Rang wé xidng }zGi gdosu- ni ik & A BRK Let me think about it and Ill tell you later
Trang 2
Ậ2#E 2
Standard Course 2
lx BEARS tm the classrccm #3 đ; Text Wđmen xiờwù qù kèn diènyỉng, ho mơ? A: #11 T#+4 b#, +17? 98) Jintian xiùàwũ wđ méiyđu shắjiõn, mắngtiõn B: 4X T#4\ RA HA, WR xidwii zai qu ba TFs, NI xiang kan shénme didnying? A: th & HA BH?
Rang wé xidéngxiang zai gaosu ni
Bik & BB ASHE,
English Version New Words
A: Let's go to see a movie this afternoon, | zai adv again, once more
shall we? 2 iE: rằng v tolet, to allow
B:Im not free this afternoon LetỖs go 5 jf gàosù v totell
tomorrow afternoon
A: Which movie would you like to see? B: Let me think about it and I'll tell you later
HN 5% inthe Dorm BD v2
Wéaibian tiõãnqì hỌn hăo, wđỏmen chũaqu yùndòng yùndòng baẨ
LA: sia RU, AT HA sh sh ve!
i Ni déngdeng wé, hao ma? Wang ldoshi rang wé géi Dawei TB: tk $F A, HB] EAM Gk ABAD dă ge diònhuờ ath BiG, Huilai zai dé ba Zh&éo Dawéi yéu shénme shiging ma? A: BRAC, RALA HA ầ 15) Tingshué Dawei bing le, wé xiăng zhăo shắjiản qi kankan ta B: 7% Xk1!l#ả7, 4 4# Ậ nhị +44 tù,
English Version New Words
Á: IẺs a nice day outside Let's go out to do some exercise 4 $* dễng v
B: Please wait for me for a minute, will you? Professor to wait, to await Wang asked me to give David a call 5 HR, zhăo v A: Call him after we come back WhatỖs the matter? to look for B: T heard that David is sick I want to visit him sometime 6, Hf shìqing n
Trang 3ENNEZES/820i
At the front desk of a hotel & 03
Fúwùyuớn, wé fangjian de mén da bu kai le A: MFR, KRSM #4 ỳ14rệ77 Nin zhi nage fangjian? B: & EM Zi? SGn yao qi As: 317, Hao de, wé jido rén qi kankan B: 4 4, RY ALAA English Version
A: Excuse me, I canỖt open my door B: Which room do you stay in? A: Room 317, B: OK I'll send someone to have a check In a store B 084 Em-:: SAF Basse CS Ở New Word 7 ARF ứ fúwùyuớn n attendant, waiter/waitress Ni kankan zhé jf jian yifu z8nmeydng : ft ##t LIU RULE Z AF Zhé jidn bai de ySudidnr chang, nd jiòn 1k A OHARIL K, ABH hẽi de yđudiănr guì RHAAILR, Zhè jin hong de ne? Zhé shi jintian xin Idi de 1k z t9) RADAR HAH, Rang wé zai kankan Bit RB AA,
English Version New Words
A: What do you think of these dresses? 8 bdi adj white B: This white one is a little bit too long That 9.2 héi adj black
black one is a bit expensive 10.3 gui adj expensive A: What about this red one? This one has
just got here today B: Thanks IỖll look around
Trang 4FRAEBFE 2
Standard Course 3
SER BaaỘ , ẢẶIỢ The Interrogative Sentence Ộ+ +, #03Ợ
It is used to ask about another personỖs idea or opinion For example:
(2) MBA FAABRAT RG, 1718) (3) &fIif*+ 4t, 1
EMNBI3R ỘE7Ợ The Adverb ỘệỢ
It indicates the repetition or continuation of an action or a state It can also indicate that an action will happen under a certain circumstance For example: ; Ìpnav Predicate eae L3 ị vao) a ỞỞỞ ỞỞỞe 4414 * ?c, Ớ (tk) (A8) 8 ẹ$ #?ưttt 32154) Pivotal Sentences
Fa Wa Pe eM, BRA Tol
WER Wha ee ỘRS ik ONỢ Bias plan:
The predicate of a pivotal sentence is made up of two verbal phrases, the object of the first verb being the subject of the second The first verb is often a causative verb, such as ỘjfỢ (to invite), ỘLEỢ (to let) and Ộ|Ợ (to ask) For example:
Subject V O/S Predicate
& if Me i "eth,
tt ik sả TẢ,
4 " A +44
Trang 5BWWAVBB Ở Reduplication of Verbs
By ial ty BIE A ATA Te), DAR, Ri, SEAR, TARE RS, BE, #HITHìãnh pilin:
The reduplicative form of a verb indicates a short time, a small quantity, a slight degree or an attempt, conveying a relaxed and casual mood It is often used in spoken Chinese For example:
SE ahi) WARIS; Reduplicative forms of monosyllabic verbs: SAF ABs CS Ở A AA AỞA at % ata HF i CF at Ah hah DFA Hie] A) AILS: Reduplicative forms of disyllabic verbs: AB ABAB $39 FIED 4 424 iam) 3 BH}
#5] 2Rựì#ì# È Role-play the dialogs
Exercises 481Zì# I3 ÍEl#f|BjÊự Answer the questions based on the dialogs
Tamen wéi shénme jintian xiawt bu qu kan diònyỉng?
