Ebook Hooked on TOEFL iBT Writing
Trang 1Ph§n nay bao g6m nhling bID t~p nMm giup nguOi hoc nang cao ky nang viet Cac bID t~p & ph§n Integrated Writing giup nguOi hoc rEm luy~n tu
d6ng nghia; cac bID t~p & ph§n Independent Writing t~p trung vao cac
nhom tu vqng theo cM d~ M~c Specific Thinking & 4 chuong giup nguOi
hoc luy~n viet cau trau chuot, c~ th~ va hop logic
Ph§n nay giup nguOi hoc thqc t~p cach l~p dan y cho cac lol;\i cau hOi vOO
cM d~ da d~g va lam quen vOO phan X(,l thqc teo NguOi hoc nen sAp xep thOi gian, SU d~ng CD-ROM kern theo sach d~ lam trqc tiep tren may
Khi lam xong, nguOi hoc phfu ki~m tra ll;\i nhfun phat hi~n nhling thieu sot cua ban than d~ khAc ph~c
Ph§n nay cung cap 20 bID lu~ m~u cung vOO dan y m~u cho nhling cM d~ thuOng g~p trong cac ky thi TOEFL
Ph§n nay bao g6m 12 m~c ngfr phap rna nguOi hoc c§n tham khao va ren luy~n d~ co th~ viet cau chinh xac va hi~u qua hon
Ph§n nay bao g6m 2 bID test giong nhu bID thi TOEFL iBT tMt nhfun giup nguOi hoc ki~m tra nang lqc tMt sq cua ban than sau khi hoan tat nhling m~c c§n thiet trong cuon sach nay
Trang 2Introduction to Integrated Writing 9
Guided Writing Writing Focus - J • Writing Booster
A Synonyms (Adjectives)
B Specific Thinking
iBT Practice (o n - lin e)
Guided Writing Writing Focus - J • ,
Writing Booster
A Synonyms (Adverbs)
iBT Practice ( on-lin e)
Trang 3Introdu c tion to Independent Writing 109
iBT Practice ( on-line )
Entertainment & Travel
Guided Writing
-Writing Focus - : ••
Writing Booster
A Idioms & Expressions
iBT Practice (on-line)
Art & Culture
Guided Writing
-Writing Focus - @.m@tWtl
Writing Booster
A Idioms & Expressions
B Specific Thinking
iBT Practice (on - line )
Technology & The Future
Guided Writing
Writing Focus
-Writing Booster
A Idioms & Expressions
iBT Practice ( on-line )
Trang 4Actual Test 1, 2 249
1 Cau khong holm chinh (Sentence Fragments)
2 N6i cau hi sai (Run-Ons)
3 Sv phU hqp cM ngli va dQng tu (Subject-Verb Agreement)
4 Sv phil hqp d(li tu - tu dUng tru&c (Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement)
5 Sv phOi thi (Sequence of Tense)
6 Cau tnic song song (Parallelism)
7 Nhan m~ (Emphasis)
8 Rlit g(ln (Contraction)
9 PM dinh kep (Double Negatives)
10 LOi d(li tu lien M sai (Reference)
11 M~nh d~ nit g(ln (Reduced Clauses)
12 Dau cau (Punctuation)
I Gi&i thi~u ky thi TOEFL iBT
n Bang chuyen d6i diem ill Mon thi viet TOEFL iBT
N Bang Wlu chuan cham diem mon viet TOEFL iBT
Trang 6Cau hOi viet tich hQP (Integrated Writing) nMm danh gia kM nang hi€u nhling y tuang
then chat trong do;;m doc co n<)i dung hoc thu~t va bhl thuyet trinh ng!in, va viet cau tra
100 cho cau hOi v~ nhling y tuang do cua thi sinh Thi sinh phfu xac d~nh thOng tin trong bhl thuyet trinh lien quan nhu tM nao v6i thOng tin trong do;;m doc Sau do thi sinh phfu slip xep va viet cau tra 100 bAng tieng Anh viet ti€m chuful Writing duQ'C thvc hi~n tuful tv
Writing Task Vi~t cAu tri lcri
1 M(Jt do~ van khoang 230-300 tu
2 N(Ji dung chinh thubng la trinh bay v~ khru ni¢m, cac hi¢n tuqng d~c trung, van d~ n5i b~t ho~c van d~ van h<,lc duQ'C dua ra tranh lu~
3 Thi sinh co 3 phUt d~ d<,lc va do~ van se bien mat khi den bili thuyet trinh
1 M(Jt bili thuyet trinh dili 2 phUt; thi sinh chi duqc nghe m(Jt Ian
2 N(Ji dung chinh la nhling y kien ho~c quan di~m
lien quan den n(Ji dung cua do~ d<,lc
3 Thi sinh chi tMy hinh mb ta bu5i thuyet trinh
1 Thi sinh tom tiit n(Ji dung cua bili thuyet trinh va neu ra mOi quan h¢ giua thOng tin trong bili thuyet trinh v6i thOng tin trong do~ d<,lc
2 Th01 gian d~ tra 101 cau hOi la 20 phUt
3 Thi sinh phfu viet cau tra 101 khoang 150-225 tu
4 Trong khi viet cau tra 101, thi sinh duQ'C phep d<,lc do!,Ul van & ben trru man hinh may vi tinh
Trang 71 Reading Passage
The Knights Templar occupy a unique place in Crusades history The Templars were
the first Christian warriors organized as an official part of the Catholic church They
were first formed to protect pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land after the First Crusade
successfully returned Jerusalem to Christian control
The Templars recruited members from the knightly warrior class that ruled Europe in
the Middle Ages These members were already highly trained warriors before entering
the Templars, where they received further training Members of the Templars generally
joined the order while in Europe and were then transferred to the Holy Land, resulting
in a mass transfer of manpower from Europe to the Middle East The Templars
needed constant recruitment to refresh their ranks due to losses in battle
Like the monks in Europe at the start of the Middle Ages, the Templars followed strict
rules designed to keep them away from sin Knights entering the Templar order were
expected to take a vow of poverty In fact, the ban on material wealth was so strict that
any Templar brother who was found with money on his person was expelled from the
order The Templars also followed a rigid diet Finally, Templars were not allowed to
marry and avoided contact with women
