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Tiêu đề Đáp Án Trắc Nghiệm Tiếng Anh Pháp Lý SL01
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ĐÁP ÁN TRẮC NGHIỆM TIẾNG ANH PHÁP LÝ SL01 1 is a court’s power to hear and decide a matter before any other court can review the matter (Đ) Onginal junisdiction (S) Begin jurisdiction (S) Beginning ju.

ĐÁP ÁN TRẮC NGHIỆM TIẾNG ANH PHÁP LÝ SL01 is a court’s power to hear and decide a matter before any other court can review the matter - (Đ): Onginal junisdiction - (S): Begin jurisdiction - (S): Beginning jurisdiction - (S): Origin jurisdiction jurisdiction is the power of a court to review and revise a lower courts’decision - (S): Apellate - (Đ): Appellate - (S): Appeal - (S): Appelate is responsible for the training of judges, lay magistrates, and members of Tribunals in England and Wales - (S): High Court - (S): Lord Chancellor’s Office - (Đìa: The Judicial Studies Board (JSB) - (S): Probation Service can each advocacy, draft legal documents and give written advice - (Đ): Baristers - (S): Consultants - (S): Legal advisors increasingly takes place outsidi the court system - (S): Adjudicate - (S): Adjudicative - (Đ): Adjudication - (S): Adjudicator is the area of law relating to the practical transfer of property, especially land - (Đ): Conveyancing Law - (S): Civil law - (S): Land law - (S): Transfering law … offences are the most serious offences such as arson, murder and manslaughter - (S): dangerous - (S): Indicted - (Đ): Indictable refers to attempt to use illegal force on another person in the absence of consent to sexual relation - (S): serious - (Đ): Sexual assault - (S): Murder - (S): Manslaughter refers to the unlawful killing of a person without malicious intent and therefore without premeditation - (S): murder - (Đ): Manslaughter - (S): Sexual assault 10 the substantive and procedural provisions relating to central and local governments - (S): What - (S): When - (Đ): Whereas - (S): Why 11 … describes the financial state of a company when its debts are over its repayment ability - (S): Ceremony - (S): Development - (Đ): Insolvency - (S): Establishment 12 … is rules which determine how a case is administered by the courts - (Đ): Procedural law - (S): Criminal law 1923 - (S): Public law 13 A charge holder or company directors may file notice at court for order - (S): administrative - (S): administrator - (S): liquidation - (Đ): administration 14 A company may issue different of shares, which have different rights attached to them - (S): forms - (S): kinds - (Đ): classes - (S): types 15 A contract is an that creates binding obligations upon the parties - (Đ): agreement - (S): appeal - (S): interest - (S): interest rate rate 16 A court can make an order allowing one spouse to have possession of - (S): The family flat - (Đ): The family home - (S): The family house - (S): The family shelter 17 A lawyer who represents his or her before the court is known as a barrister (in England) - (S): Customer - (Đ): Client - (S): Instructor 18 A merger occurs when one company has acquired the majority of the shares of the company - (S): acquiring - (Đ): target - (S): acquiror - (S): offering 19 ADR methods are - (Đ): Mediation - (S): Arbitration - (S): Negotiation - (S): Negotiation, arbitration and mediation 20 Also criminal court procedure to ensure a fair hearing by imposing very strict and formal rules of evidence Many other safeguards relate to the power of the police - (S): gives - (S): looks - (S): takes - (Đ): seeks 21 Appointment Clause describes … and general emplointment of the director of the company - (Đ): The title - (S): The description - (S): The job -(S): The place 22 Attempt to transform illegally acquired money into apparently legitimate money is charged with - (S): drug dealing - (S): fraud - (S): murder - (Đ): money laundering 23 Chọn phương án trả lời Law … the action or conduct of individual or state - (S): allows - (Đ): restains - (S): contains - (S): opens 24 Civil related to the family, property, contracts and torts are brought to lower courts - (S): act - (Đ): actions - (S): acted - (S): active 25 Common law evolved from… ,convention, and decisions of the courts - (Đ): Tất phương án - (S): custom, - (S): Customary law, - (S): judicial precedent, 26 Constitution is the body of doctrines and that form the fundamental organizing principles of a political state - (S): practiced - (S): practicing - (S): to practice - (Đ): practices 27 Constitution Law is the law relating to … of government in a State - (S): Tất phương án - (S): the law structure - (Đ): the legal structure - (S): the legally structure 28 Contract law deals with which create legal rights - (S): contractors - (Đ): promises - (S): individuals - (S): parties 29 Crimes which are by office employees and salaried professionals are known as while-collar crimes, or business crimes - (S): committed typically - (S): typically committing - (Đ): typically committed - (S): typicaly committed ESIL 30 Criminal and civil lawA simple distinction between the criminal and civil law is that the latter (civil law) regulates the relationships between or bodies and the former (criminal law) regulates the legal relationship between the state and individual people and bodies - (S): departments - (S): organizations - (Đ)individuals – (S): states 31 Criminal law involves the state imposing sanctions for defined crimes committed by individuals or businesses, so that society can achieve its brand of justice and a - (Đ): peaceable Social order - (S): peace social order - (S): peaceable socially order - (S): peaceably social order and so on 32 Criteria for classifying legal systems may be based on historical, political, sociological, cultural - (S): points - (S): things - (Đ): aspects 33 Decide if this statement is T (True) or F (False): Tribunals and arbitration are two main forms of extra-court adjudication which takes place inside the court system to suit the form of dispute resolution to the nature of the dispute involved - (Đ): False - (S): True 34 District Judge (Magistrates’ Court) must have been … as a lawyer for at least seven years - (Đ): Qualified - (S): Qualifying - (S): Qualitative - (S): Quality 35 During last decades the judiciary became active in economic issues related with economic rights established by - (S): constitute - (S): constitutional - (S): constitutionally - (Đ): Constitution 36 Given the serious consequences which can result from being convicted of a it is necessary to provide safeguards against wrongful conviction - (S): administrative offence - (S): civil offence - (Đ): ciminal offence - (S): Labouroffence 37 How I form a company?By sending - (Đ): All the three are required - (S): A memorandum of association, the articles of association - (S): A statement of legal compliance - (S): The details of the directors and the company secretary 38 How many courses do pupils take in order to become a barrister? - (Đ): Two - (S): An Extra Course - (S): One - (S): Three 39 However, authorities may only act the law or the government must obey the law - (S): by - (S): in - (Đ): within - (S): with 40 In all countries, at all time, the decisions of courts are treated with respect, and they tend to be regarded as - (Đ): precedents’ - (S): conventions’ - (S): ‘laws’ - (S): ‘rules’ 41 In contract cases, courts usually want to apply a law that will … the contract - (S): to adopt - (S): to conclude - (Đ): to uphold - (S): to perform 42 In some jurisdictions, certain special types of contracts, must be written and signed or they are not … - (S): enforceable - (S): illegal - (Đ): valid (S): unenforceable 43 Judge Brown is going to talk about the process of… - (Đ): litgation - (S): cases tudy - (S): court - (S): sitting 44 Judges of Supreme People’s Court of Vietnam are appointed following the recommendation of - (S): National Assembly - (S): The Department of Justice - (S): The Lord Chancellor - (Đ): Chief Judge 45 Judges In England, Judges are (1) by the Lord Chancellor The minimum requirement is that one should be a barrister or solicitor of ten years’ (2) The majority of judges are barristers, but they cannot practise as barristers Recorders are practicing barristers who act as judges on a part-time basis The appointment of judges is not a political appointment, and judges remain in office unless they (3) guilty of gross misconduct Judges cannot be Members of Parliament - (Đ): (1) appointed(2) standing (3) are found - (S): appointedsittinghave found - (S): appointingcarrying found - (S): appointmentstandingfind 46 Judicial review of administration are considered matters of administrative law But some matters, such as the responsibility of , cannot be solely assigned to either administrative or constitutional law - (S): minister - (Đ): ministers - (S): ministry 47 Jurors have been chosen from a panel of approximately 100 people - (Đ): At andom - (S): At present - (S): At work 48 Land is the most important form property - (S): by - (S): for - (S): on - (Đ): of  49 Later you will learn how this difference is reflected in the terminology and - (S): legislation - (Đ): procedure - (S): regulation - (S): rule 50 Law is a solemn expression of… of the supreme power of the State - (Đ): the will - (S): the opinion - (S): the thinking - (S): thought 51 Law must be respected and … Any people if violate the law shall be punished - (S): enforce - (Đ): enforced - (S): enforceable - (S): enforcing 52 Lawyers in human rights may even find their dangerous - (S): Professional - (S): Professionally - (Đ): Profession - (S): Professor 53 Legal principles of English law are flexible and are based on real facts - (Đ): Legal principles - (S): Legal principle - (S): Legally principles 54 Most claims are initiated by the use of … , which functions as a summons - (S): A form of admission - (Đ): A claim form - (S): A warrant of arrest - (S): An