Language is an essential component of society, serving as a crucial medium for maintaining connections between individuals It acts as a vital communication tool, enabling collaboration, facilitating the exchange of ideas, and ultimately driving social progress.
Cursing, also known as "insulting language," is a unique linguistic phenomenon that serves as a subject of study in sociolinguistics, cultural linguistics, and folklore The exploration of cursing holds significant theoretical and practical value Theoretically, cursing is an integral part of language; despite its negative connotations and societal rejection, it persists across cultures and eras, with no language completely devoid of profanity Cursing reflects fundamental human emotions such as joy, anger, and sorrow, which are inherently unavoidable Additionally, it mirrors the cultural characteristics of a community Practically, cursing plays a crucial role in artistic creation, language education, and linguistic norms In literature and film, the appropriate use of cursing can enhance character development, making them more vivid and authentic Furthermore, understanding the nuances of cursing is vital for interpreting literary works across different regions and periods, as well as for translating works between diverse cultures.
"Insulting language," often characterized by its uncivil, crude, or malicious nature, is typically deemed inappropriate and is frequently rejected by literary figures However, this type of language serves as a living fossil that captures the essence of social life, providing a valuable window into popular culture The high frequency of its usage cannot be overlooked, making it essential for understanding a society's traditions, norms, and particularly its taboos related to language Therefore, studying insulting language is crucial for gaining insights into the societal dynamics at play.
We have chosen the thesis titled "A Study of Modern Chinese Insults: A Comparison with Vietnamese" to deepen our understanding of the classification, structure, semantics, pragmatics, and cultural significance of Chinese insults By comparing these aspects with Vietnamese, we aim to highlight the similarities and differences between the two languages, providing valuable reference materials for Vietnamese speakers of Chinese Additionally, we hope to guide language learners in recognizing features such as insults, taboos, and euphemisms, enhancing their real-world language experience and improving their appreciation and understanding of language use and its artistry.
This study aims to deepen the understanding of the characteristics of modern Chinese and Vietnamese insults, highlighting the linguistic behaviors and cultural implications of these expressions among the Chinese and Vietnamese people It also examines the usage of these phenomena by Vietnamese learners of Chinese as a second language The findings are intended to contribute to language teaching and research.
This article focuses on the characteristics of curse words in both Chinese and Vietnamese It aims to clarify the classification, structural features, semantics, pragmatic characteristics, and cultural connotations of Chinese curse words, comparing them with their Vietnamese counterparts Additionally, the study highlights the similarities and differences in expressions between the two languages.
This article conducts an in-depth analysis of Chinese curse words, examining their structure, meaning, pragmatics, and usage It aims to clarify the unique cultural insights of the Han nationality regarding the nuances of insult language.
This article aims to compare and examine the similarities and differences between Vietnamese and Chinese curse words, providing valuable reference materials for the teaching and research of Vietnamese language and Chinese studies.
This article explores various research methods, focusing primarily on semantic field theory, the three-dimensional theory of grammatical research, cognitive expression grammar theory, and speech act theory Consequently, the research methodology employed in this study is centered around these key theoretical frameworks.
This article conducts a detailed statistical analysis and synthesis of curse words used in daily life and notable works in both Chinese and Vietnamese languages.
This article employs descriptive and analytical methods to categorize and examine the various types and structures of Chinese insults It analyzes and interprets the usage and meanings of different derogatory terms, providing a comprehensive understanding of their linguistic and cultural significance.
3 对比法,将汉语詈骂语与越南语相对应的表达形式进行对比。
A survey method was employed to conduct an actual investigation into the current use of abusive language among Vietnamese speakers of Chinese, aiming to obtain reliable data.
The works of Lao She, including "Teahouse" and "Rickshaw Boy," alongside Lu Xun's stories such as "Medicine," "Hometown," "Kong Yiji," and "A Madman's Diary," as well as "Dream of the Red Chamber" and its Vietnamese translations, are analyzed using the corpus data from Peking University.
