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BÀI THẢO LUẬN MÔN: DEVELOPING IELTS Đề tài: Culture Shock Giảng viên: Vũ Thị Thu Trang Lớp học phần: 20726ENTI0813 Nhóm thực hiện: LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Table of Contents A INTRODUCTION B MAIN CONTENTS The definition of culture shock 1.1 Definition 1.2 Culture shock stages and expression The reasons for culture shock How to overcome culture shock 3.1 How to overcome 3.2 Benefits of overcoming culture shock C CONCLUSION LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com A INTRODUCTION Participating in a study abroad program or moving to a foreign country are both exciting ways to experience a new region of the world The opportunity to immerse yourself in the traditions, foods, and cultural practices of other countries for an extended period of time is something that many people dream of However, many people who live in a foreign country for a while are at risk of experiencing culture shock But this does not necessarily mean that it is a bad thing, or that it has detrimental effects In fact, there are many benefits to your everyday life that you can reap from experiencing the shock of a new culture LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com B MAIN CONTENTS The definition of culture shock 1.1 Definition The term "culture shock" was first introduced in 1954 by the American anthropologist Kalvero Oberg (1901-1973) Accordingly, "culture shock" is the term used to describe state of anxiety and feeling of surprise, confusion when someone is exposed to a different social or cultural environment It comes from being cut off from the cultural cues and patterns that are familiar - especially the subtle, indirect ways you normally have of expressing feelings All the nuances of meaning that you understand instinctively and use to make your life comprehensible are suddenly taken from you For some people the bout with culture shock is brief and hardly noticeable These are usually people whose personalities provide them with a kind of natural immunity For most of us, however, culture shock is something we’ll have to deal with over a period of at least several months, possibly a year or more Culture shock is often mixed with frustration, and although they are related and similar in emotional content, they differ Frustration is always traceable to a specific action or cause and goes away when the situation is remedied or the cause is removed Frustration may be uncomfortable, but it is generally shortlived as compared to culture shock LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Figures of culture shock: More than 90% of students studying abroad are exposed to culture shock 1.2 Culture shock stages and expression Culture shock expression: It does not result from a specific event or series of events It comes instead from the experience of encountering ways of doing, organizing, perceiving or valuing things which are different from yours and which threaten your basic, unconscious belief that your culture’s customs, assumptions, values and behaviors are “right.” Not everyone will experience a severe case of culture shock, nor see all the symptoms Some that may occur in more severe cases include: homesick, insomnia, boredom, illness, digestive disorders, lack of confidence, communication problems The stages of culture shock: Honeymoon Most people begin their new adventure with great expectations and a positive mind-set If anything, they come with expectations LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com which are too high and attitudes that are too positive toward the host country and toward their own prospective experiences in it At this point, anything new is intriguing and exciting But, for the most part, it is the similarities which stand out This period of euphoria may last from a week or two to a month, but the letdown is inevitable Negotiation Gradually, focus turns from the similarities to the differences And these differences, which suddenly seem to be everywhere, are troubling Little, insignificant seeming problems are blown way out of proportion This is the stage generally identified as “culture shock,” and you may experience any of the symptoms Adjustment The crisis is over and you are on your way to recovery This step may come so gradually that, at first, you will be unaware it is happening Once you begin to orient yourself and are able to interpret some of the subtle cultural clues and cues which passed by unnoticed earlier, the culture seems more familiar You LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com become more comfortable in it and feel less isolated from it Gradually, too, your sense of humor returns and you realize the situation is not hopeless after all Adaptation or Biculturalism Full recovery will result in an ability to function in two cultures with confidence You will even find a great many customs, ways of doing and saying things, and personal attitudes which you enjoy - indeed, to which you have in some degree acculturated and which you will definitely miss when you pack up and return home In fact, you can expect to experience “reverse culture shock” upon your return to your hometown In some cases, particularly where a person has adjusted exceptionally well to the host country, reverse culture shock may cause greater distress than the original culture shock The reason for culture shock Leaving our home country to pursue a personal or professional adventure abroad can be for some, the most enriching experience of their lives and for others, the most frustrating one The one thing that is common among those of us that live (or have lived) abroad is, that facing a new culture and leaving the LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com world we know for one where we have to learn even the basics, is a real challenge So what are the causes of culture