Appendix - 329 Exercise: Gerund Predictors Task: Check each example for parallelism. Check your answers on page 332. 1. I think that students should learn a second language as early as possible. Learning a second language will open more doors and it is helpful to get a job. 2. As far as I’m concerned, you should exercise for at least one hour every day. Exercising was good for your heart and is good for reducing stress. 3. I prefer to travel by plane instead of train. Flying by plane in America is faster and has been cheaper. 4. Personally speaking, you should not talk on your cell phone while driving. Talking on your cell phone is not only danger for you but also perilous for other drivers as well. 5. It goes without saying that if you want a higher score, you should use a predictor thesis instead of a general thesis. Using a general thesis does not demonstrate advanced organization, progressing, development, unity and language use; however, a predictor thesis does. 6. In the final analysis, to be saving money is better than spending it. 7. From my perspective, I assert that we need zoos. Having zoos means we can protect wild animals, educating parents and children, or provide a fun place to go on weekends. 8. In my experience, Google is the best search engine. Googling information is fastest and easy. 9. The most dangerous shark in the world is not the great white shark but the bull sharks. Thriving in both salty and fresh water, the bull shark has the highest testosterone level of any animal. 10. People are often divided by the so-called personality theory. Being a type A says you are a leader whereas to be a type B is saying you are a follower. 330 - Appendix x Answers: Identifying Rhetorical Strategies 1. classification, illustration, cause-effect, description 2. description, illustration, cause-effect 3. illustration, definition, description 4. illustration, description, definition, cause-effect 5. description, illustration, definition 6. illustration, description, compare-contrast 7. illustration, description, compare-contrast 8. illustration, description, process 9. illustration, description, cause-effect, compare-contrast 10. illustration, description, narration Answers: Identifying Opinions 1. opinion 2. not an opinion 3. opinion 4. not an opinion 5. not an opinion 6. not an opinion 7. opinion 8. not an opinion 9. not an opinion 10. not an opinion 11. not an opinion 12. opinion 13. opinion 14. not an opinion 15. opinion Answer Key Appendix - 331 Answers: Checking for Parallelism 1. Personally speaking, I believe that we need zoos because they are educational, they are fun and they protect wild animals. 2. In my view, I think that a good parent should be patient and understanding. 3. a. On weekends, I like to go shopping and to go golfing. b. On weekends, I like to go shopping and golfing. 4. no errors 5. TheTOEFLiBT consists of four sections: reading, listening, speakingand writing. 6. Many scientists use induction when developing theories. First, they observe phenomena, then they formulate conclusions based on their observations. Not Einstein. He did not employ induction when theorizing about the relationship between matter and energy. Instead, he used deduction and figured out e=mc 2 all in his head. 7. The middle of the nineteenth century witnessed two great art movements: Impressionism in France andthe Pre-Raphaelite Brother in England. The Pre- Raphaelites, a group of poets and painters, believed that the individual artist “should have genuine ideas to express, should study Nature attentively, so as to know how to express it, should sympathise with what is direct and serious and heartfelt in previous art.” 8. I firmly believe that global warming is caused by car pollution and by factory pollution. 9. a. I want a high TOEFL score so I can apply to Yale, Harvard and to Princeton. b. I want a high TOEFL score so I can apply to Yale, Harvard and Princeton. 10. Singing and studying English are my hobbies. 332 - Appendix x Answers: Gerund Predictors 1. a. I think that students should learn a second language as early as possible. Learning a second language will open more doors and will help you get a job . b. I think that students should learn a second language as early as possible. Learning a second language will open more doors and help you get a job. 2. a. As far as I’m concerned, you should exercise for at least one hour every day. Exercising is good for your heart and is good for reducing stress. b. As far as I’m concerned, you should exercise for at least one hour every day. Exercising is good for your heart andfor reducing stress. 3. I prefer to travel by plane instead of train. Flying by plane in America is faster and cheaper . 