2)越南现当代小说:Nam Cao/南高的《Lão Hạc/老鹤》、《Chí Phèo/志
瞟》、《Mò sâm banh/捞香槟酒》、《Đôi mắt/眼睛》;Nguyễn Công Hoan/阮公欢的
Trong tập 2 của bộ truyện ngắn, các tác phẩm đáng chú ý bao gồm "Xuất giá tòng phu", "Không tốt之景", và "Bước đường cùng" Các tác giả như Nguyễn Ngọc Yến với "Điều không thể", Tô Hoài với "Vợ chồng A Phủ", Kim Lân với "Vợ nhặt", và Ma Văn Kháng với "Đất mầu" và "Bồ nông ở biển" đã đóng góp những câu chuyện sâu sắc Ngoài ra, còn có nhiều bài viết từ các báo chí Việt Nam từ tháng 1 năm 2010 đến tháng 7 năm 2012, phản ánh đa dạng văn hóa và xã hội của đất nước.
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of modern Chinese insults while also conducting an in-depth analysis and comparison of their usage and semantic features Building on this foundation, it identifies corresponding expressions in Vietnamese and offers recommendations for the teaching of Chinese in Vietnam.
汉语詈语的界定及其相关理论基础 1.1 詈语的界定
In ancient Chinese phonetics, the characters "詈" (lì) and "骂" (mà) are linked to the "明母鱼部" and "来母支部" respectively Research by scholars suggests that the ancient pronunciation may have included the consonant cluster "ml," indicating a possible phonetic connection between 明母 and 来母 The relationship between the fish and branch components further supports the idea that "詈" and "骂" share a common phonetic origin Wang Li, in his work "同源字典" (Dictionary of Cognate Characters), notes that characters with similar sounds and meanings are classified as cognates.
Insults and insulting language are related yet distinct concepts Insults represent a form of speech act, which can only be executed through the use of insulting language The differences between these two concepts can be summarized in the following table.
詈骂 詈骂语
The presence of abusive language is a necessary condition for verbal abuse; however, it is not a sufficient condition This means that while the use of derogatory language may be evident, it does not automatically constitute an act of verbal abuse.
Abusive language, also known as curses or insults, encompasses terms like "诅詈语," "詈语," and "詈词." The term "詈骂" is synonymous with the single-syllable word "骂." Research by Niu Huifang, a 2005 graduate from Shaanxi Normal University, examined the written usage of "骂" and "詈." Her findings indicate that prior to the "Zuo Zhuan," "詈" was used to convey the meaning of "harsh words," while "骂" first appeared in the "Zuo Zhuan." It was rarely seen again until the late Warring States period, when it began to share a synonymous relationship with "骂," which has since shown a consistent upward trend in usage.
Jiang Jiebao identifies two fundamental elements of insults: "insulting intent and insulting language." He further explains that the insulting intent reflects the negative emotions and feelings of the insulter, encompassing condemnation, reprimand, criticism, mockery, disgust, hatred, animosity, threats, damage, defamation, and humiliation.
The terms "abusive language," "insults," "derogatory terms," "curse words," and "offensive speech" represent various forms of verbal aggression While their specific meanings and nuances may differ, they broadly convey the same concept of using harsh or demeaning language to criticize or belittle others.
Existing literature often equates "abusive language" with "swearing" and "profanity," sometimes using these terms interchangeably within the same article However, I believe it is essential to distinguish between them.
Profanity refers to vulgar and rude language, often reflecting the speaker's lack of refinement It generally has a specific focus, while obscenities are crude expressions that typically pertain to bodily functions or sexual matters Insulting language encompasses not only those related to excretion and sex but also extends to other areas Therefore, insulting language serves as a broader category, with profanity and obscenity as its subcategories.
Currently, the prevailing view in China equates "insulting language" with colloquial terms for cursing However, this interpretation is insufficiently precise Firstly, "language" and "speech" are different levels of linguistic units Secondly, insulting language is not solely used to demean others; it can also express extreme anger, intense joy, or indicate a close relationship.
In example (1), the derogatory language is not used to insult; instead, it expresses appreciation and joy Therefore, defining derogatory language solely as insults is inaccurate.
The term "詈言," defined as "words of insult," is included in the revised edition of the "Ciyuan" (Volume 4, Page 2886) In contrast, the abridged version of "Cihai" (Page 1900) only features the verb "詈," which translates to "to scold."
《汉语大词典》(缩印本)(下卷第6549 ~ 6550页)既收了“詈言”这个词条,解
Since the 1990s, Chinese scholars have increasingly focused on the phenomenon of "insulting language," though they use various terms to describe it, including "insulting words," "abusive language," and "derogatory expressions." The definitions of these terms vary widely, yet they share similar meanings A notable early study by Wang Xijie, published in "Walking Through Language" (Shanghai Education Press, 1993), defines insulting language as "rude or malicious words aimed at insulting others," which serves as a representative explanation of the concept.
