Dragon, World – CR 27 Colossal LE Dragon (kaiju) XP 3,276,800 Init +5 Senses Lowlight vision, Darkvision 600 ft, scent, truesight, Perception +68 Languages Common, Draconic, Ignan Aura Frightful Presence (600 ft, W-DC 40 plus fearsome violence) Defense AC 33 Touch Flatfooted 32 (-8 size, +1 DEX, +30 natural) HP 50d12 +700 hp (1,025 HP) Damage Reduction 20/epic Fast Healing 100 FORT +41 REF +28 WILL +34 Immune Electricity, Fire, ability damage/drain, charm, death effects, disease, energy drain, fear, sleep Resist Acid 30, Cold 30, Negative Energy 30, Sonic 30 Offense Spd 60 ft, Flight 300 ft (average) Melee four +60 claws (6d10+18 slashing, 20/x2), plus +60 bite (10d10 piercing plus 5d10 energy* plus swallow whole, 20/x2), plus + 60 tail strike (20d10 bludgeoning and knocked prone, R-DC 43 negates, 20/x4, 100 ft reach), plus two +60 wing strikes (20d10 slashing plus ongoing Bleed 10, F-DC 43 negates, 50 ft reach) Breath Weapon Primordial Energy Breath Weapon (1,500 ft cone, 20d10 energy*, R-DC 43 half, usable at will) Special Attacks Hurl Foe, Rend (two claws, 6d10+18 slashing), Swallow Whole (10d10 bludgeoning and 10d10 energy*, AC 25, 102 hp) Special Qualities Ferocity, Massive, Recovery Spell-Like Abilities (CL 50th Concentration +57) Constant – true seeing 5x/day – earthquake (DC 26) - storm of vengeance (DC 26) - summon (one Dragon of CR 18-22 of choice, 100%) - tsunami (DC 26) 1x/day – interplanetary teleportation, teleport without error Statistics Str 47 Dex 12 Con 38 Int 21 Wis 25 Cha 20 Base Atk +50 CMB +76 CMD 87 (91 vs trip) Feats Fly-By Attack, Hover Skills The World Dragon has little interest in the skills valued by ‘lesser’ creatures It has a phenomenal Appraise and Perception skill, both at least +68, and several Knowledge skills all around +60 The World Dragon is