ệ ++#Jf %ẨẨ21L1k#4+ 1% Tải t2)
Wúóng lằoshỉ wèi shénme ràng t8 gỌi Dòwèi dé dianhua?
@ệ x42 Ý? Dòwèi zénme le?
@ 1.39 ẨẨ 2 41_#- ự 3T È.2ặ2 Tả wèi shénme gẽi fúwùyuón dă diànhuè?
@ 1b ẨẨ 2 2-8313 1Ẩ# #92 Tả wèi shénme bù xỉhuan nà jiàn hẽi de?
Trang 6
Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words
i Mama, women yigi ho ma? | ị #15, BAM] Ae Ừ FB? | Zaijian, wd mingtian zai BRL, & WMA F ồ Batt Lăoshỉ ràng wỏ zòi BR ik & FH " Lđoshỉjùo téngxuémen 207 | ae , lẢ#i WEE 248 Intonation of a Declarative Sentence @ ụas P iati
Trang 7ỈỪw%Z WMỈ*f3 ỘxỢ A ỘihỢ Chinese Radicals: ỘxỢ and ỘpỢ Characters r T = ỞỞỞỞỞ ta ERE WF _ Radical Explanation Example Characters SAF Dias se CS Ở X3, #vZ## | Huôn deụlBgw
The radical of ỘxỢ can have a variety of |
meanings _ xf duì right, correct
| DPR, KASH BAER | ae tạng chớp sai
The radical ỘifỢ is usually related to cotton or
silk products or textiles 9B mao _ hat, cap
ìH BE WASH Pair Work
Application AUT ERLE Shia], ACRE A ARS BIL PK
Trang 864 RAE Standar 29 2 d Course 3 /J\#H3ZãẢJ) Group Work 3-4, RARE A , LAR
Trang 11zx W8 cnt frame Sy 00-4
Text Nt héio! Qingwén Zhang Huan zai ma? eit! HA Kk AM?
Nĩ dăcuò le, _wđỏmen zhèr méiyđu
jido Zhang Huan de > ẶK 3 #9, Dulbud/ It A, A: English Version
A: Hello! May I speak to Zhang Huan? B: YouỖve got the wrong number There isnỖt a person called Zhang Huan here A: I'm sorry In the sehoot Ds 092 English Version A: At what age did you start to learn dancing? B: L was seven when I danced for the first time
A: My daughter is seven now I hope she can learn to dance from you, can she? B: Sure ItỖs my pleasure
New Word
4& cud adj wrong, incorrect
Nin céng ji sui kdishi xuéxi tid w: ? HAMIL FAFD MH? Wđ dì yỉ ci tito wii shi zai gi suid shắhou RP KH # RAC HH MK, Wé6 niỖér jinnidn yé qi sulle Wéodxiw +tã RENAF REIT KH 6 néng gén nin xué tito wi, kỌyỉ mo? fe SRE EMH TW?
