As a student majoring in English, I have many opportunities to be exposed to a huge source of knowledge from English books and information.
As an avid learner of human knowledge, particularly in the realms of religion, politics, and society, I find the Arab region of the Middle East to be particularly intriguing This fascination has led me to select Bernard Lewis's book, “Faith and Power: Religion and Politics in the Middle East,” as the basis for my graduation thesis translation.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of Middle Eastern history, addressing key themes such as wars, religion, politics, and societal changes from ancient times to the present I am particularly fascinated by the relationships between Arab nations and Europe, America, and the Soviet Union My focus is on translating Chapter 5, titled "Free at Last? The Arab World in the Twenty-First Century," with the aim of offering valuable insights that enhance understanding of the region Initially influenced by negative portrayals of Islam and Arab countries in Western media, my perspective has shifted after engaging with this book, revealing a more nuanced and less alarming view of the Middle East.
Aims and Objectives
- Enhancing my skills in translating books from English into Vietnamese
- Understanding what the author wants to convey
- Understanding and overcoming language barriers between the two countries.
In order to get these above-stated aims, the following objectives are set:
- Understanding the cultures of two countries
- Getting tons of specialized vocabulary related to religious, political, and social topics
- Applying the translation theory to the graduation paper
- Analyzing complicated words, grammar points, phrases, structures,contexts, and so on
Scope of the Study
I selected Bernard Lewis's book "Faith and Power: Religion and Politics in the Middle East" for translation, focusing specifically on the fifth chapter titled “Free at last?: The Arab World in the Twenty-first Century.” This chapter addresses critical themes of history, religion, politics, and society within Arab countries In my graduation paper, I translated this chapter into Vietnamese and conducted an analysis of key vocabulary, grammar points, and syntactic structures.
"Faith and Power: Religion and Politics in the Middle East" by Bernard Lewis is a seminal work that explores the intricate relationship between religion and government in the Middle East This revised edition features 13 chapters, with the fifth chapter specifically addressing the dynamics of the Arab World in the twenty-first century This chapter serves as a critical examination of contemporary issues and influences shaping the region today.
Due to the time limitation, I just translated the fifth chapter from the page 75 to page 88 and it has about 4.500 words and 30 paragraphs
The text belongs to chapter 5 named “Free at last?: The Arab World in the Twenty-first Century” The chapter is divided into three main parts as follows:
- The rise of the radicals
- The struggle for the future
In the fifth chapter of Bernard Lewis's book "Faith and Power: Religion and Politics in the Middle East," the intricate relationship between religion and politics in the region is explored The chapter delves into how religious beliefs shape political structures and influence governance, highlighting the historical context that has led to current dynamics For those interested in a deeper understanding of these themes, the full text is accessible online at the provided link.
Method of the Study
- Using skimming and scanning skills to get an overview of the content
- Identifying the difficult terminologies, vocabulary, multi-meaning words, and structures
- Discussing with supervisors and referring to those terminologies, expressions, and structures on the Internet
- Using reliable dictionary sources such as Oxford, Cambridge
- Applying translation skills in subjects such as the theory of translation and translation
- Reviewing the entire translation, checking for mistakes and correcting them
In fact, depending on one's perspective on languages and translation,translation can be defined in a variety of ways These are some definitions of translation as follows:
Translation, as defined by J.C Catford in "A Linguistic Theory of Translation" (1965), is the process of substituting text from a source language (SL) with equivalent text in a target language (TL) This definition emphasizes the importance of finding accurate equivalents to ensure effective communication across languages.
In addition, “A Textbook of Translation” of Peter Newmark (1988) said: “Translation is a process of transferring a message from this language into another language in the way the author intended the text”.
Type of Categories
J.C Catford categorizes translation into six forms based on three main factors: extent, level, and ranks.
Based on the extent of SL text, translation is divided into two types: Full Translation and Partial Translation
- Full translation is the type of translation in which every part of the SL text is replaced by the TL materials
Example: There was a steep drop in exports in 2005
Đã có một sự tụt dốc mạnh trong xuất khẩu vào năm 2005.
- Partial translation can be understood as some parts of the source text that will not be translated, only moved to and incorporated in the target text.
Example: Năm 2005 chứng kiến một sự rớt giá vàng nghiêm trọng.
Gold price dropped seriously in 2005.
