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METHOD STATEMENT OF TRANSFORMER – SW GEAR NỘI DUNG TABLE OF CONTENTS 51 AIM MỤC TIÊU 52 SCOPE OF WORKS PHẠM VI CÔNG VIỆC 53 REFERENCES THAM KHẢO 54 QUALITY CONTROL QUẢN LÝ CHẤT LƯỢNG 54 1 Purpose Scope Mục đích Phạm vi 54 2 Definition Định nghĩa 64 3 Process Flow Chart for the Work Plan Procedure Sơ đồ cho quy trình thực hiện công việc 74 4 Procedure Quy trình 74 5 Material Control Quản lý Vật tư 74 5 1 Purpose Mục đích 74 5 2 Scope Phạm vi 84 5 3 Responsibility Trách nhiệm 84.

METHOD STATEMENT OF TRANSFORMER – SW GEAR P a g e | 43 NỘI DUNG / TABLE OF CONTENTS AIM / MỤC TIÊU SCOPE OF WORKS / PHẠM VI CÔNG VIỆC REFERENCES/ THAM KHẢO QUALITY CONTROL/ QUẢN LÝ CHẤT LƯỢNG 4.1 4.2 4.3 PURPOSE/ SCOPE/ MỤC ĐÍCH/ PHẠM VI: DEFINITION/ ĐỊNH NGHĨA PROCESS FLOW CHART FOR THE WORK PLAN PROCEDURE/ SƠ ĐỒ CHO QUY TRÌNH THỰC HIỆN CƠNG VIỆC: 4.4 PROCEDURE/ QUY TRÌNH 4.5 MATERIAL CONTROL/ QUẢN LÝ VẬT TƯ 4.5.1 Purpose/ Mục đích .7 4.5.2 Scope/ Phạm vi 4.5.3 Responsibility/ Trách nhiệm .8 4.5.4 GENERAL/ TỔNG QUAN .8 4.5.5 RECEIVING/ TIẾP NHẬN 4.5.6 STORAGE/ LƯU KHO 4.5.7 MARKING/ ĐÁNH DẤU 10 4.5.8 METHODS/ PHƯƠNG PHÁP .10 MATERIAL/ VẬT TƯ 10 PREPARATION/ CHUẨN BỊ .10 6.1 MACHINERIES & TOOL/ MÁY MÓC THIẾT BỊ & DỤNG CỤ: 10 6.2 SCAFFOLDING & LADDER/ GIÀN GIÁO & THANG: 11 6.3 RECEIVING, HANDLING AND STORAGE / TIẾP NHẬN, BỐC DỠ VÀ LỮU TRỮ 11 6.3.1 Receiving / Tiếp nhận: .11 6.3.2 Handling / Bốc dỡ 12 6.3.3 Moisture protection during storage / Bảo quản lưu trữ .12 INSTALLATION WORK/ CÔNG VIỆC LẮP ĐẶT 13 7.1 GENERAL / TỔNG QUÁT 13 7.1.1 Checking elements / Kiểm tra cấu kiện 13 7.1.2 Correct installation sequence / Quy trình lắp đặt 13 7.1.3 Joining elements Lắp ráp cấu kiện 13 7.1.4 Checking the assembled elements Kiểm tra kết cấu lắp ráp .13 7.1.5 Closing the junctions / Đậy điểm đấu nối 13 7.2 INSTALLING A BUSBAR RUN / LẮP ĐẶT MƠ HÌNH THANH DẪN ĐIỆN .13 7.3 INSTALLATION RECOMMENDATION./ KHUYẾN CÁO LẮP ĐẶT 14 7.4 ATTACHING FIXING MATERIAL./ GẮN CÁC LINH KIỆN GHÉP NỐI 14 7.4 Overview / Tổng quan .14 7.4.2 Bracket for horizontal installation./ Giá treo cho kiểu lắp ngang 15 7.4.3 Spring brackets for vertical installation on walls./ Giá đỡ gắn tường kiểu đứng .19 7.4.4 Mounting the busbar trunking system on a bracket for vertical installation./ Gắn hệ thống dẫn điện giá đỡ kiểu đứng .20 7.4.5 Floor fixing for spring brackets./ Giá đỡ gắn sàn kiểu đứng 21 P a g e | 43 7.4.6 Fixing brackets with fixed point for vertical installation./ Các mối ghép cố định thẵng đứng .22 7.5 JOINING ELEMENTS LẮP RÁP CÁC CẤU KIỆN 24 7.5.1 Connecting elements by joining the ends together using the joining tool./ Lắp ráp kết cấu cách ghép nối phần cuối dẫn điện với 24 7.5.2 Joining from above, below or the side, without joining tool./ ắp ráp từ phía trên, phía phía hông, không dùng dụng cụ ghép .27 7.6 EXPANSION UNIT./ BỘ PHẬN GIÃN NỞ .29 7.7 FLANGED END./ ĐẦU NỐI .30 7.7.1 General./ Tổng quan 30 7.7.2 Installation./ Lắp đặt 30 7.7.3 Handling if multiple busbar runs are laid in parallel./ Xử lý đấu nối song song nhiều dẫn điện 32 7.8 TRANSFORMER CONNECTION./ ĐẤU NỐI VỚI MÁY BIẾN ÁP 33 7.8.1 Transformer terminal connection element./ Kết cấu đấu nối với tram biến áp .33 7.8.2 Positioning the transformer terminal connection element above the transformer./ Định vị kết cấu đấu nối với trạm biến áp phía máy biến áp 33 7.8.3 Attaching the transformer terminal connection element at the installation location./ Chằng buộc kết cấu đấu nối trạm biến áp địa điểm lắp đặt 33 7.9 TAP OFF UNIT./ HỘP ĐẤU NỐI ĐIỆN 34 7.9.1 Tap off unit from 50A to 630A./ Các phụ tải từ 50A-630A 34 7.9.2 Tap off unit from 800A to 1250A./ Các phụ tải từ 800A đến 1250A .35 7.9.3 Lateral mounting of tap off units above 400A in horizontal layout./ Nối phụ tải 400A theo mặt hông sơ đồ lắp ngang 36 INSPECTION FOR INSTALLATION WORKS / KIỂM TRA CÁC CÔNG VIỆC LẮP ĐẶT 37 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING / THỬ NGHIỆM VÀ VẬN HÀNH THỬ NGHIỆM 37 9.1 VISUAL AND MECHANICAL INSPECTION / KIỂM TRA TRỰC QUAN VÀ LIÊN KẾT CƠ KHÍ 37 9.2 ELECTRICAL TESTS / CÁC THỬ NGHIỆM ĐIỆN .37 10 SAFETY METHOD/ PHƯƠNG PHÁP AN TOÀN 38 10.1 GENERAL/ TỔNG QUAN .38 10.2 WORKING AT ELEVATED AREA/ LÀM VIỆC Ở KHU VỰC CAO: .39 10.3 WORKING WITH ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTS/ LÀM VIỆC VỚI CÁC THIẾT BỊ ĐIỆN 39 