The Templars were based in Jerusalem and played a vital role in the defense of the
Holy Land The strict rules made the Templars the most disciplined and effective
military force in the region While many of the secular knights who traveled to the Holy
Land were primarily motivated by the promise of gaining treasure, the Templars were
motivated by their faith, and thus their actions were primarily selfless This meant that
they were willing to take on missions that held little promise of profit, such as guarding
( Note.taking
The Knights Templar -The first Christian warriors
1 trained warriors, transferred to the Holy Land
4 strict rules, a vow of poverty
motivation: their faith, selfless actions
Trang 82 Lecture
l y Forum TOEFL Writing
OK, uh, today we need to talk a bit more about the Templars You know, the Templars
figure so largely in our popular conceptions of the Crusades that there are a lot of
inaccuracies surrounding them We have this image of, uh, well, this poor, chivalrous
warrior fighting for his religion and that's not entirely false, but it's not entirely true
First, we know that the Templars were a military order of the church But actually, only
about 30% of the Templars were knights You see, they were such a huge
organization uh, spread halfway across the known world at that time, that they
needed a sizable support staff Many of the members of the Templar order performed
strictly clerical duties in Europe and were as far removed from the danger and chaos
of battle as you or I
Another thing the Templars were definitely not poor OK, individual Templars were
forbidden to carry money, but as an organization they were fantastically rich The
authority the Pope had given them exempted them from paying taxes, and the
European nobility gave generously to the Templars They had land holdings spread all
over the Middle East and Europe Uh, actually, here's something that might surprise
you the Templars were the primary source of loans when the monarchs of Europe
were strapped for cash
Uh, that brings me to a final common misconception The motivations of the Templars
were not entirely religious in nature Sure, some knights did enter the order out of
sincere religious conviction But you have to remember that the Templars were one of
the largest and most influential organizations in European society at the time Their
leaders wielded enormous wealth and influence So for many, especially the younger
sons of a noble family who couldn't expect to inherit land or title, entering the Templars
was simply a wise career move
f Note-taking
The Knights Templar: common conception - Not true
1 only 30% actual knights, spread across the world, clerical duties, no battles
- - -" _ _ - -_
-2 not poor - organization: v rich
- _ _._ -
-Pope-no tax, nobility-money, much land
primary source of loan for monarchs
3 motivation: Not religious, wealth & influence, wise career move
N(>i dung cua bill thuyet trinh giong v6i n(>i dung cua dOi1Jl d<;>c hol)c tiep c?o n(>i dung cua dOi1Jl d<;>c v6i
m(>t quan di~m khac LUll y Iii d ~ tni 100 tot cau hOi, bi1Jl phfu dva vilo n(>i dung cua bill thuyet trinh vii
phfu hi~u ro mOi quan h¢ giua thOng tin trong bill thuyet trinh vii dOi1Jl van Vi chi du9'c nghe bill thuyet
trinh m(>t Idn nen bi1Jl phfu su dlil1g k y thu~t note-taking d~ ghi chU nhUng n(Ji dung quan tr<;>ng cdn
thiet cho cau tniloo
Trang 9
3 Nhling ghi chti tu Reading Passage va Lecture
Nhling lu~ di~m quan tn.mg
cuado~ van
The Templars were trained warriors from Europe
and were then transferred to the Holy Land
Templars took vows of poverty and were
strictly forbidden from gaining material wealth
Templars joined out of religious conviction and
a selfless desire to protect their fellow
Nhling lu~ di~m lien quan xua:t hi~n trong bID thuyet trinh Most of them never traveled to the Holy Land or took part in battle
Although they took vows of poverty, they were one of the richest groups in Europe as an organization
They were such a powerful organization that joining was seen as a wise career move for many
a bang tr€m, cac lu~ di€m doi l~p nhau cua do~ van va bm thuyet trinh co tM duQ'C chia thanh tUng dili mQt Bfulg cach note-taking, b~ co tM nh& duQ'c nhfrng nQi dung quan trc , mg d€ co tM viet cau tra 100 dung thea yeu d.u cua cau hOi ThOng thuOng cau hOi yeu cau b~ gifu thich moi quan h$ pharr bi$n cua cac lu~ di€m (points) trong bm thuyet trinh doi voo cac lu~ di€m trong bm dQc Tuy nhien , b~ cling nen tham khao cac d~g cau hOi khac duQ'C d~ c~p & phftn duoo day
Sau khi dQc do~ van va nghe bm thuyet trinh, b~ se nghe va tMy cau hOi hi$n len tren man hinh vi tinh
Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard, explaining how they cast doubt on
points made in the reading
Cau hOi nay yeu cau b~ tom tiit cac lu~ di€m neu ra trong bm thuyet trinh va gifu thich nhfrng lu~ di€m nay pharr bac nhfrng lu~ di€m trong do~ van nhu the nao Ngom ra, con co nhfrng cau hOi khac nhu sau :
./ Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge specific claims!
