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Ebook Văn phạm tiếng Anh: Phần 2 sẽ giúp các bạn nắm bắt được những kiến thức cơ bản trong văn phạm tiếng Anh, từ đó biết cách sử dụng ngôn từ, cấu trúc câu một cách chính xác và hợp lý. Trong phần 2 này, sách sẽ hướng dẫn các bạn cách sử dụng mệnh đề, cách viết, văn phong, kỹ năng nói tiếng Anh như một ngôn ngữ thứ hai và lịch sử, sự phát triển của tiếng Anh. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo.

Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com VI CORRECT WRITING N guai hoc da di qua tat ca cac phan can ban cua qui luat van pham, phan ke tiep se gom nhung dieu so dang (fundamentals) de tach biet cac grammatical elements mot cau va tranh cac loi thong thuang Punctuation Diction 98 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com Punctuation Cho tai day nguai hoc da thu nhan dupe nhung qui luat van pham tuang doi du de viet mot cau van, tiep theo den phan q u a n tr o n g vai vai trd cua Punctuation Dat dung vi tri cho cac d a u se chung to nguai viet da hieu ro qui luat cau true cac chicc nang van pham Qui luat dung cac dau mot cau se dupe coi la c a n va du ; nghia la, neu dat dau khong dung cho thi tat ca cau van viet khong co nghia hay khong ro nghia, hay nguai doc khong hieu nguai viet muon noi gi End Marks The Period Dung period (dau cham ) sau mot cau xac dinh (declarative statement) hay mot cau de nghi / lenh (request / command), hay noi mot cach tong quat la cham het mot cau The study hall is too noisy Please stop your whispering, (declarative) (request) J o h n a n s w e r e d th e te le p h o n e , (d e c la tiv e ) A n s w e r th e te le p h o n e , ( im p e tiv e ) She asked whether John had answered the telephone, (indirect question) 99 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com Dung period vai nhung tu da quen nhu Mr Mrs., Ms., Dr truac mot proper noun (Mr Smith, Dr Smith) Jr., Sr., Ph.D sau names Chu y: khong dung period voi tu Miss (vi£t tit la Ms.), va nen v ilt chu Ms chu khong viet Miss hay M rs chua biet ro tinh trang hon nhan cua mot nguai (marital status), co gia dinh hay chua The Question Mark Dung ? sau cac cau hoi true tiep (direct question), thuang bat dau vai cac tu nhu who, when, what, etc Note: Subject va verb dao ngugc When did you study chemistry? Do you ever wonder what your future will be? You want to make a good impression, don’t you? Dung ? sau nien hieu khong biet chac: King X was bom in 1661 (?) and died in 1701 The Exclamation Point Dung ! sau nhung cau chua dung cam xuc manh (strong feeling) What a horrible accident! Fire! Help! It was exciting, w asn’t it? Oh, I had a pleasant time 100 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com Ngucri viet van (modem writing) it dung dau ! (cam than), nhung tu oh, goodness, well, yes, no, thuang dugc theo sau bang dau phay (comma) chu khong dung dau cam than The Comma Khi dung mot nhung coordinating conjunctions sau day de noi lien (connect) cac main clauses ( and, but, or, nor, for, so, va yet ) thi luon luon co comma dung truac Dau comma hien de cho biet mot independent clause cham dut va bao hieu la clause ke tiep sap den The game was over, but the crowd refused to leave the park I placed the typed sheet on his desk, and he picked it up and read it slowly His face turned red, but he did not say a word I knew he was angry, for he rose and stamped out o f the room Uyen chuyen: Khi nao mot hay ca hai main clauses dupe noi lien bang mot conjunction neu clause dai hay co nhiiu ddu thi co the thay c o m m a bang s e m ic o lo n : The Mounties, dressed in red tunics and riding welltrained horses, were a familar sign on the Canadian frontier; but few people in the United States saw Mounties except in the movies (Mountie or M ounty : [colloq.] a member o f the Royal Canadian Mounted Police [canh sat cuai ngua]) 101 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com Dung comma de tach nhung doan ngan hay menh de: I washed the dishes, I dried them, and I put them away He walked into my office, took off his hat, and sat down The old house was empty, cold, dark, and uninviting She rushed into the house, up the stairs, and into her room Dung comma vai nhieu adjective cung mo ta tinh chat mot noun: Hong Kong grew up around a beautiful, sheltered, accesible port Dung comma sau Introductory' prepositional phrases: According to legend, Hercule had enormous strenght After his long exile to France, Charles II returned to England in 1660 Dung comma sau Introductory verbal phrases: To succeed as a long-distance runner, a person must have strong legs Exhausted by her effort, the swimmer fell back into the pool Dung comma giua hai tu de tranh doc li|n (pause): While we were eating, the table collapsed After we had washed, mother prepared breakfast Shortly after ten, thirty new recruits appeared 102 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com W hatever is, is right Dung comma de tach appositives (words that immediately follow a noun or pronoun and stand for the same thing): Mr Galloway, our science teacher, told me about it The teacher, a friend o f many years, advised me to stay The new boy, the one with red hair, sings beautifully Dung comma mot direct address (goi ten nhau): Can you show me, Kathy, how to punctuate this sentence? Will you speak a little louder, George? Quan sat nhirng truang hap duai day de thay rang da dung thira comma va sai (incorrect): I had studied hard, b u t failed the test (incorrect, vi studied va failed la hai joining verb, cung mot subject) The man at the far end o f the head table, is my uncle (incorrect, vi khong the ngan cach giua subject va verb) T he Semicolon Dung semicolon de tach cac independent clause khong noi lien bang mot coordinating conjunction, va clause theo sau co conjunctive adverb (however, therefore, moreover, consequently, etc.) 103 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com There are only a few o f the urgent problems concerning our ecology; many more exist, (no connective) You must fill out the application form; later you will be interviewed, (adverb with second clause) “He is sick,” she said; "therefore, he will not come." Dung semicolon de tach cac independent clauses noi lien bang mot coordinating conjunction ma cau da co nhieu dau: I invited Sara, Susan, Leon, and John to the party; but Joe, Robert, and Charles also dropped in Dung semicolon mot cau dai co nhieu comma: Jean Smith, the cardiologist; Angelo Martinez, the dentist; and Alan Wilson, the psychiatrist, meet for lunch every Tuesday The Colon Dung colon de bao hieu se co giai thich (explain), lam sang to (clarify), dan chung (illustrate), them chi tiet (specify detail) Charm, in the abstract, has something o f the quality of music: radiance, balance, and harmony The poets I likes best are these: Housman, Yeast, and Eliot One characteristic accounted for his success: complete honesty 104 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com The recommended treatment for a cold is as follows: plenty o f fluids, bed rest, and aspirin for fever Dung colon sau nhung tir nhu he said truac co mot trich dan : The speaker rose to his feet and said: "Students and teachers, I wish to call your attention " Dung colon de tach nhieu items (dieu noi tai) mot cau: For the most part we are an intemperate people: we eat too much when we can, drink too much, indulge our senses to much The Hyphen Quan sat nhung truang hap duai day de dung hyphen: Compound noun Sister-in-law M other-in-law Daughter-in-law Head-ache Chinese-American Long-distance C o m p o u n d n u m b e rs : sixty-four sixty-fourth 105 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com eighty-seven eighty-seventh thirty-five thirty-fifth Title ex-President ex-Director The Apostrophe Xem lai Possessive Noun a phan truac da dung apostrophe vai nhieu truang hap, quan sat cac truang hap duai day de dung dau nay: Units o f time twenty minutes’ drive (a twenty-minute drive) one dollar's worth (one-dollar worth) ten days’ wait (a ten-day wait) Contraction I'm (I am) Y ou're (You are) There’s (There is) W ho’s (who is) Y ou’ ve (you have) D on't (do not) 106 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com ITALICS Viet chu nghieng tat ca ten cac tac pham nghe thuat va nhat bao, tuan bao, va tap chi (khi muon trich dan) A M idsummer Night's Dream The Song o f Hiawatha Christina's World the Washington Post the Chicago Tribune The Economist Paris Match ViSt chu nghieng cac ten airplane, ship, train the Spirit o f St Luouis (airplane) U.S.S Constitution (ship) the Sunset Lim ited (train) 107 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com Differ about, from, with We differ about our tastes in clothes My clothes differ fro m your We differ with one another Chung ta khac ve (about) y thich mac quan Quan cua toi khac (from: so sanh) quan cua ban Chung ta khong giong (with: y xac dinh) Different from Our grading system is different from yours Loi cham diem cua chung toi khac vai loi cua ong Enter into, on, upon She entered into a new agreement and thereby entered on (or upon) a new career Co ta buoc vao mot thoa thuan moi va do m o dau (on / upon: to begin) mot nghe moi Free from He was freed from his m other’s domination Anh ay thoat dirpc s u kiem soat cua ba me 169 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com Identical with Your reasons are identical with his Nhung ly cua anh hoan toan giong nhung ly cua anh ay Join jn, with He jo in ed in the fun with the others Anh ay nhap (in something) cuoc vui vai (with someone) cac nguai khac Live at, in, on He lives a[ 15 Florida Avenue in a Dutch colonial house Ong ay a so (at) 15 Florida Avenue, (in) can nha kieu thai thuoc dia Ha Lan He lives on Florida Avenue Ong ay a tren (on) duong Florida Necessity for, of Need for, of There was no necessity (need) for you to lose your temper Anh khong can phai nong nav 170 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com There was no necessity (need) o f your losing your temper Khong co gi can de anh nong Object to I object to the statement in the third paragraph Toi phan doi cau viet doan van thu Oblivious of When he held her hand he was oblivious o f the passing o f time Khi anh cam tay co ta anh da quen di (khong biet gi) ve thai gian (dang troi qua) Overcome by, with I was overcome by the heat I was overcome with grief Toi da bi khuat phuc bai sue nong Toi da bi choang vang vai noi buon Parallel between, to, with There is a parallel between your attitude and his Thai cua anh tuang tu thai cua anh ay 171 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com This line is parallel to (or with) that one D uong thang song song vcri duang thang Preferable to A leisurely walk is preferable to violent exercise Buac di nhe nhang (nhan tan) dupe coi hon la cach tap the due nang Reason with, about Why not reason with them about the matter? Sao khong tranh luan vai ho ve van de do? Reward by, with, for They were rewarded by their employer with a raise for their work Ho dupe cong ty (ong chu) thuang (by) bang (vdi / with) su tang lucmg vi (for) viec lam cua ho Variance with This conclusion is at variance with your facts Ket luan mau thuan vai (khong giong) cac su kien cua ong da dua Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com W ait for, on They waited for someone to wait on them Ho cho ngudi nao de tiep (serve) ho W orthy of That candidate is not worthy o f your trust Ung vien khong xirng dang s u tin tucmg cua ban 173 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com IX THE HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF ENGLISH 174 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com Linguists believe English evolved from a prehistoric parent language called Indo-European By the time of the Roman Empire, eight or nine language families descended from Indo-European had become established throughout Europe and parts o f Asia These included Indo-Iranian (including Sanskrit and Persian), Slavic (including Russian), Hellenic (Greek), Italic (including Latin and the Romance, or Roman, languages, which became modernday Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romanian), Celtic (Gaelic), and Germanic (including the Scandivanian languages, German and English) Sharing its ancestry with these other Indo-European language families, English is cognate with them, having many similar words For example, Latin rex, French roi, Hindu raja, Anglo-Saxon riht, and English regal are cognates of the Indo-European base form reg (straight, lead) English is directly descended from the language o f the Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxon, and Jutes) who invaded the British Isles in the fifth and sixth centuries, driving out or absorbing the Celtic inhabitants after the Roman withdrew From this Anglo-Saxon invasion we date the three periods o f our language: Old English, used until 1100 A.D.: Middle English, used from about 1100 to 1500 A.D.: and Modern English 175 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com Old English was composed mainly o f Anglo-Saxon words with a smattering o f Old Norse vocabulary that resulted from Viking (Danish) invasion in the eight through tenth centuries It was characterized by inflectional endings similar to those in modem German and a much freer word order than exists in Modem English In other words, Old English depended largely upon changes in the forms, particularly the endings, of words to show their relationship to one another Pronoun case form (I, me, my, mine) are among the few vestiges of inflection remaining in English today Old English formed new words by compounding (joining words) and by deviation (developing new words from existing one); except for some Latin and Greek vocabulary, Old English borrowed few words from other languages Middle English is a traditional language heavily influenced by the Norman Conquest in 1066 The Normans (Northmen) were Vikings who had settled in northern France and who had gradually exchanged their native Old Norse o f the Germanic language family for Old French, belonging to the Italic family; they brought thousands o f Latin, Scandinavian, and, particularly French words to England For nearly 400 hundred years French was the major language o f the ruling class, and, as a result, standard Old English disappeared, fragmenting 176 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com into Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com dialects spoken primarily by the common people peasants and laborers M iddle English shows the modification o f these Old English dialects as they continued to evolve and to absorb influences from Norman French As the Normans becam e culturally and politically more detached from Europe - and as they came to view England as their home - their association with the English-speaking com m on people gradually led to the resurrection o f English as the spoken language o f all classes Even so, associations with social class could be identified in words o f French and Anglo-Saxon origin, words that remain in our language today For example, b eef (boeuf), mutton, and vension - words o f French origin - describe meat cooked and served at the table; cattle, sheep, and deer words o f Anglo-Saxon origin - describe meat on the hoof in the field Thus, French and Anglo-Saxon vocabulary m igled in one language but still identified the realms of rulers and loborers As the Middle English period progressed, the language experienced steady reduction or loss of inflectional endings and a resultant fixing o f word order as the principal means o f conveying meaningful relationships among words in a sentence At the same time, function words (articles, prepositions, conjunctions - words like the, with, because - grew in number and importance) 177 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com French influenced not only vocabulary and meaning but also spelling and pronunciation During the Middle English period, the dialect spoken in the London area emerged as the basis for standard English - not surprising since London had become the country’s capital and was the hub o f activity for the court, the government, and the nearby universities The growing dominance o f the London dialect as the standard language was strengthened further by the fact that most o f the m ajor writers o f the late Middle Ages used it Nevertherless, the flux and uncertainty o f the time can be seen in the late-fourteen-century works of John Gower one written in Latin, one in English, and one in French This variety indicates that a single literary language was not yet dominant A short time later, however, Gower's friend Geoffrey Chaucer was writing his works in the dialect o f London, that increasingly powerful political and economic center whose influence would ultimately control the language The shift from Middle English to Modern English occurred during a series o f pronunciation changes known as the Great Vowel Shift As a result o f these changes that took place between 1350 and 1550, English began to sound more as it does today Unfortunately for modem spelling, printing was introduced to England in the Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com middle o f this shift (1476), thereby preserving a number o f M iddle English spellings that bore little resemblance to the changed pronunciation Despite these incongruities, printing had a positive effect on the developm ent o f English Printing, and the subsequent increase in people who could read and write, tended to show change and foster greater stability and standardization in both the spoken and written language Printing also helped to foster the acceptance o f English as a national language The stature o f English as a national language was signified by the great English translation o f the Bible in 1611, named the King James Bible for the monarch reigning at the time As always, change is most easily seen in vocabulary In its very early history, the Christenization of Britain brought such Latin words as Angel, candle, priest, and school into English From the Danish invasions came such basic words as they, their, them, skull, skin, anger, husband, knife, law, root, and ill Following the Norman Conquest, French borrowings flooded the language, adding thousands o f words we have inherited: dance, tax, mayor, justice, faith, battle, paper, poet, surgeon, gentle, Jlower, sun, to name just a few In the seventeenth century, Latin became greatly respected and avidly studied; hence, Latin words, always a trickle since the first Roman occupation, again poured into English, including not only 179 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com learned vocabulary but many words we think of as ordinary today: industry, educate, insane, exist, illustrate, multiply, benifit, paragraph, delicate, and the like As English reached other parts o f the world through exploration and colonization, it continued its habit of borrowing, drawing on Arabic (alcohol, assassin), Hebrew (cherub, kosher), East Indian (jungle, yoga), Japanese (fujitsu, tycoon), Spanish (adobe, canyon) and many other languages The borrowing process continues today But in the past hundred years two other developm ents have had major consequences for English The first is the rapid developm ent o f the mass education and the resulting rise in literacy The second is the advancement of science and technology Though the effect o f the first is difficult to measure, it is clear that a language reaching many o f its users in print and an even greater number through electronic mass media will develop differently from a language in which w riting is addressed to a special minority or in which speech is lim ited largely to face-to-face exchange The effect o f the technological revolution and rapid specialization is clearer It has given us a burgeoning vocabulary o f technical terms that, especially when aided by the mass media, frequently becom e a part o f the com mon langauage almost overnight 180 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com Changes in grammar since the sixteenth century, though minor compared with the earliest loss of inflections and the accompanying fixing o f word order, have continued in Modem English Reliance upon word order and function words has become even greater Questions in the form o f Consent she? and negation in the form of I say not, I run not have disappeared, to be replaced by the axiliary verb do, as in Does she consent?, I not say, I not run Verb forms with be in the pattern of He was speaking, We are going, It is being built have multiplied greatly Other changes include an increase in the number o f verbs combined with adverbs or with prepositions, as in He looked up the word, She looked over their new house, The fireplace was smoking up the room Similarly, nouns used as modifiers o f other nouns, as in college student, transitor radio, gasoline station, space flight, have becomme more common Such changes clearly show that the evolution o f the language continues From Handbook fo r Writers Nineth Edition Prentice-Hall 181 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com A M E R IC A N IS M S Early in the seventeenth century English settlers brought the English language within the borders of the present United States In using the language in this new environment they began immediately and necessarily to modify it As time passed more colonists came and the settled areas along the Atlantic coast became larger Modifications in the English brought from the homeland multiplied For a long time neither the users of this changed form o f English nor those who remained in England paid particular attention to what was happening to the language here Those in England who first noticed the changes viewed the matter with easy tolerance But in time, because o f circumstances unnecessary to detail here, this attitude changed to one o f alarm and criticism Those in this country o f sufficient education and culture to know or care about this linguistic matter were divided in their thinking Some were disposed to agree with their overseas critics and to counsel stricter adherence to orthodox use of the language; others were o f a decidedly contrary view by M itford M Mathews 182 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com nh A xuat ban hong DLTC A2, 261 Thuy Khue, Q Tay Ho * OT: (04) 728.1360 TT Ban thao & ban quyen: (04) 726.1582 Web: nxbhongduc.vn * Email: lienhe@nxbhongduc.vn VAN PHAM TIENG ANH Chiu track nhiem xuat ban: T hac sy HOANG CHI DUNG Bien tap: TH U HANG Ve bia: H U YHOANGBOOK Si(a ban in: BIENTAP.COM P H A T H A N H TA I Nha sach Huy Hoang 95 Nui True, Ba Dinh, Ha Noi Tel/Fax: (04) 736.5859 - 736.6075 Mobile: 0903.262626 Nha sach Thanh Vinh 59 Outing Tran Phu, TP Vinh, Nghe An Tel/Fax: (038) 3591.167 - Mobile: 0912.109349 www.huyhoangbook.com.vn In 2000 cuon kho 13 x l9 em tai D N T N In H a P h a t So d a n g ky KHXB: 323-2008 /CXB/112-24/HD Tn v n n p r non lifu chieu a u v IV /2008 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com ... mien dat, khong viet hoa chi phuang huang) Academic subjects I intend to register for History 322 and Sociology 500 Last year I took courses in history, sociology, German, and Latin (Vi£t hoa... boulevard correspond always boundary cough amateur bruise could ambassador budget counterfeit 122 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com analysis... enjoys working as a marketing manager during the day and going to the theatre in the evening 1 12 Download Ebook Tai: https://downloadsachmienphi.com Tron Bo SGK: https://bookgiaokhoa.com N ote:

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