11 COMPLETION STATUS / TÌNH TRẠNG HỒN THÀNH 39  SHOP DRAWING FOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Base on Construction drawings issued by Client & Consultant The Contractor shall provide the shop drawing with detail of Installation method for every item of works P a g e | 43 The shop drawing and detail of Installation must be followed the tender’s requirement and should be approved by the Consultant before execution at site - Construction direction: follow strictly the work progress in each item and system  SCOPE OF WORK This Method Statement is for the MEP works for the, Item Electrical and Communication Works and deals with installation of whole Electrical system The Method Statement was prepared in accordance to the Contract Documents, Specification and approved Shop Drawings as well as the relevant standard and codes The Method Statement describes the necessary procedure to follow in order to ensure that the installation works are executed safely and in accordance with the Contract requirements, and that all quality assurance/control activities are conducted in a systematic manner, with inspections and conformance verified and documented  WORKS SPECIFICATIONS The following standards are applicable to this method statement and Tender Clarifications Fire Protection system MEP Specification: Division 21 - Plumbing, Drainage & Sanitary ware System MEP Specification: Division 22 - HVAC System MEP Specification: Division 23 - Low Voltage(LV) Electrical System MEP Specification: Division 26 - Extra Low Voltage(ELV) Electrical System MEP Specification: Division 27,28  RISK ASSESSMENT / JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS (JHA) For the Risk Assessment please refer to the approved Environmental Management Plan (Table 1): P a g e | 43 Table 1: HSE Management Plan Risk Assessment Side effets Safety Safety Safety Activity Install anchor bolt Reasons Side active Drills concrete, Brick wall Dust that produce during drilling work might spread out and effect vision while at work Safety Pulling cable Safety Install conduit Control person HSE Staff High Scaffold that use at site have to be inspected by safety supervisor before use Defective scaffolds HSE Staff will not be allowed to use for works High Scaffold that use at site have to be inspected by safety supervisor before use Defective scaffolds will not be allowed to use for works HSE Staff Make hurt hand, arm… High Make sure that all personal protection equipment (PPE) be provided on site before starting of work such as helmet, safety glasses, glove, etc HSE Staff working at workers may fall down heights exceeding meters High Working at Install Support& Cable heights exceeding workers may fall down Ladder – Tray - Trunking meter Pulling cable Assess the Solution Situation Make sure that all personal protection equipment (PPE) be High provided on site before starting of work such as helmet, safety glasses, glove, etc Working at heights exceeding workers may fall down meter Heavy and long cable Make sure that all personal protection equipment (PPE) be provided on site before starting HSE Staff P a g e | 43 Side effets Activity Reasons Safety Install Panel Board drills concrete, brick wall Safety Assess the Solution Situation of work such as helmet, safety glasses, glove, etc Make sure that all personal protection equipment (PPE) be drill bit, concrete, brick dust High provided on site before starting enter to eyes or head of work such as helmet, safety glasses, glove, etc Night Work Construction Accident at work High Dust generation from loading and unloading/ transport of materials Materials storage works Reduction of local air quality, malodours and visual impairment High Noise Install work Chipping, cutting, Poor public industrial drills concrete, relations Complaints from brick legal authority Noise Loading and unloading of lorries Material transportation Water pollution Disposing of washout from relate work concrete around the site Chipping, cutting, Destruction of drills concrete, Microbiological process in brick sewerage works Dust and Mud Control person Side active Poor public industrial relations Complaints from legal authority (Safety Manager) Make sure that enough condition be provided on site before starting of work such as lighting, protection equipment (PPE) Cover the vehicle by