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TA1 GA unit 2

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TIẾNG ANH LESSON PLAN School: ………… School year: ………… Grade: ………… Week: ………… Teacher: ………… Approved by: ………… Unit: In the dining room Lesson: Date: ………… I OBJECTIVES II INPUT Period: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - pronounce the sound of the letter C/c - say the words cake, car, cat, cup Language: - Sound /c/ - Vocabulary: cake, car, cat, cup Resources/Material: - Student’s book p - Sachmem.vn - Flashcards for Unit - Poster for Unit - Teacher’s guide pp 16-18 - Computer, projector 15 III PROCEDURE Procedure Warm-up Warm-up – Listen and repeat – Point and say – Game - Homelink Teaching and learning activities Classroom management minutes - - Greet the class and introduce your name by Whole class saying, e.g Hi, I’m Miss Hien Encourage pupils to greet and introduce their names, e.g Hi, I’m Hoa Option 1: Have two or three pairs of pupils role-play the exchange Hi, I’m + name Option 2: Ask one group to sing the song in Unit 1, p Have pupils open the books and look at Unit 2, Lesson p 9, saying Open the books and look at Unit 2, Lesson (Page 9) Listen and repeat 10 minutes Step 1: Have pupils look at the picture (p 9) or Poster for Whole class Unit 2, saying Look at the picture/poster, please! Encourage pupils to describe the picture Draw pupils’ attention to the letter C/c, the words next to the things, the pet and the colour of the letter C/c (as mentioned in Input) Check comprehension Step 2: Get pupils to point to the letter C/c, saying Look Individual at the letter C/c, please! Then have them listen to work the recording and repeat the sound of the letter C/c, saying Listen and repeat, please! Step 3: Have pupils point to the cat and/or the word cat, Individual listen to the recording and repeat the word cat, work saying Listen and repeat, please! Then play the recording again, if necessary, for them to repeat individually and in chorus Correct pronunciation, if necessary If they repeated well, praise them, 16 saying Well done! Follow the same procedure with the cake, car, Step 4: cup Correct pronunciation, if necessary Whole class Get pupils to listen to the recording again, Step 5: pointing to the letter C/c, the words and the Pair or group things/pet and repeating until they feel confident work Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to the task, if necessary Invite a few pupils to pronounce the sound of the Step 6: letter C/c and say the words cake, car, cup, cat in Whole class front of the class If they performed well, praise them, saying Well done! Point and say minutes Step 1: Ask pupils to look at the picture on page or Poster again, saying Look at the picture/poster, please! Ask them to describe the picture, paying attention to the letter C/c and the words they have learnt in Activity Step 2: Get pupils to point to the letter C/c and say it, saying Point to the letter C/c and say, please! If they pronounced correctly, praise them, saying Excellent! Step 3: Ask pupils to point to the cake on the table and say the word cake as a model (saying Point to the cake and say, please!) Remind them of the sound of the letter c in the word cake Then ask one pupil to point to the cake and to say the word cake in front of the class Check comprehension Step 4: Follow the same procedure with other things and the cat and correct pronunciation, if necessary Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to the task Step 5: Get pupils to work in pairs or in groups to point to the things/pet in the picture and say the sound of the letter C/c and the words Say Point and say, 17 Whole class Individual work Individual work Individual work Pair or group work Whole class please! Go around to offer help or correct pronunciation, if necessary Step 6: Select some pupils to point to the picture/poster and to say the words in front of the class, saying Well done! to praise their performance Fun corner Pelmanism 10 minutes Step 1: Tell pupils about two sets of flashcards (as mentioned in Input in Teacher’s guide) Step 2: Tell pupils that they are going to match the words with the suitable pictures Give an example to show how the game is played Check comprehension Step 3: Put pupils into groups of four and give each group a set of flashcards Have the groups shuffle the flashcards and distribute them face down on the table Step 4: Ask each player in turn to select two cards and turn them face up Say Are you ready? Now let us play the game If the word matches the picture, the player wins and continues to turn over another pair If the cards not match, they are turned face down again and the next player plays the game The game ends when all the cards are gone Homelink Whole class Whole class Group work Group work minutes Option 1: Pupils practise pronouncing the sound of the Whole class letter C/c and saying the words car, cake, cup, cat (using student’s books or sachmem) Option 2: Pupils play Pelmanism with the words car, cat, cake, cup in sachmem Option 3: Pupils the project on page in Workbook 18 TIẾNG ANH LESSON PLAN School: ………… School year: ………… Grade: ………… Week: ………… Teacher: ………… Approved by: ………… Unit: In the dining room Lesson: Date: … I OBJECTIVES II INPUT Period: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - say the letter C/c and the words cup, cake, cat, car and the phrases a cup and a cake, a cat and a car in a chant - listen and identify the phrases A cat, A cake - trace the letter C/c