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Helping Students with Learning Differences Navigate the College Applica;on Process to Find the Right Fit Carol Rose – MS Educa;onal Counseling, Educa;onal Therapist Director of the Academic Support Center Jesuit High School Kathleen J Williams Director of Admissions – West Coast Sacred Heart University What Are Colleges Looking For When Considering a Student with LD? Documented Learning Difference/ADHD College preparatory course of study Commitment to work with a learning specialist Students who are ready and willing to work hard to succeed •  Self-advocates, goal oriented, believes in self •  Accep;ng of assistance/commiQed to program •  Has knowledge of his/her LD (strengths, challenges) •  •  •  •  What’s a High School Student with LD to Do? (College Prepara;on) Transcript/Academic Record Test scores Get to know the school counselor Get to know teachers U;lize special services/programs AQend college fairs, rep visits, and colleges with programs •  Update LD documenta;on (10th, 11th, 12th grade) •  •  •  •  •  •  LD Documenta;on •  Full psycho-educa;onal evalua;on •  Tes;ng should have a cogni;ve and achievement component •  It must clearly state the disability (DSM V) •  Describe history, state func;onal limita;ons, list recommenda;ons and accommoda;ons, establish professional creden;als High School vs College Supports •  •  •  •  •  Difference in laws Parental support vs school support Difference in documenta;on requirements Self-advocacy Importance of student understanding of his/ her learning differences Timeline to Apply to College •  Freshman Year – Get the best grades you can! Get involved in the school and/or community v Apply for accommoda;ons if taking PSAT in 10th grade •  Sophomore Year – PSAT/PLAN (Begin to explore colleges) v Apply for tes;ng accommoda;ons •  Junior Year – PSAT in October – SAT/ACT Spring v Visit colleges/use resources •  Senior Year – SAT/ACT Fall tes;ng v Visit colleges/use resources A Word About Standardized Tes;ng •  SAT (College Board)/ACT •  Some colleges are test op;onal ( Test Op(onal Colleges - FairTest •  fairtest.org/university/op&onal) •  Know the college policies regarding tes;ng •  Apply for tes;ng accommoda;ons early (at least 8 weeks before the first PSAT) •  Counselors use specific web portals to apply for each student’s tes;ng accommoda;ons Tes;ng Con;nued… New SAT (College Board) rules regarding tes;ng accommoda;ons (January 2017) If a student has an IEP, 504, or other school-based plan that meets College Board criteria, accommoda;ons are approved College Board criteria for students: 1.  Documented disability 2.  Par;cipa;on in exams is impacted by their ability 3.  The specific accommoda;ons requested are needed •  •  •  •  •  Accommoda;ons for College Admissions Tes;ng Total tes;ng ;me: 3 hours plus (50 minutes for the op;onal essay - SAT) ACT – 2:55 plus 35 Students can apply for extended-;me for parts of the test and they must “sit” for the en;re ;me for which they applied (SAT) Poten;ally, total test ;me is 6 hours There are currently many op;ons for accommoda;ons including tes;ng over mul;ple days when needed ACT offers self paced extended-;me Standardized Tes;ng Accommoda;ons List •  Reading Math Science (ACT) Wri;ng Essay •  Extended-;me (50%, 100%, breaks, mul;ple Days) •  Reading onen means ET for en;re test Ø  large print, reader, audio, braille, magnifier •  Recording Answers/Wri;ng Ø  large block answer sheet, word processor for essay, scribe, record answers in test book •  Modified seong (sea;ng, small group) COLLEGE SECLECTION •  Determine the necessary level of support •  Use the Internet and Guidebooks •  Talk with parents, teachers and counselors •  Ask the college representa;ve who comes to your high school •  AQend college fairs •  Visit LD support programs when visi;ng a college campus TYPES OF COLLEGE SUPPORT PROGRAMS •  STRUCTURED PROGRAMS •  COORDINATED SERVICES •  BASIC SERVICE PROGRAMS Structured Support Programs •  Significant and comprehensive supports •  Usually fee to join and commitment contract required •  Some programs have a separate admission process