tarpaulins, sprinkle water, enforce speed limit rules High Use cover wall, mufflers or silencers to reduce noise High Arrange deliveries to suit the area Minimize the drop height High Restrict use water in chipping, cutting concrete, brick, tools cleaning within the site and designate the area for the same HSE Staff HSE Staff HSE Staff (Safety Manager) HSE Staff P a g e | 43 Side effets Activity Assess the Solution Situation Reasons Side active Water pollution PVC insulating tape nylon wire, recyclable, waste packaging materials, materials storage, etc… Install conduit Destruction of Microbiological process in sewerage works Air pollution Dust from cutting, grinding, grouting and packing Reduction of local air Chipping, cutting, quality, malodours and drills concrete visual impairment Air pollution Poor handling and Material storage storage of materials such works as stockpiling sand Land pollution Anchor bolt, recyclable, Cross contamination of Install anchor waste packing land, air, ground and surface High bolt, drill concrete materials waters Chipping, cutting, drills concrete, brick Land pollution Install conduit Land pollution PVC insulating tape nylon wire, recyclable, waste packaging Install conduit materials, materials storage, etc… Reduction of local air quality, malodours and visual impairment Cross contamination of land, air, ground and surface waters Destruction of Microbiological process in sewerage works Control person High Cleaned area work, move material and moved recyclable and waste packaging materials into area recyclable HSE Staff Medium Sprinkle water, isolation of work area etc HSE Staff High Cover all dust generating materials, sprinkle water HSE Staff Medium High Clean work area, move material and moved recyclable and waste packing materials into area recyblable Cleaned area work, move material and moved recyclable and waste packaging materials into area recyclable Cleaned area work, move material and moved recyclable and waste packaging materials into area recyclable HSE Staff HSE Staff HSE Staff P a g e | 43 Risk assessment shall be carried out to ensure that potential hazards can be identified and subsequently safety control measures are implemented to eliminate or to reduce the hazards identified: STEP 1: Break down the construction activities into various stages of work This task shall be carried out as part of the pre-planning phase of work STEP 2: Identify the potential hazards associated with each phase of work and evaluate its risk occurrence based on the risk matrix STEP 3: Safety control measures shall be implemented to eliminate or reduce the risks identified All reasonably practicable measures must be taken to eliminate any foreseeable risk to any person If the risk cannot be eliminated, safety measures must be taken to minimize the risk Some measures to minimize the risks are listed in the figure below They are listed in decreasing order of preference, i.e from most preferred to least preferred Figure Safety Hierarchy of Control  INSPECTION & TESTING PLAN (ITP) P a g e | 43 GENERAL All required testing and inspection will be detailed in the Inspection and Testing Plan Table as follow The ITP will also detail all acceptance criteria plus approving body at each stage of inspection and test being carried out Beyond the external inspection to be carried out with the Engineer, an ad-hoc internal inspection system will be adhered to ensure minimum reworks and minimize conditions of work rejections P a g e | 43 Electrical Inspection and Test Plan Matrix (General) Commissionin g Test / Installation Operating & Inspection Performance Tests Method of Method of Statement for Statement for Testing & Installation Commissioning Division Description Equipment/ Factory Witness Material Testing/Inspecti Delivery on Inspection All Control Document Factory Witness Testing/Inspectio n Procedure Materilas & Equipment approved All Evidence Factory Witness Testing/Inspectio n Checklist Equipment/ Material Delivery Inspection Checklist Field Inspection Checklist All Frequency *Refer to Testing and Training Requirement Once per Delivery Electrical Works MV Switchgear Distribution Board / Panel System Transfomer Generator Conduits (Raceway & Boxes) Trunking System Cable Ladder and Cable Tray System Medium voltage cable (Cable Installation Works) Low voltage cable (Cable and