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quản lý doanh nghiệp dMô hình quản lý doanh nghiệp nhà nước sau cổ phần hóa: Nghiên cứu trường hợp Tập đoàn Xăng dầu Việt Nam Mô hình quản lý doanh nghiệp nhà nước sau cổ phần hóa: Nghiên cứu trường hợp Tập đoàn Xăng dầu Việt Nam Mô hình quản lý doanh nghiệp nhà nước sau cổ phần hóa: Nghiên cứu trường hợp Tập đoàn Xăng dầu Việt Nam Mô hình quản lý doanh nghiệp nhà nước sau cổ phần hóa: Nghiên cứu trường hợp Tập đoàn Xăng dầu Việt Nam Mô hình quản lý doanh nghiệp nhà nước sau cổ phần hóa: Nghiên cứu trường hợp Tập đoàn Xăng dầu Việt Nam

VIETNAM ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES NGO DUC HUNG MODEL OF STATE ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT AFTER EQUITIZATION: RESEARCHING THE EVENT OF VIETNAM NATIONAL PETROLEUM GROUP Major: Economics Management Code: ABSTRACT OF ECONOMICS DOCTORAL THESIS HANOI - 2022 The works is published at: GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES VIET NAM ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Supervisors: Assoc Prof PhD VU HUNG CUONG PhD TRAN KIM HAO Referee 1: Assoc Prof PhD TRAN DUC HIEP Referee 2: Assoc Prof PhD NGUYEN VAN NAM Referee 3: Assoc Prof PhD NGUYEN DUY DUNG The thesis is defended in front of Academy Board of Doctoral Thesis, at: Graduate Academy of Social Sciences, 477 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi At… hour, date ……… month …… year …… The thesis can be found at: - National Library Library of Graduate Academy of Social Sciences LIST OF SCIENCE WORKS HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR IN RELATION TO THE THESIS Ngo Duc Hung (2020), Innovating model of state Enterprise management after equitization in some Asean countries and lesson for Vietnam National Petreleum Group, Pacific – Asean Economics Magazine, Vol of month 12/2020 Ngo Duc Hung (2020), Factors affect the innovation of state Enterprise management after equitization, Pacific – Asean Economics Magazine, Vol of month 1/2021 No Duce Hong (2021), Usina cuantitativo tolos to analice elementos chicha afecta the innovation of state enterprise management model after equitization in Vietnam Nacional Petrolean Grupo, Pacifica – Asean Economices Magazine, Vol of monte 4/2021 Ngo Duc Hung (member), Solution of developing enterprises of Southwest private economics area in the new background, (belonging to Southwest programe) Assoc Prof PhD Vu Hung Cuong was the dean, Institute of Social Science Information hosted to carry out, inspected national grade in 2021 with excellent rank INTRODUCTION The necessity of the thesis In Vietnam, innovation and development of state enterprises are great advocates of the Party and Government In the past years, the Government has issued many policies and measurement to innovate model of managing, developing state enterprises and kept considering to innovate economic management with the key of innovating model of state enterprise management to the the top duty, throughout of forming state enterprises, state economic corporations with capacity of competing in the world market, creating the position and capacity of economics in the trend of globalization and international economic integration Model of managing state enterprises is specific expression of operational process of state enterprise towards and getting target of economic effectiveness Organization management model has hugely important role and impact to the development of state enterprise If state enterprise’s operation bases on the fundamental of appropriate and right management and organization per stage of development, it shall promote resources, strength of state enterprise and vice verse The current Vietnam National Petroleum Group (Petrolimex) was establised from equitization and restructure of Vietnam National Petroleum Corporation Vietnam National Petroleum Group operates under Joint Stock Company, in which the Government holds major shares of control and operation according to Enterprise Law The Group is special State Enterprise, with duty of economics – policitics assigned to secure and develop state capital, simultaneously its major role of regulating, stablizing and developing petroleum, petrochemical products Since equitization and restructure, Petrolimex has reached initial success; However, after equitization, management model of Petrolimex still has some problems, so economic effectiveness of the Group is not equal to resource, and loss, causing state capital leakage So, finding measures to innovate model of state enterprise after equitization in Petrolimex is considered to be necessary with meaning both in theory and practice Hence, the author chooses research direction “Model of State Enterprise management after equitization: researching the event of Vietnam National Petroleum Group” to be the title for the thesis Target and duty of research 2.1 Research target - General target: Approaching under view of economic management, on the basis of systematizing theoretical matters about model of state Enterprise management after equitization and assessing the status of state Enterprise management model after equitization, from the event of Vietnam National Petroleum Group, the Thesis has proposed some major solutions to innovate model of state Enterprise management after equitization in the current Vietnam National Petroleum Group - Specific targets: + Sumarizing filtering theoretical basis of state Enterprise management model after equitization + Assessing the reality of state enterprise management model after equitization