injunction 55 Mr Peter Smith is a famous JP What does Jp stand for? - (S): Judge for peace - (S): Juror for peace - (Đ)- Justice of the Peace - (S): Justice prosecutor 56 Parliament or National Assembly have rise to enact any new law or … existing legislation - (Đ): amend - (S): change - (S): make 57 Parliament or National Assembly may … its legislation to an individual or a body to make a specified law - (S): get - (S): give - (Đ): delegate - (S): take 10 - (S): quốc gia - (S): luật - (S): phận 79 Họ nói chúng tơi từ chối giao hàng, tơi đốn chúng tơi nói rõ phía chúng tơi, họ khơng có hành động chống lại Mỹ - (Đ): vô lý Sai hợp lý - (S): hợp lý - (S): không hợp lý 80 Câu T (đúng) F (sai): Nhà vua thực quyền lực thần dân - (Đ): T - (S): F 81 Để bắt đầu yêu cầu bồi thường có nghĩa - (S): từ bỏ - (S): để khiếu nại - (Đ): khiến bắt đầu - (S): để cải cách 82 Theo truyền thống, đảm nhận công việc chuyển giao, lập hợp đồng di chúc - (S): Cố vấn - (Đ): Người gạ tình - (S): Baristers - (S): Chuyên gia tư vấn 83 Theo luật thương mại, người vi phạm phải chịu 100 đô la tiền phạt - (Đ): để - (S): cho - (Tội - (Con trai 84 Thông thường luật sư chuẩn bị hồ sơ cho sau gửi tóm tắt hồ sơ cho luật sư - (S): Người phán xét 31 - (Đ): Tố tụng - (S): Tòa án - (S): Ban giám khảo 85 ADR viết tắt từ viết tắt gì? - (Đ): Giải pháp Despute Thay - (S): Đánh giá Phát triển Trọng tài - (S): Quy chế phát triển hàng không 86 Tên khác Bản ghi nhớ Hiệp hội Hoa Kỳ gì? - (S): Các báo Hiệp hội ' - (S): Nội quy - (Đ): Điều khoản thành lập - (S): Biên thành lập 87 Phát biểu T (đúng) hiến pháp: - (Đ): Tất - (S): Luật pháp coi gốc luật lệ hay luật tối cao đất đai (S): Luật liên quan đến việc trì kiểm sốt quyền lực phủ - (S): Luật liên quan đến việc điều hành sách phủ 88 Ai phục vụ bồi thẩm đoàn Anh? Thẩm phán, luật sư, luật sư, linh mục, người ngoại, người bị bệnh tâm thần cung cấp dịch vụ bồi thẩm đoàn - (S): Đề cử - (S): Đủ điều kiện - (Đ): Khơng đủ điều kiện - (S): Đáng kính 89 Bạn muốn thêm đối tác làm chủ sở hữu chung gọi - (Đ): sở hữu tài sản chung - (S): chủ sở hữu chung - (S): tài sản chung sở hữu - (S): chủ sở hữu tài sản chung * CHÚ Ý ĐỀ THI TỰ LUẬN MÔN TIẾNG ANH PHÁP LÝ SL01 32 Đề số 2263: I Circle the best answer (a, b, c, d) in the following sentences (3 points) In case of civil litigation, if the judge believes that there are more than 50% of the evidence favoring the plaintiffs, then plaintiffs, then plaintiffs … A loses B win C fail D achieve A person who a crime is said to have offended against the state A commits B witnesses C reports D stops In Common law system, much of the law is made by judicial… , called precedent A examination B functions c activities D decisions Under common law, police officers have significant independent …powers A legislative B decisive C investigative D directive Barristers are usually … by solicitors to represent a case in court and only become involved when appearing before a court is needed A informed B instructed C invited D referred Before third reading… , (changes) are gathered together and placed in order A amendments B provisions C proposals D contents As soon as a work is written on paper, recorded digitally, or typed electronically, or anything that can be heard, seen, read or touched, the work is granted… protection A patent B copyright C intellectual D trade mark Limited partnerships require a formal agreement between the … A shareholders B contributors C partners D investors Primary legal … of law in the UK can be divided into two categories: legislation and case law A origins B roots c families I), sources 10 The UK Parliament can …any law it chooses or repeals obsolete law A enact B vote C consolidate D codify II Read the text and answer the questions below (3.5 points) The purpose of the American court system is to protect the rights of the people 33 According to American law, if someone is accused of a crime, he or she is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law In other words, it is the responsibility of the prosecution to prove that a person is guilty; it is not the responsibility of the person to prove that he or she is innocent During the trial, a judge or jury determines whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty based upon the application of criminal law to the facts of the case The criminal defendant must be given the opportunity to confront and cross-examine the prosecution's witnesses and to present evidence in his or her own defence Briefly, a jury trial consists of (1) the selection of the jury; (2) opening statements by prosecution and defense attorneys, during which each side states what it expects to prove; (3) the presentation of evidence (first by the prosecution, then by the defence) and the questioning of witnesses; (4) closing arguments in which each side states what the evidence has proved or failed to prove; (5) instructions by the trial judge to the jury concerning the law to be applied to the facts