Index natural versus synthesized ecosystems 3:88 plant functional traits 3:85F, 3:85T, 3:86 positive-feedback switches 3:86–87, 3:86F purpose 3:72 real ecosystems 3:88 resistance and resilience strategies 3:83–84, 3:83F resource dynamics 3:72–73, 3:74–75T, 3:75F synthesized ecosystems 3:86F, 3:87F, 3:88 taxonomic diversity 3:84 ecosystem productivity 1:386–388, 1:392, 3:91–92, 3:91T, 4:156–158 ecosystem services 1:341–356, 3:96–104 basic concepts 1:344, 7:315–316 biodiversity conservation 4:435 biodiversity–ecosystem services relationship 1:341, 3:342, 3:342 biodiversity impacts 1:389–391, 1:395–396, 1:396F, 7:316 biophysical measures 5:349 carrying capacity 7:75 China 3:372–384 background information 3:372 Ecosystem Function Zones (EFZs) 3:382 Grain-to-Green Program (GTGP) 3:379–380 land-use planning and human development 3:101 National Forest Conservation Program (NFCP) 3:375–376 Nature Reserve System (NRS) 3:372–373, 3:373F payment for ecosystem services (PES) 2:227 summary discussion 3:382 classifications 3:96, 3:97F climate change effects 2:105 coral reef ecosystems 2:343 countryside biogeography 2:352–353 cross-system services 3:96–98 cultural ecosystem services 1:332–340 basic concepts 1:333–335, 1:333F, 2:490T, 7:315–316 cultural diversity effects 1:335–336, 1:335F cultural services 1:334T desertification 2:490T esthetic services 5:353–354 general discussion 1:333 habitat services 1:334T marine ecosystems 5:451–452, 5:452T modeling frameworks 5:353 nature-based recreation models 5:353 provisioning services 1:334T regulating services 1:334T spiritual services 5:354 sustainable development 1:337–339 valuation language/value articulating institutions 1:336–337, 1:337T cultural services basic concepts 7:315–316 landscape scale 1:344–345 regulating services 1:334T sustainability 7:76T decision-making processes coastal and marine spatial planning 3:100–101 global policy and research efforts 3:101–102, 3:102F land-use planning and human development 3:101 service framework 3:99–100, 3:99F watershed management 3:100 definition 3:96 desertification 2:490T, 2:491 ecological restoration 4:199–208 advantages/disadvantages 4:199–200 basic concepts 4:199–200 ecosystem drivers 4:201 ecosystem restoration potential 4:203–204 ecosystem service restoration 4:201–202, 4:202T entire ecosystems 4:200–201, 4:202T explicit restoration targets 4:205 future outlook 4:205 global climate change 4:203 novel ecosystems 4:202–203 plant conservation 6:63, 6:85–87 restoration by-products 4:204 restoration justification 4:204–205 restoration targets 4:200–201 whole-ecosystem restoration 4:201 ecosystem function 3:90–91, 3:90T ecosystem functioning 1:342–344, 3:342 ecosystem processes 1:342–344, 3:342 energy flow 3:247 future challenges distributional effects 3:102–103 dynamic effects 3:103 ecosystem services–human health relationships 3:102 general discussion 3:102 institutional design 3:103 monetary and non-monetary valuations 3:103 research areas 3:103 shocks and uncertainty 3:103 tradeoffs and synergies 3:102 general discussion 3:96 global status 3:46T global urbanization impact dependence interactions 4:237–238, 4:238F environmental impact 4:235 management strategies 4:239F, 4:241–242 habitat services 1:334T historical background initial development 3:98–99 recent research 3:99 service disruptions 3:98–99 service framework 3:99, 3:99F 641 human well-being 1:345, 1:436, 7:77–80, 7:78F Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) 2:246–247, 3:101–102 landowner decisions 5:347–349 land use/land cover (LULC) patterns 5:348–349, 5:351–352 marine ecosystems 5:451–468 accounting assessment models 5:455–457 American lobster, Atlantic herring, and Northeast multispecies groundfish fisheries 5:464–465, 5:464F bioeconomic models 5:457–459 challenges 5:455 coastal zone management (Belize) 5:465, 5:465F conceptual framework 5:452–453 coral reef protection and restoration 5:465–466 cost–benefit analyses 5:459–463 coupled social–ecological systems model 5:453–455, 5:454F cross-system services 3:96–98 cultural ecosystem services 5:451–452, 5:452T decision-support tools 5:459–463, 5:460–462T, 5:463F future outlook 5:466 integrated ecosystem assessments (IEAs) 5:454–455 modeling approaches and uses 5:453 multiple ecosystem services 5:459–463 production function models 5:457–459 provisioning services 5:451–452, 5:452T regulating services 5:451–452, 5:452T revealed references methods 5:456–457 single ecosystem services 5:457–459 stated preference methods 5:457 supporting services 5:451–452, 5:452T tradeoffs 5:459–463 valuation measures 5:457 wind farms 5:466 marine sedimentary habitats filtration processes 5:112 general discussion 5:109 nutrient cycling 5:111 pollutant cycling 5:111–112 schematic diagram 5:111F secondary production 5:112 shoreline stability 5:112 species diversity connection 5:112–113 modeling frameworks animal pollination 5:354–355 basic principles 5:349–350 carbon storage and sequestration 5:351–352 consumable goods 5:349–350