in Vietnam National Petroleum Group + Making proposal of major solutions to innovate model of state Enterprise management after equitization in the next years 2.2 Research duty - Overviewing research duty in related to the title of the thesis - Making clear theoretical basis of innovating state Enterprise management model after equitization - Making survey the reality of innovating state Enterprise management model after equitization of some countries in the world and taking lesson for Vietnam National Petroleum Group - Analyzing the reality of innovating state Enterprise management model and the event of Vietnam National Petroleum Group after equitization; assessing the achievement, limits and pointing out the causes, matteres setted after equitization in Vietnam National Petroleum Group - Analysing the circumstance, and making proposal of points of view of orientation, solutions of innovating model of state Enterprise management after equitization in Vietnam National Petroleum Group in the next coming years Subject and scope of research 3.1 Research subject: Model of state Enterprise management after equitization 3.2 Research scope - Content scope: The thesis focuses on researching model of state Enterprise management after equitization including: organization structure; mechanism of supervisión management; internal interconnections; human resources - Space scope: Researching experience of Asean countries (China, Singapore, Japan) and Europe (England, France, Netherlands) and researching generally the reality of state Enterprise management model after equitization in Vietnam and deeper researching the event of Vietnam National Petroleum Group - Scope of time: Researching the reality from 2012 to 2019, making proposal of solutions for period 2020 - 2030 and vision till 2040 Theoretical basis and research method 4.1 Theoretical basis 4.1.1 Research quetions 4.1.2 Research hypothesis 4.2 Research method 4.2.1 Methodology 4.2.2 System of research methods 4.2.3 Approach way - Approaching institutions: - Approaching system and structure: - Approaching analysis and comprehension: - Approaching history and logic: - Approaching the field observation: - Approaching qualitative and quantitative: - Approaching statistics: 4.2.4 Analysis frame of innovating model of state Enterprise management after equitization in Vietnam National Petroleum Group Scientific contributions of the thesis - The result of the thesis contributes to make clear theoretical issues about model of managing state Enterprise management after equitization - Making clear experience about model of state Enterprise management after equitization in some countries and lessons for Vietnam National Petroleum Group - Analysing, assessing the reality of state Enterprise management model after equitization in Vietnam National Petroleum Group to be basis for points of view, target orientation and making proposal of solutions to innovate model of state Enterprise management after equitization in Vietnam National Petroleum in the next coming years Theoretical meaning and the reality of the thesis 6.1 Theoretical meaning: - The thesis has systematized, supplemented more general theoretical issues about model of State Enterprise management after equitization in general and Vietnam National Petroleum Group in particular; - Building model of econometrics model, analysing elements affect to the effectiveness of innovating State Enterprise management after equitization; 6.2 The practical meaning: - The thesis assesses the reality of management model of Vietnam National Petroleum Group, points out clearly achieved issues, limits and causes, to make proposal of specific solutions for innovating model of management in Vietnam National Petroleum Group in reality; - The research result of the Thesis is basis for state authorises, Vietnam National Petroleum Group to research and refer, serving policy planning, deploying in the reality to innovate management model in Vietnam National Petroleum Group after equitization The thesis is a referent document for training institutions, scientific research organizations Structure of the thesis Out of introduction, conclusión, list of referent documents, annex, structure of the thesis include: Chapter Overview of research situation Chapter Theoretical basis and reality about innovating model of State Enterprise management after equitization Chapter The reality of innovating model of state Enterprise management after equitization in Vietnam National Petroleum Group Chapter Solutions of innovating model of state Enterprise management after equitization in Vietnam National Petroleum Group Chapter OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH SITUATION 1.1 Oversea researches related to the title of the thesis Group of authors Barry Spicer, David Emanuel, Michael Powel (1993) Transforming state enterprises – managing radical change of organization in deregulated environment Éslie Cohen and Claude Henry, 1997, Public service and state owned are State enterprise reformation path in China (Zhou Fangsheng and Wang Xiaolu, 2002) The authors Graham, Edward M, in the book: Reforming Korea’s Industrial Conglomerates, 2003 Baoli Xu and Minggao Shen, 2003, China’s Industrial Conglomerates: past, present and future of development Heibatollah Sami, Justin T Wang and Haiyan Zhou (2009): Corporate Governance and operating performance of Chinese listed firm 1.2 Domestic researches relate to the title of the thesis 1.2.1 Research works relate to argument about innovating model of state enterprise management