Méi wénti, féichang hudnying
: RAM, AER shake,
New Words
LAK céng prep from 3 9H tidowi v todance 4 %Ở diyi num first
Trang 13ERB ERS Athome & 0
Nĩ zhidào ma? Dàwèi zhăodàèo gõngzuò le A: (toi 5) k1 RS] LH T, Tai ho le! Tả cóng shénme shắhou kaishi shang ban? Bi AX T! MA HA RIE L 1) Céng xia ge xingqi vĩ kỏishĩ A: AW OF AEM Ở Fe Zhé shi ta de di yi ge géngzud, xiwang tỏ néng xỉhuan B: ik AMHR LH, HB we Ask, ASE - Ros Ở
English Version New Word
A: You know what? David has 8 Eầặ shang ban v to work, todo
got a job ajob
B: ThatỖs great! When will he start to work?
A: Next Monday
B: This is his first job I hope he will like it
ENNEZZSE im the classroom Bs 004
Zuótiãn de kéoshi zénmeyang? A: ER WAR BAH? Ni déu tingdéng le ma? wap HE TS? Tingdong le B: Fie 7 Ni déu zudwén le méiyéu? A: ft#t #2 ỉ RA? Tắ tòi duõ, wđ méi zuòwón B: BAF, RRMA
English Version New Words
A: How was the test yesterday? Did you 9.j déng v tounderstand,
understand everything you heard? 1n
B: Yes, I did 10.5%, wón vy to finish, to end
A: Did you finish the test paper? 11.38 tắ n question, problem B: There were too many questions, I
didnỖt finish all of them
Trang 14RAE 2 Standard Course 2 3+ #4 2ì Complements of Result _Ở Notes Ở Leah aUE Ai WED Aa, ATE PAAR, EAM TEERANE (ND:
Some verbs or adjectives can be used after a verb to add remarks about the result of an action They are called complements of result For example: ị RT Ral LT i | i i
Ộ& (AF )Ợ is added before the verb to form the negative form of a complement of
result, in which case ỘJỢ cannot appear at the end of the sentence For example: tebe Wikis, (FRM)
Trang 15PA {$5 ỘKKỢ The Preposition Ộ)\Ợ
2tỉl ỘJ4Ợ 5|tiỞEtRllhl, ỞEE#ff, Ở[F#fJW#9⁄4it5sk#Ở2J#2I89 2, JER ỘBIỢ Ở RACE Bilan:
The preposition Ộ}\Ợ introduces the starting point of a period of time, a distance, a
process or a sequence, often used together with Ộ!)Ợ, For example: aS - 3# Ạ@ ỞỞ 1 A #| B | mm BR 3b? #| bie RAE ILA BF 4 ELI AR BA #| RF ARH LER, AR FREMỞ Wie (LH),
EMMỘ ~" HAW Ộ#~' Indicating Order
Ộ$5Ợ is often used before a numeral-measure-word phrase to indicate order For example: 1% ci] (Num ) Hd (M) id (N) # Ở x # % = + 1 % = xz KF
#3) 5) 3 SPAWAR Role-play the dialogs
Exercises *RIAVRXABSEAS YM Answer the questions based on the dialogs
O Z)FAIUY FE F HHI Ldoshi céng ji sul kdishi xué tido wi?
@ EVRA YK ILE "Y? Ldoshi xidng jido ta de nivér tito wũ ma?
@KEHAAHRELLF? Dawei shénme shắhou qù gõngzuò? O LAF RAAF ME T 952 Zhè ci kdoshi ta dou tingdéng le ma?
@ RFRA ZR? Ta kdoshi wai shénme méi zuòwón?
Trang 16
REBT 2 Standard Course _2 ER ARM SHBS AAA Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words Céng ba didn dao shiỖér didn tamen A AA a TS OR eM dõu zòi a Thủ Ở Ở
j2 NNNSEfEÌ)2J/9/SIẢ Intonation of a Yes-No Question $Ề, sss
Trang 17Su MSs Ộ+Ợ A ỘnwỢ Chinese Radicals: Ộ+Ợ and ỘnwỢ Characters ' | Ở ' #8 RE BIE | Radical | Explanation Example Characters | WES - RoHS Oo Ở
| HAS, SVL ih, MAK, 3X kuồi lump,pieee
| Ậ The radical ỘƑ* is usually related to soil,land 4#, dì earth, land, | _ or buildings ground | ị | | | | i WAU, SHARK 2: ae | | The radical ỘỢ is usually related to fire or | _ the use of fire # héi_ black
iE ERE ASE Pair Work
Application DED A ORAL EF, LCM, BSE TUL FBR, WRK RE ỞỞ )\MẨ^RH&JTta*^3J E1[18?