Trained staff, orienta;on programs, academic monitoring, assistance with advocacy Colleges With Structured LD Programs: •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  Curry College American University Landmark College Hofstra University Mercyhurst College Lynn University Fairleigh Dickinson – Florham University of Arizona Rochester Ins;tute of Technology Mitchell College, CT Beacon University of Denver Marist College STRUCTURED PROGRAMS Marist College: –  Eligibility: 1) Documented diagnosis of a learning disability and/or ADD or ADHD; 2) College preparatory course of study and 3) CommiQed to working with a program specialist –  Applica;on: 1) Regular and Learning Support Program; 2) Psych exam results (WAIS or WISC) within 3 years to include diagnosis, subtest scores, history and recommenda;ons for accommoda;ons; 3) Most recent IEP/ 504; 4) Two leQers of recommenda;on from those familiar with learning style; 5) Essay as specified on the Learning Support Program Applica;on –  Cost and Commitment: 1) $2,500 per semester; 2) Freshman year commitment COORNIDATED SERVICES •  Moderate level of support provided These programs onen have a Learning Disabili;es Specialist on staff who assists students in coordina;ng their accommoda;ons •  Services may include: •  Learning Strategies Instruc;on •  Counseling •  Tutoring •  Assistance with advocacy Colleges With Coordinated Services •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  Select UC and CSU and CC campuses Boston College Boston University Brown University Cornell University University of Oregon Regis University Santa Clara University USC University of Puget Sound USF Adelphi University What are Basic Services? Designed for the highly mo;vated and independent self-advocator •  Usually – no LD specialist on staff •  One on one tutoring •  Note-takers •  Wri;ng labs •  Assis;ve technology •  Tes;ng accommoda;ons Basic Service Programs •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  Some support offered/complies with the law Sacred Heart University Oregon State University University of Redlands Loyola Marymount University University of the Pacific Emory University MarqueQe University St Lawrence University Oberlin College Whioer College Southern Methodist University How do Students Apply for Services? •  Undergraduate Admission applica;on •  Supplementary applica;on for Learning Support Program •  Essay for each applica;on •  Recommenda;ons from high school/learning resources •  Documenta;on of LD (3 years old – 10th, 11th, or 12th grade) Applying for Services con;nued… Documenta;on should: - Have a narra;ve history - Discuss func;onal limita;ons -Contain recommenda;ons for accommoda;ons -List current levels of achievement (math, reading, wriQen expression) -Most recent IEP/504 Plan/Other FWP Examples of Accommoda;ons in College Books in alternate format – Learning Ally Note-takers Tes;ng accommoda;ons (i.e extended-;me) Readers, scribes, calculator use, computer use, adap;ve technology (i.e Livescribe Pen) •  Accommoda;on as required by specific disability •  Colleges do NOT onen modify curriculum •  •  •  •  Successful People with LD •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  Keira Knightley (Dyslexia) Orlando Bloom (Dyslexia) Michael Phelps (ADHD) Daniel Radcliffe (Dyspraxia) Whoopi Goldberg (Dyslexia) Steven Spielberg (Dyslexia) Jus;n Timberlake (ADD and OCD) Christopher Knight aka Peter Brady (ADHD) Resources •  www.collegeboard.com •  www.act.org •  www.affordablecollegesonline.org/collegeresource •  The K & W Guide to Colleges for Students with Learning Disabili;es by Kravets and Wax •  College Guide for Students with Learning Disabili;es by Sclafani and Lynch THANKS and QUESTIONS •  See 2016 SLC presenta;on: Execu3ve Func3oning: Counseling the College Bound Student by Peggy Hock, Ph.D, Jani Ross and Judy Alessandri •  See 2016 SLC presenta;on: Student Services Programs in CSU for Students with Learning Disabili3es by Ka;e Brown and Pamela Baird •  hQp://www.friendshipcircle.org/blog/ 2011/12/02/17-great-colleges-for-students-withspecial-needs/

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2022, 21:57