after equitization The work of state enterprise equitization, theoretical basis and practical experience by the author Nguyen Ngoc Quang (1996); Establishment and Development of Economic Conglomerates project on the basis of State Corporation of Central Institute of Economic Management (Ministry of Planning and Investment, 2003); Phan Duc Hieu, 2003, State enterprise reformation; Le Hong Hanh, 2004, State enterprise equitization – issues about argument and reality; Nguyen Minh Chau, 2005, Economic Group and some matters about building Economic Group in Vietnam Bui Quoc Anh, 2008, issues about equitization in Vietnam Hoàng Kim Nguyên (2003), Some solutions of promoting the process of state enterprise equitization in industry in Vietnam The above researches mention to different issues, aspects that relate to the solutions of innovating state Enterprise in general and state Enterprise after equitization are carried out by many different subjects These are important basis for the thesis to be inherited selectively and find out the space to determine clearly and make proposal of solutions to innovate model of state Enterprise after equitization in Vietnam National Petroleum Group 1.3 General assessment about researches related to the title of the thesis and issues need to be researched 1.3.1 General assessment about researches related to the title of the thesis - To foreign research works - To group of domestic research works General assessment: Although above research works have determined clearly the way of approach, subject and target of research at different views both in argument and reality related to model of state enterprise management, state economic group after equitization However, research of innovating model of state enterprise managemetn after equitization has setted out many new issues, new requirements in new circumstance Overview of above research works shows that: There is not any works that deeply research systematically the innovation of state enterprise management model after equitization and the event of Vietnam 10 National Petroleum Group in new circumstance So, this is gap that researcher has choosen to be research orientation in Doctor’s thesis 1.3.2 Matters that the thesis need to focus on solving - About method: The thesis determines, makes clear the way of approach; using methods of research, assessment; making clear analysis frame in researching the innovation of state enterprise management model after equitization - About argument: The thesis has generalized, systematized theoretical basis of innovating model of state enterprise management after equitization Specifically theoretical issues as: Concept, character, role, content, criteria, factors affect to innovate model of state enterprise after equitization - About reality: The thesis shall make survey the experience of innovating model of state enterprise management after equitization of some countries, since then take the lesson of innovating model of state enterprise management after equitization in Vietnam National Petroleum Group The thesis shall make survey, analyse, assess the reality of innovating model of state enterprise management after equitization in Vietnam National Petroleum Group The thesis indicates achieved results, limits, causes of limit and indicates clearly issues setted to be basis of determining points of view, targets and solutions to innovate model of state enterprise management after equitization in Vietnam National Petroleum in the next coming years Chapter 11 THEORETICAL BASIS AND THE REALITY OF STATE ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT MODEL AFTER EQUITIZATION 2.1 THEORETICAL ISSUES ABOUT STATE ENTERPRISE AFTER EQUITIZATION 2.1.1 State Enterprise and state Enterprise equitization State enterprise Concept of state enterprise Character of state enterprise State Enterprise equitization 2.1.2 State Enterprise after equitization Concept of state enterprise after equitization Character of state enterprise after equitization With character of state enterprise before equitization Enterprise transforms to operate under model Joint Stock, operate according to priciple of market mechanism State shareholder Employees participate in Joint Stock Company with capacity of shareholder Result and production effectiveness, busines after equitization Role of state enterprise after equitization State enterprise after equitization is a tool for the Government to regulate macro of economics, carry out social policy State enterprise after equitization is an advantageous form of investement of the Government 12 Helping the Government to restructure system of state enterprise, to be adaptable to market economy Solving difficulties about capital for production, business of enterprise Creating operational mechanism, appropriate management, attraction of technology and high quality human resources 2.1.3 Model of state enterprise after equitization Concept of state enterprise management model after equitization - Model of state enterprise: - Model of enterprise management: - Innovating model of enterprise management Role of state enterprise management after equitization Content of state enterprise managemetn after equitization Structure - Organization chart - Ownership structure - Administration structure Mechanism of management and supervision - Mechanism, management machine, execution - Mechanism, supervision machine Internal interconnections - Business relation - Investment connection - Financial connection - Information Exchange connection 13 High quality human resources - Capacity of leader team, managers Năng lực đội ngũ cán lãnh đạo, quản lý - Training, re- training team - Machanism, right of employees Criteria, target of assessing model of state enterprise management after equitization Effectiveness of organizing state enterprise management machine after equitization: Effectiveness of state enterprise administration after equitizaiton Result and effectiveness of production and business Innovating, applying advance of scientific technology into production and business 2.1.4 State management to state enterprise after equitizaiton Role of state management to state Enterprise after equitization Role of the Government in being representative of state ownership to state Enterprise and state capital in Enterprise 2.1.5 Factors affect to the model of state Enterprise management after equitization Outside factors affect to model of state enterprise management after equitization Socio – economy development and international integration Mechanism, policy after state enterprise equitization Development qualification of the market Internal factors of state enterprise after equitization 14 Business strategy of state enterprise after equitizaiton Resources in state enterprise after equitization State Enterprise administration after equitization Industry, business sectors Mechanism of executing state enterprise after equitizaition 2.2 INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE ABOUT MODEL OF MANAGING STATE ENTERPRISE AFTER EQUITIZATION 2.2.1 Experience of some Asean countries Experience of China Character of state enterprise equitization of China Measures of state enterprise innovation during process of enterprise equitization in China Experience of Korea Character of state enterprise equitization of Korea Measures of state enterprise innovation during process of equitication in Korea Experience of Singapore Character of state enterprise equitization of Singapore Measures of state enterprise innovation during process of enterprise equitization in Singapore Experience of Japan Character of state enterprise equitization of Japan Measures of state enterprise innovation during process of enterprise equitization in Japan 2.2.2 Experience of some European countries (OECD members) Experience of England Experience of France 15 Experience of Netherlands 2.2.3 Experience applying to Vietnam National Petroleum Group - About organization structrure - About mechanism of management and supervision - About internal interconnections - About human resources, policy to employees Chapter THE REALITY OF STATE ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT MODEL AFTER EQUITIZATION IN VIETNAM NATIONAL PETROLEUM GROUP 3.1 MANAGEMENT MODEL OF VIETNAM NATIONAL PETROLEUM BEFORE EQUITIZATION 3.1.1 Overview about Vietnam National Petroleum Group before equitization Process of establishing and developing Character of organization and operation of Vietnam National Petroleum Group - About model - About organization chart - About ownership and duty Result of operation, business before equitization 3.1.2 Process of equitizing state Enterprise in Vietnam National Petroleum Group Process of equitization Result of operation and business 16 3.2 THE REALITY OF STATE ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT MODEL AFTER EQUITIZATION IN VIETNAM NATIONAL PETROLEUM GROUP 3.2.1 Structure Organization chart Ownership structure Administration structure 3.2.2 Mechanism, machine of management and supervision Mechanism, machine of management, execution Mechanism, supervision machine 3.2.3 Internal interconnections Business relation Investment connection Financial connection Information exchange connection 3.2.4 Human resources Standard of leader and manager team Training, retraining team Mechanism, right of employees 3.3 SURVEY RESULT OF INNOVATING MODEL OF STATE ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT AFTER EQUITIZATION IN VIETNAM NATIONAL PETROLEUM GROUP In order to research the reality of innovating model of state enterprise management after equitization in Vietnam National Petroleum Group, the author has sent the survey “Innovation of state enterprise management model after equitization” to Vietnam National Petroleum Group The result collected 177/200 legal answers 17 3.4 COMMON ASSESSMENT ABOUT STATE ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT MODEL AFTER EQUITIZAITON IN VIETNAM NATIONAL PETROLEUM GROUP 3.4.1 The achievements The situation of operation and business after equitization Innovating mechanism of management and executive machine State management to Petrolimex after equitization 3.4.2 Limit and causes of limit Limit - About organization, management of Vietnam National Petroleum Group - About management effectiveness of Parent Company to Subsidiary, inspection, supervision of state ownership to Group is not effective - About model of operation and business - About state management to Petrolimex Causes Causes from institutions Internal causes within Group Chapter SOLUTION OF INNOVATING MODEL OF STATE ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT AFTER EQUITIZATION IN VIETNAM NATIONAL PETROLEUM GROUP 4.1 CIRCUMSTANCE AFFECTS TO INNOVATION OF STATE ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT MODEL AFTER 18 EQUITIZATION IN VIETNAM NATIONAL PETROLEUM GROUP 4.1.1 Backgroun International background Domestic background 4.1.2 Advantage, difficulty, chance and challenge to the innovation of state Enterprise management model after equitization in Vietnam National Group Advantage Difficulty Chance Challenge 