Language: - Sound /c/ - Vocabulary: cup, cake, cat, car - Phrases: a cup and a cake, a cat and a car Resources/Material: - Student’s book p.10 - Sachmem.vn - Teacher’s guide pp 19-21 - Computer, projector 19 III PROCEDURE Warm-up – Listen and chant – Listen and tick – Look and trace - Homelink Procedure Warm-up Teaching and learning activities Classroom management minutes - - - Greet the class and introduce yourself, saying: Whole class Hi I’m + name Encourage pupils to greet and introduce their names, e.g Hi, I’m Hoa Option 1: Invite a few pupils to point to the picture/poster and pronounce the sound of the letter C/c and say the words car, cake, cup, cat Option 2: Ask a group of four to play Pelmanism with the words car, cat, cake, cup in front of the class Option 3: Have pupils the projet (Workbook, page 6) in pairs or groups Get pupils to open their books and look at Lesson 2, p 10 (saying Open the books and look at lesson 2, please!) Listen and chant 10 minutes Step 1: Open books or access sachmem Have pupils look at the chant, saying Look at the chant, please! Step 2: Explain the meaning of the first line (as mentioned in Input in Teacher’s guide) Draw their attention to the letter C/c in the words cup Check comprehension Step 3: Let them look at the first line of the chant Play the recording, ask pupils to listen and repeat the sound of the letter c and the word a cup, saying Step 4: Listen and repeat, please! Then have them listen again and repeat the sound of the letter c and the word a cup individually and in chorus Say Listen and repeat, please! If they chanted well, praise 20 Whole class Individually Whole class and Individual work them, saying Well done! Step 5: Follow the same procedure with other lines Groups work Correct pronunciation, if necessary Show them how to chant and clap their hands Step 6: Play the recording all the way through again Whole class (more than once, if necessary) for pupils to choral and individual repetition Extension: Put the class into two groups to practise chanting and clapping Each group should sing one verse of the chant, saying Chant in groups, please! If there is enough time, encourage a few groups to the front of the class to chant and clap their hands The rest of the class may clap along to the rhythm If they performed well, praise them, saying Very good! With a better class, encourage pupils to change some lines of the chant and sing it in front of the class E.g C, c, a cup C, c, a cake C, c, a car C, c, a cat Listen and tick minutes Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures, saying Look at the pictures, please! and say what they can see, saying What can you see? Can you see a cat? Yes, a cat Can you see a car? Yes, a car Draw pupils’ attention to the boxes next to the letters a and b Check comprehension Step 2: Invite some pupils to point to the pictures and say the words in front of the class, saying Point to the pictures and say, please! E.g.: 1a: a cat, 1b: a car Step 3: Play the recording of the first phrase for pupils to listen, saying Now listen, please! Say What did you hear? Did you hear “a cat” or “a car”? Yes, it 21 Whole class Whole class Individual work said “a cat” You tick the box near the cat If pupils tick the wrong box, have them listen to the recording and tick the box again until they have a correct answer Step 4: Follow the same procedure with the pictures in Individual Question Before playing the recording, say Are work you ready? OK, now listen and tick, please! Play the recording (several times if needed) for pupils to listen and the task Step 5: Call a few pupils to the front of the class to point Whole class to the pictures and say what they have heard E.g a cat, a cake Look and trace 10 minutes Step 1: Have pupils look at the letter C (upper case) and c (lower case) in sachmem, saying What can you see? Yes, you can see the C (upper case) and the c (lower case) Step 2: Let pupils look at the pencil in sachmem and explain how the letter C (upper case) and the c (lower case) is in traced Check comprehension You can demonstrate by air tracing or tracing the broken lines of the letter C/c on the board Step 3: Then let pupils the tracing Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to the task Check the results of pupils’ tracing and give feedback Ask pupils to work in pairs and swap their answers Give pupils time to work Go around and offer help, if necessary Step 4: Ask some pupils to show what they have done Praise them if they have done well, saying Well done! or Good job! Extension: With a better class, make a broken line on the board and invite some pupils to write the letter C/c 22 Whole class Whole class Individual work Pair work Whole class Homelink minutes Option 1: Pupils learn by heart the chant on p.10 Option 2: Pupils trace the letter C/c in their workbooks Option 3: Pupils point to the pictures in Listen and tick (p 10) and say the phrases, e.g 1a: A cat, 1b: A car, 2a: A cup, 2b: A cake 23 Whole class TIẾNG ANH LESSON PLAN School: ………… School year: ………… Grade: ………… Week: ………… Teacher: ………… Approved by: ………… Unit: In the dining room Lesson: Date: … I OBJECTIVES II INPUT Period: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - use I have a _ to talk about possession - sing a song with the structures I have a _ I have a _ and I have a _ Language: - Sentence pattern: I have a _ Resources/Material: - Student’s book p 11 - Sachmem.vn - Teacher’s guide pp 21-23 - Computer, projector 24 III PROCEDURE Procedure Warm-up Warm-up – Listen and