shock? Based on our research, there are many reasons for a culture shock, but here are some specific reasons: Language barriers When a student moves to a new place that is not in the same native language Therefore, the language barrier is a big challenge as they are unable to communicate with people and have difficulty in making friends Language differences also affect learning Instead of spending all their time stuying, they have to take language classes to understand what the teacher teaches Students who cannot learn or use their native language quickly, may find themselves alone and isolated by limited interaction with their friends Cultural differences Culture includes attitudes, perceptions, values, beliefs and stereotypes towards people in the same society For example, Japan is a country known for its rules and rituals, they often bow when meeting the other person, the flexion depends on the status of the other person in society Another example, in Vietnam, people respect the thoughtfulness when eating the same meal with everyone, such as: Do not use chopsticks to stir in the same bowl of soup, nor put the tip of LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com chopsticks up standing, if you want to pick food for others, must use a different chopstick each country, each culture has its own standards of way of life and manners, so people come from other cultures will have to make adjustments to adapt quickly However, people also often struggle to maintain their own national identity in communicating with their families and adopting other cultures in activities with indigenous peoples Commuting Another problem that many people have to face up with when arriving at a new place is roads In each place, travel has a different regulation We can see the difference in the following example: in the US and Canada, vehicles are driving in the right lane, while Australia or India drive in the left lane Besides, international students or newcomers in a new country almost always get lost In an unfamiliar place, it takes at least weeks for people to get used to the roads and traffic This also caused people culture shock, many people even felt afraid to go out because they did not feel comfortable and familiar Study environment Each nation has its own teaching and learning methods In some places, learning is mainly about taking notes and memorizing, in others, learning is critical and debating Changing the way of learning is almost the biggest cause of culture shock for every international student, because of the difference in LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com learning that many students feel they are not suitable and are left behind, compared to class speed This needs to be adapted as quickly as possible because the environment of the study is so important Many students not get acquainted with their classmates and the way to study, leading to depression and dropout There are also other reasons for culture shock such as: unusual weather, food, etc How to overcome culture shock 3.1 How to overcome Like it or not, culture shock seems to be the essence of life moving into a new place That's inevitable, so people need to prepare themselves to adapt as quickly as possible Here are some ways you can best deal with culture shock: Suggestion 1: be open-minded One of the most effective ways to overcome culture shock is to try and be open-minded Treat everything new as a chance to gain knowledge about the culture Not only does this make it easier to deal with, but you may also find certain things that you may like Turn the shock into a learning experience or even treat it like an adventure 10 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Suggestion 2: overcoming the language barrier For most people, language is the biggest barrier when going abroad to live and study and work As mentioned above, the most basic cause of "culture shock" is language differences Therefore, preparing well in the language to be able to communicate with native speakers will contribute to reducing misunderstandings due to incorrect expression as well as minimizing frustration when not able to properly express their thoughts in a foreign language The fastest way to improve communication is to be active in communication You should take the opportunity to communicate with native speakers whenever possible, then you will gradually get used to what they say, how to express words The first stage may be difficult but not give up, you will gradually feel more confident and comfortable in everyday communication Suggestion 3: get used to everything around The environment in which you live is the best place to start integrating and adapting Chat with roommate or initiate conversations with classmates to establish new relationships In addition, books and radio news are also sources of information that you can easily access If you have time, participate in community activities and local festivals to embrace culture and the traditions of the place you are currently residing Many students have chosen to "stay" in their 11 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com rooms except during school or part-time work and not participate in any outdoor activities or visit anywhere This will cause a feeling of fatigue and "stuck" in your distant life, constantly evoking homesickness, misses family and friends At the same time, not communicating with the outside will make it difficult for you to relieve your difficulties and confide and make you just want to return to your homeland Suggestion 4: set yourself a project Find yourself a project Do not let cultural change take control of your life and thinking, but change and adapt to it Whether that be learning how to prepare a local dish, practising the steps of traditional dance, or memorising some useful phrases in the local language, keep yourself busy with something new