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Molecular Characterization of the Mechanisms of Adhesion of Helicobacter pylon': a Model of Environmental Regulation of Bacterial Attachment Mario Huesca Contreras A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Graduate Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics University of Toronto Copyright by Mario Huesca Contreras 1999 National Library Bibliothkque nationale du Canada Acquisitions and Bibliographic Services Acquisitions et services bibiiographiques 395 Wellington Street OttawaON KtAON4 395, rue Wellington Ottawa ON K I A ON4 Canada Canada Your Ne V o l r s d U m m O u r lVe Notfa fd(BfBlICB The author has granted a nonexclusive licence allowing the National Library of Canada to reproduce, loan, distribute or sell copies of this thesis in microform, paper or electronic formats L'auteur a accorde une licence non exclusive permettant a la Bibliotheque nationale du Canada de reproduire, preter, distribuer ou vendre des copies de cette these sous la forme de microfiche/film, de reproduction sur papier ou sur format electronique The author retains ownership of the copyright in this thesis Neither the thesis nor substantial extracts from it may be printed or otherwise reproduced without the author's permission L'auteur conserve la propriete du droit d'auteur qui protege cette these Ni la these ni des extraits substantiels de celle-ci ne doivent &re imprimes ou autrement reproduits sans son autorisation Molecular Characterization of the Mechanisms of Adhesion of Helicobacterpylori: a Model of Environmentzl Regulation of Bacterial Attachment Mario Huesca Contreras Degree of Doctor of Philosophy 1999 Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics, University of Toronto Incubation of acid-treated Helicobacter pylori with lipid receptors in vitro, showed a change in the pattern of binding usually observed a t neutral pH The major lipid species recognized at pH 2.0 and pH 2.5, which is the pH of the stomach lumen, were sulfatides (sulfogalactosylceramide, SGC), one of the most abundant glycolipids of the human stomach mucus The suspicion that the SGC binding of H pylori was a stress induced response is supported by the finding of a similar change in binding specificity when the organisms were briefly exposed to heat-shock treatment Following stress stimulus, the change in glycolipid binding specificity was prevented by the inclusion of protein synthesis inhibitors, or by incubation of acid-treated H pylori with anti-Hsp antibodies Expression of Hsps in surface extracts of H pylori, and bacterial surface reactivity with anti-Hsp antibodies, correlated with the change in glycolipid binding specificity Previous experiments in our laboratory which showed binding of heat shock proteins members of the Hsp7O family to sulfatide, led t h e investigation of the roIe of the H pylori Hsp7O (DnaK) in the acid stress induction of SGC binding The H pylori DnaK gene was cloned and sequenced, and its level of transcription and translation following acid stress determined A single transcript, of approximately 1.9 kb in size, not detected under non stress conditions, was induced in H pylori, exposed to 420C and pH 2.5 Analysis of metabolically labeled proteins, induced by incubation of H pylori at acidic conditions (pH 2.51, showed a typical post-stress pattern of protein synthesis Two major electrophoretic bands induced by these conditions corresponded to the heat shock proteins Hsp6O (GroEL) and DnaK Preliminary characterization of PE-binding adhesins which correspond t o a second phase of H.pylori colonization, that is the attachment to the epithelial cells surface and the entry into intercellular spaces, identified several proteins including the enzymes catalase and urease, as we11 as a 62 kDa protein with an N-terminal sequence similar to an internal sequence present in bovine serum albumin (BSA) and TB66, a protein identified in Mycobactert urn tuberculosis iii -1 dedicate this Thesis to Silvia, Eddie and Mariana: "Thisis our accomplishment" -To my sister Yolanda and and m y brother Leon Acknowledgments I am especially thankful to my supervisor Dr Cliff Lingwood for his support and encouragement, and to the people of the laboratory: Beth, Anita, Daniel, Desheng, Myl, Aye Aye, Prateek and Shirley To Dr Paul Hoffman for his advice and good discussions and for his contribution with the electron microscopy studies; to Avery Goodwin for the primer extension experiments To Dr Phil Sherman and Dr Julie Silver for their support and advice To Sergio Borgia for his contribution to the H pylori overlay experiments Dissemination of work arising from this thesis Chapters and of this Thesis were published as follows: -Huesca, M., S Borgia, P H o h a n and C A Lingwood 1996 "AcidicpH changes receptor binding of Helicobacter pylori: a binary adhesion model in which surface heatshock (stress) proteins mediate sulfatide recognition in gastric colonization".Infect hnmun 64:2643-2648 -Huesca, M., A Goodwin, A Bhagwansingh, P H o h a n and C A Lingwood 1998 "Characterizationof an acidic pH-inducible stress protein (hsp7O) &om Helicobacter pylori, a putative sulfatide binding adhesin" Infect Immun 66:4061-4067 Table of Contents Page Title page i Abstract ii Acknowledgments v Dissemination of work arising from this thesis vi Table of Contents v11 List of Tables x List of Figures xi Chapter 1: Introduction The gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylory Pathogenesis of the infection with H pylori .7 Inflammatory response -Type I and type I1 strains -Bacterial adhesion -The pathogenicity island of H pylori type I strains -Other pro-inflammatory factors -10 T cell responses .11 A n t i X pylori antibodies and autoimmunity 12 H.pylori enzymes as virulence factors -16 Stomach association of H pylori .16 The gastric mucosa 16 pH of the stomach Composition of the stomach mucus gel 21 -Stomachcolonization by Helicobacter pylori 25 Adaptive features for colonization of the stomach 25 vii Mechanisms of survival of H pylori 35 The stomach as a natural barrier against micro-organisms .35 pH homeostasis -35 Induction of synthesis of stress protein by acid shock 37 Heat shock proteins -37 -Classification of heat shock proteins 37 The 70 kD heat shock proteins (Hsp7O ) 38 The 60 kDa heat shock proteins (HspGO) 40 Protein folding in bacteria a The Hsp9O and other small molecular weight Hsp 53 Regulation of the stress response 54 Stress response induced by acid shock 56 Surface expression of Heat shock proteins 60 Sulfated sphingolipids as receptors for heat shock proteins 65 Adhesion of Helicobacter pylori 71 Bacterial receptors .71 Glycosphingolipids -72 Bacterial adhesins -.-.* * .* - -78' Receptors and adhesins of Helicobacter pylori 79 Identification of potential lipid-receptors by thin layer chromatography (TLC)overlay assay -93 Aflinity purification of lipid-binding ligands 93 Chapter 2: Rationale and objectives 95 Chapter 3: Stress Response Alters the receptor binding specificity of Helicobacter pylori Surface heat-shock proteins mediate sulfatide recognition 98 Summary -99 viii Introduction 99 Material and Methods -101 Results 105 Discussion 124 Chapter 4: Characterizationof an acidic pH-inducible (hsp70) stress protein from Helicobacter pylori, a putative sulfatide binding adhesin 132 Summary 133 Introduction 134 Material and Methods 135 Results 140 Discussion -159 Chapter 5: Characterization of Phospatydilethanolamine (PE)binding adhesins from Helicobacter pylori 163 Summary 164 Introduction 165 Material and methods 166 Results 170 Discussion 184 Chapter 6: Significance and hture directions -187 Chapter 7: References -198 21 Liberek K., Skowrya D, Zylicz M., Johnson C, Georgopoulos C 1991 The Escherichia coli DnaK chaperone, the 70 kDa heat shock protein eukaryotic equivalent, changes conformation upon ATP hydrolysis, thus triggering its dissociation from a bound target protein J Biol Chem 266: 14-491-1496 Lindberg, A A, J.E.Brown, N 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