Appendix - 319 4. Does my response demonstrate unity? • Topical? Yes __ No __ • Grammatical? Yes __ No __ 5. Does my response demonstrate proficient language use? • Word Choice? Yes __ No __ • Idioms? Yes __ No __ • Sentence variety? Yes __ No __ Is my delivery proficient? • Fluency? Yes __ No __ • Automaticity? Yes __ No __ • Pronunciation? Yes __ No __ 6. Does my response (argument) demonstrate coherence? Yes __ No __ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Notes 320 - Appendix x Task Rating: 3.5 - 4.0 Section Rating: 26 - 30 A response in this range is Coherent because it generally demonstrates proficiency in all of the following areas. O The response demonstrates a clear and consistent method of organization. P The response demonstrates a clear and consistent progression of ideas. D The response demonstrates development of the introduction, body and conclusion; the supporting illustrations are clear and well developed; minor omissions do not effect meaning or coherence. U The response demonstrates topical and grammatical unity; the relationship between ideas is clear and accurate both topically and grammatically. L The response demonstrates clear and accurate language use; minor errors in word choice and/or idiom usage and/or syntax do not affect meaning or coherence. The delivery demonstrates consistent and accurate fluency, pronunciation and automaticity; minor difficulties in each area do not affect meaning and/or coherence, or require listener effort to understand. Task Rating: 2.5 - 3.0 Section Rating: 18 - 25 A response in this range demonstrates proficiency in at least two of the following areas. O The response demonstrates organization. P The response demonstrates a progression of ideas. D The response demonstrates limited development; the introduction, body and/or conclusion might lack development, particularly in the body. U The response demonstrates topical and grammatical unity; however, the relationship between ideas might not always be clear or accurate. Independent Speaking Rating Guide Appendix - 321 L The response demonstrates a limited range of word choice and/or idiom usage, and/or sentence variety; inaccurate word choice and/or idiom usage, and/or syntax errors might make the meaning of some words and sentences unclear. The delivery demonstrates fluency, pronunciation and automaticity; however, difficulties in each area require listener effort to understand. Task Rating: 1.5 – 2.0 Section Rating: 10 – 17 A response in this range demonstrates a lack of proficiency in at least two of the following areas. O The response demonstrates a serious lack of organization. P The response demonstrates a serious lack of progression. D The response demonstrates limited development; the examples lack details and repeat. U The response demonstrates a lack of topical and grammatical unity; the connection of ideas is not clear or accurate. L The response demonstrates a limited range of word choice and/or idiom usage and/or sentence variety; however, inaccurate word choice and/or idiom usage, and/or syntax errors makes the meaning of words and sentences unclear. The delivery demonstrates difficulties in fluency and/or pronunciation, and/or automaticity; these difficulties make the meaning of words and sentences unclear and require listener effort to understand. Task Rating: 0.0 - 1.0 Section Rating: 0 - 9 A response in this range demonstrates a serious lack of proficiency in at least two of the following areas. O The response demonstrates a serious lack of organization. P The response demonstrates a serious lack of progression. D The response demonstrates a serious lack of development in all areas. U The response demonstrates a serious lack of topical and grammatical unity. L The response demonstrates a serious lack of language use in all areas. 322 - Appendix x Proficiency Checklist 1. Does my response demonstrate organization? • Deduction? Yes __ No __ • Induction? Yes __ No __ 2. Does my response demonstrate progression? • General-specific? Yes __ No __ • Specific-general? Yes __ No __ 3. Does my response demonstrate development-summarization? • Introduction? Yes __ No __ • Body? Yes __ No __ • Conclusion? Yes __ No __ Integrated Speaking Proficiency Checklist Organization • deduction or induction Progression • general-specific or specific-general Development-Summarization • introduction, body, conclusion Unity-Synthesis • topical and grammatical O P D U Coherent Integrated Spoken Response C Language Use-Paraphrasing • word choice, idioms, sentence variety Delivery: fluency