repeat – Let’s talk – Let’s sing Homelink Teaching and learning activities Classroom management minutes - - - Greet the class and introduce yourself, Whole class saying: Hi I’m + name Encourage pupils to greet and introduce their names, e.g Hi, I’m Lan Option 1: Have a group of pupils to sing the chant on page 10 in front of the class The class claps hands Option 2: Show four flashcards (the cat, the car, the cup and the cat) and ask two pupils to point to the flashards and say the phrases, e.g A cat, a car, a cup, a cake Option 3: Invite one or two pupils to write the letter C/c on the board Get pupils to open their books and look at Lesson on p 11 (saying Open the books and look at lesson 3, please!) Listen and repeat minutes Step 1: Open books or access sachmem Have pupils Whole class look at the picture, saying Look at the picture, please! What’s in his hand? Yes, it’s a car He has a car He says “I have a car.” Explain the meaning of the sentence and how it is used Check comprehension Step 2: Play the recording the first time for pupils to Individual work listen and repeat the sentence, saying Now listen and repeat, please! Correct pronunciation, if necessary Step 3: Play the recording several times for pupils to 25 listen and repeat the sentence, saying Now Individual work listen and repeat, please! Give support to those pupils who find it difficult to the task Step 4: Have pupils point to the car and say the sentence in pairs or groups, saying Point to the Group work car and say, please! Go around and offer help, if necessary Step 5: Invite a few pupils to listen and repeat the sentence “I have a car.” in front of the class Whole class Correct their pronunciation, if necessary or praise them if they pronounced the sentence correctly, saying Very well! Extension: If time allows or with a better class, give pupils the flashcards (of a car, cup, cat, cup, book, bike, ball) and let them show the flashcard and say, e.g I have a book Let’s talk 10 minutes Step 1: Have pupils look at the bubble to understand how the language is used (I have a _) Explain the meaning of the sentence, if necessary Step 2: Have pupils look at the first picture Say Look at Picture a, please! Point to the car and ask them, saying What is this? Tell them that It’s a car Then point to the bubble and the car and say I have a car Correct pronunciation, if necessary Step 3: Ask pupils to say the sentence “I have a car.” in chorus and individually, saying Now, point to Picture a and say “I have a car” If they said the sentence correctly, praise them Well done! Follow the same procedure with Pictures b, c, d Give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to the task, if necessary Step 4: Ask pupils to work in pairs or groups, to point 26 Whole class Individually Individually to the pictures and say “I have a _.”, saying Now practise saying what you have Offer help, if necessary Step 5: Invite some pairs of pupils to practise pointing to the pictures and say what they have in front of the class Praise them, saying Excellent! if they performed well Extension: If time allows or with a better class, divide the class into groups of five, give each groups some of the flashcards (of a car, cup, bike, ball) and let them show the flashcard and say, e.g I have a book Pair or group work Whole class Let’s sing 10 minutes Step 1: Open books or access sachmem Have pupils look at the lines of the lyrics Explain the meaning of the structures “I have a _ I have a _ and I have a _” Then ask them to read the first line aloud, saying Read aloud, please! Check comprehension, if necessary Step 2: Play the recording of the first line several times for pupils to listen and repeat, saying Now listen and repeat, please! Step 3: Follow the same procedure with other lines Correct pronunciation and the tune, the rhythm and the melody of the verses of the song, if necessary Step 4: Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen, to sing and clap their hands Offer help, if necessary If they sang well, praise them Excellent! Step 5: Invite some pupils to sing the song in front of the class The rest of the class sings along and claps their hands to reinforce the tune, the rhythm and the melody Go around and offer help, if necessary Extension: 27 Whole class Individually Whole class Individually Whole class If time allows or with a better class, have pupils change some lines of the lyrics and sing the song in front of the class E.g I have a book I have a car I have a book and I have a car I have a bike I have a cat I have a bike and I have a cat Homelink minutes Option 1: Pupils sing the song on p 11 by heart Whole class Option 2: Pupils create the lyrics of their own songs and practise singing it Option 3: Pupil collect things they have (ball, car, bike, cat, ) and talk about possession, using I have a _ 28 ... exchange Hi, I’m + name Option 2: Ask one group to sing the song in Unit 1, p Have pupils open the books and look at Unit 2, Lesson p 9, saying Open the books and look at Unit 2, Lesson (Page 9) Listen... the game If the word matches the picture, the player wins and continues to turn over another pair If the cards not match, they are turned face down again and the next player plays the game The game... e.g 1a: A cat, 1b: A car, 2a: A cup, 2b: A cake 23 Whole class TIẾNG ANH LESSON PLAN School: ………… School year: ………… Grade: ………… Week: ………… Teacher: ………… Approved by: ………… Unit: In the dining room

Ngày đăng: 17/09/2022, 14:07


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