College of Charleston Invitation for Bid Solicitation Number Date Printed Date Issued Procurement Officer Phone E-Mail Address AMENDMENT #1 09.48.DC.B.T5 04/01/2009 04/01/2009 Debra Cannon,CPPB 843-953-3041 DESCRIPTION: Multi-Agency Term Contract for Emergency Generator Planned Maintenance and Repairs The Term "Offer" Means Your "Bid" or "Proposal" SUBMIT OFFER BY (Opening Date/Time): April 7, 2009 @ 1:00PM ET Offer" provision QUESTIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY: See "Deadline For Submission Of See "Questions From Offerors" provision NUMBER OF COPIES TO BE SUBMITTED: One (1) original Offers must be submitted in a sealed package Solicitation Number & Opening Date must appear on package exterior SUBMIT YOUR SEALED OFFER TO EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING ADDRESSES: (USPS)MAILING ADDRESS: College of Charleston Procurement Office 66 George Street Charleston, SC 29424 Offer" provision (Courier or hand carry)PHYSICAL ADDRESS: College of Charleston Procurement Office Rm B53 160 Calhoun St Charleston SC 29401 See "Submitting Your SITE VISIT: Non-Mandatory but strongly encouraged DATE & TIME: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 @ 10:00 AM As appropriate, see "Conferences - Pre-Bid/Proposal" & "Site Visit" provisions AWARD & AMENDMENTS LOCATION: Procurement Conference Room, College of Charleston, Basement, Lightsey Center, 160 Calhoun St, Charleston, SC 29401 Award will be posted at the Physical Address stated above on 04/09/09 The award, this solicitation, and any amendments will be posted at the following web address: Unless submitted on-line, you must submit a signed copy of this form with Your Offer By submitting a bid or proposal, You agree to be bound by the terms of the Solicitation You agree to hold Your Offer open for a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days after the Opening Date (See "Signing Your Offer" and "Electronic Signature" provisions.) (full legal name of business submitting the offer) Any award issued will be issued to, and the contract will be formed with, the entity identified as the Offeror The entity named as the offeror must be a single and distinct legal entity Do not use the name of a branch office or a division of a larger entity if the branch or division is not a separate legal entity, i.e., a separate corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, etc AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NO (Person must be authorized to submit binding offer to contract on behalf of Offeror.) (See "Taxpayer Identification Number" provision) TITLE STATE VENDOR NO (business title of person signing above) (Register to Obtain S.C Vendor No at NAME OF OFFEROR PRINTED NAME DATE SIGNED STATE OF INCORPORATION (printed name of person signing above) (If you are a corporation, identify the state of incorporation.) OFFEROR'S TYPE OF ENTITY: (Check one) (See "Signing Your Offer" provision.) _ Sole Proprietorship _ Partnership _ Other _ _ Corporate entity (not tax-exempt) _ Corporation (tax-exempt) COVER PAGE MMO (NOV 2007) _ Government entity (federal, state, or local) SAP SAP PAGE TWO (Return Page Two with Your Offer) HOME OFFICE ADDRESS (Address for offeror's home office / NOTICE ADDRESS (Address to which all procurement and contract principal place of business) related notices should be sent.) (See "Notice" clause) _ Area Code - Number - Extension Facsimile _ E-mail Address PAYMENT ADDRESS (Address to which payments will be sent.) ORDER ADDRESS (Address to which purchase orders will be sent) (See "Payment" clause) (See "Purchase Orders and "Contract Documents" clauses) Payment Address same as Home Office Address Payment Address same as Notice Address (check only one) Order Address same as Home Office Address Order Address same as Notice Address (check only one) ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF AMENDMENTS Offerors acknowledges receipt of amendments by indicating amendment