844 Index viruses (continued) phenotypic and genotypic diversity DNA-containing viruses 5:142 genome size 5:140–141 host range 5:140 metagenomics 5:141–142 morphology 5:140 RNA-containing viruses 5:142 single-gene surveys 5:141, 5:141F taxonomic classifications 5:140 phenotypic diversity 5:129–132, 5:130F, 5:131F, 5:134T positive-sense ssRNA viruses Alvernaviridae 5:134T, 5:138 Astroviridae 5:134T, 5:138 Bacillarnavirus 5:134T, 5:138 Caliciviridae 5:134T, 5:138 characteristics 5:134T, 5:137 Dicistroviridae 5:134T, 5:137 Labyrnaviridae 5:134T, 5:138 Marnaviridae 5:134T, 5:137–138 Metaviridae 5:134T, 5:140 Nidovirales 5:134T, 5:137 Nodaviridae 5:134T, 5:138–139 Picornavirales 5:134T, 5:137 Roniviridae 5:134T, 5:137 Togaviridae 5:134T, 5:139 replication methods 5:127–129, 5:128F research summary 5:142 seawater concentrations 5:132–133, 5:132F, 5:133F ssDNA viruses Anelloviridae 5:134T, 5:136 characteristics 5:134T, 5:136 Circoviridae 5:134T, 5:136 Inoviridae 5:130F, 5:134T, 5:136 Microviridae 5:134T, 5:136 unassigned viruses 5:134T, 5:136–137 taxonomic diversity dsDNA viruses 5:134–135, 5:134T dsRNA viruses 5:134T, 5:137 general discussion 5:133–135 negative-sense ssRNA viruses 5:134T, 5:139 positive-sense ssRNA viruses 5:134T, 5:137 ssDNA viruses 5:134T, 5:136 Marseillevirus 6:585, 6:585F natural history museum research programs 5:415 nomenclature code 5:552 nonseed gene banks 3:652, 3:652T number of species 5:254T, 6:586T oceanic food web 5:49F parasitoids 5:678 phenotypic diversity 5:129–132, 5:130F, 5:131F replication methods 5:127–129, 5:128F RNA editing 5:573–574T, 5:578 zoonotic disease 1:519–520 Visayan hornbills 7:185 Viscaceae 4:71, 6:315T viscachas 3:188 Viscum album 4:77, 5:673 Viscum cruciatum 4:77 visible light 7:297F Vitaceae 3:129T vitamins 6:113T Vitellaria paradoxa 1:50 viticulture 2:300 Vitis 5:622F Vitis vinifera 1:463, 2:662–663 Viverridae body mass 1:687F food categories 1:690F, 1:691F home range size 1:687F species diversity 1:686 viverrids 4:693, 4:701T Vjetrenica (Bosnia and Herzegovina) 7:58, 7:59T, 7:60 vleis 7:369T Voandzeia subterranea 2:663 Vochysiaceae 6:316T Vochysia haenkiana 1:161 Vogt, William 2:285, 3:99 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) 1:281–282, 1:679–680, 1:680T, 2:680 volcanism dispersal biogeography 2:547, 2:548–549F mass extinctions 3:418 plant biodiversity–climate relationship 2:115–117, 3:118 tropical forest regeneration 7:277–278 tropical soils 7:271 voles alpine ecosystems 1:154–155 biotic relationships 1:710 boreal forests 1:631–632 food webs 7:266F, 7:267T Volterra–Gause perspective 2:595–596, 4:40–42 Volterra, Vito 2:178–180 Volvariella volvacea 3:637T Volvox 6:30 Volvox aureus 6:33F Vombatus hacketti 5:364F Vombat usursinus 4:363–364 vomiting 3:635T von Baer, Karl-Ernst 3:393–394, 5:629–630 von Ihering method 5:670 Vorticella 6:295 vulcanism 1:554 Vulpes 1:709 Vulpes lagopus 1:236 Vulpes velox 3:192 Vulpes vulpes 1:80, 1:631–632, 5:475 Vulpes zerda 4:693 vultures evolutionary convergence 1:617 oil-palm plantations 5:603 veterinary chemicals 2:544 W Waăchtershaăuser, Guănther 5:631 wadis 2:461 wad/wadden 7:369T Wagner optimization 2:40, 2:41F Wahlund effect 6:190–191 Wake Island rail 1:621 Wallabaia indra 5:364F wallabies 4:687T, 4:688–689, 6:333 Wallacea 6:82T Wallace, Alfred Russell biogeographic regions 1:578, 1:579F dispersal theories 2:539–540 evolutionary theories 2:421, 2:424, 4:651–652, 5:628 Southern Hemisphere ecosystems 6:612–613 vicariance biogeography 7:343 Wallace, David Foster 4:654 walleye pollock 5:58–60 walleye trout 1:10T, 1:12F Wallis & Futuna Islands deforestation 2:449T island ecosystems 5:592F walnuts native crops 2:662–663 seed protection 7:26 walruses adipose tissue 7:34–35 characteristics 5:67 extinctions 5:90 predation effects 6:236 species diversity 4:693 taxonomy 5:65T Walsingham Caves (Bermuda) 7:58, 7:59T warble flies 3:489–491T warbler finches 1:27–28, 1:28F warblers beak shape 1:604F guilds 4:33–35, 4:34F habitat–niche relationship 4:44, 4:45F interspecific competition 2:188–189, 2:188F warbling vireos 4:174 warfare effects 3:192 wart biter katydids 3:225, 3:225F warthogs 4:696 waru-warus 1:123–124 Washington nonvascular epiphytes 3:521T urbanization–biodiversity impacts 4:564 Wasmannia auropunctata 5:598F wasps characteristics 4:392 Near East ecosystems 5:460T, 5:463T, 5:464T number of species 4:392T pollination 6:141T, 6:142 waste disposal 1:512, 1:512F Wasur Biru 1:276T water anthropogenic impacts acidification and pollution 3:572–574, 3:577–578 agricultural and industrial chemicals 3:575–576, 3:580–581, 3:581F areal reductions 3:573–574 eutrophication 3:575F, 3:576–577, 3:576F hydrological cycle changes 3:574–575 lake eutrophication 3:581–582