The terms "abusive language" or "insulting words" primarily consist of "insulting phrases" as their core elements Therefore, it is appropriate to interpret "abusive language" or "insulting words" as forms of "speech" or "language."
The term "abusive language" is misleading and does not accurately reflect its true nature, as it is not merely a form of "speech." Abusive language serves an emotional outlet, often using words that deviate from their original meanings and should not be interpreted literally Many well-known abusive phrases have gained acceptance and even appreciation due to their emotional expression Although the vocabulary may be more refined, society permits their existence and, in certain contexts, even encourages their use as necessary.
A scientifically sound interpretation of insults is that they are words used by individuals to verbally attack others, serving as the most common and significant components of derogatory language.
In traditional Chinese society, personal persecution has been prevalent, yet it lacks the support of social ethics By reducing the prevalence of harsh disciplinary measures in elementary education and incorporating more compassionate stories like "The Little Match Girl" and "Snow White," we may foster a more empathetic society This shift could prevent individuals from becoming cruel and mitigate the spread of vitriolic language throughout the community.
The concept of "stage struggle" has led people to feel compelled to curse and attack perceived "enemies." In 1925, Chinese writer Lu Xun analyzed the development and usage of the term "damn it" in his essay "On 'Damn It'," identifying it as a form of national curse in China Linguist Wang Li also contributed to this discussion with essays titled "Cursing" and "Insulting and Being Insulted," exploring the characteristics and vocabulary of insults Recently, there has been a noticeable increase in articles examining this topic from a sociolinguistic perspective, which is a positive development.
Throughout history, issues such as backwardness, poverty, ignorance, and filth have not only accompanied humanity but have also hindered the development of civilization This phenomenon can be attributed to the societal reasons behind abusive language and insults A notable observation states that while the Chinese are renowned for their proficiency in cursing, critiquing this behavior solely from a moral standpoint is futile, as numerous factors in daily life and social psychology warrant condemnation The prevalence of insults in a society reflects not only heightened emotional tension and psychological issues but also a deteriorating social environment In various publications, casual vulgarities like "motherf***er," "bastard," and "puppy" are commonplace among students Articles have described the chaotic atmosphere with phrases such as "this is nonsense" and "listen up, bastards," while even well-bred young women resort to shockingly crude language, illustrating a troubling cultural trend.
One of the most dazzling and provocative spectacles of that era was closely linked to the collective distortion of society during the Cultural Revolution, marked by intensified class struggle and a weakening of aesthetic education and humanitarian values For the first time, personal insults and persecution were cloaked in a guise of legality and justice, leading to widespread and unprecedented cruelty across the nation.
Cursing serves as a psychological mechanism aimed at exerting negative influence through the use of derogatory language The relationship between language and its meanings reflects the interplay between signifiers and signified concepts As human society evolves, so does our understanding of the impact that language can have on interpersonal dynamics.
As our understanding deepens, we realize that language alone cannot change circumstances However, individuals often express their emotions and frustrations—such as anger, hatred, and jealousy—through harsh words and insults, particularly when faced with life's pressures This tendency to resort to vitriol reflects a primal belief in the power of language to convey deep-seated feelings, serving as a means to articulate one's thoughts and emotions.
The phenomenon of using insults can be understood through psychological theories such as social exchange theory and empathy Insulting someone directly may seem monotonous, leading individuals to project their emotions onto symbolic objects, a process known as "empathy." This projection allows for easier emotional expression and can evoke deeper associations According to social exchange theory, human behavior is driven by the pursuit of greater benefits, with interactions involving exchanges of both material and psychological rewards In instances of insult, external stimuli can trigger a range of emotional states, including depression, sadness, despair, hatred, anger, fear, shame, disgust, and contempt, highlighting the complex emotional landscape behind such behaviors.
言学家 H.SPERBER 所 认为“去寻找各种机会,千方百计地用譬喻、形象化等各种
Some individuals may feel powerless or intimidated, making it difficult for them to respond with physical force In such cases, using profanity serves as a relatively harmless outlet, acting as a "safety valve" for emotional release during moments of anger Consequently, people often hesitate to choose alternative forms of interaction Additionally, there is a psychological reverence for language, leading individuals to believe that words can achieve their goals This belief has given rise to the act of cursing, where the anger is often redirected toward the relatives of the targeted individual, particularly female family members This approach provides a sense of depth and rich associations, allowing the person to feel a sense of satisfaction in their expression of anger.
