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Samurai sheepdog book of many things vol 175

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When wielded along with Verin’s Shield, the spear grants its wielder a +2 circumstance bonus to AC and Touch AC If the wielder also wears the Amulet of Tiran, the spear also gains the flaming weapon property This property ignores any resistance or immunity to fire possessed by dragons Discovery Requirements: Harness Discovery, convergence dust worth 12,500 gp Verin’s Shield (Discovery) The most obviously magic of the armaments, Verin’s Shield was crafted from the razor-sharp scales of a great red dragon It functions as a heavy steel shield that deals 1d6 bludgeoning or slashing damage with a shield slam and has the blocking weapon feature, which grants an additional +1 shield bonus when fighting defensively The shield also has brace, which means it deals double damage when readied against a charge When the shield is used in conjunction with the Amulet of Tiran, it becomes a +1 shield of fire resistance (10) As a full-round action, the bearer of the shield can change the type of energy it resists If a dragon attacks the bearer, she can change the resistance as an immediate action instead When the shieldbearer also wields Calen’s spear, the shield grants a resistance bonus on all saves equal to half its current shield bonus, and the shieldbearer is immune to fear effects Discovery Requirements: Harness Discovery, convergence dust worth 10,000 gp Elven Mindblade The original elven mindblade was forged with a special hilt in which could be placed a psychic gem that could be directed to strike with surprising accuracy and power The more canny its wielder, the more powerful the blade Each elven mindblade functions as a masterwork longsword A creature with Exotic Weapon Proficiency (mindblade) gains a morale bonus to attacks and damage with the weapon equal to his Intelligence bonus (if any) In addition, the wielder qualifies for combat feats using his Intelligence in place of Strength or Dexterity (Power Attack, for example, requires Int 13 and base attack bonus +1) He only benefits from such feats with the mindblade, however, unless he also meets the normal prerequisites A creature with a base attack bonus of +3 or higher and Weapon Focus (mindblade) can activate the weapon’s psychic gem by investing convergence dust worth at least 9,000 gp into it as part of a 1-hour ritual Once invested, The weapon counts as a +1 longsword of throwing and returning for anybody who wields it Construction Requirements: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, fox’s cunning, magic stone, telekinesis; Cost 800 gp Five-Point Star Glaive (Discovery) Discovered in the heart of a volcano or alien creatures imbued with magic, the five-point star glaive is seemingly unique in design and purpose On its own, the glaive is a +1 aberration bane starknife of returning A creature with Exotic Weapon Proficiency (five-point star glaive) also treats the weapon as a brooch of shielding and can command the glaive to hover, rather than 174 return While hovering, a five-point glaive gains the dancing property, treating its current space as that of its wielder After making its fourth attack, or when called to return by its initial wielder, the glaive returns, if able, or travels as close as possible before falling to the ground Once discovered, a creature can invest additional convergence dust worth at least 16,000 gp as part of a 1-hour ritual Doing so grants the glaive the ability to ignore up to 10 points of hardness when used to attack objects Discovery Requirements: Harness Discovery, convergence dust worth 49,000 gp Hilt Blade 40 gp A hilt blade is a special attachment that can be added to any one or two-handed weapon with a hilt A dagger can be drawn from the hilt As a light weapon, the dagger can be used to fight in a grapple, to cut oneself out after being swallowed whole, or in any situation where a light weapon could be of more use than a one or twohanded weapon When first drawn against a creature, the dagger grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Bluff checks to feint against that creature if the next attack is made with the dagger This bonus is lost if the creature is aware of the dagger already A hilt blade can be added to a weapon that typically doesn’t have a hilt (such as a crossbow, longbow, or spear) for double its cost, and that weapon must be of masterwork quality The dagger can be enchanted separately from the weapon in which it is placed, or for 3,000 gp, it can share any enchantments placed on that weapon, if able Trinity Blade 500 gp A trinity blade is a masterwork, three-bladed bastard sword When wielded in both hands by a creature with Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), a trinity blade gains the disarm weapon feature A trinity blade can also be used as a ranged weapon with a range of 100 feet When used in this way, the weapon launches one of its blades as a projectile, which deals 1d8 piercing damage on a hit, with a critical range of 20 and a x3 multiplier The blade can fire up to of these projectiles before its wielder has to retrieve them (a trinity blade enchanted with returning or endless ammunition does not have this limitation) Reloading the projectiles is usually a standard action, and the trinity blade loses the disarm feature while only one blade remains of the bastard sword Only the central blade of a trinity blade can be enchanted with melee weapon properties The two blades that function as projectiles can be enchanted separately with ranged weapon properties All three blades share enhancement bonuses, which not stack when attacking with a fully-loaded trinity blade in melee The price above assumes a steel trinity blade sized for a Medium or Small creature If any of the blades on a trinity blade need to be replaced, or are made of a different material, treat that blade as a longsword sized for its wielder when determining the price of crafting it from that material Each blade can be crafted separately, and the masterwork component of the weapon is paid only once when all three are brought together

Ngày đăng: 24/10/2022, 20:33