arguments made in the reading passage
./ Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they answer the
problems raised in the reading passage
./ Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they support the
explanations in the reading passage
./ Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they strengthen
points made in the reading passage
Trang 10.'."~ 0 to r I a I z e I f - - - - -
-Cau hOi a phfullntegrated Writing kh6ng hOi y kien hay quan di€m cua nguOi viet , rna chi yl'm d.u tom tiit cac lu~ di€m trong bill thuyet trinh va chi ra moi quan M giua chUng v 6i cac lu~ di€m trong do~ van Vi v~y, luu Y dUng neu y kien cua ban than a bill viet D€ co mi)t bill viet hi~u qua , tru&c Mt b~ phfu n€m y chinh (main idea) cua bill thuyet trinh a
phful rna d:1u (introduction); a phful than bill, b~ phfu so sanh tUng lu~ di€m chinh (major points) trong bill thuyet trinh co lien quan nhu tM nao den cac lu~ di€m trong
do~ van Xem dan y mau sau :
- eM d~ (main topic) cua do~ van va bill thuy e t trinh
- Y chinh (main idea) cua bill thuyet trinh
- Moi quan M gilia y chinh cua bill thuyet trinh va do~ van
- Lu~ di € m tn ; mg yeu (key point) thU nhat eua bill thu y et trinh
- ThOng tin lien quan den eM d e ho~e vi dt) tieu bi€u
- Neu ni)i dung eo lien quan eua do;;m van va lien quan nhu tM n a o
-Lu~ di € m tn ; mg yeu (key point) thU hai eua bill thuyet trinh
- ThOng tin lien quan den eM d~ ho~e vi dt) tieu bi € u
- N e u ni)i dung eo lien quan eua do;;m van va lien quan nhu tM n a o
- Lu~ di€m tr9ng yeu (key point) thU ba eua bill thuyet trinh
- Thong tin lien quan den eM d~ ho~e vi dt) tieu bi€u
- N e u ni)i dung eo lien quan eua do;;m van va lien quan nhu tM na o
Trang 11Nghe bill Khoang
- Nghe, lam Note-taking va nihn hAt nhUng di~m lien quan gifra noi dung cua hili thuyet trinh va do~ van Ghi cM nhUng s~ ki¢n ho~c vi d~ chinh
- D9C va nfun bil.t chinh xac yeu cciu cua cau hoi
- Xem Note-takingcua hili thuyet trinh va do~ van, rai viet dan y (outline) d~a tren nen tfrng noi dung collen quan
- D~a vao dan y (outline) do d~ viet cau tra Uri
- D9C nhanh ki~m tra va sua l6i chinh ta, van ph1;lIIl
-D ap an du Q'C pharr lOl;li tu 0 di~m den 5 di~m d~ h ai giam khao cham thi theo ti€m chuful nh81 dtnh (tham khao phfin Orientation & trang 321) Trong truOng hQP co S1;1 khac bi~t ve di~m so giua hai giam khao do thi se co giam khao thU ba khao sat ll;li ngay Xem nhUng bill viet mau sau:
Score 5
The professor say that much of what we think about the Templars is false The
professor makes three main paints, each of which casts doubt on what was stated in the reading
Firstly , the lecture states that most members of the Templars were not actually warriors , and most of them were stationed in Europe, not in the holy land This was because, the
PRRT _R Integrated Writing I 15
Trang 12Templars, as the huge international organization, had a large support staff and many Templars were just doing clerical things This contradicts the reading because the
reading says that the Templars moved huge numbers of warriors to the holy land, but the professor said that most Templars stayed in Europe and didn't fight
Secondly, the professor stresses the wealth of the Templars The professor says that individual Templars were not rich, but that the organization was very rich The Pope prohibited the Templars from paying taxes, and this allowed them to become very rich They were so rich that they could give loans to the kings of Europe The reading,
however, talks about the templar's vow of poverty Based on the professor's lecture, this
is incorrect
Finally, the professor shows that many templars were younger sons in their family and
so they couldn't get the land They just joined the templars to help their careers because
it was powerful organization The reading says that the Templars joined for religious reasons, and did not act in their own self-interest Again, this seems to be incorrect based on the professor's lecture
BiIi viet nay the hi¢n rat ro nhfrng lu~ d i em quan tr9ng trong hili thuyet trinh, gim thich cMt che nhfrng khac hi¢t gilia chUng v&i nhfrng lu~ diem trong dO\ill van Co d6i chii sai nh6 trong vi¢c ch9n tu thich hQ'jl ho~c thieu nha1 qmin gilia cM tu va d(lng tu (vi d~: The Pope prohibited the Templars from paying taxes) nhung do kh6ng phm lal6i sai trfun tr9ng Cau tnic cau va cach Sll d~g tu vvng trong toiln hili tuong doi tr6i chay, t!).o cho hili viet tinh M thong cao
Score 4
The Knights Templar was an organization of a military force fo the church It is well known for protecting Pilgrims when they were going to the Holy land But there has been many misunderstandings about them Some of the misunderstandings are, there members, wealth, and the point of joining it
It is known that the members were mostly knights But the truth is that only 30 percent
of the members were knights, most were doing clerical duties Which means that most members of the Knights Templar was not involved in any danger This makes the part of the reading where it says it recruited knights When in reality it was only a 30 percent of the members who were knights
In the reading passage it mentions that the knights were very poor But that is not
entirely true Knights in indivisual may not have been so rich, but the organization itself was very rich The organization had lands they owned all over Europe Even more it was the main subject for loans Most people, when lacked money they came to the Knights Templar for loan In truth the organization was very wealthy
Religion is the most commonly known reason for entering the organization But only a
Trang 13few joined for religion Most members were sons of less wealthier families with low
chance inheriting land or wealth Joining the Knights Templar was an execellant
opportunity to own some land Furthermore, the organization had huge inspiration
Joining it would be a chance to become famous and well treated
The common knowledge about the Knights Templar seems not intirely true Wealth,
members are some of them Sometime knowledge i
Bill viet nay bao ham tat cit nhling lu~ diem quan tr9ng trong bill thuyet trinh, giro thich ky cl1ng nhu
lien h~ so sanh v6'i cac lu~ diem trong dO\ill van M~c du ml).ch van trong toan bill khong ma h6 nhung
co doi chi) ni)i dung khong ra rang ( d~c bi~t la dO\ill thU tu) Coliii van phl).ID & mi)t so chi) (vi d\l: Even more it was the main s bjec for loans.)