Trang 18EB 2 Standard Course 2 /\\48553) Group Work
Trang 19Bié zhdo le, shduji zai zhudzi shang ne AUR T, FUERTE ỔStop looking for your cell phone; itỖs on the desk m PAE 2 RAEN A A Match the pictures with the words/phrases Warm-up [A] B he ml ID] xigua jidan xiũxi @ G3: A ee chi yao shđujT zhùnbèi wũfùn ỘG T5 8 " 7PN86' STaiMAMLABHRB Add an appropriate object after each of the following verbs $i 40: xué Hànyử *# Re ting ti wónr
vijẢkeitƯ lê): Se #)L (to play)
xié xia kai
5 T #
Trang 20ẬÈ#E 32 Standard Course ly HỚNNZ3Z Athome & 101 1 - Text Búyòo kèn diònshì le, mắngtiản shàngwũ A: ệ* 4 È#LẶ, WX LF hói yỏu Hànyũ kè ne EA RE RE, Kèn diònshì duì xué Hànyù yỏu bãngzhù B: A BAL Xt RIA BD Mắngtiãn de kè nỉ dõu zhũnbèi hăo le ma? A: FAR #ệl4*#* (4ặ 1Ặ ỳ*5) Dõu zhũnbèi ho le B: a IT
English Version New Words
A: Stop watching TV YouỖll have a Chinese 1: kè n class, lesson
class tomorrow morning 1 RB bảngzhù v to help, to
B: Watching TV is good for Chinese learning assist, to aid A: Are you well prepared for the lessons
B: Yes, Iam
FAG Im the hospital BD 102
Bié kèn bàozhỉ le, yishéng shud ni ydo dud xiũxi BARAT, BE MRR SKA, Hao, bikanle GỌi wỏ yì bẽi chó bơ :?, X47 # AT #v6, Yishéng shué chi yao hòu liễng ge xiảoshắ búyòo hẽ chó :E4 % "t3 6 ử5 41t S&*ậX, Yishéng hai shuỏ shénme le? BBS ặwH #27? Yishéng rang ni ting wé de A: BA ik ey AH,
English Version New Word
A: Stop reading the newspaper The doctor said you 3.1 bié adv donỖt need more rest
B: OK Give me a cup of tea
A: The doctor said you shouldnỖt drink tea during the first two hours after youỖ ve taken the medicine B: What else did the doctor say?
Trang 212H Af Home $S; 103 Ni zénme măile zhème duỏ dõngxi a? A: 11462 XĩT L2 # RBM? Gége jintian zhéngwit huflai chi fan BFHSK PF BRUM
W6 kankan mai shénme le Ydngrdu, jidan,
A:Ả #4 X HAT $A, BR,
midntido, xigud +- zhén bu shdo! Mama ne? HR, Hho HRY! 1345 2 Zhéngzdi zhiinbéi wiifan ne! BEAR Re FRE! English Version A: Why did you buy so many things? TBH NAPS 4H = EERO New Words
4.%F3F gẽge n elder brother
B: Our elder brother will come back tohave s, #8 jidòn n (henỖs) egg
lunch, 6 JK xiguả on watermelon
A: Let me see Mutton, eggs, noodles, water- = 7_ E fe zhéngzdi adv
melon ThatỖs a lot! Where is Mom? in the process of B: She is preparing lunch!
