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Carbon Footprint Report 2019 - 2020

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Carbon Footprint Appraisal Report Assessment Period: 1st April 2019 - 31st March 2020 Carbon Footprint Ltd, Belvedere House, Basing View, Basingstoke, RG21 4HG, UK | +44 (0)1256 592 599 info@carbonfootprint.com | www.carbonfootprint.com Winchester City Council Carbon Footprint Report Executive Summary Carbon Footprint Ltd has assessed the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of Winchester City Council (WCC) from 1st April 2019 to 31st March 2020 based on a dataset provided by the company Current Performance → The scope of the assessment has been expanded this year to include employee commuting, water consumption for all non-housing sites, waste, diesel vehicles for ID Verde contractors and refrigerant data for leisure centres These new elements account for 846.34 tonnes of CO2e → Due to the expanded scope, GHG Emissions have increased by 9.4% since the previous year However, if comparing like-for-like, the 2019/20 emissions have reduced by 11.7% since 2018/19 → The most significant emission sources are electricity and gas consumption, together accounting for 48.3% of WCC’s carbon footprint Recommendations → Continue to take annual meter readings (e.g on the 1st of April each year) and investigate opportunities to move sites onto automatic meter readers to improve data accuracy → Review the results of the employee commuting survey to determine how the questions can be improved for next time, and to identify the main barriers/opportunities to changing habits → Continue working alongside leisure centres to improve energy efficiency/reduce energy wastage → Discuss with suppliers the potential to use alternative fuel buses (e.g biogas, electricity, biodiesel produced from waste oil sourced from businesses/schools in the district) → Conduct energy audits across the housing and non-housing properties → Educate and raise awareness of energy issues and efficient technologies/behaviours among staff and the wider community Breakdown of carbon footprint Park and ride bus service 9.2% Refrigerants 2.8% Other* 3.5% Site electricity 25.3% Employee commuting 15.0% Depot contractor emissions 21.2% Page I © Carbon Footprint Ltd 2020 Site gas 23.0% Commercial in Confidence Issue 1.3 18 November 2020 Winchester City Council Carbon Footprint Report Location-Based Total Tonnes CO2e Market-Based Total Tonnes CO2e Tonnes of CO2e per employee2 Tonnes of CO2e per capita2 2009/10 (Baseline) 2018/19 2019/201 5,476.89 9.61 0.048 4,005.19 8.21 0.032 4,383.02 4,267.71 9.39 0.034 % change from % change from baseline year previous year -20.0% n/a -2.3% -28.2% +9.4% n/a +14.3% +7.7% The like-for-like assessment scope to the previous year: Scope Scope Scope Scope * Total Previous Year 2018/19 406.79 897.76 2,700.65 4,005.19 Current Year 2019/20 384.70 778.80 2,373.17 3,536.68 % change -5.4% -13.3% -12.1% -11.7% * Excluding employee commuting, refrigerants from leisure centres, ID Verde diesel, waste, and water (for sites other than Guildhall, City Offices, West Wing and Abbey House) Offsetting the Council’s emissions would certify it as a ‘Carbon Neutral Organisation’ and contribute to funding climate change solutions By supporting our UK or Kenya tree planting programmes (both buddied with a reduced deforestation project in the Brazilian Amazon) the Council would be contributing to projects which reduce GHG emissions through sequestration and prevention of forest burning, as well as provide income and livelihoods to local communities in Brazil and Kenya It would also help meet the Council’s internal goal of planting 100 trees annually3 Scope has expanded to include employee commuting, refrigerants from leisure centres, waste, and water for more sites Location-based emissions Winchester City Council – Carbon Neutrality Action Plan https://www.winchester.gov.uk/climate-changeand-energy/climate-emergency-what-we-are-doing-now/carbon-neutrality-action-plan Page II © Carbon Footprint Ltd 2020 Commercial in Confidence Issue 1.3 18 November 2020 Winchester City Council Carbon Footprint Report Table of Contents Executive Summary I Introduction Calculation Scope and Accuracy Carbon Footprint Results Comparison and Benchmarking 18 Key Recommendations 22 References 27 A Annex A – Calculation Methodology (Additional Notes) 28 B Annex B – Supplied Data and Emissions Breakdown 29 C Annex C – Scope Emissions Breakdown 29 Quality Control Report issue number: Date: 1.3 18 November 2020 Calculations completed by: Calculations reviewed by: Jenny Webb Georgina Whitlock Report produced by: Jenny Webb & Georgina Whitlock Approval: Katie Elmer Page III © Carbon Footprint Ltd 2020 Commercial in Confidence Issue 1.3 18 November 2020 Winchester City Council Carbon Footprint Report Introduction 1.1 Winchester City Council’s carbon management journey Carbon Footprint provides a simple six step annual journey to enhance WCC’s sustainability credentials whilst complying to best practice and differentiating the Council’s brand Winchester City Council has completed the first step of its carbon management journey by continuing to assess emissions annually WCC’s Carbon Neutrality Plan states the Council’s targets and objectives to reduce emissions in the coming decade, achieving step of its sustainability journey Finally, WCC is continually making progress to reduce emissions year on year, meeting step of the Council’s sustainability journey The purpose of this report is to: • Summarise the results of WCC’s carbon footprint assessment • Recommend realistic aims for WCC’s carbon reduction target • Provide practical