Relations: Enlightened unsaren are expected by their clan to know the ways and customs of neighboring races and cultures Enlightened unsaren usually pursue a broad understanding of local lifeforms Alignment and Religion: An enlightened unsaren who expects to lead other unsaren must be of a good alignment Evil and neutral unsaren, as rare as they are, usually end up leading groups of other races Adventurers: Enlightened unsaren adventure for many years in order to qualify as clan leaders In order to understand their place in the world, enlightened unsaren make numerous journeys and pilgrimages to distant places It is also expected for enlightened unsaren to endure many dangerous trials in order to make the world safer and to acquire power for the clan’s benefit Enlightened Ursaren Racial Traits (9 RP) +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, –2 Intelligence: Enlightened unsaren are strong, spiritual warriors who rely more on life experience than formal education Medium: Enlightened ursaren are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size Type: Enlightened ursaren are humanoids with the ursaren subtype Base Speed: Enlightened ursaren have a base speed of 30 feet Low-Light Vision: An enlightened ursaren can see twice as far as a human in conditions of dim light Deathless Spirit: Enlightened ursaren gain resistance against negative energy damage They not lose hit points when they gain a negative level, and they gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against death effects, energy drain, negative energy, and spells or spell-like abilities of the necromancy school Spiritual Bond: An enlightened unsaren’s bond to its spirit grants the ursaren two skills that defined its spirit in life The ursaren gains a +2 racial bonus on both of these skills, and they are always considered class skills Worldly: Once per day when attempting a skill check for a skill in which it is untrained, an enlightened ursaren can roll twice and take the better result Languages: Enlightened ursaren begin play speaking Common and Ursoc Enlightened ursaren with high Intelligence can also choose Draconic, Dwarven, Giant, Gnomish, or Orc Alternate Racial Traits The following racial traits can be selected in place of the typical enlightened ursaren racial traits Confer with Spirits: Once per day, an enlightened unsaren can spend 10 minutes in uninterrupted meditation in order to grant itself an insight bonus equal to its Wisdom bonus to a single Knowledge skill check This replaces worldly 30 Mysticism: An enlightened ursaren with spellcasting levels can gain a bonus to caster level checks made to concentrate or counterspell equal to its Wisdom bonus (if any) This replaces deathless spirit Spiritual Command: An enlightened ursaren who trains in the ways of its spirit can gain proficiency with up to martial weapons or exotic weapon of its choice This replaces spiritual bond Spiritual Guidance: An enlightened ursaren who walks the path of its spirit can gain greater insight into its abilities If the ursaren draws its class features from a pool (such as grit or ki), it increases its maximum points in that pool by This replaces spiritual bond Enlightened Ursaren Archetypes The following archetype is available to enlightened ursaren Cloudwatcher (Cleric Archetype) It is believed that the divine forces of good empowered the first cloudwatchers, enlightened unsaren who oversee the affairs of the world from remote places in order to ensure the survival of caring in the world Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Cloudwatchers are not proficient with any type of armor, but are still proficient with shields This alters the cleric’s weapon and armor proficiencies Domain: A cloudwatcher gains only one domain, and does not gain access to the Good domain This alters and replaces domains Channel Compassion (Su): A cloudwatcher can only channel positive energy, and she channels that energy through her spirit emblem, targeting creatures in a foot wide, 60 foot line Evil, living creatures caught in the line are not healed, but instead take the energy as non-lethal damage (Will DC 10 + half the cloudwatcher’s level + her Charisma modifier negates) Other living creatures and undead are affected by the positive energy as normal This alters and replaces channel energy Emblem of Good (Su): Every cloudwatcher has an emblem representing some facet of good inscribed upon their abdomen When unarmored, the emblem grants the cloudwatcher a +2 deflection bonus to Armor Class and a +2 sacred bonus on all saving throws These bonuses increase by +1 at 5th, 10th 15th and 20th level, to a maximum of +6 In addition, while the cloudwatcher’s emblem of good is exposed, she gains the following These abilities are Wisdom-based Guiding Touch (Su): As a standard action, the cloudwatcher can touch a creature and grant it a sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws equal to half her cleric level (minimum 1) for round