4. Personally speaking, you should not talk on your cell phone while driving. Talking on your cell phone is not only dangerous for you but also perilous for other drivers as well. 5. It goes without saying that if you want a higher score, you should use a predictor thesis instead of a general thesis. Using a general thesis does not demonstrate advanced organization, progression, development, unity or language use; however, a predictor thesis does. 6. In the final analysis, saving money is better than spending it. 7. From my perspective, I assert that we need zoos. Having zoos means we can protect wild animals, educate parents and children, and provide a fun place to go on weekends. 8. In my experience, Google is the best search engine. Googling information is fast and easy. 9. The most dangerous shark in the world is not the great white shark but the bull shark . Thriving in both salt and fresh water, the bull shark has the highest testosterone level of any animal. 10. People are often divided by the so-called personality theory. Basically, being a type A says you are a leader whereas being a type B says you are a follower Appendix - 333 Note: The check sign (√) means proficient; the X means lacks proficiency. Agree-Disagree Prompt Zoo Essay - range score: 4.0-5.0 TV Essay - range score: 4.0-5.0 Preference Prompt Laptop v. Desktop Essay - range score: 4.0-5.0 Compare-Contrast Prompt 1. New Delhi Essay - range score: 4.0-5.0 Organization deduction √ induction Progression general-specific √ specific-general Development introduction X body √ conclusion X Unity topical √ grammatical √ Language Use word choice √ idioms X sentence variety √ Organization deduction √ induction Progression general-specific √ specific-general Development introduction X body √ conclusion X Unity topical √ grammatical √ Language Use word choice √ idioms X sentence variety √ Independent Essay Rating 334 - Appendix x 2. Eating-Out Essay - range score: 4.0-5.0 Advantage-Disadvantage Prompt Owning-a-Car Essay - range score: 2.5-3.0 Organization deduction √ induction Progression general-specific √ specific-general Development introduction X body √ conclusion X Unity topical √ grammatical √ Language Use word choice √ idioms X sentence variety √ Organization deduction √ induction Progression general-specific √ specific-general Development introduction X body X conclusion X Unity topical X grammatical X Language Use word choice X idioms X sentence variety X Appendix - 335 Advantage Prompt Telecommuting Essay - range score: 4.0-5.0 Disadvantage Prompt Online Education Essay - range score: 2.5-3.5 Organization deduction √ induction Progression general-specific √ specific-general Development introduction X body √ conclusion X Unity topical √ grammatical √ Language Use word choice √ idioms √ sentence variety √ Organization deduction √ induction Progression general-specific √ specific-general Development introduction X body X conclusion X Unity topical √ grammatical √ Language Use word choice √ idioms X sentence variety √ 336 - Appendix x Reason Prompts 1. Technology Essay (internet) - range score: 4.0-5.0 2. Travel Essay - range score: 2-5-3.5 Organization deduction √ induction Progression general-specific √ specific-general Development introduction X body √ conclusion X Unity topical √ grammatical √ Language Use word choice √ idioms √ sentence variety √ Organization deduction √ induction Progression general-specific √ specific-general Development introduction X body X conclusion X Unity topical X grammatical X Language Use word choice X idioms X sentence variety X Appendix - 337 3. Change-the-World Essay - range score: 1.0-2.0 4. Technology Essay - range score: 4.0-5.0 Organization deduction X induction X Progression general-specific X specific-general X Development introduction X body X conclusion X Unity topical X grammatical X Language Use word choice X idioms X sentence variety X Organization deduction induction √ Progression general-specific specific-general √ Development introduction X body √ conclusion X Unity topical √ grammatical √ Language Use word choice √ idioms √ sentence variety √ 338 - Appendix x Quality Prompt Shelton University Essay - range score: 4.0-5.0 Advanced Independent Essays 1. Agree-Disagree Prompt - range score: 4.0-5.0 2. Preference Prompt - range score: 4.0-5.0 3. Compare-Contrast Prompt - range score: 4.0-5.0 4. Advantage-Disadvantage Prompt - range score: 4.0-5.0 5. Advantage Prompt - range score: 4.0-5.0 6. Disadvantage Prompt - range score: 4.0-5.0 7. Reason Prompt - range score: 4.0-5.0 8. Quality Prompt - range score: 4.0-5.0 Organization deduction √ induction Progression general-specific √ specific-general Development introduction X body √ conclusion X Unity topical √ grammatical √ Language Use word choice √ idioms √ sentence variety √ . 9. The most dangerous shark in the world is not the great white shark but the bull sharks. Thriving in both salty and fresh water, the bull shark has the. Impressionism in France and the Pre-Raphaelite Brother in England. The Pre- Raphaelites, a group of poets and painters, believed that the individual artist