Ronald E McNair Celebration Symposium 2011 Status Report- J anuar y 31, 2011 COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES REPRESENTED Azusa Pacific University (New) Bennett College for Women (Old) California State University at Northridge (New) Claremont McKenna College (New) Claremont University Graduate School (New) Elizabeth City State University (Old) Fayetteville State University (Old) Hampton University(Old) Limestone College (New) 10 Mercy College (New) 11 Michigan State University (New) 12 Morehouse College (New) 13 North Carolina A&T State University(Old) 14 Northeastern Illinois University (New) 15 Oklahoma State University (New) 16 Pitzer College (New) 17 Pomona College (New) 18 Scripps College (New) 19 University of Laverne 20 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Old) 21 University of Maryland, College Park (Old) 22 University of New Hampshire (Old) 23 University of North Dakota (New) 24 University of Oklahoma (New) 25 Virginia Polytechnic and State University (Old) 26 Vanderbilt University (New) 27 Wake Forest University (New) 28 Wayne State University (Old) 29 Winthrop University (Old) GRADUATE SCHOOLS REPRESENTED Appalachian State Univer sity Br yan School of Business and Economics, Univer sity of Nor th Car olina, Gr eensbor o Campbell Univer sity College of Phar macy and Health Sciences Case Wester n Reser ve Univer sity/Mandel School of Applied Science Char lotte School of Law Columbia Univer sity School of Engineer ing and Applied Science East Car olina Univer sity East Tennessee State Univer sity Elon Univer sity 10 GA-PCOM Osteopathic Medicine, Phar macy, Biomedical Sciences 11 Iowa State Univer sity 12 Nor th Car olina Centr al Univer sity 13 Nor th Car olina A&T State Univer sity 14 Penn State Univer sity-College of Ear th and Miner al Sciences 15 The Gr aduate School, UNCG 16 The Ohio State Univer sity 17 The Ohio State Univer sity College of Ar ts and Sciences 18 Univer sity of Miami – The Gr aduate School 19 Univer sity of Pittsbur gh School of Social Work 20 Vir ginia Commonwealth Univer sity Gr aduate School 21 Wake For est Univer sity School of Divinity Total Colleges and Universities Total Graduate Schools Total Institutions as of January 23, 2011 Total Number Registered as of January 23, 2011 Total Number Registered from NC A&T as of January 23, 2011 29 21 50 290 152 Total Undergrad Oral Presentations Total Undergrad Poster Presentations Total Undergrad Presentations Total Grad Oral Presentations Total Grad Poster Presentations Total Grad Presentations Total Faculty Oral Presentations Total Faculty Poster Presentations Total Presentations 73 36 129 13 17 151 ... Schools Total Institutions as of January 23, 2011 Total Number Registered as of January 23, 2011 Total Number Registered from NC A&T as of January 23, 2011 29 21 50 290 152 Total Undergrad Oral