automaticity pronunciation L Appendix - 323 4. Does my response demonstrate unity-synthesis? • Topical? Yes __ No __ • Grammatical? Yes __ No __ 5. Does my response demonstrate proficient language use-paraphrasing? • Word choice? Yes __ No __ • Idioms? Yes __ No __ • Sentence variety? Yes __ No __ Is my delivery proficient? • Fluency? Yes __ No __ • Automaticity? Yes __ No __ • Pronunciation? Yes __ No __ 6. Does my response (argument) demonstrate coherence? Yes __ No __ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Notes 324 - Appendix x Task Rating: 3.5 - 4.0 Section Rating: 26 - 30 A response in this range is Coherent because it generally demonstrates proficiency in all of the following areas. O The response demonstrates a clear and consistent method of organization. P The response demonstrates a clear and consistent progression of ideas. D The response demonstrates development-summarization of the introduction, body and conclusion; the main idea and supporting illustrations are well developed; minor omissions do not affect meaning or coherence. U The response demonstrates unity-synthesis; the relationship between ideas is clear and accurate both topically and grammatically. L The response demonstrates clear and accurate language use-paraphrasing; minor errors in word choice and/or idiom usage, and/or syntax do not affect meaning or coherence. The delivery demonstrates consistent and accurate fluency, pronunciation and automaticity; minor difficulties in each area do not affect meaning and/or coherence. Task Rating: 2.5 - 3.0 Section Rating: 18 - 25 A response in this range demonstrates proficiency in at least two of the following areas. O The response demonstrates organization. P The response demonstrates a progression of ideas; however, it might not always be accurate or clear. D The response demonstrates development-summarization; however, the introduction, body and/or conclusion might be incomplete due to a lack of details and/or a point not being sufficiently explained. U The response demonstrates unity-synthesis; however, the relationship between ideas might not always be clear, accurate or consistent due to a lack of topical and/or grammatical unity. Integrated Speaking Rating Guide Appendix - 325 L The response demonstrates limited language use-paraphrasing; word choice and/or idiom usage, and/or syntax might be inaccurate or incomplete making the meaning of words and sentences unclear. Minor difficulties in fluency and/or pronunciation and/or automaticity require listener effort to understand. Task Rating: 1.5 - 2.0 Section Rating: 10 - 17 A response in this range demonstrates a serious lack of proficiency in at least two of the following areas. O The response demonstrates a serious lack of organization. P The response demonstrates a serious lack of progression. D The response demonstrates limited and incomplete development- summarization. U The response demonstrates a lack of unity-synthesis; the connection of ideas is not clear, accurate or consistent; the response is often off topic because the test-taker does not understand the requirements of the task. L The response demonstrates limited language use with little or no paraphrasing; inaccurate word choice and/or syntax errors makes the meaning of words and sentences consistently unclear. The delivery demonstrates frequent difficulties in fluency and/or pronunciation and/or automaticity; these difficulties make the meaning of words and sentences unclear and require listener effort to understand. Task Rating: 0.0 - 1.0 Section Rating: 0 - 9 A response in this range demonstrates a serious lack of proficiency in two or more of the following areas. O The response demonstrates a serious lack of organization. P The response demonstrates a serious lack of progression. D The response demonstrates a serious lack of development-summarization in all areas. U The response demonstrates a serious lack of unity-synthesis in all areas. L The response demonstrates a serious lack of language use-paraphrasing in all areas. 326 - Appendix x Exercise: Identifying Rhetorical Strategies Task: Identify the rhetorical strategies in each example. Check your answers on page 330. 1. People can be divided according to personality. Those with Type A personalities are driven to succeed and are born leaders while those with Type B personalities are seen followers and less likely to take control. Bill Gates is an example of a Type A personality. 2. The autumn moon glowed blood red in the early evening sky. 3. Eduardo is the perfect husband. He gives his new wife everything. 