情绪感情 表现之处 例子
悲哀 由于遭受不幸或不愉快地
Emotional release often comes from a sense of relief, with crying being a common outlet However, there are times when this release can manifest in different ways, highlighting the complexity of our emotional experiences.
Old Li watched as Dai Gou struggled for many days without any improvement, feeling heartbroken as he hid in a corner, tears streaming down his face He lamented to himself, "If this dog doesn't get better, it will surely take my life!"
现为骂詈或边哭边骂。 (浓从文《代狗》)
Upon realizing that her husband could betray her in such a despicable manner, she was overwhelmed with heartbreak, tears streaming down her face as she cried out, "You heartless creature!"
恐惧 因恐惧而产生詈骂行为能
The act of verbally warning intruders often reveals the weakness of the one issuing the warning, serving as a means of self-protection or a prelude to retreat In conflicts where there is a significant power imbalance, the weaker party may resort to insults without physical confrontation, fleeing the scene while their verbal attacks stem from fear.
She observed the veins on his forehead bulging with anger, which made her feel quite uneasy inside Nevertheless, she tried to maintain a facade of strength by cursing while subtly inching towards the door.
The article expresses strong criticism towards someone perceived as incompetent and weak, using harsh language to emphasize their lack of value and courage The speaker confronts this individual, challenging their ability to stand up for themselves and questioning their worth.
失望 就是希望没有完全达到或
A sense of disappointment often arises when expectations are unmet, leading to an unpleasant emotional experience During this emotional state, individuals frequently find themselves complaining or cursing either themselves or others.
Speech acts are a crucial topic in the study of pragmatics, emerging from the context of Western linguistic philosophy The development and refinement of speech act theory have been shaped by the contributions of various language philosophers Notably, there are differences in the specific viewpoints on speech acts among different philosophers and even within the same philosopher's work over time.
The theory of speech acts, introduced by Austin in the 1950s as a key figure of the Oxford school of ordinary language philosophy, centers around the core ideas of "speaking as storytelling" and "discourse as action."
The focus of the research is on performative sentences, which are sentences that possess the ability to perform actions, typically involving acts such as apologizing or promising While Austin identified performative acts, he did not connect these acts to the content of the sentences His student, American philosopher Searle, further developed and refined speech act theory in 1969, outlining the principles and standards for classifying speech acts, and introduced the theory of indirect speech acts, exploring the formalization of speech acts Searle argued that the study of sentence meaning is intrinsically linked to the study of speech acts, stating that any sentence must perform a specific speech act within a given context, and conversely, any speech act must be executed through a particular utterance Consequently, He Zhaoxiong noted in 2000 that speech acts function as a component of sentence meaning.
Most language philosophers agree on the principle that speech acts are a unique form of human behavior When individuals utter a statement, they are simultaneously performing an action Therefore, it is insufficient to study only language or its meanings in isolation. 表情类别(expressive):表现说话人对话语中的命题内容的心理状态。人类
Common emotional states include joy, anger, sadness, happiness, disgust, depression, satisfaction, and dislike Representative verbs associated with these emotions are thank, wish, apologize, welcome, comfort, greet, invite, refute, and agree.
In categorizing speech acts, five main types are identified, with insults classified as expressive actions British linguist Geoffrey Leech (1983) proposed a set of politeness principles reflecting British cultural characteristics Building on Searle's theory of speech acts, Leech categorized language functions into four groups: competitive acts such as commands and requests; congratulatory acts including offers of help, invitations, greetings, thanks, and congratulations; cooperative acts like assertions, reports, announcements, and explanations; and confrontational acts such as threats, accusations, curses, and reprimands He noted the close relationship between speech acts and politeness, highlighting significant overlaps between Searle's five categories and his own four Specifically, assertions fall under cooperation, directives are competitive, commitments are congratulatory, and expressive acts also belong to the congratulatory category, while other declarative speech acts are unrelated to politeness as they do not involve interpersonal communication.
Cursing is a form of speech act that inherently threatens the listener's face To achieve the desired communicative effect, speakers often employ derogatory strategies such as threats, insults, accusations, sarcasm, and ridicule to fulfill their objectives.
