and completed on time Students are expected to complete all work assigned This class is structured in a format that will cater to the learning styles of all students via a format of group discussions, groups activities, teacher directed lectures, reflection tasks, and so forth Grades are weighed through a percentage scale: Period 3: Period 5: Assignments 25% Weekly Observations or Reflections 25% Prep for Sr Project 25% Planning & Preparing Material 25% Examinations 20% Teaching & Participation 50% Group Work & Participation 30% Grading Policy will adhere to a scale of: A 90% - 100% B 80% - 89% C 70% - 79% D F 50% - 69% less than 50% Late Work: Students must be prepared for their assigned lead teacher week If a student is not prepared for his/her lead week or not here due to an unexcused absence the grade will be automatic 20% reduction Cheating/Plagiarism: Cheating of any kind is not acceptable; punishment on the first offence will be an alterative test or assignment to be completed during Saturday School that immediate follows incident Continued offences will be referred to the administration and will result in an automatic zero in the course If plagiarism involves the junior/senior project, the student will need be required to choose a new topic and start completely over More information can be found in the ACT and HHS Academy Student Parent Handbook OPPORTUNITIES FOR ASSISTANCE: Students are encouraged to seek help whenever necessary and to use all available resources Students may schedule time to meet with me during my 7th period prep and before school Student’s name: (please print) Date: _ Student’s signature: Parent signature: _Email: Any immediate questions or something you would like to share about your child? Child Service - COURSE SCHEDULE *The following schedule is subject to change based on students’ needs and interests Week Topics and Assignments Introduction to Course Chapter – You: Working with Young Children Introduction to the National Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential Milestones of Two – Three Years Old & Guiding Toddler – Young Preschoolers Chapter – Understanding 2s and 3s Characteristics of Preschool Children/Guidelines for Development Skills Part – Guiding Children : Guidance, Classroom Limits, Daily Routines “Five Reasons to Stop Saying Good Job,” By: Alfie Kohn “Towards a Better Understanding of Children’s Behavior,” By: James Hymes Test: Guidance & DAP Preschool Philosophy & Procedures Staff Handbook Provided *share information with family Staff Orientation *must attend before working in preschool – State of Oregon License Regulations Recognizing & Reporting Child Abuse Pg 155-157, Fire Safety; Pg 157-158, Poison; Pg 162-163 Accident Forms Quiz – State Licensing Regulation, Falcon’s Nest Procedures Multiple Intelligence & Value of Learning Centers Howard Gardner PowerPoint Presentation, “Multiple Intelligence,” By: Jay Davidson Pg 268 – Learning Styles Learning Center, Creative Curriculum & Chapter from Intro to ECE Poster Due Preparing for Open House Forming Committees & Parent – Teacher Communication “So Many Goodbyes,” By: Janet McCracken – NAEYC Publication Chapter 31 – Parent Involvement 4-5 Observations -PRESCHOOL OPENS UP Chapter – Observing Children: A Tool for Assessment ASQ – Screener for ½ years through years of age Create Portfolios for the children Article Review Due – Summarize and highlight helpful tips from provided article In class: Collaborate in small groups, Share Information Anti-Bias Curriculum Quick Glimpse at Anti-Bias Curriculum, By: Renee Zaman Developing Culturally Responsive Caregiving Practices, By: Louise DermanSparks Pg 202-203-210-212 – “Planning & Assessing Learning Activities” From Intro to ECE 7/8 – NO INSTRUCTIONAL CLASS - Webbing – Lesson Plans Page 272-281, Themes & Plans *Pick a Topic to plan and teach – Rough Draft Due Next Class Period 10 Lesson Plans – Art Pages 283-294, & 296-297, “Guiding Art & and Sensory Experiences” “An Intro to Studio Practices at Hilltop Children’s Center”, By: Ann Pelo “Child