GERER= Athome & 104
: Ni zai zhăo shénme? tree BR 42? Ni kanjian wé de shéuji le ma? Bóisè de RAL RH FMT? HEH, Bié zhđo le, shđujỉ zòi zhudzi shang ne, Al RT, FRARF Lb %, dianndo pangbian ei Fil,
Ni kanjian wé de yifu le mg? Hóngsè de nè jiòn
Tá Ất RL RAFTS? 2 & AB HE,
Na jian yỉfu wđ bang ni xi le, zai waibian ne
A: AB RRR BARAT, & 2Đ là %<,
English Version New Words
A: What are you looking for? 8 #4 shđujỉ n cell phone B: Have you seen my cell phone? ItỖs white 9.# %Ì VÍ lQo wwasli, to bathe A: Stop looking for your cell phone ItỖs on
the desk, beside the computer
B: Have you seen my garment? The red one A: [have washed it for you ItỖs hung outside
Trang 22PHBE 2 Standard Course 2 ER MR, RE Ty Ble 7 Notes The Imperative Sentence ỘAS3E +++- 7 /đl|-::::: 7Ợ 342R3UMIst2#IElfWl#fFM4W ĐÁ: This sentence structure is used to dissuade or forbid somebody from doing something For example: ( `} a A ARIK BT | Ts
gpi) ỘxtỢ The Preposition ỘxtỢ
Spi ỘKEỢ ATR AAA JAE eA ZB IER AN: The preposition ỘX{Ợ can indicate a subject-target relation between people or things For example: {
& 3) 4)f8 BAIRIC Role-play the dialogs
Exercises IRIBIRYDIEIEIREIIEE Answer the questions based on the dialogs
@ BTMNLABHA? Héizimen zhéngzdi zud shénme?
Mama wéi shénme bi rang tamen kan didnshi le?
Trang 23
@ "LAVAGE TAB RY? Chi yao yihou kỌyỉ hẽ chú ma?
Ta jintién dou maile shénme déngxi? Wei shénme yao mai zhéme dud?
@ 1tẬn:Ọ 5 tủ É #4 ZB? NỈ zhidào nón de zhéngzdi zhéo shénme ma?
- vv
Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words
Ni de bing yijing hole, bié le ị tú ự 0 4T, 4L TS Bié le, mingtian hdi yao ALT, WR ZS shang xué ne ý ĐÓ #9, ~- mL dui shénti hén héo ỞỞỞ* ## AR HF, i dui xuéx! Yingyù ydu bangzho : ⁄ 4 "Ở
ae MB 35/9) 418 Intonation ofa Specific Question ẹ) 10.5
Franuntiatlen REMC, BZ RAE Re lún,
The interrogative pronoun is stressed, and the intonation of the part of the sentence following the stress falls gradually For example:
Trang 24PRB 2 Standard Course 2 SU MNS ỘiỢ A ỘexỢ Chinese Radicals: ỘgỢ and Ộ*~Ợ Characters es RE WF
, Radical Explanation Example Characters
| | EPH, MGMT, | 3E chữo toexeeed
| a The radical Ộé_Ợ is usually related to the act of (ỌSM(pP9
| i running or walking (4# qi to get up, to rise
| we RL, ỞWHIUW, BJE#% = i Ser %3 chuựn topierce The e radi radical Ộ2XỢ ¡ is usually relate ally related to holes, oles, ng ( | caves or houses i to penetrate mm ẬãH HNNXAS5SI Pair Work
Work in pairs Choose appropriate words and use Ộ4S3E-+++- TỢỘBI - JỢ to make
sentences |
Buydo wanr diònnđỌo le
Trang 2548555 Group Work
3-4AỞ#1, HiZBI Ộ4iỢ RU, eG
Trang 26a i ì
% Wve, Awa , SR, SOR WIR TER
6, MENA, AUIS fi Ý ` -
th delicious and beneficial to our health It can help people refresh themselves, defer agi grevent diseases and even lose weight There are
a variety of Chinese tea, such as black tẠa, non-fermented green tea, half-fermented green tea
and scented tea People drink different kinds of tea in different seasons Generally spỖ in people drink scented tea in spring, non-fermented green tea in summer, kattenecfffEn
tea in autumn, and black tea in winter `
If you have an opportunity to visit China some day, you should have a taste of the Chinese Chinese people love drinking tea
Trang 27th be BR = #
He is three years older than me
Warm-up Match the pictures with the words/phrases tido wi shud hud nũ 0ụ Ox Ox*ề hdizi chang gé nón .- - Ở- Os) Rip ae @3% ( RA PRAM Ria
Try to say the antonyms of the following words
gu) du} zu6
f(a) Shae) # oe)
lái qian lĩ
T9 ) TT or a ==.' /)
Trang 28)ậ HỚNZ Imakarache bạt Bs le es Text Wang Fang, zudtian hé ni yigi chang gẽ A:# 2, !fẨX#tlt-kồải HK de rén shì shéi? LẠC 2: Yi ge péngyou B: Ở4 MA, Shénme péngyou? Shi bu shi nanpéngyou? A: 4 42 MAI RGR BMA? Bú shì bú shì, wđ tóngxué jièshèo de, zuótiõn dì yi cl jian B: S#Z&, Ả Fị# 4, !ẨX#ỞkÉ
English Version New Words
A: Wang Fang, who was the guy with | "8% ching gé v tosing you in the karaoke yesterday? 2 F nón adj man, male B: A friend
A: What friend? Boyfriend?