and exciting Having a project to work on will give you a sense of achievement and prevent you from dwelling too much on your culture shock Also, not be too hard on yourself when making mistakes in all communication situations with native speakers, always be optimistic and learn from experience Culture shock is almost inevitable when we move to a new place, so find the right methods to get through it as quickly as possible However, not all culture 12 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com shocks have a negative side effect There are many conclusions that show that when culture shock is overcome, it will bring unexpected benefits 3.2 Benefits of overcoming culture shock It speed up your language acquisition When you stay for a long time in an environment with another language, you will quickly learn those languages, even slang or local words One of the best and fastest ways to learn a new language is through immersion While you certainly can learn and use key words and phrases when learned in isolated situations, you will truly internalize it best when learning it in context This is the best way to pick up on slang, different uses of the same words, and the way that native speakers use the language both formally and casually The cultural shock of moving to a new place where you can’t understand what people are saying is very overwhelming It can be isolating to be on the outside of a language that everyone else seems to speak and understand fluently However, remember that there is a benefit to being thrown into such a circumstance You will begin to pick up on common words and phrases and learn both the meanings and pronunciations of the native language much faster Exposure to culture shock can help shape who you are as a person There will be times when you need to trust your instincts, endure some loneliness, and develop a toughness that may not have been necessary before 13 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com The best way to grow is to throw yourself out of your comfort zone, no matter how uncomfortable or frightening it may be It is during these times that you expose and build your true character, and figure out just what you are capable of Gradually, over a period of time, people will become confident in everything Confidence in making friends, confidence in study and work we can see that most international students, after a period of studying abroad, are very bold and active in all activities They have liberal and different ways of thinking, they dare to think dare to do, they are very confident Increasing ability to adapt When you move to a new place, it can take time to adjust to the new way of life in that culture The people in new homeland might dress differently, speak a language that is foreign , and have behaviors, mannerisms and social rules that are unfamiliar The environment might also feel very difficult to understand It can feel very isolating to be in a place where you don’t understand the written and unspoken rules and ways of life of the culture and community When people are suddenly immersed in a new culture, they learn to adjust to new surroundings and the community rules very quickly In order to survive in new environment and to begin to acquire an understanding of the rules and language, people need to be flexible and observant As they watch how others speak, behave and interact, they will be able to imitate and reprogram what is 14 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com normal and natural The ability to adapt quickly to this situation will help to be more flexible and open-minded in all new situations that they encounter There are also other benefits that come from culture shock such as: the chance to expand your network across the world, making more friends, helps people become more of a risk taker, expand your world view C CONCLUSION Culture shock is an essential part of the experience of living overseas Whether you are a university student considering study abroad, or on an expatriate assignment moving to another country for your career, know that culture shock, although difficult and uncomfortable, truly exercises your mind and creates a positive impact on your life Through the definition and analysis of the essay, readers can see that culture shock is not something too scary, nor is it entirely negative As long as people have enough reason to overcome, it will bring about unexpected positive effects By recognizing it for what it is and finding ways to cope, you can prevent culture shock from ruining an otherwise enriching experience abroad 15 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com 16 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Thành viên: - Nguyễn Phương Thảo - Lương Thuỳ Trinh - Phạm Bách Tuấn - Đinh Thị Bảo Uyên References: https://study-uk.britishcouncil.org/living/top-student-tips-culture-shock http://www.eastsideliteracy.org/tutorsupport/documents/TalkTime/ winter_10/TT_Topics_Winter10_wk07.pdf 17 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com https://www.now-health.com/en/blog/culture-shock-stages/ https://www.sfu.ca/students/isap/explore/culture/stages-symptoms-cultureshock.html 18 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com ... of culture shock 1.1 Definition 1.2 Culture shock stages and expression The reasons for culture shock How to overcome culture shock 3.1 How to overcome 3.2 Benefits of overcoming culture shock. .. compared to culture shock LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Figures of culture shock: More than 90% of students studying abroad are exposed to culture shock 1.2 Culture shock. .. experiencing the shock of a new culture LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com B MAIN CONTENTS The definition of culture shock 1.1 Definition The term "culture shock" was first

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