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Samurai sheepdog book of many things vol 32

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The cloudwatcher can use this ability a number of times per day equal to + her Wisdom modifier Weapon of Purest Good (Su): At 5th level, any weapon the cloudwatcher wields becomes good-aligned At 8th level, the weapon also gains the holy weapon property Dispel Evil (Sp): The cloudwatcher can cast dispel evil once per day at 10th level, and twice per day at 12th level Holy Word (Sp): At 14th level, the cloudwatcher can cast holy word once per day Guard Against Evil: Starting at 16th level, the cloudwatcher gains DR 5/evil This increases to DR 10/evil at 20th level Sea Wolf (Swashbuckler Archetype) Back on their world, enlightened ursaren of ages past were dangerous pirates who owned the seas As the years went on, many such clans took to living on land, but some uphold their unique swashbuckling traditions Sea Wolf Training (Ex): A sea wolf treats his Charisma as points higher when determining his panache, and he can regain panache when he confirms a critical hit or reduces a creature to or fewer hit points with a gunblade, or a weapon in the polearm or spear weapon groups This alters panache and how the swashbuckler regains panache Deeds: A sea wolf can use swashbuckler deeds when wielding a gunblade, polearm, or spear The sea wolf also gains access to the following deeds Harpooner (Ex): When a sea wolf hits a creature more than feet away from him with an attack using a pole arm or spear, he can spend panache point to also attempt a drag combat maneuver as a free action If he succeeds, the sea wolf can drag the target up to feet + feet for every by which he beat its CMD If this is done as a ranged attack, the weapon must have either a rope tied to it or the returning weapon property Dragging a creature in this way does not provoke attacks of opportunity, but any ranged attack still does This replaces derring-do Cut the Lines (Ex): When a sea wolf makes an attack with a gunblade, he can spend panache point as a free action to roll 1d6 and add the result to his attack If the result of the d6 is a natural 6, he also discharges the black powder from his weapon, even if the attack itself misses This alters the swashbuckler’s deeds and replaces swashbuckler’s finesse Charmed Life (Ex): A sea wolf doesn’t gain this ability for the first time until 4th level This alters charmed life and replaces the bonus feat gained at 4th level Sea Wolf’s Might: Starting at 2nd level, a sea wolf can substitute his Strength for Dexterity when performing swashbuckler deeds Leatherskin (Ex): At 3rd level, repeated exposure to the sun and the salt in the air thickens a sea wolf’s hide When wearing light or no armor, he gains a +1 natural armor bonus to AC This bonus increases by for every levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of +5 at 19th level) Sea Wolf Weapon Training (Ex): At 5th level, a sea wolf gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with gun blades and weapons in the polearm or spear weapon groups While wielding such a weapon, he gains the benefit of the Improved Critical feat These attack and damage bonuses increase by for every levels beyond 5th level (to a maximum of +4 at 17th level) This replaces swashbuckler weapon training Seasonal Blade (Magus Archetype) Some magi are so in tune with nature that their weapons mimic the energies of the seasons These seasonal blades, as they are called, live to protect the untarnished wilderness and its inhabitants Skills: A seasonal blade gains Knowledge (nature) and Survival as class skills and loses Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Knowledge (planes) This alters the magus’s class skills Spells: A seasonal blade draws their spells from the Hunter spell list These divine spells become arcane spells, and are learned, prepared, and cast normally This alters magus spells Natural Arcane Pool (Su): At 1st level, a seasonal blade magus can expend point from his arcane pool as a swift action to grant any weapon he is holding a +1 enhancement bonus for minute per level, instead of minute At 5th level, a seasonal blade draws much of his power from nature, and can only add weapon properties that correspond to the current season or terrain the he is in • Autumn or Earth, Mountain, or Underground terrains allow the caustic or caustic burst properties • Spring or Air, Plains, Forest, or Swamp terrains allow the shocking or shocking burst properties • Summer or Fire, Desert, or Jungle terrains allow the flaming or flaming burst properties • Winter or Cold, Mountain, or Water terrains allow the frost or icy burst properties • Urban terrain allows the dancing, keen, speed and vorpal properties • Other seasonal conditions or situational aspects of a terrain may allow for access to certain properties at the GM’s discretion This alters arcane pool Ranger Training (Ex): Starting at 10th level, a seasonal blade treats all skills on the ranger class skill list as class skills He gains a bonus to two of those skills of his choice The bonus equals half his magus level This replaces fighter training World Souls Volwryn has long been a world of war, where its many races vie for dominance and forge temporary alliances to challenge hordes of enemies and the legions of evil But more than that, the world itself lives on in its people Even races not native to Volwryn become infused with its essence as the years pass Those who carry its gift with them are known as world souls World souls display most of the common traits of known races, such as dwarves, elves, minotaurs, and orcs, but they also possess one or more alternate traits that make them different enough that they become more than just different versions of those races Physical Description: On average, a world soul stands up to 1d6 inches taller than its non-world soul counterpart The world soul also increases its weight multiplier by (x4 becomes x5 and so on) Society: On Volwryn, the races kept to distinct societies It was always apparent when one entered a village of reborn, or a trollkin encampment Within their individual groups, world souls interact well and get along with each other This extends to those visiting for a time, but rarely to those seeking more permanent residence 31

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2022, 20:40