Offense Spd 30 ft Melee two +23 slams (3d6+11 bludgeoning, 20/x2) Ranged +9 disintegration beam (2d6x10 energy*, 20/x2, 100 ft range increment) Statistics Str 32 Dex Con 24 Int – Wis 12 Cha Base Atk +14 CMB +21 CMD 29 (immune to any combat maneuver that would move it) Ecology Environment any extraplanar, especially common on the Astral Plane and Hyperspace Organization solitary or hordes of up to 4d6 Treasure incidental Special Abilities Soulless Destroyer – CR 11 Disintegration Beam (SU) The damage inflicted by a Soulless Destroyer’s energy beam is of no particular energy type Any creature slain by this beam is completely disintegrated along with all its gear Huge LE Outsider (elemental, extraplanar) XP 12,800 Init -3 Senses Darkvision 90 ft, trueseeing, Perception +1 If the Soulless Destroyer is slain, the cluster of stone that serves as its ‘head’ can be recovered and used as a singleshot ranged weapon for up to rounds after the creature’s demise The flame sphere fades away after this time Defense AC 19 Touch Flatfooted 19 (-2 size, -3 DEX, +14 natural) HP 14d10 +98 hp (175 HP) Damage Reduction 10/mythic FORT +18 REF +6 WILL +5 Immune elemental immunities, mind-affecting effects Weakness Vorpal Vulnerabilty Resolute Immobility (SU) A Soulless Destroyer cannot be moved if the creature does not wish to be It is immune to any combat maneuver that would change its position, and is immune to spell effects that would move it against its will, such as teleport or baleful teleport