Centered Art vs Teacher – Directed Projects”, PCC Credit: Write a Comparison Paper *5 Creative Expression Activities due next class 11 – NO INSTRUCTIONAL CLASS - 12 Lesson Plans – Story Time & Music Chapter 26 – Guiding Music Chapter 19 - Guiding Storytelling Experiences *5 Storybook and/or Music Extension Activities due next class 13/14 THANKSGIVING – NO INSTRUCTIONAL CLASS - & NO INSTRUCTIONAL CLASS - 15 Lesson Plans – Dramatic Play Chapter 20 – Guiding Play and Puppetry Experiences *Create a floor plan of a Homeliving/Dramatic Play Makeover due next class PCC Credit/Extra Credit: *Connect with the community, create a “Guest Visitor” Director OR connections to obtain Real-Life Dramatic Play items (must have 5) 16 Lesson Plans – Families & Holidays Chapter 24 – Guiding Social Studies Experiences “Celebrating Holidays – Cultural Diversity,” – Child Care Report 17/18 WINTER HOLIDAY BREAK – NO INSTRUCTIONAL CLASS 19 Lesson Plans – Math Chapter 22 – Guiding Math Experiences *Make Math Activities with recyclable & reusable material, due next class 20 Lesson Plans – Science Chapter 23 – Guiding Science Experiences *5 Science Activities due next class 21 Lesson Plans – Writing Chapter 21 – Guiding Manuscript writing Experiences *5 PreWriting Activities due next class PCC Credit/Extra Credit: *5 examples of a what an language enriched environment would include, due next class 21/22 Final Lesson Plan Due / Examination 23/24 Work on Child’s Portfolios 25 Author Study – Librarian Guest Speaker 26/27 NAEYC & OAEYC – Review professional development trainings & our Professional Resource Files *Midterm, Lead Teacher Roles & Expectations 28/29 Family Dynamics Chapter 24 – Concerns of Children & Family (Child Development Text) “Penny’s Question: I will have a child in my class with moms.” By: Elaine Wickens *Compose Parent Opinion Questions, conduct when we return from break 30 31 SPRING BREAK – NO INSTRUCTIONAL CLASS Prepare for Week Of The Young Child 32 NO INSTRUCTIONAL CLASS - 33 Writing a Resume & Cover Letter & Professional Autobiography Page 504-506 34 Career Focus Chapter 32 –“A Career for You in Child Care” & Head Start Video – from Communication Action *Articulation of competency in 2:6 goals areas of CDA *Rough Draft Due – Resume 35 Computer Lab – Create Final Draft Resume Computer Lab – Personal Statement Draft 36 Computer Lab - Personal Statement Final Draft 37 Senior Project Focus Review Interests, in class complete Discuss CRLS – Graduation Requirement, Have you completed any? Discuss Internships for Senior Year *Discussion with family about Senior Year Work Experiences & Reflection Paragraph 38 * Worksheet Due – Choosing a Topic 39 * Summary of CRLS completed Due – by working in preschool 40 Senior Project Research Paper Review sources at school library *Turn in 10 Possible sources, MLA format, Pretest – score based on doing your best 41 Last Week of Preschool - Bibliography Summaries due at end of class 42 Review “What Makes Good Early Childhood Teachers?” By: Sally Cartwright Final Exam: Self-Reflection Paper *Discuss the Role of a Mentor – Brainstorm who might full-fill that role *Outline of Research Paper Due Keep your eyes and ears open this summer for resources and experiences that will help support your senior research paper and project Keep a journal – submit it to me the first week of school and receive Extra Credit Points ... State of Oregon License Regulations Recognizing & Reporting Child Abuse Pg 15 5 -15 7, Fire Safety; Pg 15 7 -15 8, Poison; Pg 16 2 -16 3 Accident Forms Quiz – State Licensing Regulation, Falcon’s Nest Procedures... Creative Expression Activities due next class 11 – NO INSTRUCTIONAL CLASS - 12 Lesson Plans – Story Time & Music Chapter 26 – Guiding Music Chapter 19 - Guiding Storytelling Experiences *5 Storybook... Goodbyes,” By: Janet McCracken – NAEYC Publication Chapter 31 – Parent Involvement 4-5 Observations -PRESCHOOL OPENS UP Chapter – Observing Children: A Tool for Assessment ASQ – Screener for

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2022, 00:30