We can distinguish between insults and related speech acts by examining their connection, revealing two essential differences: first, the intent behind insults often aims to demean or provoke, while other speech acts may serve various communicative purposes; second, the emotional impact of insults typically elicits a stronger reaction compared to other forms of discourse, highlighting their unique role in interpersonal communication.
The realization of abusive language often differs from other forms of speech, typically employing direct, coarse, or malicious words to convey its intended meaning.
Based on these two key characteristics, "insults" can be distinguished from other verbal behaviors such as "criticism," "accusation," and "sarcasm."
言语行为 意图与方式
The act of cursing involves the speaker using vulgar or malicious language to express their dissatisfaction or anger, which ultimately defines the nature of the curse.
Insults are rarely conveyed through subtle or indirect language Typically, those who insult others do not take the recipient's feelings into account, opting instead for a straightforward and clear manner to express their intentions to the listener.
批评 不是侮辱他人或宣泄心中的不满与愤怒,而是一种正当的建议方
指责 一旦对他人的责备使用了粗野或恶意的话,这种责备就成为了詈
讽刺 实现方式都是委婉性话语。
Politeness is a crucial element in social interactions, significantly influencing both the communication process and its outcomes Different cultures, shaped by unique backgrounds and perspectives, define politeness as a reflection of cultural refinement in social behavior To achieve effective communication, participants must understand and adhere to the principles of politeness and cooperation Additionally, various forms of politeness exist within social interactions, which must be recognized and navigated effectively.
The term "face" is used to describe a social concept closely linked to politeness When an individual uses language that offends another's face, it constitutes a face-threatening speech act Conversely, to maintain interpersonal relationships and minimize conflicts, people often employ language to soften the degree of offense, which is known as face-preserving speech behavior.
The act of giving face through verbal communication is crucial, especially when there are significant cultural differences between the speaker and the listener When their cultural values clash or are entirely incompatible, polite language can inadvertently cause offense, leading to communication breakdowns Therefore, understanding and navigating these cultural nuances is essential for successful interactions.
The term "insult" in Chinese refers to a verbal action that, like greetings, statements, requests, and other communicative acts, is inherently performative Analyzing the speech context involves considering the speaker, the listener, their interactions, and whether they share a common language code, background, topic, and form of information Therefore, examining the use of insults helps reveal the essence of this verbal behavior Our findings indicate that the act of insulting encompasses several key aspects.
The occurrence of abusive language is often rooted in a context where the speaker's emotions are heightened, leading to a state of "stimulation-impulse." This impulsive intent to curse typically arises from a specific event, statement, or individual that provokes the speaker Consequently, the act of cursing serves as an impulsive verbal reaction to the triggering situation, with the target of the abuse usually being the event, statement, or person that incited the speaker's emotional response.
说话者 (刺激、冲动)→ 詈骂言语 (攻击)→ 对象
In a scenario where a father assists his son in securing a job, the son quickly makes mistakes and faces rejection shortly after starting The father's frustration is evident as he expresses disappointment, saying, "You are just a hopeless case!"
The father expresses his frustration towards his son’s lack of work ethic by saying, “You’re like a useless lump that can’t be propped up!” This reprimand, while not containing vulgar language, highlights the emotional impact of the father's words, targeting the son's perceived failures and the circumstances that led to this confrontation.
施者 - 不上进的儿子。
Mục đích của những người chửi rủa là tấn công người khác và giải tỏa sự bất mãn cùng cơn giận dữ Hành vi chửi rủa chủ yếu nhằm vào việc tấn công người khác để xả bớt những cảm xúc tiêu cực trong lòng Hầu hết các hành vi ngôn ngữ chửi rủa đều có ý định này Để giải tỏa cơn giận và sự bất mãn, thường có hai cách thực hiện: một là có đối tượng tấn công cụ thể.
如:(12)情景:得知自己的妹妹正和自己追求过的男孩交往后,姐姐十分 生气。
In this scenario, the older sister discovers that her younger sister is dating a boy she once pursued, leading to feelings of shame and resentment To cope with her anger, she resorts to personal attacks, insulting her sister by saying, "You're worthless! You've never accomplished anything!" This reflects a deep-seated bitterness and a need to express her frustration In contrast, when there is no specific target for her anger, her insults become more generalized and indiscriminate.
Ma Qingxin marched confidently forward, shaking his fist at passersby and shouting, "Who the hell dares to mess with me? Who the hell dares to challenge me?"