B: No My classmate set me up with him We met only yesterday
Bees the dom B 12
Zudbian zhége kan baozhi de ni hdizi A: *xj RN A RAHKAF shi ni jiéjie ma? 3 1tin4n*5 Shi, ydubian xié zi de nage rén shi wé gége BX, BL SFHMPPARATF Ni gége dud da? A: MPA S K? Ershiwii sui, ta bi w6 dé san sui B25 3#, lubảk<ở, New Words English Version 82
A:Is the girl on the leftreadinga 3.$+ = ni adj woman, female newspaper your elder sister? 4.9%F hdizi n child, kid
B: Yes And the guy on the right 5.23 ydubian n right, right side writing is my elder brother 6 6 bắ prep
A: How old is he?
B: 25 He is three years older than me
Trang 29BEEBE Atastore @ 15 Jintian de xigua z&nme mai? A: SK BREA #) San kudi wii yi jin BSR AF, BY zustian pidnyi A: HORE R 483,
Shi, pắngguđ yỌ br zudtian pidnyi yixié Ở Nin Idi diđnr ba
ill>t#ặta ĐÈ
English Version New Word
A: WhatỖs the price of watermelons today? 7 J# # pidnyi adj
B: Three yuan and a half per 500 grams cheap, inexpensive A: ItỖs cheaper than the price yesterday,
B: Yes The apples are also cheaper Why not take some? G4} im the school @ 114 - - Qidnbian shud hua de nage rén jiù shì wđ de Hònyử AML HCORMAHLAH RE lằoshỉ Ni k&néng bi rénshi ta Jf tắt TRE RUGR Shi xin Idi de Hànyũ lăoshỉ mg? B: Ọ HAM RE SIF 95) Shì qùnión lới de, ta xìng Wóng, èrshắbđ su AL RAFAH, We ặ, 28 #, Tả bĩ wỏmen lảoshĩ xiăo liễng su B: HER] BVP yy mgỪ,
English Version New Words
A: The woman speaking in front of us is my Chinese teacher You may 8.76 shudhud v to speak, to say, to talk
not know her 9 AE kénéng
aux maybe, perhaps, B: Is she a new-comer?
probably A: She came here last year Her family 10 ặ4 qùnián n lastyear
name is Wang, 28 years old 11 de xing v family name, surname B: She is two years younger than my
Trang 30
jE ẢjJlì8l⁄442{ZEìãả A Verb (Phrase) Used as an Attributive Modifier
Notes SRSA, RAP LACS "6ồ BỊ:
7 When a verb or verb phrase is used as an attributive modifier, ỘfiJỢ should be put between the modifier and the word modified For example:
FodeỞ ae BK %
ỘteỢ $4) (1) The ỘEtỢ Sentence (1)
Fu ỘbeỢ Sea ELBE EO ỘeeỢ Se BEỢ SATB AT IE jal Pili:
ỔA ỘEUỢ sentence is a sentence using ỘLt,Ợ to make a comparison The predicate of the
sentence can be an adjective For example:
ỘAYEATB+ ++Ợ is the negative form of a Ộ}éỢ sentence For example:
Trang 31
When describing the difference between things, a specific number is used to specify the difference, ỘỞ JLỢ or ỘỞs&Ợ indicates the difference is slight, and Ộ4Ợ or Ộ482Ợ
indicates the difference is significant For example: tlil>#fxr4 P22 Ở A ira B Adj SURAT (Num-M ) BIR He ER t FIR, 4# 3 l2 fe, Ậ? Ở*JL, BR He ER * HS, He tt BME ab Re Sahil ỘTTAEỢ The Auxiliary Verb Ộay@eỢ
ỘHIậKỢ 32RÍNìF, th, nRỨ #JHZESÙiH, tH EEA fale:
It means ỘmaybeỢ indicating an estimation It can be used before the verb or subject of a sentence For example:
(1) RET HEF Bh ee tà EM ỳ Ấ (2) THERA RARER
(3) WT HE RDG,
#3 OD ff BABAR SC Role-play the dialogs
ees iRIEWXINSIEI#IBEE Answer the questions based on the dialogs
Zudtian hé Wang Fang yigi chang gẽ de rén shì shéi?