recommendations to enhance WCC’s sustainability programme and reduce its emissions 1.2 What is a carbon footprint? A carbon footprint is a measure of the impact our activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) A carbon footprint is made up of two parts, direct and indirect emissions Direct emissions: Direct emissions are produced by sources which are owned or controlled by the reporting organisation and include electricity use, burning oil or gas for heating, and fuel consumption as a result of business travel or distribution Direct emissions correspond to elements within scopes 1, and of the World Resources Institute GHG Protocol, as indicated in Table Table 1: Direct emissions sources Footprint Direct Activity Scope Electricity, heat or steam generated on-site Natural gas, gas oil, LPG or coal use attributable to company owned facilities Company owned vehicle travel Production of any of the six GHGs (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs and SF6) Consumption of purchased electricity, heat steam and cooling Employee business travel (using transport not owned by the company) Page © Carbon Footprint Ltd 2020 Commercial in Confidence Issue 1.3 18 November 2020 Winchester City Council Carbon Footprint Report Indirect emissions: Indirect emissions result from a company’s upstream and downstream activities These are typically from outsourced/contract manufacturing, and products and the services offered by the organisation Indirect emissions correspond to scope of the World Resources Institute GHG Protocol excluding employee business travel as indicated in Table Table 2: Indirect emissions sources Footprint Activity Indirect Employee commuting Transportation of an organisation’s products, materials or waste by another organisation Outsourced activities, contract manufacturing and franchises GHG emissions from waste generated by the organisation but managed by another organisation GHG emissions from the use and end of life phases of the organisation’s products and services GHG emissions arising from the production and distribution of energy products, other than electricity, steam and heat, consumed by the organisation GHG emissions from the production of purchased raw or primary materials GHG emissions arising from the transmission and distribution of purchased electricity Scope 3 3 3 3 For businesses, the assessment focuses on direct emissions, as these lie under the control of the organisation However, we ask companies to recognise that there is an indirect emissions footprint and select suppliers based on their environmental credentials alongside price and performance 1.3 Why is it important? Over the past two decades the effects of climate change have accelerated Considerable evidence exists proving climate change has been exacerbated by human activity Changes in our post-industrial lifestyles have altered the chemical composition of the atmosphere, generating a build-up of greenhouse gases – primarily carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide levels – raising the average global temperature The consequences of inaction will be disasterous Sea level will continue to rise and local climate conditions to be altered causing an increase in extreme weather events, affecting forests, crop yields, and water supplies It will also affect human health, accelerate species extinction, and disrupt many ecosystems Climate change is a global threat which will impact the lives of everyone on the planet Hence, it is vital that all individuals, businesses, organisations and governments work towards the common goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions This carbon footprint assessment will enable WCC to continue doing its bit by monitoring, reducing and offsetting its emissions Page © Carbon Footprint Ltd 2020 Commercial in Confidence Issue 1.3 18 November 2020 Winchester City Council Carbon Footprint Report 1.4 BS ISO 14064-1:2018 This GHG report has been prepared in accordance with Part of BS ISO 14064: 2018 The GHG inventory, report, or statement has not been verified This standard requires the estimation of likely error margin based on a simple error analysis, to identify uncertainty in the calculations Our simple error analysis provides a level of uncertainty based on the accuracy of the data provided This shows the error for each emissions source, as well as the sum of these divided by the total emissions, to produce a total percentage error 1.5 Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard This GHG calculation and report has been prepared in accordance with The Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard The GHG inventory, report, or assertion has not been separately verified Location-based approach – reflects the emissions from electricity coming from the national grid energy supply Market-based approach – reflects the emissions from the electricity sources or products that the consumer has specifically chosen 1.6 Calculation methodology The carbon footprint appraisal is derived from a combination of client data collection and data computation by Carbon Footprint’s analysts Carbon Footprint’s analysts have calculated Winchester City Council’s footprint using the 2019 conversion factors developed by the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) These factors are multiplied with the company’s GHG activity data Carbon Footprint has selected this preferred method of calculation as a government recognised approach and uses data which is realistically available from the client, particularly when direct monitoring is either unavailable or prohibitively expensive Additional methodology information is presented in Annex