In this case, the horse experiences pent-up anger and stress without an outlet for release Lacking a target for its frustration, it resorts to incorporating insults into its communication, using generalized cursing as a means to vent emotions and alleviate pressure.
According to He Zhaoxiong (2000), spoken content can be categorized into direct expressions and implicit, nuanced meanings Insulting language acts are characterized by their straightforwardness, as speakers typically avoid vague qualifiers and euphemisms, opting instead to clearly convey their intentions through direct insults This directness is a key feature of such discourse Additionally, insulting language is marked by its crude or malicious nature, which distinguishes it from other speech acts like criticism or blame.
Insulting language and derogatory terms are closely related, as both convey the speaker's negative sentiments From an emotional perspective, both types of language carry negative connotations Insulting language typically consists of derogatory terms that have been established specifically for the purpose of insulting others While derogatory terms can be used in various contexts to express disdain, they differ from insulting language in notable ways.
不同之处 贬义词 詈骂语
对象 表达说话者对人、事、物的否 只是用来表达说话者对人的侮辱和贬
定、贬斥的感情。 斥。
角度 从 词 语 的 感 情 色 彩 的 角 度 来
只是表达说话人的感情,不一 定有动机,也不一定必须产生 某种效果。
The use of insults is primarily limited to verbal communication, necessitating a motive to offend and aiming to demean or belittle others.
In linguistic terms, a word is the smallest independent unit of language within a sentence Language encompasses various units, including words, phrases, and sentences Sometimes, curse words manifest as single words, functioning as independent language units; at other times, they appear in the form of phrases or sentences, which consist of larger language units than just a word.
Many derogatory terms are not inherently insults, yet their usage in language can create a disparaging effect Additionally, employing these terms during confrontations can amplify the intensity of the insult.
In "Dream of the Red Chamber," Liu Laolao scolds Ban'er for his unruly behavior, emphasizing that his actions are inappropriate and disrespectful She expresses her frustration by giving him a slap, highlighting the consequences of his misbehavior and the importance of decorum in their household.
(16)(贾环)照着彩云的脸摔了去,说:“这两面三刀的东西!我不稀 罕。”(《红楼梦》第62回)
In the examples provided, the term "disgust" reflects the maids' disdain for Li Mama, while "messy" illustrates Liu Laolao's reprimand of Ban'er for his lack of discipline Additionally, "two-faced" captures Jia Huan's suspicion that the maid Caiyun is being unfaithful to him by being close to Baoyu, leading him to angrily accuse her of disloyalty.
Những lời lẽ chửi bới này thường sử dụng từ ngữ thô tục hoặc những từ ngữ khá thô bạo, có mức độ xúc phạm cao và giọng điệu cũng mạnh mẽ hơn.
较强烈,即这类话同时具备了骂人的话 A 的两个要素,如“鸟”、“浑蛋”、
Từ "肏" có thể trở thành lời chửi mắng trong những điều kiện cụ thể Mặc dù không sử dụng từ ngữ thô tục hay bậy bạ, nhưng loại ngôn ngữ này vẫn có khả năng xúc phạm người khác, đạt được yếu tố chính của lời chửi mắng là "sự xúc phạm".
这句话,如果用在有祖孙的关系的人之间,就不是骂人的话 A,否则就是骂
Lời lẽ xúc phạm này phụ thuộc nhiều vào ngữ cảnh và không thể tách rời khỏi mối quan hệ giữa hai bên trong cuộc trò chuyện.
1.4.现 代 汉 、 越 詈 骂 语 的 研 究 现 状
China has made significant progress in the study of Chinese curse words, focusing on several key issues The research delves into the linguistic characteristics, cultural implications, and social contexts of these expressions, highlighting their relevance in modern communication.
Profanity, often referred to by various terms such as "insulting language" (Hu Shiyun, 1997), "swear words" (Huang Fenbao, 1998), or "coarse language," represents a unique form of expression that has been studied by numerous scholars.
1994;刘福根,1997,1998)、“詈语”(刘文婷 ,2000;张国,2003)等。不同
Scholars have varying definitions of abusive language Liu Wenting (2000) defines abusive language as "coarse or malicious words used to insult others," commonly referred to as "curse words." Zhang Guo (2003) distinguishes between narrow and broad definitions of abusive language, stating that the narrow definition pertains specifically to "curse words," while the broad definition encompasses all terms that imply insult, abuse, offense, or contempt, including swear words, dirty words, personal attacks, and nationally offensive language.