Score 3
The lecture and the passage both points out that the templars are the first Christian
warriors that protected the piligrins The passage describes templars as poor warriors
fighting for their religion, but the lecture casts doubt about this There are two of them,
and they were that the templars were not all knights, and that the organization itself was
quite rich
The first point that the lecture made is that not all of the templars were knights Since
the templars was such a big organization, it needed many people to take care of it In
fact, only 30% of the templars actually fought, the others were far removed from the
war This point doubts on the poin from the passage that templars were warriors that
fought for their religion
The second point is that the organization was very rich Although the individuals were
very strict on banning wealth, the organization itself had many money The pope that
gave money to the templars didn't make them pay taxes This casts a doubt on the point
from the passage that the templars were very poor
The lecture doubted on two things One was pointing out that there were only 30% of
the templars were knights, although the templars individuals were poor, the templars
orginization itself was very rich.These are the things that the lecture mentioned about
the templars
Bill viet nay so saM ra rang toan bi) nhling ni)i dung quan tr9ng cua dO\ill van va bill thuyet trinh Tuy nhien, nguoo viet da bO sot mi)t lu~ diem chinh trong bill thuyet trinh noi v~ vi~c cac hi~p si tham gia 1;6 chUc nay vi 19'i fch ban than, chti: khong phro vi ly do ton giao Ngoill ra, bill viet co nhi~u liii van
I 17
Trang 14Score 2
The knights Templars were important to the history and society They were close to the
Catholic church They were went to the Holy Land for protect pilgrims
They were also traveling They leamed how to fighting, and being knights In paragraph number two says, they joined the order while in Europe and were them trasferred to the Holy Land, resulting in a mass trasfer of man power from Europe to the Middle East I guess this group of Templars are very big and popular
The Templars followed rules, that is for keep them In fact, templars were not allowed to marry and avoided contact with women I think this group is really hard to join in
The Templars strict rules and they are effective The listenning passage tells they were rich They could find the treasures, too They were taking missions and very courage at the mission Protect pilgrim is example of this truth
Bhl viet nay chi mo ta moi lien h ~ gilia d O\lIl van va hhl t hu yet trinh, nhung khong giru thich dUQ"C nhUng lu~ di~m trong hhl th u yet trinh phan hac nhUng lu~ di~m & hhl d9C nhu tM nao C6 cM trich dfin sai n Qi dun g cua dO\lIl van; c h Ang h\lIl, hi~p si Templar co ky lu~t nghiem khAc va nhUng ky lu~t
nay c6 hi~u q a Th\lC te la di~u nay khong d ugc d~ c~p lam lu~ di~m chinh & dO\lIl van Co nhi~u loi sai van phl).Ill va ngon ngli
Score 1
Templar is Europe warier in Midle Age Temlplar keep the rule It make great warrior and many poe pies want them Templar have mony not much so woman not like Mostly templar protet the peoples Is very good thing but money not much I think templar get the money Get the money, they eat much food and womans like
Bhl viet nay q u a ngi\.n va co nhi~u loi sai t r Am tr9ng v~ ngon ngli va cau truc ciiu Ngohl ra, xet v~ m~t nQi dun g, co nhi ~ u chO kh o g c hinh xac h o~c kh o g li im q u an
* Neu sao chep nguyen vw! dO(lll vw! thi se nh~ di~m O
Trang 154'+~ ee S ills for IntegrBt riting ~ I
-(1) Note-taking
D<,lc do~ van, nghe bill thuyet trinh, r6i ghi cM nhftng n(li dung chinh Vi~c nay giup ich
fllt nhi~u cho vi~c h6i tuang 1~ d~ viet bill _ CK _ CII = -,
(2) Outlining
Dan y (outline) 1a suOn cua bill viet Thong qua dan y, ngu01 viet co tM h~ thOng 1~ cac y tuang va hlnh dung du(,l'C cau truc cua toan b(l bill viet _ _ ' "-'- = -'
(3) Paraphrasing
Sao chep nguyen van n(li dung cua bill thuyet trinh hay do~ van 1a hanh vi d?o van ;
vi v~y, b~ phfu di~n d?t nhftng n(li dung do bfulg 101 van cua chinh minh
(4) Summarizing
Tom tlit 1a m(lt ky nang quan tr<,lng trong Integrated Writing giup ngu01 viet dtnh du(,l'C d(l dill cua bill viet bfulg cach ch<,ln nhftng di~m quan tr<,lng , tM hi~n th~t suc tich, khong viet dong dill v~ n(li dung cua bill thuyet trinh va do~ van
(7) Checking & Editing
Vi th01 gian viet nglln nen ngu01 viet cling co tM phl,UIl nhi~u sai sot v~ chinh ta,
van phl,UIl B~ nen danh m(lt it th01 gian d~ ki~m tra va chinh sua tru&c khi ket tMc
Integrated Writing I 19
Trang 16www.LinguaForum.com
Trang 18STEP 1 DQc dOl,ln van sau va hoan thanh bang ghi chu bang nhling thong tin thich hQ'P
l ' w -m
TOEFL Writing Reading Passage
In 1979, the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) or what is now popularly known as the
International Women's Rights Treaty This treaty was the first to address women's issues
in the political, cultural, social, and economic area It ensured that women's rights were recognized and protected by law By accepting the treaty, governments around the world agreed to abolish all discriminatory laws, and adopt appropriate ones that would effectively protect the rights of women
One country that strongly believes in the treaty's ideals is the United States It has always been active in fighting for women's rights, and has laid down laws that allow women to get the same opportunities as men For example, the United States was one of the first countries to allow women to attend college, vote in elections, and enter careers in the fields of science and engineering Their actions and laws led other countries to start recognizing women's rights, and to grant them the same opportunities as the men in society