number and its date of issue (See "Amendments to Solicitation" Provision) Amendment No Amendment Issue Date Amendment No Amendment Issue Date Amendment No Amendment Issue Date Amendment No Amendment Issue Date DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT 10 Calendar Days (%) 20 Calendar Days (%) 30 Calendar Days (%) _Calendar Days (%) (See "Discount for Prompt Payment" clause) PREFERENCES - SC RESIDENT VENDOR PREFERENCE OFFERORS REQUESTING THIS PREFERENCE (June 2005): Section 11-35-1524 provides a preference for offerors MUST INITIAL HERE that qualify as a resident vendor A resident vendor is an offeror that (a) is authorized to transact business within South Carolina, (b) *ADDRESS AND PHONE OF IN-STATE OFFICE maintains an office* in South Carolina, (c) either (1) maintains a minimum $10,000.00 representative inventory at the time of the solicitation, or (2) is a manufacturer which is headquartered and has at least a ten million dollar payroll in South Carolina, and the product is made or processed from raw materials into a finished end-product by such manufacturer or an affiliate (as defined in section 1563 of the In-State Office Address same as Home Office Address Internal Revenue Code) of such manufacturer, and (d) has paid all In-State Office Address same as Notice Address assessed taxes If applicable, preference will be applied as required (check only one) by law PREFERENCES - SC/US END-PRODUCT (June 2005): Section 11-35-1524 provides a preference to vendors offering South Carolina end-products or US end-products, if those products are made, manufactured, or grown in SC or the US, respectively An endproduct is the item identified for acquisition in this solicitation, including all component parts in final form and ready for the use intended The terms made, manufactured, and grown are defined by Section 11-35-1524(B) By signing your offer and checking the appropriate space(s) provided and identified on the bid schedule, offeror certifies that the end-product(s) is either made, manufactured or grown in South Carolina, or other states of the United States, as applicable Preference will be applied as required by law PAGE TWO (NOV 2007) End of Page Two IF THIS PREFERENCE APPLIES TO THIS PROCUREMENT, PART VII (BIDDING SCHEDULE) WILL INCLUDE A PLACE TO CLAIM THE PREFERENCE OFFERORS REQUESTING THIS PREFERENCE MUST CHECK THE APPROPRIATE SPACES ON THE BIDDING SCHEDULE NOTICE: AMENDMENT NO AMENDMENTS TO SOLICITATION (JANUARY 2006) (a) The Solicitation may be amended at any time prior to opening All actual and prospective Offerors should monitor the following web site for the issuance of Amendments: (b) Offerors shall acknowledge receipt of any amendment to this solicitation (1) by signing and returning the amendment, (2) by identifying the amendment number and date in the space provided for this purpose on Page Two, (3) by letter, or (4) by submitting a bid that indicates in some way that the bidder received the amendment (c) If this solicitation is amended, then all terms and conditions which are not modified remain unchanged This amendment is issued to clarify requirements and to answer question submitted Please use bid schedule issued with this amendment when submitting bid On page 12 under section C Lube oil system(for Trident Technical College) add the following after Per manufacturer’s recommendation oil(and filters) On page 12 under section E Air intake/discharge system please add: Contractor shall replace all air filters at a minimum once annually On the bidding schedule for Lot (College of Charleston’s generators) the MFG and Model # has changed for Grice Marine Lab and Rutledge Dorm Question received is addressed below: Question#1 Under pricing for Lot 2-Trident Technical College Generators, Item#6, you ask for the price of an additional oil change Is this one price to cover an oil change on any of the units listed above it? Answer: The line item under lot bidding schedule has been