2.5 The Crystal Mirror o f Philosophical Systems: A Tibetan Study o f Asian Religious Thought, Thuken Losang Chokyi Nyima (1737-1802) n o w AVAILABLE 26 Gatewayfo r Being Learned and Realized: Selected Texts 27 The Well-Uttered Insights: Advice on Everyday Wisdom, Civility, and Basic Human Values 28 A Mirror o f Beryl: A Historical Introduction to Tibetan Medicine, Desi Sangye Gyatso (1653-170$) n o w a v a i l a b l e 29 Selected Texts on Tibetan Astronomy and Astrology 3o A rt and Literature: An Anthology 31 Talesfrom the Tibetan Operas 32 Selected Historical Works To receive a brochure describing all the volumes or to stay informed about The Library o f Tibetan Classics, please write: Wisdom Publications Attn: Library o f Tibetan Classics 199 Elm Street Somerville, MA 02144 USA or send a request by email to: info@wisdompubs.org The complete catalog containing descriptions o f each volume can also be found online at www.wisdompubs.org, where you can sign up for an email newsletter dedicated to Library o f Tibetan Classics news Become a Benefactor o f the Library o f Tibetan Classics h e L i b r a r y o f T i b e t a n C l a s s i c s ’ scope, importance, and commit ment to the finest quality make it a tremendous financial undertaking We invite you to become a benefactor, joining us in creating this profoundly important human resource Contributors of two thousand dollars or more will receive a copy of each future volume as it becomes available, and will have their names listed in all subsequent volumes Larger donations will go even further in supporting The Library o f Tibetan Classics, preserving the cre ativity, wisdom, and scholarship o f centuries past, so that it may help illumi nate the world for future generations To contribute, please either visit our website at www.wisdompubs.org, call us at (617) 776-7416, or send a check made out to Wisdom Publications or credit card information to the address below T Library of Tibetan Classics Fund Wisdom Publications 199 Elm Street Somerville, MA 01144 USA Please note that contributions of lesser amounts are also welcome and are invaluable to the development o f the series Wisdom is a 501(0)3 nonprofit corporation, and all contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law If you have any questions, please not hesitate to call us or email us at development@wisdompubs.org To keep up to date on the status of The Library o f Tibetan Classics, visit the series page on our website, and sign up for the email news list for the Library of Tibetan Classics while you are there About W isdom Publications is dedicated to making available authentic Bud dhist works for the benefit of all We publish translations of Buddhist sacred texts, commentaries and teachings of past and contemporary Buddhist mas ters, and original works by the worlds leading Buddhist scholars We publish our titles with the appreciation of Buddhism as a living philosophy and with the special commitment to preserve and transmit important works from all the major Buddhist traditions W is d o m Pu b l ic a t io n s Wisdom Publications 199 Elm Street Somerville, Massachusetts 02144 USA Telephone: 617-776-7416 Fax: 617-776-7841 Email: info@ w isdom pubs.org www.wisdompubs.org Wisdom is a nonprofit, charitable 501(c)(3) organization affiliated with the Foundation for the Pres ervation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT) ... that contributions of lesser amounts are also welcome and are invaluable to the development o f the series Wisdom is a 501(0)3 nonprofit corporation, and all contributions are tax-deductible to. .. visit the series page on our website, and sign up for the email news list for the Library of Tibetan Classics while you are there About W isdom Publications is dedicated to making available authentic... to the extent allowed by law If you have any questions, please not hesitate to call us or email us at development@wisdompubs.org To keep up to date on the status of The Library o f Tibetan Classics,