that the jury may find; (6) the jury’s deliberations and verdict, or formal decision; and (7) the sentence, if the verdict is guilty At the trial, a jury listens to the evidence from both attorneys and hears the testimony of the witnesses Then, the jury goes into a private room to consider the evidence and decide whether the defendant is guilty of the crime If the jury decides that the defendant is innocent, he or she goes free However, if he or she is convicted, the judge sets a date for the defendant to appear in court again for sentencing At sentencing, the judge tells the convicted person what his or her punishment will be Depending on the crime committed, the judge may sentence the defendant to prison, order him or her to pay a fine, or place him or her on probation A Are these statements True (T) or False (F)? 11 According to American law, no one is considered guilty of a crime until being proven in a court … of law 12 ỊỊ BK defendant is mtilW to defcnd 13 The jury makes openinn ettt defence k ,cincn,s after evidence is presented by the prosecution and the ằã'"ô w «a> the judge bean 15 If he defendant is founJ not gui|ly> he,she’.Kharged B Match these words and »«r>r~ t pre”lon’ (16-20) with their definitions (A-F.) A People who see something relevant to a crime B the final decision made by the jury 34 c decide and say officially what a punishment will be D the lawyers who try to prove that a person accused of committing a crime is guilty in court E question the witnesses) called by the opponent in court IIL Fill in each blank w ith a suitable preposition (1.5 points) 21 The man accused rape had never been to London 22 A sole trader is personally liable the business debts 23 He appealed European Court of Human Rights 24 The police are investigating bribery allegations him 25 A tenancy agreement is entered between a landlord and a tenant IV Translate these sentences Into Vietnamese (2 points) 26 Trademark infringement is the unauthorized use of a trademark or service mark on or in connection with gooc ani'or services in a manner that is likely to cause confusion, deception, or mistake about the source of the goo and/or services •••»•••••••••••••••••♦•••••••** 27 A bill may move backwards and forwards between the two Houses a number of times before agreement IS reached, so this stage is often called “ping pong 28 A unique feature of English law is the doctrine of judicial precedents - where the reported decisions of the courts form a binding source of law for future decisions 29 finally, it is important to remember that although many contracts can be oral, others have certain formalities: for example, contracts for the sale of land and most share transfers must be In writing; transfers of land, leases and powers of attorney must be by deed 30 When the police allege that you have committed a criminal offence, solicitors can represent you to make sure your legal rights arc protected and to present your case In court to make sure you get a fair hearing ♦••This is the end of the test*** ,httf ♦ I 35 lend TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC MỞ HÀ NỌ! I MI „f, t ! MƠN: Anh vrtn 4/Tlériíi Ai Thời gian: 90 phút hhhnn (Hộ: Họ tên Ngày sinh: ẨJ>.lo.i.ỉ.AKỈ^.„ Lớp: Kz^c Điểm số: Điểm chừ: ) Ngày thi : Cán coi thi Cán coi thi 2: Cán chấm 1: Cán chấm 2: ĐÈ SÓ 2262 Circle the best answer (a, b, c, d) In the following sentences (3 p° of The owner of copyright may _ usually in writing, the repr ve (X? grant B license B unless there arc „ acquitted liable cOfI}^nlty _ „ onaid work in “^Jristers fine and unp p to the In case of criminal law, the defendant is not declared 99% proofs against him 36 (A) guilty B innocent c_can give a combination of punishments, for example a fine' a^d Prosecution ® Courte c- Couns le to he/she may be If the defendant disagrees with verdict of the magistrates’ court, app.eal Crown Court „ xix _ tha A claim B comnlain c- reque J»císíoũs ratb court deCi* p authority by line elation a p amendable , which may be an indivt u< disagreetnen A B complain originally developed by judges through case by $ Common law was through legislation enacted bya/an A judiciary (B) executive c legislature After second reading, the Bill goes to committee state where detailed takes place B amending discussion of J ỐA/ amendments In civil law, a case commences when a organization against another A dispute B complaint c amends is filed by a party breach right to claim c 37 Copyright safeguards the creator’s, owner’s or holder’s own when the work is fixed in a tangible medium A- unique B sole c only A is a business owned and run by someone for their own benefitA company B partnership c sole ưa er A contract which is not in the form required by law is • A avoidable B preventable (C/ voida e ♦ T) an original «ork corpora* D valid 38 39 40 «, '*" • -V u>xi ch ~ x\s'2 u M~ '■"• — ■'■• — *• Members of the ntFeU • ■* • r—--• < • ’•

Ngày đăng: 19/10/2022, 09:51

