56 A Lamp to Illum inate the Five Stages Nyima Cham Nyi ma lcam Nyima Drak Nyi ma grags Pacsap Lotsáwa Nyima Drak Phabongkha Rendawa Shonu Lodró Pa tshab lo tsa ba Nyi ma grags Pha bong kha Red mda’ ba Gzhon nu bio gros Rin chen dpal, [Bka bzhi pa] Rinchen Pal, [Kashipa] Rinchen Sangpo Serdingpa Shonu Ó Rin chen bzang po Shiwa Ó Zhi ba od Shonu Sónam Gzhon nu bsod nams Shud pu Lo tsa ba Grags pa rgyal mtshan Shiipu Lotsáwa Drakpa Gyaltsen Gser sding pa Gzhon nu od Tanak Go Lotsáwa Rta nag ’Gos Lo tsa ba Tashi Lhiinpo Bkra shis lhun po Trarak Tsurton Phra rags Mtshur ston Tsurtón Wangi Dorjé Mtshur ston Dbang gi rdo rje Yongzin Yangchen Gawai Lodró Yongs ’dzin Dbyangs can Dga ba i bio gros Noces i For more on the six yogas o f che Kälacakra systems, see volume 14 o f chis series, Khedrup Norsang Gyatso’s Ornament o f Stainless Light: An Exposition o f the Kälacakra Tantra (Boston: W isdom Publications, 1004) Wedemeyer discusses this possibility Moreover, the Blue Annals says, “The teach ers belonging to the Nyingma school declared the Guhyasamäja to be the most important text among the eighteen classes o f their tantras” (p 59) Jamgon Amé Shap Ngawang Künga Sönam (1597 -1 659 ) Gö Lotsäwa Shönu Pal, Blue Annals, Deh thersngon po (N ew Delhi: International Academy o f Indian Culture, 1974), vol i,p 444 The four commentaries are the Illuminating Lamp commentary by Candrakirti and three works ofTsongkhapa: a work annotating difficult poincsofCandtakirti’s commentary (Toh 5181), a more general analysis o f Illuminating Lamp called Precious Sprout (Toh 5184), and an outline summary o f Candrakirti’s text (Toh 52.83) See the bibliography for details Nägärjuna, Asahga, Äryadeva, Dignäga, Vasubandhu, and Dharmakirti arc known as the six adornments o f the world Samvarodayatantra, chap 22., Toh 373 Kangyur, rgyud 'bum, kha, 29123 Vajrahrdayälamkäratantra, chap 11, Toh 451 Kangyur, rgyud ’bum, cha, 51 b4 Guhyasamäja Uttaratantra, Toh 443 Kangyur, rgyud ’bum, ca, 15oai 10 Hevajratantra, chap 1, T o h 417 Kangyur, rgyud ’bum, nga, 233 11 Gsang ba mchoggis dgyes pa In some texcs the grammatical particle is possessive {gi), rendering, “The joy o f the supreme secret.” 12 This refers to the Condensed Samvara Tantra 13 Pundarika, Vimalaprabhä, chap 1, T oh 845 Kangyur, dus ’khor 'grel bshad, sri, 15a6 14 Hevajratantra, chap 1, T o h 417 Kangyur, rgyud ’bum, nga, 2a3 15 Later Guhyasamäja Tantra, Toh 443 Kangyur, rgyud 'bum, ca, 15oai 16 Primordial Buddha: Kälacakra Adibuddha Root Tantra Found in Vimalaprabhä, chap i ,T o h 845 Tengyur, rgyud, tha, i2ob2 17 I have consulted scholars on this sentence, and it appears to mean chat the fire o f blazing straw is essentially the same nature as the straw 18 Illumination ojthe Secret Reality {Guhyatattvaprakäsa), Toh i45oTengyur, rgyud, wa, 54b 519 De nyid The term in Tibetan means “the thing itself,” but the Sanskric tattva can refer to a philosophical principle 570 A Lam p to Illum inate the Five Stages 20 Mahasukha/Padmavajra, Guhyasiddhi, chap i , T oh 2 17 Tengyur, rgyud, wi, 3a3 21 Ibid., 3b4 22 Deg£ has “great compassion” {thugs