Based on the level of SL text, translation is divided into two types: Total Translation and Restricted Translation
Total translation refers to the complete replacement of all levels of the source language (SL) text with target language (TL) material However, this concept often leads to misunderstandings, as it is not feasible to fully substitute every level of the SL in the translation process.
TL, though total replacement is involved.
Example: Poverty is no sin.
Đói nghèo không phải là tội lỗi.
Restricted translation refers to the process of substituting source language (SL) text with equivalent target language (TL) content, but this substitution occurs at only one specific level This may involve changes solely at the phonological level, the graphological level, or limited to one of the two levels of grammar and lexis.
Example: In America, they eat what they can, and they can what they can’t.
Ở Mỹ, họ ăn những gì ăn được và đóng hộp những gì họ không ăn được.
In this translation, the phonology of the source language (SL) is substituted with the corresponding phonology of the target language (TL), while other elements remain unchanged Any grammatical or lexical modifications that occur are incidental and arise solely from the phonological translation process.
Methods and Principles of Translation
This translation closely mirrors the source language (SL) by converting each word directly and maintaining the original word order It utilizes the most common dictionary meanings of the SL terms, often ignoring the context of the text While the translation remains faithful to the SL, it may feel awkward or unfamiliar to the target language (TL) audience, leading to challenges in comprehension.
Example : She is deaf to all his advice.
Cô ấy điếc với tất cả những lời khuyên của anh ta.
In the translation process, SL grammatical constructions are matched with their closest TL equivalents, while lexical words are translated individually, outside of the context This approach highlights the challenges that need to be addressed before translation begins.
Example: She is deaf to all his advice.
Cô ấy lờ đi tất cả những lời khuyên của anh ta.
A faithful translation aims to accurately convey the original context while adhering to the grammatical structures of the target language It effectively transfers cultural terms and maintains the level of grammatical and lexical uniqueness present in the source language The goal is to remain true to the intentions and textual expression of the original author.
Example: He is as fast as a kangaroo.
Anh ấy nhanh như sóc
Semantic translation prioritizes the aesthetic qualities of the source language (SL) text, ensuring that it sounds beautiful and natural This approach may involve compromising on the original meaning to avoid jarring elements such as assonance, wordplay, or repetition Additionally, less significant cultural terms may be translated using culturally neutral terms rather than direct cultural equivalents, allowing for minor adjustments that cater to the readership's understanding.
Example : Ride along into the sunset with me.
Hãy theo tôi đến cuối ánh chiều tà.
Free translation is a flexible approach primarily utilized for translating plays and poetry It focuses on preserving the themes, characters, and plots while adapting the source language's culture to the target language's culture, resulting in a rewritten text that resonates with the audience.
Ex ample : As strong as a horse.
Free translation focuses on conveying the content of the original text without preserving its style or form Typically, this approach results in a paraphrase that is often longer and more elaborate than the source material, resembling an "intralingual translation." As a result, it can come across as verbose and overly complex, ultimately failing to qualify as true translation.
Example : Blood is thicker than water
Một giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã
This translation method aims to convey the original message but often distorts the nuances by favoring colloquialisms and idioms that are not present in the source text.
Example : Laughing is the best medicine.
Một nụ cười bằng mười thang thuốc bổ
Communicative Translation attempts to render the axact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership.
Example: She was denied the door.
Cô ấy đến nhưng không được chào đón.
The meaning of TL should reflect exactly the SL; furthermore, even though translators can convert part of the meaning, there is nothing that should be arbitrarily added or removed
Example: He was limp with fatigue.
Anh ta mệt đến độ không đứng lên nổi.
In translation, it is essential to maintain the original order of words and ideas as closely as possible, particularly regarding the form and sequence of words English allows for emphasis and main stress to be achieved through the inversion of word order and the use of varied structures.
Example: No sooner had I left the library than it started raining.
Ngay khi tôi bước ra ngoài thư viện, thì trời đổ mưa.
Languages often differ greatly in their levels of formality in a given context To resolve these differences, the translator must distinguish between formal and fixed expression
All of them have the same meaning: “Xin lỗi”.
A translator should generally preserve the original style of a text; however, if the writing is poorly constructed or excessively repetitive, it is acceptable for the translator to make corrections for the benefit of the reader.