ẹ Ư19 # TK t9 +-3ẢẨ 1#? Zuđbian kèn bàozhĩ de nữ hóizi shì shéi?
ệ 34493Ƒ'Ặ25# ỳ , 3đ # X ỳ ? Tô de gage ershiwii suile, ta duo dale?
OE AM EKRT HES YR Zuctian de xiguõ kỌnéng mài duỏshqo qián?
ẹ L4)FAHZ IPB? Weng ldoshi shì xin lăoshỉ mo?
Trang 32
EOE BE 2 Standard Course_2 ER SARAH MARAE Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words, Lù pắngguđ bĩ hóng pắngguđ ROR te ER ồ Jiéjie bi w6 $ALE HE A Zuótiõn sũnshắwũ dù, jỉntiãn wR 35ồ, ERK ; méiyỷu k RA Gẽge xuéxắ hỌn hăo, wỏ méiyđu THEIR, RRA je
aa QE Ri) _ Intonation of an Affirmative-Negative Question @y 11-5
Pronunciation #ịh/EMM2ĐHIĐE, SEM2LHUE, ME ETREMIÌRRĐIMH, MHẾ iene Ph Pld:
The affirmative part is stressed and the negative part is unstressed The affirmative- negative phrase is read fast, and the intonation falls gradually after the stress For example:
Trang 33My MNS Hes Ộ-Ợ A Ộ>Ợ Chinese Radicals: Ộge and Ộ5? Sse = Ở Characters
| Radical i Explanation Example Characters
|p W#k, ỞEHEdNWO, | # bing disease; to be i
_ The radical ỘJ*ỘỢ is usually related to diseases _ #4 fẽng mad, crazy
Bik, ASI, IAT Ấ* lăng củi
( 7 _ The two-drop radical Ộ ầỢ is usually related ok
~ to ice or coldness bing ice
15H BM WAGES Pair Work
Work in pairs and make sentences with ỘEiỢ, One Says an affirmative sentence and the other turns it into a negative one For example:
Trang 3488 is PBR 2 Standard Course 2 1\\48545) Group Work JOSIE RAL, SRC ỘHeỢ FAA FAS BAERS PMN:
Divide the whole class into two big groups Students in each group take turns to say a ỘtLỢ sentence about an actual situation of the class For example: "ỞFỞỞ 5 ỳ_T_ỞTZTĩ 3 ^aẰã bal Fs A⁄R Group A | | B48 Group B | | | ! X0 421UGX ệ (A8#+) AAU ORE (BEL) K, | ZARR
Trang 35Ni chuGn de tdi shtio le i FE KD T You wear too little AS ASTHMA WHE Warm-u p Match the pictures with the words/phrases qizi shui jido fangjién Off = De FS OFM - xia xué qỉ chuóng fangzi Ot ta 2 ee ae 25205 ( A TaNMAML AHR Add an appropriate object after each of the following verbs xué Hònyù Plie: Re
shud kai zhiinbéi
ease Nae pc ne Bae
dú zhăo xuếxắ
a Poe Hi ng See,
Trang 3690 }RB#UE 2 Standard Course 2 Ừ jậx HỚNZZđS In the classroom B 124 _ Text Ni méi tian zéoshang ji dién qi chudng? A:1t# X PE LARA #? Liù diễn duõ Bw mF Ni bi wé zéo qi yf ge xidoshi A: tREOR-PAEỞ AY W6 shui de yé z4o, wđ mẽi tiãn wănshơng shắ diễn B: A BALE, RHR ME TR jiu shui jit ZGo shui zéo gi shénti héo i, FBP RIA,
English Version New Word
A: When do you get up every morning? | 4% de part used afier a verb or an
B: A few minutes past six adjective to introduce
A: You get up one hour earlier than I do a complement of result
or degree B: I go to bed early also, at 10 oỖclock
every night ItỖs healthy to keep early hours
MRR Ata friendỖs home B 122
Zai I6i diễnr mỉfòn bơ,
ni chi de tai shéo le Bù sho le, jintian chi de hén héo, tdi xiéxie ni le ty 2 iw Se RYT SRR, KHET ._.~ Nĩ zuò fan zud de zỌnmeyòng? A: TR TR AE EZ HF? Bu zénmeyang, wđ dqĩzi bắ wđ zuò de hỌo BR EAH, REFURB, English Version
A: Have more rice, please You ate too little
B: Not a little actually I've enjoyed the meal a lot Thank you so much
A: How well can you cook?