removed and placed below for agency information only, not part of evaluation A separate line for pricing has been added for each type unit SAP VIII BIDDING SCHEDULE (AMENDMENT #1) BIDDING SCHEDULE (NOV 2007) PM- is preventative maintenance inspection less oil/filter change PM- is preventative maintenance including oil/filter change LOT – College of Charleston’s Generators Generator Location Manufacturer Parking Garage (St Phillip St.) Cummins Onan Science Center Physical Plant( Burns Lane) Physical Plant( Portable Unit ) *Carolina First Arena Sottile Center Glebe Financial Aid McAlister Dorm Bell South Building Grice Lab Rutledge Dorm Addlestone Library Beatty Center *Simons Fine Arts Building *New Sciences Building *Bell South Building Cummins Onan Cummins Onan Cummins Onan Kohler Cummins Onan Cummins Onan Cummins Onan Caterpillar Cummins Onan Generac Onan DNAD Cummins Onan Olympia Cummins Onan Caterpillar Detroit Diesel Model # DGHE-5600918 50.ODL6B15R/6066B 65GGHB 150DGFA 750REO2DC 60DGCB GGFD-5007636 GGHE-4482614 3406 GGHH-5566995 5687230200 4914SR2A22 DFEC-5563370 D200P4 DQHAB C32 350-XC6DT3 Output Natural Gas/Diesel 50kw Natural Gas 60kw 60kw 150kw 9500kw 60kw 35kw 60kw 300kw 100kw 35kw 11.5kw 450KW 200kw 200KW 1000KW 350 kVA Natural Gas Natural Gas Diesel Diesel Diesel Natural Gas Natural Gas Diesel Natural Gas Natural Gas Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel Diesel *Generator is under manufacture warranty Carolina First Arena (November 2008- November 2009) year warranty Simons Fine Arts Building (December 2009- December 2010) year warranty New Sciences Building(August 2009- August 2010) year warranty Bell South Building (April 2009- April 2010) year warranty Total Annual Cost (LOT 1) $ 26 PM-1 Price PM-2 Price LOT – Trident Technical College’s Generators Preventative maintenance including oil/filter change Item # Qty / UOM Generator Location Manufacturer EA Berkeley Campus ONAN EA Main Campus, Bldg 100 ONAN EA Main Campus, Radio Tower ONAN EA Main Campus, Bldg 920 CATERPILLAR EA Palmer Campus CATERPILLAR Model # 15 C-4XR12382AC 277/280, 1800RPM, 3-phase, 60 Hz, S/N F810573270 12.5 JC18R/17164AB 240/460, 1800 RPM, 3-phase, 60 Hz, s/n F850764722 16 GNAC 110/220, 1800RPM, 1-phase, 60 Hz, s/n K048716870 3456 Gen-Set D125-6 60Hz, PH, 480/277v 1800 RPM Cat CTG 400amp transfer switch Output Unit Price Total 15 KW 12.5 KW 16 KW 500 KW 125 KW Total Annual Cost (LOT 2) $ (FOR AGENCY INFORMATION ONLY – PLEASE PROVIDE COST FOR AN OIL CHANGE IF NEEDED PRIOR TO THE MO PERIOD FOR LOT – TRIDENT TECHNICAL COLLEGE) ONAN 15KW $ _ ONAN 12.5 KW $ ONAN 16KW $ _ CATERPILLAR 500KW $ CATERPILLAR 125KW $ _ NOTE: For agency information only, bidders must provide the following costs to be applied to other charges which shall be defined as work not included as preventative maintenance: This information applies for College of Charleston and Trident Technical College Provide all necessary labor, materials, equipment, and supplies for Emergency Service/Repairs as needed to be billed at the following rates (mileage to be included in hourly rates) Regular hours Overtime hours Sunday & holidays One Mechanic /HR $ $ $ One Mechanic & one Helper/HR $ $ $ Contractor’s Markup % (Not To Exceed 25%) (on Contractor’s cost) Contractor’s Markup % (On Industry Published Rental Rates for Generators) 27 ... Model # 15 C-4XR12382AC 277/280, 18 00RPM, 3-phase, 60 Hz, S/N F 810 573270 12 .5 JC18R /17 164AB 240/460, 18 00 RPM, 3-phase, 60 Hz, s/n F850764722 16 GNAC 11 0/220, 18 00RPM, 1- phase, 60 Hz, s/n K048 716 870... identified for acquisition in this solicitation, including all component parts in final form and ready for the use intended The terms made, manufactured, and grown are defined by Section 11 -35 -15 24(B)... OF AMENDMENTS Offerors acknowledges receipt of amendments by indicating amendment number and its date of issue (See "Amendments to Solicitation" Provision) Amendment No Amendment Issue Date Amendment