Today, women's rights are recognized everywhere More and more women are making strides in fields such as politics, science, and business In fact, some countries have female presidents and CEOs of major companies They are able to attend the same colleges as men, get equal pay, and are free to make their own choices in regards to their health and education Discrimination has been removed from the modern
workplace, and violations against women's rights are now brought to court for justice
CEDAW or the International Women's Rights Treaty
• To ensure
• US believes in _
e.g women : college, vote , careers in science & engineering 1st
• Women ' s rights today
-e.g women preSidents , CEOs, same colleges as men, free to make own choices, etc
Trang 19STEP 2 Nghe hai thuyet trinh sau va hoan thanh bang ghi chli bAng nhling thOng tin
- Not all laws favorable for women's rights
: Not just past Activist groups, NGOs - violations against women t
n :I
n :I
n :I
n :I
mO til'"
• til
Trang 20STEP 4 DQc cau hOi va hOM thanh hai vH;t sau biing cach dUm va o cac ClPD tu t h en ch6t
duQ'c cho hen dum
Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard, explaining how they cast doubt
on points made in the reading
l rForum TOEFL Writing Sample Response
.:::(1): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ what is really happening with the
Internat i onal Women's Rights Treaty Contrary to what the reading passage
states , the treaty presents a different reality in today's times
F i rst , the lecture points out that the treaty does not have any measures to
pun i sh the governments that fail to follow it Because of this, .:::@: _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that countries follow the treaty ::::@' _ _ _ _ _ _
protected by law
Second, the lecture mentions that one of the few member countries which have not formally approved the treaty is the United States .:::@ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ , and spearheading international women ' s issues , the United
States still fails to bring into law the provisions of the treaty in its own country This is very different from the cla i ms made in the reading passage
Finally , the lecture points out that .:::@' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in
different fields, women's rights continue to be violated :::(])' _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ In this country, women who walk by themselves or with men
who are not their relatives , can be arrested and jailed for suspicion of
prostitution This part directly contrad i cts the reading's statement that women ' s
r i ghts are recognized everywhere today
'" nothing concrete has been done to ensure
~ Despite leading the world in reforms
~ One example is the country of Saudi Arabia
- While the treaty promises to protect women's rights worldwide
.- The lecture discusses
'" what the reading passage presents
'" d spite the advances and successes of women
Trang 21IM.I,,,I.6\1I
BID thuyet trinh thiio lu~ nhfrng gi dang tMt s~ dien ra v&i Hi~p u6'c Nu quy~n
Quae te o Trai v&i nhfrng di~u duQ'C neu trong do~ van, hi~p u6'c eho thay m<)t th~e te
khac hAn t;;u nhi~u thiri di~m & hi~n t;;u Trong khi hi~p u6'c hUa bao v~ nu quy~n tren
toan tM gi&i thi nhi~u nhan to ngan can khong cho di~u nay xay ra
Tru6'c tien , bID thuyet trinh chi ra rAng hi~p u6'c khong co bat ell bi~n phap nao trung
ph?t cac chinh phU khong tuan theo hi~p u6'c Vi ly do nay, khong co bi~n phap Clf tM
nao duQ'C th~c hi~n d~ bao dam cac quac gia d~u tuan theo hi~p u6'c Di~u nay trai v&i
di~u duQ'c neu trong do~ dQc rAng hi~p u6'c bao dam tat ca nu quy~n d~u duQ'C lu~t
phap bao v~
ThU hai , bID thuyet trinh d~ c~p rAng m<)t trong so it cac quoc gia khong chinh thUc
cong nh~ hi~p u6'c la Hoa Ky M~c du dan d~u tM gi&i v~ cm cach va nhfrng van d~
hang d~u cua ph~ nu quoc te , Hoa Ky van khong dua nhfrng di~u khoan cua hi~p u6'c
VaG b<) lu~t & ngay t;;u dat nu&c minh Di~u nay khac hAn v&i tuyen b6 duQ'C neu ra
trong do~ dQc
Cuoi cling, bm thuyet trinh chi ra rAng m~c du co nhfrng tien b<) va thanh cong cua
ph~ nu & cac linh ~c khac nhau, nu quy~n van tiep t~c bi vi phcp:n M<)t vi d~ la nu6'c
Ar~p XMt a quae gia nay, nhfrng ph~ nu di m<)t minh ho~c di v&i nhfrng nguiri dan
ong khong co hQ hang v&i minh co tM bi bAt va bi tOng giam vi nghi nga la gai m;;u
darn Phan nay tuong phan tr~c tiep v&i tuyen b6 cua do~ dQc rAng ngay nay nu
quyen duQ'C cong nh~ & khiip mQi noi
Reading Passage & Lecture
o discrimination II SI! phlln bi~t
o measure II bi~n phap
o chi ra: point out, point to, indicate, specify
e.g The lecture points out the importance
o tUO'llg phan, trill v&i: contradict, be contrary, be different
e.g This contradicts the reading's statement that
o rni).c du: despite, in spite of, although, though
e.g Despite leading the world in reforms,
adj Cl,l the
II quan ni~rn sai
u d(ln duimg cho
n nha ho~t d(lng xii hQi
adj khong co ngum di kern
Trang 22~ Reading Passage
Sau khi nghe xong bm thuyet trinh va Mt dfru viet cau tra 100, do~ dC)c se xWlt hi~n tra lIP tren man hinh Tuy nhien, b~ phiii lUll y ghi cM nhUng di~m trC)ng tam du<,Yc neu ra trong do~ dC)c; di~u nay se giup b~ hi~u ra hon nQi dung cua bm thuyet trinh va phOng doan du<,YC nQi dung cua bm thuyet trinh 1£1 gi , co lien quan nhu the nao d6i v6i nQi dung cua do~ dC)c Nh(Y do, b~
co tM l~p du<,YC bang tom tAt chinh xac va ap d!plg d~ viet cau tra 100 mQt cach hi~u qua
(1) Tim ra nhling lu*n di~m chinh (main points)
Di~u quan trC)ng nMt khi th\lc hi~n vi~c Note-taking do~ van 1£1 tim ra main point va cM
d~ D~ lam du<,YC di~u nay, b~ phiii niim vling nhUng nQi dung trC)ng tam va cau truc cua
do~ van
( 2 ) Hay tom tat tru6'c khi viet
Cho du b~ niim vling nQi dung chinh, tom tAt nhanh chong nhung khong tM viet ra thi th\lC hi~n Note-taking cling khong co y nghia gi Phfin Note-taking chi daub rieng cho b~
nen b~ cfin phiii luy~n t~p viet tom tAt nQi dung chinh tMt nhanh Mng cac cach viet rna