A 1.7 Data supplied for the carbon footprint appraisal A summary of the data supplied by Winchester City Council for the appraisal is presented in Annex B This can be found in the accompanying MS Excel spreadsheet named ‘2020_07 Annex B Winchester City Council’ Page © Carbon Footprint Ltd 2020 Commercial in Confidence Issue 1.3 18 November 2020 Winchester City Council Carbon Footprint Report 1.8 Abbreviations A/C BEIS CHP CO2 CO2e Defra EU GHG IPCC ISO km kWh LPG PR UN Air Conditioning Department for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy Combined Heat & Power Carbon Dioxide Carbon Dioxide Equivalent Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs European Union Greenhouse Gas Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change International Standards Organisation Kilometres Kilowatt Hours Liquified Petroleum Gas Public Relations United Nations Page © Carbon Footprint Ltd 2020 Commercial in Confidence Issue 1.3 18 November 2020 Winchester City Council Carbon Footprint Report Calculation Scope and Accuracy 2.1 Scope of this work Carbon Footprint has assessed the GHG emissions from 1st April 2019 to 31st March 2020 resulting from the energy consumption at WCC’s facilities and its business transport activities 2.2 Organisational & reporting boundaries The organisation has accounted for all quantified GHG emissions and/or removals from facilities over which it has operational control The following exclusions and assumptions have been made: • Energy consumption which is metered directly to tenants has been excluded • Where 3rd party tenants are recharged by WCC and operational control is not perceived (i.e tenants have individual boilers), energy has been included in scope • Where tenants have individual boilers (and therefore operational control), though the property only has one meter and is all recharged to tenants, the energy use/boiler that the Council has operational control over (i.e communal space) has been reported in scope due to inability to separate out the data • Where there is a central plant serving the whole property (flats and communal spaces), it has been assumed to be the Council’s operational control Figure 1: Assessment boundary Scope Direct Emissions Scope Energy Indirect Scope Other Indirect Purchased materials and fuels Water Fuel combustion Natural gas, kerosene, petrol, LPG Owned Transport Council-owned car and van travel Transmission and distribution of energy Electricity Consumption of purchased electricity, heat steam and cooling Electricity Process emissions None Leased assets, outsourcing & franchising Contractor emissions4, park and ride bus service, housing and managed leisure centres5 Transport related activities Business travel (employee-owned cars, rail, taxi and air) and employee commuting Sold goods and services None Fugitive emissions Refrigerants Key: Waste Disposal Residual & Recyclable Within the assessment boundary Not included within assessment boundary Indirect GHG sources that are outside the assessment boundary have been excluded from quantification as it is not technically feasible or cost effective, to include these in the GHG assessment Includes fuel use, lorry travel, van travel and car travel Includes energy and refrigerant usage Page © Carbon Footprint Ltd 2020 Commercial in Confidence Issue 1.3 18 November 2020 Winchester City Council Carbon Footprint Report 2.3 Calculation accuracy & materiality The result of a carbon footprint calculation varies in accuracy depending on the data set provided The more accurate the data supplied, the more accurate the final result which will subsequently allow for better targeting of areas where improvements can be made Materiality is determined by the percentage contribution of each element to the overall footprint The data provided is derived from energy bills, expenses claims and data collected by WCC (Table 3) Based on the accuracy of the data provided, a simple error analysis has been used to estimate the error margin for the appraisal results Table 3: Assessment accuracy, materiality and simple error analysis Dataset Source of data and comments Site electricity Utility bills/meter readings Site gas Utility bills/meter readings Depot contractor emissions Employee commuting Contractors supplied vehicle details, mileage data and fuel consumption Employee survey Accuracy Materiality Uncertainty Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Grey fleet & cash opt out Distance travelled provided by service Very provider Converted into litres of fuel Good using average of 7.85 miles per gallon Top-up quantities and refrigerant gas Very type provided from service records Good Vehicle details and annual distance travelled sourced from internal Excellent records Vehicle fuel type and mileage were Excellent provided from expense records Water Internal records Good Kerosene Internal records/invoices Very Good Park and ride service Refrigerants Council-owned vehicle travel Rail travel Waste Other fuel usage Flights Taxi travel Journey details from internal records Entries with no departure/destination data were estimated Waste quantities, type and disposal route supplied by waste provider Internal records/invoices Good Good Excellent Cabin class and flight paths were provided from internal records Locations and individual journey costs were provided from internal records/expense claims Excellent Good Total High (20-40%) High (20-40%) High (20-40%) Medium (5-20%) Estimated Error Margin (tCO2e) 5% 55.36 5% 50.46 5% 46.38 5% 32.83 Medium (5-20%) 5% 20.20 Low (1-5%) 5% 6.13 Low (1-5%) 1% 0.65 Low (1-5%) Very Low (

Ngày đăng: 06/04/2022, 16:59

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