Wire Installation Endurance Testing Inspection / Test On Completion Method of Statement for Endurance Test Test On Completion Procedure Testing and Commissioning Test Report Endurance Test Report Tests On Completion Report Once per Area/ As per Works Floor/ Building Program or System Once per Completed System Once per Completed System o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O P a g e 10 | 43 Typical Detail of Power Cable Installation (RISER) P a g e 31 | 43 Typical Detail of Power Cable Arrangement (RISER) 2.B.12.3.4 LV Cables and Wires Installation in Conduit Determine the actual length, type of cable need to install Draw the correct drum of cable to the nearest pulling of cable area For cables install in embedded conduit & cable ducts, to use the draw wire grip with the cable end and be bound to the cable sheath by tape & pull That will make cable straight & no damage to cables when pulling No splicing shall be allowed inside conduit Cable runs shall be continuous or if jointing is necessary in junction box with approved connectors shall be used 2.B.12.3.5 Termination works Before realizing termination work, the phase and size of cable terminal and breakers terminal must be checked carefully - Only the qualified personnel must be allowed to termination work - Follow drawing and specification connection point cable to panel Strip cable cover to bring out the cores and exposed conductors, for the minimum length required for connection, to leave no exposed length of conductor after termination Ensure that strands are not damaged when stripping cable cover Do not reduce number of conductor strands Secure all strands at terminals P a g e 32 | 43 Clean hand thoroughly prior to joining or terminating At connections to equipment and switchgear without integral cable clamping terminals, use pressing-type lugs for bolted terminal connections - Pay attention to tighten the bolts of lug The tightening torque depends on bolt size - Installing name tags at each end of all cables to identify each cable All cable connections shall be made with approved cable lugs, pressing-type together with the usage of proprietary tools - Checking the connection point comply with specification - Checking the strongly of connection among termination P a g e 33 | 43 2.B.12.3.6 Testing method - The insulation testing of cable will be executed after termination work finished The insulation testing shall be followed for cable from phase to phase, phase to neutral and phase to earth Tested by Mega-Ohm tester with testing voltage 500V or following the specification requirements After cable installation and test be done, record all testing documents for T&C procedure later.must be checked carefully P a g e 34 | 43 3.B.3 HIGHT VOLTAGE CONNECTION AND TESTING 3.B.3.1 Preparation works: - Check all documentation and permits if approved and valid - Submit all drawing and document for EVN Power Company and get permit for renovation for electrical room - Transformer material already is delivery on site and inspection - Review location of areas with as-built drawing and ensure no conflict with Electrical room, HV pit and transformer yard utilities - The first of all must to inform to EVN power company letter for power cut off has permit and only qualified and authorized personal have the permission for operator HV incoming power cut off - Check again the insolation is including gloves, jackboot and pate in electrical room - Install the sign boards on site according to stipulated regulations of safety and other instructions of the employer’s engineer - The temporary works as: material stock, fabrication yard will be arranged on electrical room, machine and hand tool for drill hole in the HV pit will be prepared in advance P a g e 35 | 43 - Confirmation of working drawing and preparation of working electrical room shall be done prior to connection of work Materials and machineries/equipment necessary for the work shall be set up - Clearing the site 3.B.3.2 Sequence of works for HV connection and testing system: 3.B.3.3 Key points of the method statement: 3.B.3.3.1 HV voltage connections and testing work: a, Meterial delivery work - Depend on the work location the unloading method should be as follows: - Mobile crane will be utilized where there is no conflict and Mobilize manpower, activities & tool ensure