Example: He ate, and drank, and talked, and asked during the meal.
Anh ấy vừa ăn uống luôn miệng nói, hỏi suốt cả bữa ăn
Idiomatic expressions are notoriously untranslatable These include similes, metaphors, proverbs, sayings, jargon, slangs, colloquialisms and phrasal verbs If the expressions cannot be directly translated, try any of the following:
Retaining the original word, in invested commas
Retaining the original expression, with a literal explanation in brackets
Example: Rừng vàng biển bạc
Example: Like father like son.
Using a non-idiomatic or plain prose translation
The Arab World in the twenty-first century
P1: As the twentieth century drew to an end, it became clear that a major change was taking place in the countries of the Arab world For almost
200 years, those lands had been ruled and dominated by European powers and before that by non-Arab Muslim regimes—chiefly the Ottoman Empire.
After the departure of the last imperial rulers, the Arab world became a political battleground between the
United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War That, too, ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union in
In 1991, Arab governments and dynasties, both royal and presidential, began to assert control, marking a significant shift This period saw Arab nations and, increasingly, their citizens confronting pressing issues, ultimately accepting responsibility for addressing their own challenges.
Thế giới Ả Rập trong thế kỷ XXI
Cuối thế kỷ 20, thế giới Ả Rập chứng kiến sự thay đổi lớn sau gần 200 năm bị cai trị bởi các cường quốc châu Âu và các chế độ Hồi giáo không phải Ả Rập, chủ yếu là Đế chế Ottoman Sự kết thúc của Chiến tranh Lạnh và sự sụp đổ của Liên Xô vào năm 1991 đã mở đường cho các chính phủ và triều đại Ả Rập, bao gồm cả hoàng gia và tổng thống, tiếp quản quyền lực Các chính phủ Ả Rập bắt đầu đối mặt với những vấn đề nội tại và dần dần nhận trách nhiệm giải quyết các thách thức của chính mình.
Europe has historically been a major force of influence and control in the Arab world; however, its significance has diminished over time The substantial oil wealth possessed by certain Arab leaders, coupled with the expanding Arab population, has shifted the dynamics of power and influence in the region.
The growing Muslim population in Europe raises important questions about the influence of Arabs on European affairs Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russia's significance in the Arab world diminished; however, its geographical closeness, abundant resources, and substantial Muslim demographic ensure that Russia remains invested in Middle Eastern dynamics.
Middle East afford to disregard Russia.
The United States has maintained a significant presence in the Arab world, especially when compared to Europe Throughout the Cold War, its primary focus in the region was to counter the increasing influence of rival powers.
Soviet influence, such as in Egypt and
Syria Since the end of the Cold War,
U.S troops have appeared occasionally chúng.
Châu Âu đã không còn giữ vai trò quan trọng trong các vấn đề của thế giới Ả Rập, trong khi một số nhà cầm quyền Ả Rập sở hữu khối tài sản dầu mỏ khổng lồ Với sự gia tăng dân số Ả Rập và Hồi giáo tại châu Âu, vai trò của người Ả Rập trong các vấn đề châu Âu trở nên đáng chú ý Sau sự tan rã của Liên Xô, Nga không còn là nhân tố chính tại thế giới Ả Rập, nhưng với vị trí địa lý gần gũi, nguồn tài nguyên phong phú và dân số Hồi giáo lớn, Nga vẫn có tầm quan trọng không thể bỏ qua ở Trung Đông, và ngược lại, Trung Đông cũng cần phải chú ý đến Nga.
Hoa Kỳ vẫn giữ vai trò quan trọng trong thế giới Ả Rập, khác với Châu Âu Trong thời kỳ Chiến tranh Lạnh, lợi ích của Mỹ chủ yếu tập trung vào việc ngăn chặn ảnh hưởng của Liên Xô tại các quốc gia như Ai Cập và Syria Sau khi Chiến tranh Lạnh kết thúc, quân đội Mỹ tiếp tục có mặt và duy trì ảnh hưởng trong khu vực này.
ORIGINAL VERSION SUGGESTED VERSION in the region, either as part of joint peace missions (as in Lebanon in
1982–83) or to rescue or protect Arab governments from their neighboring enemies (as in Kuwait and Saudi
Arabia in 1990–91) But many in the
Arab world—and in the broader
Islamic world—have seen these activities as blatant U.S imperialism.