b~ co th~ dC)c va nh& de dang
(3 ) Su dlplg ttl viet tat va ky hi~u
Thoo gian daub cho do~ van chi 1£1 3 pMt ; vi v~y, neu b~ thaub thl;lo nhUng cach viet tAt
ho~c dUng ky hi~u, b~ se tie't ki~m thoo gian mQt cach hi~u qua
+, &
and not equal equal not, no more than less than increase decrease
Trang 23Firstly, by default, bribery will only serve the rich This is the very principle which bribery
is founded on In situations where the rich and the poor compete (such as in a courtroom), the rich will always prevail Proper procedure is shunned altogether as money becomes the sole deciding factor Also, in a society that openly practices bribery - or turns a blind eye to it - distrust in institutions will be instilled in people This will in turn cause social unrest, and perhaps in some occasions, even revolutions Institutions such as the church, the justice system, or government in general are expected to be fair and unbiased - and (successful) bribery of these institutions alters public perception Lastly, since bribery assigns monetary value to a person's decisions, favor, or judgment, humanity is hence treated as an object or as a commodity that can be bought This view of human beings decreases - or entirely diminishes - one's sense of honor and dignity, both equally important considerations in measuring one's self-worth
(Note-taking Bribery : a damaging force in society
l teral meaning : The reasons why bribery i s seen as evil
1 only serves the r i ch
: the sole dec i d i ng factor
2 d i strust in i nst i tut i ons among people
lUI :lI~
Trang 24the help of the Church, hunted down people suspected of being witches, and tortured and
killed them in various ways
For over two hundred years, the manhunt for witches never stopped Popes and kings
authorized the deaths of these people, leading to around 50,000 - 80,000 executions of suspected witches These people were brought into court to defend themselves, but were
tortured into admitting that they were witches The accused began to admit to casting spells to
destroy crops, causing storms, killing people by using spells, and flying on poles As a result, the distinctive crime of witchcraft began to take shape The courts found them guilty, and punished them by burning them at the stake, hanging them by the neck, or drowning them in the sea, while others were imprisoned until they died of torture or sickness
The Witch Trials finally subsided during the Enlightenment Period in the late 1680s The Enlightenment Period focused on logic, and brought reason, skepticism, and
humanitarianism to Europe These beliefs helped defeat the superstitions against witches during that time, by suggesting that there was no real evidence proving that these people were witches who caused any harm The Enlightenment also taught everyone that the use of torture to force confessions was cruel
Witch Trials
-• Witches: hunted down & burned at the stake
'.' believed to cause harm & be evil, heretics
• Manhunt for witches
Trang 25B Lecture
a cau hOi viet tich hQ'P (Integrated Writing), b~ chi duQ'C nghe bID thuyet trinh mot 1ful; vi v$.y
d~ c6 the nghe duQ'C y chinh, chinh sua va viet cau tnllOi, b~ cful phfu th'!c hi~n vi~c
Note-taking ThOng thuOng, so 1uQ'Ilg nhling lu$.n di~m chinh h6 trQ' cho cM de & bID thuyet trinh
dong nha1 v6i so IUQ'Ilg cac 1u$.n di~m duQ'C neu & do~ van B~ cful phfu nfun cac lu$.n di~m
chinh d6, so sanh v6i do~ van, ghi nM tdng quat c3 S,! mo ta hay nhling chi tiet h6 trQ' quan
(1) Uu tUm hieu n(li dung eua bai thuyet trinh
B~ phfu t$.p trung d~ hi~u duQ'c noi dung va nghia b6ng cua bID thuyet trinh Mot nguOi
binh thuOng trong mot phtit c6 the n6i duQ'c 125-150 tu nhung v6i cung thOi gian nguOi d6
chi c6 the viet duQ'C 20-25 tU Vi v$.y, tru&c Mt b~ hay t$.p trung vao noi dung, sau d6 co nh&
va ghi chti Mng nhling cach dien dl;lt don gian
(2) Nh*n biet nh1ing gQ'i Y eua nguOi noi
B~ c6 the nh$.n biet noi dung cua bID thuyet trinh qua nhling gQ'i y rna nguOi n6i the hi~n
Chling h~, nguOi n6i l~p 11;li noi dung chinh, nang cao giong, ho~c giam tOc dO n6i Du6i day
1a nhUng cach dien dl;lt thOng d~g giup cho b~ c6 the nfun Mt nhling ful y, cling nhu khong
bOla nhUng ch6 nguOi n6i ket thtic mot van de d~ chuy~n sang mot van de khac
Nhling each dien d~t cho thliy
cau tnic cua hili thuyet trinh
There are three kinds of
There are three points of view
There are several examples
First, Next, Then, Finally
(3) Su d~ng ky hi~u va tu viet tat
Giro truch ly do ho~c
nonetheless, otherwise
Nhu da n6i & phful tru&c, soluQ'Ilg tu ngli rna b~ c6 the ghi ra trong mot thOi gian h~ cM
nhu v$.y 1a khong nhieu Neu ghi d~y du thi b~ chi c6 the ghi duQ'c mot it tu va cMc cMn 1a
b~ se bO l6' nhUng noi dung quan trong trong bID thuyet trinh D~ uet ki~m thOi gian, b~
nen tl;lo ra nhling cach viet tilt rieng Xem cac vi dt;L sau:
e.g information - info
n :I
n :I
n :I
mO In~ -1m lin j)!/!
Trang 26Q Nghe bai thuyet trinh va hoan thanh eae lu * n dil~m then eMt (key points) trong phlln
Note-taking bang thOng tin hl;ln nghe dUQ' e
( Note-taking
Language extinction ( _ _ ) 6,800 lang in the world - 3,400 will disappear
e.g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Jewish lang
( Note-taking
Practices that damage our environment in getting food
1 : raising animals ) the land could support
the usefulness of land
e.g _ _ _ _ _
e.g overfishing: fish stock <
- 70~o fish: exploited, depleted, _
3 Salinization : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Trang 27i.e Watchtower - panopticon C _ _ + _ _ _ _ ) = all-eyes
Why is it effective for prisoners?
1 The location-
-'.' Prisoner knows he could always be seen from the watchtower
2 _
Uncertainty of actual presence of the observer
3 A separate arch structure It's outside, huge, invisible -
Social Issues I 31
n 1: llIII
05 1] -IN
mO Ullil -IN
lUI :l)!!!