4. The smoky restaurant made Lucille sick, so she left early and went home to find twenty messages on her answering machine. Two were from her parents and eight were from her boyfriend. The rest were from telemarketers, people trying to sell products and services by phone, products Mary didn’t want or need. 5. A TOEFL prep student is a student who is preparing fortheTOEFL test. 6. America and Canada are big countries; however, Canada has fewer people. 7. Carol didn’t know what to buy, a notebook or a desktop computer. 8. To pass the medical exam, Samira made a study plan. Forthe next month, she would get up early and study all morning, take an hour for lunch, then nap for an hour. After that, she would study all afternoon. At five, she’d go out for dinner at her favorite Thai restaurant, then return home and study until midnight. 9. Iwona is ecstatic. Her grades are so good she got into Harvard and Yale. Now she must choose which one she will attend. 10. Brooklyn andThe Bronx. Where did these two famous American names come from? Many think early English settlers coined these names. Actually, they are Dutch. Many don’t know it but Manhattan was originally a Dutch settlement. In 1644, the British took Manhattan from the Dutch by force and renamed it New York after the Duke of York. Exercises Appendix - 327 Exercise: Identifying Opinions Task: Using the four-question rule, determine if each example is an opinion or not. Check your answers on page 330. 1. Personally, I think that everyone should learn a foreign language. 2. Fernanda really likes dark chocolate. 3. Dr. Inaba believes that the tooth causing so much pain must be extracted. 4. Japanese cars are very popular around the world. 5. How difficult is it to get a perfect score on theTOEFL iBT? 6. The CEO told us that the company had no other choice but to lay off five thousand employees. 7. My geology professor postulates that we will be mining minerals on the moon in twenty years. 8. In this essay, I am going to talk about dogs and cats, and other domestic animals. 9. Iwona is ecstatic. Her grades are so good she got into Harvard and Yale. Now she must choose which one she will attend. 10. Last night, I went to an Italian restaurant and had lasagna. 11. TheTOEFLiBT consists of four sections: reading, listening, speakingand writing. 12. There are many English language proficiency tests; however, TOEFL is the test you must take if you are serious about studying at an English- speaking college or university. 13. Drinking a bottle of red wine every day will make you smarter. 14. Why is the price of gasoline going up? 15. Personally, I think that if you want to get a high TOEFLiBT score, you must study hard. 328 - Appendix x Exercise: Checking for Parallelism Task: Check each sentence for parallelism. Check your answers on page 331. 1. Personally speaking, I believe that we need zoos because they are educating, they are funny and we protect wild animals. 2. In my view, I think that a good parent should be patience and understands. 3. On weekends, I like to go shopping and playing golf. 4. Bob said he went to the store, to the bank and to the car wash. 5. TheTOEFLiBT consists of four sections: reads, listening, to speak andthe writing. 6. Many scientists use induction when developing theories. First, they observe phenomena, then they formulate conclusions based on their observations. Not Einstein. He did not employ induction when theorizing about the relationship between matter and energy. Instead, he used deduction and figuring out e=mc 2 all in his head. 7. The middle of the nineteenth century witnessed two great art movements: Impressionism in France or the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood in England. The Pre-Raphaelites, a group of poets or paintings, believed that the individual artist “should have genuine ideas to express, should study Nature attentively, so as to know how to express it, could sympathise with what is direct and serious and heartfelt in previous art.” 8. I firmly believe that global warming is caused by car pollution and by factories is polluting. 9. I want a high TOEFL score so I can apply to Yale, Harvard andthe Princeton. 10. Singing and to study English is my hobbies. . speak and the writing. 6. Many scientists use induction when developing theories. First, they observe phenomena, then they formulate conclusions based on their. weekends, I like to go shopping and playing golf. 4. Bob said he went to the store, to the bank and to the car wash. 5. The TOEFL iBT consists of four sections: