Study mode: Full-time
Major: Food Technology
Faculty: Advanced Education Program Office
Batch: 2016- 2020
Type: On-the-Job Training (OJT)
Thai Nguyen, 2020
Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry Degree Program Bachelor of Food Technology
Thesis Title Survey of Matcha green tea powder process at Ntea Viet
Nam J.S.c in Dong Hy- Thai Nguyen
Abstract: The objective of the project is to survey Matcha green tea powder process at Ntea Viet Nam J.S.c in Dong Hy - Thai Nguyen With the permission and guidance of the director of Ntea company, I used the data collection method by: Interviewing employees at the company, reference company ducuments and related documents from various sources to learn and survey the development status of Matcha green tea powder
of the company; I directly participate in production to have a more realistic view of the processes from management processes to obtaining quality finished products to put on the market The essay consists of 5 parts: Part I is an introduction to the company and the content of the internship in the company; Part II is an overview of the subject of organic green tea powder; Part III is about the details the Matcha manufacturing process and applied standards used at Ntea Company for green tea powder; Part IV, V are discussion and conclusion At the end of the internship, I came up with the following conclusions: To create a standard matcha product, it is necessary to go through all stages
as well as strict regulations from the preparation to the finishing of the product; Ntea Company is an enterprise that fully meets the requirements of quality products from safety to hygiene to food preservation systems, this business confidently brings a 100% organic green tea powder to customers
Keywords: Green Tea Powder
Number of pages: 70pages
Date of Submission: 30/11/2020
Trang 3First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Ms Trinh Thi Chung for her wholeheartedly guiding and imparting knowledge and experience throughout the process of this graduation thesis
I would like to thank Deputy Director Nguyen Kim Cong, who directly guided
me during my internship at the company Although he is very busy at work, he always guide, orient me, so that I can complete the task well and on time
I would also like to thank my parents, my friends, everyone at the company encouraged, helped, and mentored me during that time Everyone was enthusiastic to help, especially staffs at Ntea Thai Nguyen Joint Stock Company, although the amount of company stuff is large, the company staff still takes time
to give me very enthusiastic instructions
However, the content of the report cannot avoid shortcomings because of
my limitation in professional knowledge and inefficient practical experience I look forward to receiving your comments and guidance to make this report more completed./
Again, I sincerely thank you!
Thai Nguyen,…2020
1.1 Rationale: 1
1.2 Objectives: 2
1.3 Contents of work: 2
1.4 Profile of the cooperating agency: 2
1.5 Description of your activities : 6
1.6 Timeline: 6
2.1 Introduction to tea: 7
2.2 Introduction to Matcha: 9
2.2.1 Development history: 9
2.2.2 The main chemical composition of Matcha and their value: 11
2.3 Production, consumption and exporting of green tea powder matcha in the world: 13
2.4 Production, consumption and exporting of green tea powder matcha in Vietnam: 16
3.1 Object and scope of the study: 19
3.1.1 Research object: 19
3.1.2 Research scope: 19
3.2 Location and Time: 19
3.2.1 Location: 19
3.2.2 Time: 19
3.3 Research contents: 19
3.4 Research methodology: 19
3.5 Green tea powder manufacturing process at Ntea Vietnam J.S.c in Dong Hy- Thai Nguyen 20
3.5.1 Management and Harvesting: 20
3.5.2 Manufacturing process: 24
3.5.3 The standards quality of Matcha green tea powder: 39
3.6 The factors influence the accumulation of some chemical compounds in tea: 40
3.6.1 Light and Covering: 40
3.6.2 Seasons: 41
3.6.3 Types of tea: 42
3.7 Surveyed the standards applied for organic tea products at Ntea Company: 44 process: 44
3.7.2 ISO certication in manufacturing and product quality control: 46
3.7.3 Biocert-IFOAM certification: 51
Trang 64.1 DISCUSSION 56
Figure 1: Certificate of Barcode Use Rights (MSMV) 3
Figure 2: Administrative apparatus diagram of Ntea Thai Nguyen J.S.c 4
Figure 2 Matcha Market: Market Size by Region, Global 2018 14
Figure 3 Global Matcha Market by Region 2020 – 2027 15
Figure 5: Simulate the organic green tea powder manufacturing process 24
Figure 6: Simulate tea collection process 24
Figure 7: Tea farm at Ntea, Dong Hy, Thai Nguyen 26
Figure 8: Industrial tea copying machine by gas in Ntea Thai Nguyen 29
Figure 9: Tea cracking equipment in Ntea Thai Nguyen 31
Figure 10: Matcha grinding equipment in Ntea Thai Nguyen 34
Figure 11:Certificate of inspection for spring clock scales 36
Figure 13: 5S Process in Vietnamese 44
Figure 14: ISO 22000: 2005 certification 49
Figure 15: Certification of food hygiene and safety 50
Figure 16:International organic certification issued by Biocert International 54
LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1: Tea leaf shape 9
Table 2.2: Sort the leaves according to size 9
USD United States Dollar
WHO World Health Organization
OJT On-the-Job Training
TNHH Company limited
JSc Joint Stock company
HIV Human Immuno-deficiency Virus
U.A.E United Arab Emirates
UBND People’s Committee
IFOAM International Federation Of Organic Agriculture Movements
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
ISO International Organization for Standardization
TCVN Vietnam standard
EGCG Epigallocatechin gallate
Trang 9CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale:
Currently, tea tree is not only a nutritious food crop for health but also a key crop in the sustainable poverty reduction of mountainous farmers and helping farmers improve their local economic situation in the establishment and development of the new countryside, being the place to develop tourism for many regions of the mountainous and midland regions
Green tea - a familiar and long-standing drink, has widespread popularity around the world According to modern scientific researchers, green tea contains many healthy chemical compounds such as: Polyphenols - catechins, caffeine, amino acids These are substances that work to increase resistance, keep the body healthy, reduce stress, fight aging, cut the risk of heart and cancer disease… When the tea is diluted, water can only partially extract the valuable antioxidants
as well as minerals, most of the nutritional value is in the residue that people often throw away On average, a cup of matcha is equivalent to 10 cups of regular brewed green tea [20]
Commonly, matcha is divided into 3 types of matcha powder: matcha is for drinking, matcha for cooking, and for cosmetic use Matcha for drinking is the original use of matcha, being a tea with a natural aroma, having a mild acrid taste and is selected from young leaves, with high prices In addition, this matcha powder can be used in cosmetics with a variety of uses Matcha for cooking has a strong flavor, often using older tea leaves, maximizing the use of ingredients, often cheaper than drinking matcha The production of matcha diversified
Trang 10products from tea leaves and can be used in many products of the food and pharmaceutical industries
From the above reasons, I have chosen the topic:“Survey of Matcha green tea powder process at Ntea Viet Nam J.S.c in Dong Hy- Thai Nguyen”
- Survey of the standards applied for products system at Ntea Company: 5S process;
ISO certification in manufacturing and product quality control;
Biocert-IFOAM certification
1.4 Profile of the cooperating agency:
The company name: Ntea Viet Nam J.S.c in Dong Hy- Thai Nguyen
Legal representative: Nguyen Kim Cong
Trang 11Address: Van Huu Village - Hoa Thuong Commune - Dong Hy District - Thai Nguyen Province
Phone: 0208 657 7277
Tax code: 4601445321
Figure 1: Certificate of Barcode Use Rights (MSMV)
History and development of the company:
In June 2012, the company was established with the name Duc Thanh Trading and Import-Export Company Limitted The company only works in the commercial field, Ntea Viet Nam J.S.c in Dong Hy- Thai Nguyen mainly purchased raw materials, processes and packaging
Trang 12In April 2014, the Company had an organic tea-making project, invited
consulting scientists and Biocert organizations as well as calling for investors
Since then, this business has expanded its cultivation areas, developed and
conducted experiment to cultivate and produce organic tea
In June 2015, the tea products of the company was awarded certificate of
IFOAM organic by the Biocert organization
In 2017, The Ntea Thai Nguyen splitted up to establish Ntea Viet Nam J.S.c
in Dong Hy- Thai Nguyen at Van Huu village, Hoa Thuong commune, Dong Hy
district, Thai Nguyen province Along with that, Ntea Vietnam has also
developed with other member units such as:
- Ntea Equipment Joint Stock Company;
- Ntea drink franchise Joint Stock Company;
- Ntea Media Joint Stock Company;
- Project Ntea Quang Ninh;
- Ninh Thuan Ntea Joint Stock Company
Figure 2: Administrative apparatus diagram of Ntea Thai Nguyen J.S.c
Trang 13Ntea Viet Nam J.S.c in Dong Hy- Thai Nguyen always integrates and affirms its position in the domestic and international markets, it also contributes
to promoting the image of Vietnamese culinary culture in the eyes of international friends
- For the market: Providing international quality products at reasonable
prices, meeting the needs of consumers to enjoy selectively to improve the quality of life
- For partners: To take the lead in a competitive value, sustainable benefits
for investors, and uphold the spirit of cooperation for mutual development
- For employees: To bring jobs, stable income, build a professional
civilized, and friendly working environment
- For society: Accompanying with the common development of the
community, actively contributing to social unions activities [1]
The main fields of activity of Ntea Viet Nam J.S.c in Dong Hy-Thai Nguyen:
- Planting, tending, manufacturing, processing, and trading in tea products;
- Producing and trading in fertilizers and organic products;
- Manufacturing and trading agricultural machines;
- Consulting organic agriculture;
- Providing ecotourism and experience tourism services
Development strategy:
Trang 14- Expanding the domestic market and exporting tea products, affirming the
standing position of Vietnamese branded tea in both quantity and quality, branch
expansion with Ntea organic tea brand
- Creating raw material areas for production expansion and scaling up of
organic tea production in Thai Nguyen province [1]
1.5 Description of your activities :
1 st From 02/03/2020
to 31/03/2020
Coming to the internship, visiting the production and processing model of the company, finding out documents related to the production and development of Ntea Thai Nguyen Company;
Finding out the machinery and equipment for Matcha production;
Research on documents related to green tea powder
2 nd From 01/04/2020
to 26/04/2020
Surveyed matcha green tea powder process;
Directly involved in the production of Matcha green tea powder
From 03/2020 to 06/2020: Survey of Matcha green tea powder process
at Ntea Viet Nam J.S.c in Dong Hy- Thai Nguyen
2.1 Introduction to tea:
Kingdom—Plantae: Plants
Subkingdom—Tracheobionta: Vascular plants
Superdivision—Spermatophyta: Seed plants
Division—Magnoliophyta: Flowering plants
Species—Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze
- Tea tree consists of the following main parts: stems and twigs, buds and leaves, flowers and fruits, and root system The main part for processing matcha green tea powder is the bud and the leaf part consisting of 1 shrimp 1 leaf that has a water content of <8%
- Leaves grow from the buds, shoots grow from leaf axils
- Functionally, there are 2 types of shoots: shoots produce leaves
(nutritional buds) and shoots grow buds, flowers, and fruits (shoots reproduce)
- According to the position on the branch, there are 3 types of shoots:
Terminal buds (on the top), axillary buds and latent buds (in the branches)
Trang 16+ Terminal buds: It grows on the ends of tea branches (top), thrives, buds sprout leaves, makes tops rise high, branches elongate
+ Axillary buds: It grows in leaf axils, is restrained by young shoots; only thrives when the terminal buds are picked
+ Latent buds: no fixed position, more at the base of tea; mostly in the state
of sleep, only sprouting under the influence of chemical stimulants (growth stimulants) or mechanics (bending branches, cutting branches)
Tea leaves have 3 types: scale leaf, fish leaf, and real leaf
Scales leaf are very small, firm and grow at the point of growth Small fish leaves are incomplete development, small size, oblong shape, margins with little
or almost no serrations, followed by scales leaves Fish leaves are often used as a standard for picking tea Real leaves include 1 leaf blade and 1 tea stalk, followed
by fish leaves; newly grown leaves are young leaves, followed by ordinary leaves, then old; The margins are serrated, the margins are wavy or flat depending on the variety [6]
- Leaf color: Leaf color depends on many factors such as tea variety, tea
shelf life, nutrition, season .; Yellow leaves are suitable for making black tea, green leaves are suitable for green tea
- Leaf shape: Leaf shape is measured with formula R = length/width Tea
leaves have pointed base, round to prison; pointed leaf tip
Trang 17Table 2.1: Tea leaf shape
R 1.5 – 2.0 2.1 – 2.5 2.6 – 3.0 > 3
Types Ovoid Ovoid Ovoid(oblong) Oblong-lanceolate
( Source: Assoc Professor Do Ngoc Quy 2003 )
- Leaf size: Size of large and small tea leaves
fluctuates according to variety, age, and nutrition; Large leaves often have high yields, small leaves have low yields
Table 2.2: Sort the leaves according to size
(Source: Assoc Professor Do Ngoc Quy 2003 )
Tea buds: tea buds are harvested by the producer, including 1 shrimp
+ 2 to 3 young leaves; The weight of 1 bud depends on the young age and tea variety:
Shan(Tuyet) tea varieties and India: 0.8 - 1.0 kg
Trung Du tea variety: 0.5 - 0.8 kg
Chinese tea varieties with small leaves: 0.3 - 0.5 kg
2.2 Introduction to Matcha:
2.2.1 Development history:
Matcha green tea powder is a product made from Tencha - a type of tea that
is covered, protected from the sun for a period of 2-3 weeks before harvesting, making the tea darker green The shade causes the leaves to secrete more
Size (mm)
Acreage( )
100x40 20x30
70x30 10x20
< 16
Trang 18chlorophyll and it makes the leaves increase the concentration of the amino acid theanine Matcha was first used in religious ceremonies in Buddhist monasteries
in the 13th century In the 16th century, matcha began to flourish in Kyoto when tea master Sen no Rikyu established a traditional tea ceremony called "chanoyu" Since ancient times, according to the pharmacists have compared green tea powder as a miracle Matcha appeared almost 1,000 years ago when dynasties ruled China and Shogun tribes ruled Japan During the Tang Dynasty of China (618-907), tea leaves were processed and formed into tea bricks, which facilitated the movement of goods These tea cakes are prepared by roasting and grinding then mixing the resulting flour with water and salt [2][21] By the Song Dynasty (960-1279), Eisai (1141-1215) - who is said to have laid the foundation for green tea in Japan In 1191, Eisai brought the tea seeds and the Buddhist Zen method back to Japan from China (Eisai spent his whole life studying Buddhism
in China) After that, he went around the country to encourage people and Buddhists to plant tea trees, while promoting the benefits of green tea powder [21] According to the book "How to Stay Healthy by Drinking Tea" Eisei wrote: Tea is a wonderful remedy for quintessence and has the ability to make human life more fully and completely, tea has extraordinary power in extending human life Wherever people plant tea trees and drink tea, that place will live a long life Also by experience self-making drugs from different plants, buddhist monks crushed tea into powder the way they often do with other plants to make medicine and matcha was born by like that [2][6][11]
Trang 192.2.2 The main chemical composition of Matcha and their value:
a L-theanine:
L-theanine (γ -glutamyl-L-diethylamide) is an amino acid found in green
tea and mushrooms; has molecular formula , Its molecular weight is 174,20g mol-1 which soluble in hot water [2]
L-Theanine reduces the negative effects of caffeine - commonly known as a
stimulant found abundant in tea and coffee When taking high doses of caffeine (250mg, equivalent to 2.5 cups of coffee) there will be some negative effects such as increased anxiety, increased blood pressure The combination of caffeine and theanine will significantly improve alertness, reduce fatigue, and reduce the increase in blood pressure Moreover, the L-Theanine in tea also has an antioxidant effect It restores the antioxidant capacity of liver cells, helps prevent liver damage [2][7]
b Tannin:
Tannin is one of the key ingredients determining the quality of tea Tannins are also collectively known as polyphenols in which 90% are catechins [6][7] In which epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is the main polyphenol constituent, accounting for about 12% of the dry matter weight in tea [2]
Effects of catechins:
- For tea plants: regulating redox processes in tea plants, improving tea's
resistance to tea pests and diseases
- For tea quality and properties: If the tea is not oxidized, the product will
be green tea, if the tea is oxidized under the effect of yeast, the product will be black tea, yellow tea depending on the level of oxidation
Trang 20-For man: Tannin helps the body increase resistance, has a hemostatic
effect, enhances the assimilation and accumulation of vitamins Tannin in tea also has the ability to refresh, cure some diseases of the intestine,
Catechin is a type of antioxidant found in tea leaves, which works to prevent the aging of cells in the body Catechin is a colorless, water-soluble compound with having a bitter taste to varying degrees, with catechins accounting for about 85-90% of the tannin in tea [2][6][7]
- For man: Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system
which stimulates the ability of the heart to function, has a diuretic effect
- For tea quality and properties: Caffeine has little variation during
processing When caffeine combines with tannins, tea forms scum called caffeine compounds, has a pleasant taste [6]
Tannat-d Chlorophyll:
Chlorophyll is one of the coloring agents in the leaves of plants in general and in tea leaves in particular Chlorophyll is synthesized between succinyl-CoA and glycine through metabolism Chlorophyll has 2 forms: Chlorophyll a (C55H72O5N4Mg), molecular weight is 893.48, and Chlorophyll b (C55H70O6N4Mg), molecular weight is 907.46 [2]
Trang 21Chlorophyll is often used in toothpaste, gum (sing-gum) formulas to increase the effectiveness of bad breath treatment, for fresh breath In addition, supplementing with the chlorophyll in foods helps to eliminate toxins, enhance resistance to cancer and disease in general Chlorophyllin is also applied in many products to lose weight and prevent degenerative diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, Alzheimer's
2.3 Production, consumption and exporting of green tea powder matcha in the world:
Tea exports situation in Tokyo-Japan hit a record high in 2018 while matcha-based drinks and desserts are gaining popularity in the US and across Asian countries In the first five months of the year, Japan exported 1,978 tons of green tea, up 4% over the same period in 2017, and the highest total since 1988 Matcha is the main factor driving this increase According to the Japan Tea Producers Association, matcha leaves sell for an average price of 3,100 yen ($30)/kg compared with 1,400 yen for sencha [23]
In 1998, Suzuki's Marushichi Seicha company - one of the famous tea producers in Japan started to produce green tea powder (matcha) Up to now, the company exported more than 30 tons of matcha to major countries such as the
US, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East The demand is increasing worldwide, mostly using green tea powder as an additive in ice creams or desserts In 2019, Japan exported more than 5,000 tonnes of matcha, mainly to the United States,
10 times more than two decades ago, according to government data [23] The main importers of matcha from Japan are China, Sri Lanka, India, and the United States Many major chains of cafes in the United States have included matcha
Trang 22green tea lattes on their menus, and this ingredient is increasingly popular in desserts Over the past 25 years, matcha sales have increased fivefold to more than $10 billion in the United States [24]
Figure 2 Matcha Market: Market Size by Region, Global 2018
(Source Internet: 2020)
The biggest matcha demand is North American and European countries In
2016, Asia-Pacific accounted for the largest share of total matcha sales globally due to traditional tea consumption in Japan and China In 2016, the global matcha market was valued at $2.62 billion, growing at a CAGR of 9.3% over the 2018-2022 period and keep a steady growth of 4.60% over the forecast period through to 2027 [24]
Trang 23
Figure 3 Global Matcha Market by Region 2020 – 2027
(Source Internet: 2020) Use in foods and supplements:
Market segmentation by type, Matcha can be divided into 2 types: direct beverage and additive form for flavoring or coloring in foods Market segmentation by the application, matcha can be divided into 3 forms: Drinks, cakes, ice cream In Japan, traditional green tea is on a downward trend, instead
of an increase in matcha consumption In the twenty-first century, lifestyle and vision changes, requiring innovation in the tea industry, modernizing traditional tea The product is mainly consumed as a regular beverage, followed by other beverages with matcha as by-products such as smoothies, lattes, and juices, Some products with additives are matcha such as Mochi rice cakes, soba noodles, green tea ice cream, or some types of cakes, …
Due to Matcha's comprehensive pharmacology, green tea powder is utilized
in the form of functional foods in the pharmaceutical industry: Matcha Japanese Catechin Functional Food, KirkLand Green Tea A Blend Of Sencha & Matcha
Trang 24Functional Food, imported to America, or in Vietnam, there are Vhealth functional foods, These Matcha-containing supplements have anti-aging, cancer prevention, detoxification, fat loss, bodybuilding, prevention and treatment of gingivitis, prevention and treatment of gastritis thicken, prevent diabetes risk, strengthen bones, reduce arthritis, reduce high blood pressure, improve memory and Alzheimer's disease, prevent HIV infection, prevent radioactive contamination, reduce blood sugar, cholesterol, kill bacteria, kill the flu virus [18]
In the cosmetic industry:
Matcha powder contains a lot of antioxidant compounds such as EGCG, Polyphenols 20 times more than vitamin E, 16 times more than blueberries, and 80 times more than broccoli Matcha works very well in such problems as: Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and effective acne treatment; absorb sebum, deep clean and tighten pores; prevent signs of aging such as wrinkles, crow's feet,
UV damage;
Matcha green tea cosmetic products are popular in the market such as: Matcha green tea cleanser, Matcha green tea mask, Matcha lip balm, green tea makeup remover, green tea acne cream,
2.4 Production, consumption and exporting of green tea powder matcha in Vietnam:
In Vietnam:
In 2016, the trend of using Japanese matcha thrived in Vietnam, organic green tea powder is known for its many uses in beauty, weight loss, against
Trang 25while the demand for use in the domestic market is increasing In order to meet consumer demand for organic products, the matcha manufacturing industry is well known and developed Some of the products applied from matcha are popular in the domestic consumption market such as: Cozy green tea biscuits, AFC biscuits filled with Kinh Do brand green tea, Richy green tea butter richy cake with Richy brand (Hoang Mai Co., Ltd.), Tibo biscuits with Tipo Huu Nghi brand green tea or Soymen soy milk - The first soy milk for men with the Vinasoy brand,
In 2013, the price of a kilogram of green tea powder ranged from 700,000
to 1 million VND in Vietnam, matcha green tea powder was 2-3 times higher in Japan The consumption matcha market is mainly in two popular segments in Vietnam: food and beverage additives
In Ntea Company:
Matcha Ntea is produced through strict procedures and regulations to achieve the quality of organic green tea powder that meets the standards The price of this product fluctuates around 70,000 VND / pack, equivalent to 50 grams In 2019, the company exported 1005 products to the domestic market Currently, matcha and other tea products of Ntea Thai Nguyen are widely consumed in the country, in addition, the company also exports to international markets such as Japan, Korea, the US, Germany, The company is producing the following product lines:
- Organic green tea
- 4 in 1 instant milk tea
- Teabag
Trang 26- Ginseng tea
- Organic Matcha
Ntea always receives the attention and companionship of leaders of the Party and State, from central to local, received a certificate of merit from Thai Nguyen Provincial People's Committee for its contributions to the province's activities and became an official member of the Vietnam Tea Association, Vietnam Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, International Association of Organic Agriculture IFOAM Accredited Standard, voted in the program "TOP 100 ASEAN Famous Brands - Products / Services" in Bangkok - Thailand; awarded in the TEA Masters Cup 2016 competition which held in Vietnam and Korea and received the 2017 ASEAN Outstanding Product and Service Brand Award in Myanmar [1]
Size of Ntea Viet Nam JSc in Dong Hy- Thai Nguyen
3.2 Location and Time:
3.4 Research methodology:
Use data collection methods
Collect data by:
Trang 28- Interview
- Observation
- Directly involved in the production
- Refer to Company Documents and related documents from various sources
3.5 Green tea powder manufacturing process at Ntea Vietnam J.S.c in Dong Hy- Thai Nguyen
3.5.1 Management and Harvesting: Management processes:
a.Automatic watering system:
On the tea hill, the factory-installed water jets, connected to a sensor system that measures the environmental index Then develop a cloud computing
environment to store data From there, we can actively control by having devices connected to the system such as phones, computers, thereby reducing labor costs
as well as improving tea tree productivity
b Activating enzyme USA Biofertilizer organic microbiological preparation, nano silver, organic fertilizer, chili-lemongrass-garlic herbs :
Since it is an organic product, the cultivation always uses organic substances From 10 months to 1 year, cutting tea will be done once, in order to rest tea trees
Ntea Thai Nguyen mainly uses existing tea hills The land reclamation process at the company is as follows:
Uses Nanosilver:
Silver nanoparticles are microscopic particles, averaging only about 6-12
Trang 29a large surface area, increase the ability to contact bacteria, thereby supporting better sterilization
Preparation of nano-silver: Nowadays, nano-silver is prepared by direct production from pure silver, this method will yield the purest silver nanoparticles The method of sterilization by nano-silver on tea plants through pure silver electrodes electrolysis will give very good and almost absolute bactericidal results Most 99.99% of bacteria will be completely destroyed
Mix 50ml of nano-silver with 20 liters of water, spray evenly on the surface
of leaves, spray down the wind, according to each bed
Silver nanoparticles have a strong fungicidal ability, which is superior to other conventional plant protection drugs With small-sized silver nanoparticles, the surface of the particle is the primary concentration of atomic particles These atoms are less attracted to the nucleus, the atoms become more flexible as the energy of the surface decreases and the atoms are easily separated from the surface and the silver nanoparticles more easily release positively charged ions (Ag+); these ions have the effect of killing fungi and pathogenic bacteria according to a specific mechanism
The bactericidal mechanism of nano-silver is the mechanism of absorption, when the Ag+ is released, it will quickly attach to the negatively charged organism cells by electrostatic attraction and penetrate microorganisms and inhibit, destroy them in a short time to helps improve the resistance of tea plants When nano-silver comes into contact with microorganisms, by interacting with peptidoglycan (murein) groups- is the polymer that makes up the cell walls of
Trang 30most bacteria, it destroys the cell wall function and inhibits the bacteria's ability
to transport oxygen into the cell, preventing to metabolism When Ag + ions interact with the membrane of pathogenic bacteria cells, it reacts with the Sunphohydril - SH group of the oxygen-carrying enzyme molecule and inactivates this enzyme, leading to inhibition of respiration of bacterial cells In addition, nanosilver also binds to the DNA of microbial cells, and inhibits their copying function, inhibits them, prevents them from thriving
Nano-silver is capable of destroying viruses, fighting fungi, bacteria causing disease on tea plants, and cultivated land Silver nanoparticles are not harmful to human health even with relatively high doses, no chemical additives, and no residues of harmful chemicals, so nano-silver can be used often for a long time without having to replace other biocides
Enhance the ability to absorb light for the leaves thereby enhancing the plant's photosynthetic efficiency
Enzyme USA Biofertilizer organic microbiological preparation:
Dosage of 1-3 liters of EMZ-USA per hectare depends on the ecosystem Activate the enzyme before spraying The activation procedure is as follows:
Step 1: Dilute 1 liter of Enzyme with 100 liters of clean water (ratio 1/100) and 3 liters of molasses or 3 kg of brown sugar, mix well
Step 2: Incubate the mixture for 48-72 hours until the surface appears thick
Trang 31kept in a dry place, avoiding insects flying in
Step 3: After incubation is complete, spray the mixture on tea hills The mixture can be used for 14 days from the date of activation Spraying Enzymes after fertilizing and after rain will help the enzyme penetrate faster and work better Normally, Enzyme is sprayed every 2 months
When spraying, spray evenly on the surfaces of leaves, spray down the wind direction to limit flying into the eyes of workers causing burning
This herb has a spicy odor and is effective in repelling and destroying the pests of plants In addition, it also works against fungi and bacteria
Trang 323.5.2 Manufacturing process:
Figure 5: Simulate the organic green tea powder manufacturing process
a Plucking (Harvesting):
Figure 6: Simulate tea collection process
Before harvesting tea, workers are equipped with clean gloves, protective
clothing, hats and masks, and boots
Trang 33Tea is picked when it is old enough and picked on non-rainy days
Harvest cycle from 1-2 months/time
Tea should be hand-picked, avoiding metal effects on the tea plant
Cleaning tea and transfer to a dry place so that the temperature in tea leaves
is stable before being processed
Purpose of request:
To collect tea to be raw materials for Matcha, tea is classified in category 2 (type B) with >10-20% old leaves according to Vietnamese standards TCVN 1053-86 [7] and TCVN 1054-86 [4]
be downgraded, higher than 70%, they must be removed
- Picking tea at the right age and right time
- Limiting the collection of tea on heavy rainy days (except for long rains) causes difficulties for the processing process and low-quality tea
Trang 34- During the harvesting process, do not compress too much or let it sit for long on the hill, causing steam absorption, affecting the quality of the finished Matcha
- Tea after being harvested must be transported immediately to the place of processing and preservation, to minimize possible defects such as rancid, sour,
Figure 7: Tea farm at Ntea, Dong Hy, Thai Nguyen
Withering time lasts from 4-5 hours, every 1.5 to 2 hours tea is shaken once If the weather is unfavorable, the shaking time is 1 hour/time for the purpose of letting tea air and radiate heat In addition, the company uses a fan
Trang 35system (In rainy and windy conditions, tea picking is still required) to wilt faster
to avoid rancidity, making the amount of water on the surface of tea leaves drain faster In the process of withering, avoid mechanical effects on the tea mass
At the end of the wilting phase, under the impact of temperature and humidity, the air changes physicochemical-biological processes in tea buds the surface of the tea leaves is not wet, the tea leaves are flexible, the water content
in tea leaves is about 60-62% If the water content is too much, the de-activate enzyme time will last long, resulting in matcha powder color will be yellow, not green, and product quality will be decreased
The purpose of this stage is to reduce a certain amount of moisture, facilitate biochemical reactions, through that, the tea will retain its natural aroma Request:
Air humidity: 60-70%
Temperature: 44-45 ° C
Time to wither: 4-5 hours
Variations occurring during wilting:
- During the wilting process, the amount of water in tea is reduced, so the cell structure of tea leaves is changed deeply, leading to smaller tea mass and tea leaf area, the leaves are softer and more supple, which helps to make the later tea-drying process faster and more efficient
- The total amount of tannin (a bitter-tasting polyphenol compound) will be decreased by 2-3%