According to this perception, the
United States is simply the successor to the now-defunct French, British, and
Soviet empires and their various
Christian predecessors, carrying out yet another infidel effort to dominate the
Islamic world Bhjghgjhgjhg mhsgdjhs jshdksjah kjshdjkash ksjdhkjsahdkjs ksjdhkjsahd.
Middle East led to a series of attacks on
U.S government installations during the 1980s and 1990s At first,
Washington’s response to the attacks was to withdraw After the attacks on the U.S marine barracks in Beirut in
1983 and on the U.S component of a
Hoa Kỳ đã tham gia vào khu vực Trung Đông thông qua các sứ mệnh hòa bình, như tại Liban năm 1982-1983, và để hỗ trợ các chính phủ Ả Rập trước các mối đe dọa từ láng giềng, như ở Kuwait và Ả Rập Xê Út trong giai đoạn 1990-1991 Tuy nhiên, nhiều người trong thế giới Ả Rập và Hồi giáo đã nhìn nhận những hành động này như là biểu hiện của chủ nghĩa đế quốc từ phía Hoa Kỳ, coi họ là người kế thừa của các đế chế Pháp, Anh và Liên Xô.
Xô hiện đã biến mất cùng với các đế chế Thiên chúa giáo trước đó, trong khi những nỗ lực không theo đạo Hồi vẫn tiếp tục nhằm mục tiêu thống trị thế giới Hồi giáo.
P4: Sự can dự ngày càng tăng của Hoa
Kỳ ở Trung Đông đã dẫn đến một loạt các cuộc tấn công vào các cơ quan chính phủ Hoa Kỳ trong những năm 1980 và
Vào năm 1990, phản ứng ban đầu của Washington đối với các cuộc tấn công là rút lui, đặc biệt sau các cuộc tấn công vào doanh trại hải quân Mỹ ở Bê-rút vào năm 1983.
In 1993, following the United Nations mission in Mogadishu, Washington withdrew its troops, issuing vague yet angry statements, and subsequently targeted remote, uninhabited areas with missile strikes.
The World Trade Center attacks in New York City elicited minimal serious responses, leading many to view these reactions as signs of fear and weakness, which in turn fueled Islamist militants' hopes for eventual victory It wasn't until the September 11 attacks that Washington felt the need to respond with military action, first targeting Afghanistan and subsequently Iraq, both seen as sources of the aggression.
Các cường quốc bên ngoài và trong khu vực đang ngày càng đóng vai trò tích cực trong các vấn đề của thế giới Ả Rập Iran và Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ, hai quốc gia láng giềng không phải Ả Rập nhưng chủ yếu theo đạo Hồi, có lịch sử lâu dài trong việc can thiệp vào các vấn đề Ả Rập Mặc dù Mỹ đã rút quân khỏi Mogadishu sau những sự kiện năm 1993, phản ứng của Washington thường bị cho là yếu đuối và không hiệu quả, như việc phóng tên lửa vào những khu vực hẻo lánh Ngay cả sau vụ tấn công vào Trung tâm Thương mại Thế giới ở New York, sự đáp trả của Mỹ cũng không đủ mạnh mẽ, điều này đã khuyến khích các chiến binh Hồi giáo tin rằng họ sẽ chiến thắng trong tương lai.
Washington đã cảm thấy cần phải đáp trả bằng vũ lực sau các cuộc tấn công, bắt đầu từ Afghanistan và sau đó là Iraq, nơi được xem là nguồn gốc của những cuộc tấn công này.
Các cường quốc bên ngoài và bên trong khu vực Ả Rập đang ngày càng tham gia tích cực vào các vấn đề khu vực Iran và Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ, hai quốc gia láng giềng không thuộc Ả Rập nhưng chủ yếu là đất nước Hồi giáo, có mối liên hệ lịch sử lâu dài với khu vực này.
ORIGINAL VERSION SUGGESTED VERSION the Turks, no doubt because of their past experience, have remained cautious and defensive, mainly concerned with a possible threat from
Kurdish northern Iraq, the Iranians have become more active, especially since Iran’s Islamic Revolution entered a new militant and expansionist phase.
The broader Islamic world that is free from outside control for the first time in centuries, is also naturally interested in events in the heartland of Islam.