rje che) instead o f “Mind Vajra” {thugs rdo rje) There are other minor differences too 23 Mahasukha/Padmavajra, Guhyasiddhi, chap 2, Toh 2217 Tengyur, rgyud, wi, 4b6 24 Pundarika, Vimalaprabhd, chap 1, Toh 1347 Tengyur, rgyud, tha, 120b Ibid., c h a p 4, T o h 13 47 T engyur, rgyud, da, 120b 26 In the Kalacakra system, breath or wind regularly flows through the central chan nel during ordinary existence Breaths are a measurement o f time, and 21,600 breaths make up one day O f these 675 breaths are central-channel winds 27 Here the verb “said” is in honorific form, meaning that the following assertion was made by someone the author had great respect for 28 Vajrapanjaratantra, c h a p 4, T o h 419 K a n g y u r , r g y u d 29 Ibid., 37a4 ’b u m , nga, b 30 Ibid., chap 13, 54b K r s n a c a r y a , GuhyatattvaprakaJa, c h a p 1, T o h 1450 T e n g y u r , r g y u d , wa, 349bs 32 Vajra Canopy Tantra {Vajrapanjaratantra), c h a p 1, T o h 419 K a n g y u r , r g y u d ’bum, nga, 30b2 3 Ibid., chap 4, 37a4 34 I b i d , chap 4, 5b 35 Ibid., chap 4, 35 b4 36 K r s n a c a r y a , Guhyatattvaprakdsa, c h a p 1, T o h 1450 T e n g y u r , r g y u d , wa, 349 b 37 Ibid., 349b438 Vajra Canopy Tantra {Vajrapanjaratantra), c h a p 13, T o h 419 K a n g y u r , r g y u d ’bum, nga, 54b2 39 Sanskrit term for the jasmine flower, its whiteness often used as a simile for the white bodhicitta 40 Dakdrnavatantra, chap 50, T oh 372 Kangyur, rgyud ’bum, kha, 262b6 41 This is the Deg6 reading Citation in the Tashi Lhunpo edition has Uradatantra 42 Candraguhyatilakatantra, T o h 477 K a n g y u r , r g y u d ’b u m , ja 43 Vajrapatdla, T o h 499 r g y u d ’b u m , da 44 Brgya dgu brgyad All versions have brgya dgu brgya, which might mean 90,000, but it seems unlikely Stongphraggsum, according to Deg6 Translation text has stongphrag ’bum 46 Vajrahrdayalamkaratantra, chap 11, Toh 451 Kangyur, rgyud ’bum, cha, 51 a4 47 Ibid., 51 b2 48 See page 25 49 Guhyasamdja Uttaratantra, T oh 443 Kangyur, rgyud ’bum, ca Although catego rized separately, this is the eighteenth or last chapter o f the Root Tantra 50 A l a m k a k a l a ^ a , Extensive Commentary on the Vajra G arland Tantra {Vajramdldtantratika), T o h 1795 T e n g y u r , r g y u d , gi 51 Candraklrti, Pradipodyotana, chap 1, Toh 1785 Tengyur, rgyud, ha, 1a5 52 Lamp fo r A ll Secrets {Sarvaguhyapradipatika), T o h 1787 205b5 Phyi ma, uttara\ as in the title Uttaratantra 54 Tattvasamgraha is a yoga tantra o f the four classes o f tantra T en g y u r, rgyud, ha, Notes $71 $ $ Perfection o f Wisdom Commentary on One Hundred and Fifty Principles {Prajndparamitdnayaiatapancdiatikdtika), Toh 1647 Tengyur, rgyud,7‘w, 191a! 56 Candrakirti, Pradipodyotana, T oh 178 $ Tengyur, rgyud, ha, 16ia4 $7 The Arya master is Nagaijuna, and his four main disciples are Aryadeva, Nagabodhi, Sakyamitra, and Candrakirti Much more concerning these five is discussed in chapter $ 58 Pancakrama, T oh 1802 Tengyur, rgyud, ngi, 45a$ 59 Caryamelapakapradipa, chap 4, T oh 1803 Tengyur, rgyud, ngi, j6b6 60 Devendrapariprcchatantra {Lha / dbangposzhuspa) As Tsongkhapa