Trang 28Integrated Writing khong phfu la rnQt bm viet dva vao y kien cua ban than, rna la rnQt bm viet
tom til.t nhling nQi dung da dQc va da nghe Mng ngon ngfr cua ban than D~ lam tot di~u nay,
~~ ChQn tu dong nghia vm cae tu da cho va hoan thanh bang dum day
Trang 29The professor said that the main reason for such a rapid increase of rich people seemed to
be the effect of the active stock market
(3) The study has recently found a link between people's preference for mornings or evenings and a particular gene which regulates the body's internal clock
(4) The lecture emphasizes that they should make an effort to find a new solution instead of trying to hide the problem
(5) The reason behind his objection is that the government's role in encouraging companies to support culture and arts is rather skeptical
(6) The focus of the reading passage is the close relation of sciences and the humanities and the boundary between them
(7) The professor's point of view on home schooling is fairly negative, while the reading passage says the method deserves consideration as an alternative
(8) The role of the advisory board in these kinds of circumstances is to make recommendations based on student and faculty input
~~ m
lUI j]~
Trang 30-_._-_._-_._-_._-_._-_. -Direction: You have 20 minutes to plan and write your response_ Your response will be judged on the
basis of the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the points in the
lecture and their relationship to the reading passage Typically, an effective response will be
150 to 225 words
l wForum TOEFL Writing
Reading Passage
Crime is a problem in countries everywhere To solve this problem, governments pass
tough laws, the toughest being capital punishment But violent solutions, such as this,
have been shown to be ineffective in solving crimes What is really needed is to identify
the main causes of crime and to do something about them
Everywhere, people think that the primary cause of crime is poverty Crimes are
committed because people are hungry or their living conditions are bad Society fails to
give people decent lives Also, the people do not have in them a sense of responsibility
towards their community; thus, they commit crimes In countries where people have
better and more comfortable lives, crimes are reported to be fewer
In some countries like the US, crime is related to race This is shown by the large
difference between the number of crimes committed by the blacks compared with the
whites Reports show that blacks commit the most violent crimes_ In the book America in
Black and White (1999), the US Department of Justice statistics show that 54 percent of
murders, 42 percent of rapes, 59 percent of robberies and 38 percent of assaults are all
committed by the blacks
The size of the population and the kinds of people who make it up also affect crime rate
The bigger the population, the greater the number of crimes committed For example, in
places where the population is big, there are more crimes like burglaries, shoplifting,
street robbery and assaults Communities where there are high proportions of men also
have more cases of crime Communities with a large number of young people who are in
their teens and twenties also have more crime
Trang 31l """"Forum TOEFl Writing
., Population and the kinds of people
Professor questions the reading
1 Poor community*' more crime
2 Race *' more problems
3 The size of population: no effect
Trang 32Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard, explaining how they cast doubt
on points made in the reading
Trang 34STEP 1 DQc do~n van sa u va ho an thanh bimg g h i cM ba ng nh ling thO n g ti n t h ich hgp
l ')9!!aFo<um T O EFL Wrrting Reading Passage
One interesting concept in the area of educational psychology is called the Goal Theory This
theory discusses what makes students motivated in order to achieve their goals in school It
argues that a student's motivation is directly influenced by several internal factors
First, students are motivated by self-satisfaction Rather than the idea of being
recognized for a victory, students are more motivated to succeed if they feel a sense of
fulfillment in their goal For example, a student who joins a team competition gets more
motivated by the feeling that he contributed to the team's win rather than the win itself
Furthermore, students are motivated to achieve their goals by the desire to master a task
or a subject They are not motivated by the external outcome, but rather by a desire to
master or have control over specific knowledge They will persevere and try to overcome
the challenges in order to master the task and learn from it For example, a student who
wants to study the Renaissance period is not motivated by the grades he will receive, but
by his desire to learn more about history
Finally, students are motivated by the task itself They find the task worth pursuing,
because the task requirements allow them to test their abilities and skills It also gives
them different kinds of challenges They do not fear failure, because their motivation is
not tied to the success of the task For example, a student is challenged by his science
project, not because he will get recognized for it, but because the task will test his
knowledge and abilities in the field of science
Goal Theory Some internal factors that make students motivated
Trang 35STEP 2 Nghe hai thuyet trinh sau va hoan thanh bang ghi chti Mng nhling thOng tin
Motivation comes from: Motivation comes from:
Trang 36STEP 4 DQc cau hOi va hoan thanh hili viet sau bang cach di~n vao cac c~m ttl then ch6t
duQ'c cho him dum
Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture you just heard, explaining how they cast doubt
on points made in the reading
The lecture explores -=CD _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
:::®= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ regarding internal
motivation and its factors as the direct motivation for students
First, ::o:@' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ theywillreceive
from others One example is when students join a science fair in order to win,
and get recognition for their work This is where they derive their sense of
self-satisfaction is what motivates students
Second, students are actually motivated by external praise :::@= _ _ _ _ _
the honor roll One example is that most students study hard for an exam in
order to get a high grade, not to master the subject -=@= _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Finally, students are more directly influenced by external concrete rewards