The cultural connotations and social values of abusive language are significant topics in linguistic studies Notable works such as Chen Weiwu's "Abusive Behavior and Discussions on Chinese Abusive Words" (1992) and Jun Qun's "Cultural Implications of Chinese Abusive Language" (1996) delve into these themes, exploring how such language reflects societal norms and attitudes Liu Fugeng's contributions further enrich the discourse on the complexities surrounding the use of insults in the Chinese language.
The study of derogatory language, such as the term "dog," serves as a mirror reflecting the systemic values, social psychology, and cultural identity of a nation Articles like Jiang Bao's "Cultural Connotation of the Derogatory Term 'Dog'" (2000) and others from 2004 emphasize this perspective, examining how the entire system of insult language reveals the values of the Chinese people.
The exploration of cultural psychology is evident in the analysis of specific categories of insults, such as animal-related insults, which reflect underlying cultural attitudes and values.
The emergence of abusive language is influenced by various factors, serving distinct functions in communication Key studies, such as Jiang Jiebao's "The Motivation and Function of Abusive Language" (1999) and Qiu Qingshan's "Cultural Psychology of Abusive Language in Chinese" (2004), explore the underlying motivations and cultural implications of swearing in the Chinese language These works highlight how profanity can express emotions, reinforce social bonds, or serve as a coping mechanism in stressful situations.
The article "The Art of Cursing in 'Dream of the Red Chamber'" (2003) discusses how curses often arise from human emotions such as anger, frustration, and disdain When individuals experience these intense feelings, they struggle to express themselves calmly In such moments, concise and powerful curses serve as an effective means to vent their dissatisfaction and convey absolute negativity towards people or situations.
The study of abusive language behaviors in Chinese, as explored in Yao Chunrong's 2009 master's thesis at Jinan University, focuses on the pragmatic aspects of such expressions This research employs theories from pragmatics, including speech act theory, reference theory, and pragmatic strategy theory, to provide a comprehensive analysis of Chinese cursing Additionally, Jiang Jiebao (2000) identifies two fundamental components of cursing: "the intention to insult and the language used to insult."
The concept of "scornful intent" reflects the negative emotions and feelings of the speaker, encompassing condemnation, criticism, ridicule, hatred, hostility, threats, defamation, and insults This intent is broad and varied, with subtle distinctions that a simple term like "malice" cannot fully capture "Scornful language" serves as the linguistic material for insults, representing a conceptual framework In verbal communication, scornful language may convey insults or lack any scornful intent; conversely, scornful intent can exist without the use of scornful language This analysis fundamentally explores the components that constitute the act of cursing.
1.4.2现 代 越 南 语 詈 骂 语 的 研 究 现 状
到 目 前 为 止 , 在 我 们 所 能 搜 查 到 的 资 料 中 , 关 于 越 南 詈 骂 语 的 研 究 还
Trần Thị Hoàng Yến trong bài viết "Đặc điểm lời chửi có dạng [Đồ + X] qua lời thoại nhân vật trong truyện ngắn Việt Nam" đã phân tích cách sử dụng lời chửi trong văn học Việt Nam Nghiên cứu tập trung vào đặc điểm ngôn ngữ và ý nghĩa của các cụm từ chửi, giúp hiểu rõ hơn về văn hóa giao tiếp trong xã hội Bài viết cung cấp cái nhìn sâu sắc về cách mà lời chửi không chỉ mang tính chất xúc phạm mà còn phản ánh tâm tư, tình cảm của nhân vật trong truyện ngắn.
Năm 2011, Diễn đàn học tập và nghiên cứu đã chỉ ra rằng người Việt Nam sử dụng cấu trúc [Đồ + X] với tỷ lệ cao, đặc biệt nhấn mạnh vào vị trí và đặc điểm cấu trúc của nó Mặc dù cấu trúc [Đồ + X] đơn giản, ổn định và dễ hiểu, nhưng nó mang lại hiệu quả ngôn ngữ nhanh chóng và trực tiếp, giúp người nói thể hiện cảm xúc một cách mạnh mẽ Trần Thị Hoàng Yến trong bài viết "Tìm hiểu một số cấu trúc đặc trưng của lời chửi trong truyện ngắn Việt Nam" đăng trên Tạp chí Văn hóa Nghệ An (vanhoanghean.com.vn), số 213, năm 2012 cũng đã đề cập đến vấn đề này.