used - The work shall be started upon the construction works of substation room have completed, clean, handed over & approval of installation schedule - Locate, exact coordinates of the work area as shown in drawing - HV cable, HV terminal kit and earth cable delivery to site area b, Material inspection Internal inspection - Upon material delivery internal inspection must be carried out - Check prepare technical specification document material same as approved CM (construction management) inspection - Request CM for inspection of delivered material or equipment P a g e 36 | 43 - After inspection request CM to sign & comment if any 3.B.3.3.2 Installation works: HV cable, HV terminal kit, earth cable - Depend on the work location the HV cable connection method should be as follows: - Drill machine will be utilized and mobilize manpower, activities & tool ensure used - The work shall be started upon the construction works of substation room have completed, clean, handed over & approval of installation schedule - Locate, exact coordinates of the work area as shown in drawing - Ensure power cut off schedule by EVN - Contractor will comply with the requirement for wearing mandatory PPE and any additional PPE as identified in the job safety analysis sheet - Around working areas, safety barricade must be set up - Material already inspection was passed by BV consultant .Installation HV cable, terminal kit and earth cable - Marking location of hole in HV pit and use hand tool drill hole from HV pit through Transformer yard - Pulling cable from transformer yard through hole to HV Pit We need to check the radius of cable bend following standard and production manual - Other pulling earth cable connection earth to transformer and earth cable for earth terminal kit - Make base sad bag for HV cable and fix cable in trunking and close HV trunking cover for HV cable and reclose fire-proof material for hole in HV pit - When installation HV terminal kit finish shall be connection earth wire to terminal kit - When finished connection we need to cleaning cable and equipment by alcohol 90% - Arrange for employer engineer to witness test, check colour of phase and all connection right Testing method - Measurement the resistance test shall follow by EVN Company for cable, HV panel and transformer phase to phase, phase to earth - Measurement the conductivity test shall follow by EVN Company for cable and transformer - Testing high voltage for HV cable and HV panel by EVN Company P a g e 37 | 43 - After installation and test HV system must be passed and get testing document 3.B.3.3.3 Inspection procedure a, Installation inspection Internal inspection - Engineer in charge should check all material that is approved to be use & drawing approved before installation - Approved method statement & design specification should be followed during installation - Check the quality of work CM inspection - Request CM for inspection installation work - Check quality of installed transformer on site - Check cable size, diameter, length, type and condition of HV connection installed base on approved shop drawing and design specification - Upon inspection request CM to sign the document EVN company inspection and power on After completion of the work warming label, drawing when update and name pate following EVN regulation - Sent letter request EVN company for inspection installation work and material permit fowling drawing submit and EVN regulation - EVN Company check current transformer rate in HV metering cubicle and fix metering document (EVN scope) - Ensure all off LV MCCB on off status and again check safety work not any equipment and wire touch and cleaning electrical area - Only qualified and authorized personal have the permission for operator HV incoming power turn on P a g e 38 | 43 3.B.4 TRANSFORMERS INSTALLATION WORKS 3.B.4.1 General Description This method statement covers works relating to SubStation area having transformers Works are carried out basing on construction schedule and detailed shop drawings Works are included of installation for: - Number of tranfomer, type, capacity and spec and shop drawing approved - Size, Type & Rating: As per approved shop & manufacturer’s drawings 3.B.4.2 Site Planning & Preparation The following activities will be conducted before starting the works: - Machineries & Tool: Mobile crane, ropes, electric drill, hand tools & angle bar etc - The work shall be started upon the construction works of substation room have completed, clean, handed over & approval of installation schedule - Check transformers location follow to approved shop drawing at substation room where the transformers are ready for installation - The substation room must be clean The floor must be flat, level & ready for installation - Determine actual transformers need for installation - Check the routing to substation must be clear from any obstruction - Mobilize manpower, activities & tool - The Safety Officer-in-Charge will check the area to ensure no potential dangers are present and safe to hoisting 3.B.4.3 Work methodology of installation P a g e 39 | 43 Marking position of Transformers - Marking of position for Transformers on floor - Check floor level of transformer room, check the door height & wide - Check the foundation for transformers provided by civil contractor - Remove any remaining packing of transformer Handling/Loading of Transformers - Upon arrival, park the Lorry Crane at the designated parking location - Barricade the Lorry storage location Crane surrounding area including the transformers - Position the Lorry Crane, set-up outrigger and Boom Lift and hook-up the slings with shackle to lifting ring on the transformer The qualified rigger shall check all the lifting point to ensure that all the lifting points are properly hook and tightened - Tag lines are to be tie on the lifting point of transformers hook to prevent the transformer from swaying - Load the Transformers on the Lorry (Detail - 1) - Material care handling must be taken during lifting & must be secured by safety strap during transportation - In case of rain, unload shall be paused Detail 1: To Handle the Transformer & Load on Lorry Unloading of Transformer from Lorry P a g e 40 | 43 - When it reaches the outside the transformer room, the Transformer shall unload on the block base - Remove the Enclosure for Transformer - Remove the enclosure panel of transformer - The steel plate Ply-wood to maintain at above the kerb and slab surface of the room - Pushing of Transformer into Transformer Room - The Transformer will be pushed toward the transformer room - When the transformer inside the transformer room Push the transformer to the location where need to install Installation of Transformer - When the transformer reaches the actual install location, position the transformer - Fix the angle bar stopper, to secure the Transformer - After fixed angle bar stopper, to secure it to the floor using anchor bolt - To install the enclosure panel - Proceed in the same manner for the other transformer - Oil pit, foundation, oil collection tank shall be provided by civil contractor P a g e 41 | 43 Detail 2: Fix the transformer to final location 3.B.4.4 Installation Inspection Procedure Internal Inspection: - Materials shall be checked for quality, quantity, rating and size - Check technical installation after setting - Check installed panel P a g e 42 | 43 + Material approved + Check position, leveling, rating and condition of Transformers + Check installed enclosure panel + Check correct components of Transformers Engineer’s Inspection: - Materials shall be checked for quality, quantity, rating and size by consultant - Check technical installation after setting - Check installed transformers + Material approved + Visual Inspection: o Check quality of installed Transformers on site o Check position, leveling, rating and condition of Transformers o Check installed enclosure panel o Check correct components of Transformer - Check HV,LV bushing size, diameter, length, type and condition of Transformer base on approved shop drawing and design specification P a g e 43 | 43 ... đấu nối với trạm biến áp phía máy biến áp 33 7.8.3 Attaching the transformer terminal connection element at the installation location./ Chằng buộc kết cấu đấu nối trạm biến áp địa điểm lắp... 32 7.8 TRANSFORMER CONNECTION./ ĐẤU NỐI VỚI MÁY BIẾN ÁP 33 7.8.1 Transformer terminal connection element./ Kết cấu đấu nối với tram biến áp .33 7.8.2 Positioning the transformer terminal... 10 4.5.8 METHODS/ PHƯƠNG PHÁP .10 MATERIAL/ VẬT TƯ 10 PREPARATION/ CHUẨN BỊ .10 6.1 MACHINERIES & TOOL/ MÁY MÓC THI? ??T BỊ & DỤNG CỤ: 10

Ngày đăng: 21/06/2022, 15:09