such as monetary prizes rather than the task itself In fact, a rewards-based
becomes too dependent on the reward in order to perform well
motivated because of the task itself
~ This presents a different point of view
, This point refutes the reading's argument
~ students are motivated by the recognition and praise
, how students are externally motivated to achieve their goals
~ decreases a student's internal motivation
eo rather than by the desire to master a task
~ On the other hand, the reading passage claims
Trang 37nniii!;
Bro thuyet trinh thao lu~ ve vi~c nhUng dong cO' ben ngoro thtic d~y hQc sinh d~t
ml,lC tieu nhu tM nil o Phan 1611 thOng tin trong bro thu ye t trinh tuang phan v6i
nhUng tuyen bo cua do~ dQc cho rAng dong cO' ben trong vil cac nhan to cua no lil
dong cO' tn,rc ti e p thtic d~y hQc sinh
Tru&c tien , hQc sinh du<,YC khuyen khich do Slf cong nh~ vil 100 khen cua nguoo khac
Mot vi dl,l lil khi hQC sinh tham gia hOi chq khoa hQc d€ gianh chien thiing , d€ nh~
100 khen cho c o ng vi~c cua hQ Day lil nO'i d€ hQ nh~ du<,YC cam giac cua thilnh tlfU·
Lu~ di€m nil y phan hac l?p lu~ cua do~ dQc cho rAng Slf tlf man lil dieu thtic d~y
hQc sinh
TM hai , hQc sinh tMt slf duqc khuyen khich boo 100 khen til ben ngoro nhu nh~
duqc di€m cao , hay co ten tren bang danh d~ hanlil boo mong muon hoiln thilnh mot
nhi~m Vl,l Mot vi dl,l lil phan 1611 hQc sinh hQc thi cham chi d€ d~t di€m cao, cM
khong phfu d€ nfun vfrng mon hQc do Dieu nily cho thay mot quan di€m khac v6i
do~ dQc
Cuoi cling , hQc sinh bt iinh huiing tn,rc tiep boo nhUng phan thuiing Cl,l tM ben ngoro
nhu lil cac phan thuiing tien b~c han lil ban than cong vi~c do Th?t ra thi M thOng
d~a vilo phan thuiing lam giam dong CO' ben trong cua hQc sinh, boo vi hQ tr& nen qua
phl,l thuoc vilo phan thuiing d€ lam tOt cong vi~c M~t khac , do~ d Qc tuyen b6 rAng
hQc sinh du<,YC khuyen khich boo chinh cong vi~c do
Reading Passage & Lecture
o motivation II S \l thtic day , dOng CO'thtic d ay o pursue v theo du 5
o internal adj (, ben trong o controversial adj gay tranh cm
o recognized adj duQ'C cong nh~en thu&ng o external adj tu ben ngoru
o fulfillment n S\l hoiln thilnh o self-esteem I I long t\l tr9ng
o contribute v dong gop o discouraged adj chan mill , thoro chi
o persevere v kien nhAn, kien tri o monetary adj (thuOc ) ti~n ~
o overcome v VUQt qua o incentive n S\l khuyen khich , S\l khich l ~
o thao lu~ : examine, explore, discuss, talk about
e.g The lecture explores how 0 0
o trinh bay , cho tMy: present, give, show, introduce
e.g This presents a different point of view from 0 0 '
o m(tt khac: on the other hand, whereas, while, however
e.g On the other hand, the reading passage claims that 00
n :r Il4
n :r
05 1l -t::il
Trang 38]
Cau hOi Integrated Writing kh6ng y€m cau b~ n€m y kien cua ban than d6i v6i cM de duqc cho
rna yeu cau b~ tom tdt va d6i chieu nhfrng nQi dung da dc;>c va da nghe Bhl thuyet trinh va
do~ dc;>c thuOng co dtnh d~g va cach tri€n khai gi6ng nhau; vi v~y, b~ co tM l~p dan y de
dang hon so v6i cau hOi Independent Writing
Tham khao dan y mau sau day
* Neu con thiri gian thl b~ co the viet ket lu?n tOm luge n(>i dung da trinh bay Tuy v~y ap d\ffig theo dUng dim Y
tren Iii each viet de nMt
Trang 39Khi viet cau tra Uri, tot nMt la bl;lIl nfm ap dvng theo dung outline Tuy nhien, trong th1;lc te
Hun bill thi, bl;lIl se kho viet duQ'C ell dan y, llin cau tra 100 trong khoang thoo gian 20 pMt Vi
v~y, d~ Mt ki~rn thoo gian, bl;lIl nen ghi cM (note-taking) nhling lu~ di~rn then cMt (key
point) , rbi l~p bang doi chieu (contradiction chart) nhu bang rn§.u duOi day
J Sample Contradiction Chart
Main Topic: Self-checkout System
2 It just gives useless information
A self-checkout system saves labor costs for ~ is more expensive in terms of labor costs
(1) Introduction
BI;lIl nen viet phArr rna dau ngcln gQn va chinh xac NQi dung dua vao phArr rna dau la cM d e
va nQi dung trQng tam cua bill thuyet trinh va doi chieu xern nQi dung do khac vOi dOI;lIl van
nhu the nao
t.J Sample Introduction Paragraph
The professor discusses several drawbacks to having a self-checkout system based
on his own experiences His ideas are contradictory to what the reading passage
claims re ardin t he benef its of a self-checkout system
05 1l -l::il
UlGl -l::il
m lUI :iJUI
Trang 40(2) Body
Than bill thuimg co 3 dOI;lIl vi thOng thuimg bill thuyet trinh va dOI;lIl van thao lu~ 3 lu~ di~m chinh ThU t\l cua cac dOI;lIl giong v6i thU t\l cua cac lu~ di~m duQ'c trinh bay trong bill
di~m trong dOI;lIl van Luu y la bl;lIl chi duQ'c Stl: dl,lng thOng tin co trong bill thuyet trinh va dOI;lIl van BI;lIl khong duge viet suy nghf ca nhful v~ cac thOng tin do
o Sample Body Paragraphs
First, the professor points out that a self - checkout system does not actually save time for consumers In fact, when he used such a system to buy fruits and vegetables, he still had to weigh them and print out the barcodes Thus , i t ended up taking more time This directly contradicts the read i ng's claim that a self - che c kout system saves time for consumers
Second , the lecture also pointed out that a self-checkout system gives useless
i nformat i on For example , rather than g i v i ng the professor information on a fat reduced i ce cream , it gave h i m i nformation on chocolate syrup , whereas the reading mentions that a self-checkout system provides useful information to consumers
-F i nally , the professor tells us that a self-checkout system is actually more expens i ve i n terms of labor costs It requ i res reta i lers to employ more people for the surveillance of the customers who are using it This point refutes the read i ng ' s argument that a self-checkout system saves labor costs
(3) Conclusion
BI;lIl khong cAn phfu viet ket lu~ cho cau tra 100 viet tich hgp (ntegrated Writing) Tuy v~y,
, neu bl;lIl muon viet ket lu~ thi hay viet hai cau tom luge nQi dung cua bill thuyet trinh va cau cuoi cling mo ta quan h¢ gifra bill thuyet trinh va dOI;lIl van
o Sample Conclusion Paragraph
In conclusion, a self-checkout system actually has several drawbacks It does not save time for consumers , and it gives useless information In addition , i t i s actually more expensive for retailers when i t comes to labor costs These facts are contradictory to the reading passage ' s assertion that a self - checkout system presents several benefits
'" Luu Y nhling cach viet dugc gli-ch dum trong cac do::m viin mlm B::m co the ap d\lllg nhling cach viet do cho cau tni
1m ciia rieng minh