notes below, this was not translated into Tibetan Smrtijnanakirti, Extensive Core Teachings on the Tantra Requested by the Four Goddesses ( Caturdevatapanprcchavydkhydnopadelapaustika), T oh 191$ Tengyur, rgyud, phi, ii7 b 62 lhams cad gsang b a i mchog, Skt Paramamahaguhya Tsongkhapa wrote a com mentary on a chapter o f this explanatory tantra called Lha mo bzhis zhus kyi rgya cher bshadpa srog rtsolgyi de kho na nyidgsal ba In the colophon he gives the full title o f the source tantra as D pal thams cadgsang ba Vmchoggsang chen zhes bya ba V rgyud Alamkakalaia, Extensive Commentary on the Vajra Garland Tantra ( Vajramalatantra(ikd), T oh 179$ Tengyur, rgyud,gi, 3b6 The term for “connection” is ’brel ba, but both versions o f the text have ’g rel ba (commentary) The question posed in th t Later Tantra (i4 8b6), however, clearly asks about the “connections o f the commentary” {rgyud kyi brel baj i Itar bu) Lamp fo r A ll Secrets {Sarvaguhyapradipatika), Toh 1787, rgyud, ha, 2.0 3by 66 Man ngag For a discussion on the choice o f translation for this term, see the glossary 67 A “metaphorical expression” {dgongs bshad!can), as used here, is one o f the six sides {mtha’drug) employed to explain the meanings o f tantra “Exclusive” means distinct from the lower tantras and sutras 68 Alamkakalaia, Extensive Commentary on the Vajra Garland Tantra {Vajramaldtantratika), T oh 179$ Tengyur, rgyud, gi, I39a7 69 The “diverse” {sna tshogs, visva) are various activities performed with the consort, and the “occasions” {skad cig, ksana) are the periods o f those activities 70 Eleventh-century translator and ordained Ngari ruler, elder brother o f Jangchup O The colophon to this translation in the Lhasa edition o f the Kangyur says it was cotranslated by Sujana Srljnana, which may be a name for Atiia See David R Kittay, The Vajra Rosary Tantra (Vajramdlatantra): With Introduction and Sum mary Based on the Commentary o f Alarpkakalala (N ew York: American Institute o f Buddhist Studies, 2013), pp 166-68 71 Also know n as Alamkakalaia, author o f the Extensive Commentary on Vajra Garland 72 This is the Dcge edition, although it does not follow exactly any o f the three varia tions above It is revised by Shiwa O 73 In the tantra the Bhagavan enters a samadhi called vajra garland enlightenment and performs various miracles that directly affect the gathered disciples O ne o f these involves hook-like lights that revive disciples who had previously fainted These lights stretch like a vajra garland from the secret-place cakra o f the disciples to their crown cakra, endowing them with the four types o f bliss 572 A Lamp to Illum inate the Five Stages 74 N o t translated into Tibetan Candraklrti, Illuminating Lamp (Pradipodyotana), T oh 178 Tengyur, rgyud, ha, ioa7 Garland ( Vajramdldtantra ), chap 68, T oh 445 Kangyur, rgyud ’bum, ca, 274b6 See glossary for synonyms o f the five stages used in these stanzas 77 Pindikrtasadhana, T oh 1796 Tengyur, rgyud, ngi, 3b 78 These are seven categories that form the basis for the explanantion o f a tantra They are explained at the beginning o £Illuminating Lamp The first ornament is intro ductory and concerns the name, author, audience, length, and purpose o f the tan tra The second discusses the tantra, the introduction, etymology, and causes The third is the six sides The fourth concerns divisions and refers to the four modes The fifth concerns those who are suitable for the tantra The sixth lists the five types o f disciples The seventh discusses the completion stage 76 79 These are by Tsongkhapa himself 80 Rgyud kyi mchoggi mchoggyur ba This is the Deg£ reading, where “supreme” is mchog The Tashi Lhiinpo translation edition has phyi ma (“later”) This probably reflects the dual meaning o f the Sanskrit uttara 81 82 83 84 Guhyasamdja Uttaratantra, Toh 443 Kangyur, rgyud ’bum, ca, 148b3 Ibid., 15 7b Ibid., 157b3 Buddhairijnana, Dvikramatattvabhdvand, Toh 1853 Tengyur, rgyud, di, 15b6 85 86 87 88 89 90 Ibid., sb3- Raktayamdritantra, chap 18, Toh 475 Kangyur, rgyud ’bum,7^, 13b3 Mahasukha/Padmavajra, Guhyasiddhi, T oh 2217 Tengyur, rgyud, wi, 5a4 Candraklrti, Pradipodyotana, Toh 1785 Tengyur, rgyud, ha, m i Vajrajnanasamuccaya, chap 2, T oh 450 Kangyur, rgyud ’bum, ca, 284b7 Difficult Points Commentary on the Five Stages (Pancakramapanjika), T oh 1838 Tengyur, rgyud, chi, 29b2 91 Essential Mirror: Short Explanation o f Illuminating Lamp (Pradipadipatippanihrdayadarla), T o h 1791 T e n g y u r , rgyud, a, I7 ib 92 Lamp fo r A ll Secrets (Sarvaguhyapradipatika), T oh 1787 Tengyur, rgyud, ha, 207b3 Guhyasamdja (gsang ba \dus pa) means literally “a gathering or bringing together 94 95 96 97 o f secrets.” In the context o f Naropa’s commentary on Later Tantra, “gathering” does not mean a secret assembly but refers to the secrets that have been gathered In the context o f the citation from Illuminating Lamp, “gathering” refers to a locus where the meanings o f all other tantras are gathered Mahasukha/Padmavajra, Guhyasiddhi, Toh 2217 Tengyur, rgyud, wi, Pradipodyotana, Toh 178 Tengyur, rgyud, ha, 12as Essential Collections of the Siddhas (Grub snying) Together with the Guhyasiddhi this collection would seem to comprise the Seven Works on Siddhi (grub pa sde bdun) A list is at http://rywiki.tsadra.org/index.php/grub_pa_sde_bdun Essen tial Collections (snyingpo’iskor) has been identified with the three Dohas ofSaraha Also known as Lilavajra 98 Samantabhadrasadhana, T o h 1855 Tengyur, rgyud, di, 28b6~36a5 99 According to Wayman, this is Guhyasamajamandalavidhi, T o h 1865 Tengyur, rgyud, di, by Dlparikarabhadra ... employed to explain the meanings o f tantra “Exclusive” means distinct from the lower tantras and sutras 68 Alamkakalaia, Extensive Commentary on the Vajra Garland Tantra {Vajramaldtantratika), T... nyidgsal ba In the colophon he gives the full title o f the source tantra as D pal thams cadgsang ba Vmchoggsang chen zhes bya ba V rgyud Alamkakalaia, Extensive Commentary on the Vajra Garland Tantra. .. Nägärjuna, Asahga, Äryadeva, Dignäga, Vasubandhu, and Dharmakirti arc known as the six adornments o f the world Samvarodayatantra, chap 22., Toh 373 Kangyur, rgyud 'bum, kha, 29123 Vajrahrdayälamkäratantra,