4.1.3 Requirement of keeping innovation of state Enterprise management model after equitization in Vietnam National Petroleum Group 4.2 POINTS OF VIEW, ORIENTATION OF INNOVATING MODEL OF STATE ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT AFTER EQUITIZATION IN VIETNAM NATIONAL PETROLEUM GROUP 4.2.1 Point of view - Innovating model of state enterprise management in Vietnam National Petroleum Group must assure state capital resource without leakage after equitization - Innovating model of state enterprise management in Vietnam National Petroleum Group after equitization must keep the role of regulating the relationship between State enterprise equitization with individualizaiton 19 - Innovating model of administration in Vietnam National Petroleum Group must follow modernization and improve effectiveness of operation - Innovating management model of Vietnam National Petroleum Group must use flexibly forms of financial restructure which are appropriate with nature, character of enterprise’s operation 4.2.2 Orientation, target 4.3 SOLUTION OF INNOVATING MODEL OF STATE ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT AFTER EQUITIZATION IN VIETNAM NATIONAL PETROLEUM GROUP 4.3.1 Group of macro management measures Completing system of policy, laws Promoting right of business autonomy of state enterprise after equitization Strenthening the innovation of capital management mechanism and mechanism of state capital representative in state enterprise after equitization Improving capacity of supervising finance of the State to state enterprise after equitization Changing support way of the state to state enterprise after equitization 4.3.2 Specific group of solutions of Enterprise Innovating model of organization chart Innovating mechanism of management and supervision Completing machine of management and execution Developing internal interconnnections - Business relation 20 - Finance and investment connection relation - Information connection relation - Building culture of the Group Building and developing high quality human resources 4.4 RECOMMENDATION To state authorities (Government, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Committee of capital management at State Enterprises): CONCLUSION Equitizing Enterprise is a right advocate of the Government to create the autonomy for enterprises, huge motivation for enterprises Simultaneously, this is important solution in the process of innovation, enterprise re – arrangement to contribute the assurance and strengthen effectiveness in operation of state enterprises; helping capital mobilization from total society to invest into innovating technology, changing method of management, improving the competition to grow economy; helping reduce outflow of state budge, increasing more capital from equitization for the Government; solving the existence and ineffective operation of state enterprises which are obstructing for the process of developing market economy and international economic integration Innovating model of state Enterprise management after equitization is objectively necessary in the current background However, how does the innovating model of state Enterprise management after equitization understand, up to now, there are many arguments, this proves the complication and abundancy of research 21 title In the process of researching the title “Model of state Enterprise management after equitization: Researching the event of Vietnam National Petroleum Group”, the author has sharply analysed under view of argument and reality about innovating model of state Enterprise management after equitization in general and in Petrolimex in particular On the basis of subject and research duties setted out, the thesis has solved below basic matters as: The thesis has made clearly the concepts about the state enterprise, the state enterprise equitization, to sharply analyses the contents related to state enterprise after equitization as: concept, character, role of state Enterprise after equitization; making clear the concept of state enterprise management model after equitization thoroughly to analyze sharply about argument of role, contents, targets, criteria of assessment as well as analysis of elements affected to model of state enterprise management after equitization; making clear the role of state management to state enteprprise after equitization The thesis has analyzed experience of some Asean countries and Europe about model of state enterprise management after equitization, and take the lesson for innovating model of state enterprise management after equitization in Vietnam National Petroleum Group Via research, the thesis has made clear managment model of Vietnam National Petroleum Group before equitization Specifically, the thesis has generalized process of establishment, character of operation, result of operation and business before 22 ... promote resources, strength of state enterprise and vice verse The current Vietnam National Petroleum Group (Petrolimex) was establised from equitization and restructure of Vietnam National Petroleum... equitization; assessing the achievement, limits and pointing out the causes, matteres setted after equitization in Vietnam National Petroleum Group - Analysing the circumstance, and making proposal... Europe (England, France, Netherlands) and researching generally the reality of state Enterprise management model after equitization in Vietnam and deeper researching the event of Vietnam National

Ngày đăng: 20/04/2022, 17:12

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