B: Not very well My wife is a better cook than I am
New Word
Trang 37RIE At the door of the <2, 12-3 Xidxuéle, Ở jintién zhén léng A FEI, SRK, Yéu ling xia shi di ba? B: A & F108?
Shia, nĩ chuựn de tai shéo le, wđmen
jin fangjian ba,
it Hl] ve,
Héo ba,
Bì 3Ặ tố,
English Version New Words
A: ItỖs snowing ItỖs really cold today 3.8 xué n snow B: The temperature may be 10 degrees 4 + ling num zero
below zero, am I right? *5./# dù n degree
A: Yes You wear too little LetỖs go 6.# chun v to wear, to put on inside the house, OK? 7.BÈ jìn v toenter, to come/go in B: OK
ENNZ3E Athome & 124
Ni zai mang shénme ne? A: RA 1 AA 2 Wđ dìdi ràng wđ băng tả zhăo ge fangzi, xiànzời Bị Ả#Xit @ BURNT, RE tũ jiđ lắ gỏngsỉ yỏudiđnr yuốn Ẩu 2 Ả À5] 2T uẾ JU 2, Zhù de yuăn zhẽn de hến lèi! A: ##Ỳ 6 R08 # | Shia, Ở ta y& xiwang néng zhi de jìn yìdiănr Bi RM, tua! fe AREAL,
English Version New Words
A: What are you busy with? 8 #% didi n younger brother
B: My younger brother asked me to find an 9 apartment for him He now lives far from the company
A: ItỖs really exhausting to live far B: ItỖs true He also wants to live nearer
jÌn adj near, close
Trang 38Standard Course_2 }R#ỂE 2
jE JRZS4MH Complements of State
A complement of state describes or evaluate the result, degree or state of an action
The structural particle Ộ#{Ợ is often used to introduce the state after a verb For example:
WRARIG, BCA, eA ahi pln:
Trang 39]_Ởh i) | ắn s 4 Subject Predicate x (V+)O Vv a H+ Adj : te (i) ae it # AH KR (43) ## % # RF, daa (8) & 8 # RAH
In the interrogative form, Ộ4ỲỢ is followed by the structure ỘAdj + 7K + AdjỢ, forming
an affirmative-negative sentence For example: aa Predicate , Vv 8 Adj + 7 + Adj Ậb it + IF AHF? jade de # FHF ns +ệ + 2%) ỘtbỢ $43) (2) The ỘttỢ Sentence (2) 3M2&Z03lf#4RASRME, ỘbeỢ TT LACE SHIA, LAD TERME A fal an:
Trang 40tÊ#Ể 2
Standard Course 2
#4mM 4) f8 BHAIRX Role-play the dialogs
Exercises ARIEAR CA AES \5) Answer the questions based on the dialogs
Ta wai shénme méi tian wanshang shi didn jit shui jito?
ẹ 1011 ệ1kXULIÊXf1 Tamen jid shéi zud fan zud de héo?
@ 4X 5.4 2i? vintiõn tiãnqì zẾnmeyòng?
@ WiK HRA 29? Tả zhè liễng tian zai mang shénme ne?
ORR HAH ABRAH 4 AF7 Ta didi wei shénme yao zhéo xin de fangzi? ARABS AMAA Describe the pictures using the newly-learned language points and words _ Ta chang de #38 @ co Baba kai chẽ kãi de ệ&T Ậ 8 ỞỞ Gẽge bắ wđ chĩ de FH KR s20 Ở Ở,
ìảjỹi ậWWi4EISIW9SIÌỌL IntonationofanAlternative Question SỂ zzs
3 #1:
The alternatives are stressed, the former is a bit slow in a rising intonation and the latter in a falling intonation For example: