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Nội dung

Trang 1




Thi HIEN TAI GIA ĐỊNH có hình thức giống như nguyên thể của động từ


_ Thi HIEN TAI GIA ĐỊNH được dùng trong mệnh đề bắt đầu bang THAT :

1) Sau các déng tir ORDER, COMMAND (ra linh), REQUEST, ASK (yéu cdu), DEMAND, REQUIRE (doi hoi), PROPOSE, SUG- GEST (dé nghi), INSIST (khang khang, nhat dinh), URGE (héi thuc, thtic giuc), hode sau danh tir cha những động từ trên

Thi du : He demanded that he be allowed to meet his lawyer

The doctor suggested that his patient stop smoking “Mother insisted that we spend our vacation in Da Lat The child urges that his father take him to the zoo - The workers’ demand was that their boss pay than full wages Our proposal is that Mr Lee be elected chairman 2) Sau các thành ngữ như ;

IT IS NECESSARY (Điều cần thiết là)

IT IS ESSENTIAL (Điều thiết yếu là)

ITISIMPERATIVE (Điều bắt buộc là) IT IS IMPORTANT (Điều quan trong la) IT IS ADVISABLE (Điều khuyên / nên làm là) TT IS URGENT (Điều cấp bách là)

Thi dụ : Ít is necessary that your mother follow the doctor's advice

Trang 2

It is advisable that you be careful in the laboratory

It is urgent that we call the police at once

Ghi chú :

Ta có thể dùng hình thức SHOULD + INFINITIVE thay cho thi PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE trong các trường hợp trên

Thí dụ : He demanded that he should be allowed to meet his lawyer It is neccessary that your mother should follow the doctor’s advice


Động từ WISH (ước ao, mong ước) và các nhém tir IF ONLY (ước gì, phải chỉ), AS IF, AS THOUGH (như thể là, ra vẻ như) thường diễn tả những ước muốn hoặc sự việc không có thật Động từ ở mệnh để theo sau được dùng ở thì :

1 PAST SUBJUNCTIVE chỉ hồn cảnh khơng có thật ¢ hién tại

Thi du :I wish (that) I had enough time to finish my work If only I knew how to cure AIDS

He is talking as if he were a great leader

2 PAST PERFECT SUBJUNCTIVE chi hoan canh khéng co that ở quá khứ

Thí dụ :I wish (that) I had gone to the seaside last Sunday If only: my parents had had enough money to buy that house yesterday

He describes the accident so vividly as though he had seen it

3 PRESENT CONDITIONAL, chi hoan cảnh không có thật ở

tuong lai

Thi du : The child wishes (that) he would go to the moon tomorrow 51

Trang 3

TẾ only I could travel around the world some day He behaves as if he would become a millionaire soon Ghi chú :




1 I feel as if my head on fire now, doctor

A is B be C was D were 2 Is it necessary that he “ with us ?

A: go B goes C went D, wil go 3 His suggestion was that we by train

A travelled B travel

C should travel -D, Both B and C are correct 4 She came in, looking very white as though she a ghost

A saw B has seen C had seen D should see 5 My brother wishes he English instead of Russian

‘when he started secondary school A would choose B had chosen

C chose D would have chosen

6 If only they us know the exam results tomorrow A will let B would let

Trang 4


She wishes she to tell you the bad news yesterday A wasn't asked B didn’t ask

C hadn’t been asked D wouldn't be asked

Tf only he me a chance, I could have told him the truth A would give B had given

C could give D would have given

My mother insisted that I my summer vacation in Da Lat A would spend B will spend

C had spend _D spend

I wish that I English fluently soon A could speak B can speak C will speak D will have spoken II TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH 1 = Họ đã yêu cầu anh chờ họ khách sạn lúc 8 giờ sáng mai Ước gì tôi sẽ được cho một chiếc xe gắn máy vào sinh nhật tới Điều cần thiết là ba của chị phải uống thuốc này đều đặn

Đứa bé ước ao nó dang bơi dưới biển

Các con tôi cứ khăng khăng đòi tôi dẫn chúng đi sở thú Ông ấy đang nói chuyện ra về như ông ta đã sống ở Phi Châu vậy

Trang 5



Đại tù quan hệ là từ được dùng để thay thế cho danh từ hoặc đại từ đứng trước và giới thiệu mệnh để tính từ

Thi du : This is my uncle, who is a teacher

- WHO : đại tù quan hệ

- WHO IS A TEACHER : ménh dé tinh tir bé nghia


Muốn sử dụng đại tù quan hệ chính xác, phải biết rõ từ đứng trước (antecedent) chỉ người (person) hoặc vật (thing / animal) và chức năng (function) của nó trong mệnh để tính từ


Things / Antecedent | : Persons Animals | Function

_Subject (ching) | 1) WHO ma) 2OWHICH -

_Object (bé ngit) ' 2) WHOM 5) WHICH

:Possessive (sở hữu) ¡ 3) WHOSE : 6) WHOSE,


Thi du : 1 The man who is standing there is Mr Brown

2 a) Miss Lan, whom you met yesterday, is a singer

(WHOM : tổ ngữ của động từ MET.) b) Is she the girl for whom you are waiting ?

(WHOM : bổ ngữ của giới từ FOR.) Câu trên có thể được viết lại như sau :

Is she the girl whom you are waiting for ?

Trang 6

3 This is my friend, whose father is a bank manager 4 The pen which is on the desk is expensive 5 a) The dress which she is wearing is beautiful

(WHICH : bé ngữ của động tir IS WEARING.) b) That is the shop in which my sister works

(WHICH : bổ ngữ của giới tir IN.) Câu Yrên có thể được viết lại như sau :

That is the shop which my sister works in

6 a) He showed me his car, whose engine was very good

(whose engine : the engine of which)

b) The dog whose hair is brown belongs to me (whose hair : the hair of which)

Ghi chu:

* Ménh dé tinh từ bắt đầu bằng đại từ quan hệ được gọi là

mệnh đề giới hạn hoặc xác dinh (restrictive / defining clause) khi nó xác định cho danh từ hoặc đại từ đứng trước Trong trường

hợp này đại tù quan hệ không nằm sau dấu phẩy (comma): * Mệnh để tính từ bắt đầu bằng đại từ quan hệ được gọi là mệnh để không giới hạn hoặc không xác định (non-restrictive /

non-deñning elause) khi nó chỉ thêm một chi tiết phụ cho danh từ hoặc đại từ đứng trước: Trong trường hợp này đại từ quan

bệ luôn luôn nằm sau đấu phấy Tù đứng trước thường chỉ tên người, tên địa danh, hoặc được bổ nghĩa bằng sở hữu tính tù, sở

hữu danh từ hoặc cụm giới từ v.V



e THAT chi duoc ding trong các mệnh đề giới han Nó khéng

bao giờ nằm sau đấu phẩy và giới từ

Ghi chứ : Có thể dùng THAT thay cho WHO và WHICH trong các câu thí dụ 1, 4 và 5a) ở phần trên

Trang 7


e Có thể bo dai tir quan hệ WHOM, WHICH và THAT khi chứng được dùng làm bổ ngữ trong mệnh đề

e Không thể bỏ đại từ quan hệ khi chứng nằm sau dấu phẩy

hoặc sau giới tù

Ghi chú : Có thể bỏ WHICH trong câu thí dụ 5a) ở phần trên


1 WHICH có thể dùng thay cho cả một mệnh để đứng trước Trong trường hợp này WHICH nằm sau dấu phẩy và có nghĩa

là "và điều này" hoặc "việc đó",

Thi du : He has passed the examination, which surprises all of us

Our team won the game, which delighted the school 2 THAT có thể dùng thay cho các từ đi trước chỉ người và vật

Thi du : I saw many soldiers and tanks that went to the battle- field

The dancers and landscapes that he painted were very lively 3 Đại từ quan hệ WHICH nằm sau một số giới từ có thể được thay bằng phó từ quan hệ (relative adverb) cho ngắn gọn

Qui tắc :

+ Giới từ chỉ nơi chốn + WHICH = WHERE (noi do)

+ Giới từ chỉ thời gian + WHICH = WHEN (khi đó, lúc đó)

+ Giới từ chỉ lý do + WHICH = WHY (tại sao)

Thí dụ : This is the house where I was born


Sunday is a holiday, when most people rest

Trang 8

There were some reasons why she didn’t go to your dinner party

(WHY = FOR WHICH) 4 Để nhấn mạnh, ta có thể dùng hình thức :

IT IS / WAS THAT / WHO = Chính

Thi du :It is your effort that will help you pass the examina- tion

It was Dr Clark that (who) gave me this medicine



The boys are playing in the garden are my cousins He finally married the girl he loved

The flowers my friend gave me have withered

Mary is the girl bicycle was stolen yesterday

Love, is a wonderful feeling, comes to everyone at some time in his life

I saw many people and cattle went to market



The man to you spoke is my boss

Swimming, is a good sport, makes people strong The decision was postponed, was exactly what they wanted

10 I know a place you can find many beautiful roses ° 11 It was Dr Fleming discovered penicillin

12 Budapest, is on the Danube, is a beautiful city

13 They showed me the hospital buildings had been destroyed by the storm



Trang 9

14 15 16 The teacher with we studied last year no longer teaches in our school

It is easy to find faults in people we dislike Tom is the boy I think is dependable




Ny Ee Alice / mother / die / last year / my friend

English / language / be / speak / over / world car / Mr Brown / driving / modern

He / doctor / see / television / yesterday ? This / be / place / accident / happen / last It / be / uncle / give me / bicycle / birthday


Example : The teacher is Miss Snow I like the teacher best


3 mẻ



The teacher whom I like best is Miss Snow The boy will be punished He threw that stone

Thanh is the girl P'm going to invite her to my dinner party The man is a doctor My parents bought the man’s house The street is very wide It leads to my school, ˆ It is the shop My sister works in the shop

Trang 10




Tính từ là từ được dùng để bể nghĩa cho danh từ (noun) hoặc

đại tir (pronoun)


1) Tính từ được dùng sau các động từ nối (linking verbs) Động

từ nối la những động từ chỉ trạng thái tĩnh, như BE (là, thì),

SEEM (đường như, có về như), BECOME (tro nén), LOOK (tréng

như, có vẻ như), FEEL (cảm thấy), SMELL (có mùi), TASTE (có

vị, SƠUND (nghe như), STAY (vẫn), REMAIN (vẫn cứ), KEEP


Thi du: They are intelligent

She looks happy

The cake tastes delicious Please keep ‘silent in class

9) Tính từ được dùng trước các danh từ mà nó bố nghĩa

Thi du: John and Robert are careful drivers He has just bought a modern car

3) Nếu có nhiều tính từ cùng bổ nghĩa cho một danh từ, thì tùy

loại tính từ, chúng được xếp theo thứ tự sau đây :



Thi du: Mark Twain was a famous, American writer

She has beautiful, big, blue eyes

He’s wearing an ugly, old, nylon shirt

Trang 11

Ghi chư : Tính từ có thể kết hợp với hiện tại phân từ (present participle) để thành lập tính từ ghép Thí dụ : good-looking : dep, dé nhin sweet-smelling : thom

good-paying : (luong) cao, hau quick-running : chay nhanh


Phó từ là từ dược dùng để bể nghĩa cho động từ, tính từ

hoặc phó từ khác

Đa số các phó từ chỉ thể cách (adverbs of manner) được thành lap bang cach thém LY vao sau tinh tit

Thi du: careful > carefully quick > quickly easy > easily


1) Phó từ được đặt ngay sau các động từ, ngoại trừ động từ nối Thi du: He drives carefully

They studied hard

2) Néu dong tir cé bé ngi (object), thi phó từ được đặt sau bổ ngữ

Thí dụ : She plays the guitar well They speak English fluently

3) Để nhấn mạnh, có thể đặt phó từ chỉ thể cách trước động tù

Thí dụ: He carefully reads the book We slowly rode along the river

4) Nếu có nhiều phó từ cùng bổ nghĩa cho một động từ, thì vị trí của chúng được xếp theo thứ tự sau đây :


Trang 12

Thi du: A bus will take the workers home in the evening She sang beautifully at the concert last Sunday

B) Phó từ có thể đứng trước bổ nghĩa cho một tính từ hoặc một

phó tù khác

Thi du: They swim very well

Your opinions are completely right It’s extremely cold in Alaska

6) Các phó từ chỉ thời gian bất định như ALWAYS (én luôn), OFTEN (thường, hay), USUALLY (thường, thông thường), SEL- DOM (it khi), RARELY (hiém khi), HARDLY (hầu như không),

NEVER (không bao giờ) được dùng :

a) Sau động từ BE và các trợ dong tir (auxiliary verbs)

Thi du: He is always late for class She will never visit you again

b) Trước các động từ khác

Thi du: My parents seldom go to the movies

Mr Brown often has lunch at 1 p.m

Ghi chu :

+ Một vài phó từ có hình thức giống như tính từ

Thí dụ : HARD (vất và, khó khăn), FAST (nhanh), EARLY (sớm), LATE (trễ)

+ Phó từ có thể kết hợp với quá khứ phân từ (past

participle) để thành lập tính tù ghép

Thi du: well-known : danh tiéng

Trang 13


I TRANSLATE INTO ENGLISH 1 tề 9 10 Mặc dù bà ấy giân, bà vẫn giữ bình tĩnh (bình tĩnh : calm)

Cô gái ấy đeo một xâu chuỗi màu xanh rất đẹp (xâu chuỗi : necklace) Đó là một tòa lâu đài Pháp cổ xưa bằng đá cẩm thạch

(đá cẩm thạch : marble, lâu đài : castle) Bà ấy trông có ve mói mệt tại cuộc họp ngày hôm qua

Họ trở nên phấn khởi khi biết tin đó, |

(phan khoi : excited) Các học sinh nói chuyện én ào trong lớp học

Bác sĩ đang khám nghiệm cho bịnh nhân đó kỹ lưỡng (bình nhân: patient)

Đồi hỏi của các công nhân là hoàn toàn hợp lý

(hop ly : logical, reasonable}

Xe cua ho sé dén day trong 20 phut

Ong ấy thường trở về nhà vào lúc nửa đêm,


sister / looking / good / job / company French / coins / box / valuable / expensive close / door / quietly / when / leave

I see / Brown / pub / ago

Trang 14





Tính từ ngắn là tính từ có 1 vần, hoặc có 2 vần nhưng tận

cùng bằng Y, OW, ER, ANT

Thí dụ : Jong, old, short, happy, noisy, narrow, clever, pleasant


_Tinh tir đài la tính từ có 2 từ vần trở lên Nếu tính từ có 2

vần thì không được tận cùng bằng Y, OW, ER, ANT Thí dụ : crowded, honest, cheerful, beautiful, expensive, comfortable l


Qui tắc AS + adjective + AS = bang

Qui tắc trên áp dung cho tính từ ngắn và tính từ đài

Thi du: He is as old as my father

Lan is as beautiful as her sister

Ghi chú : Nếu muốn diễn tả ý nghĩa "không bằng", ta theo

qui tắc sau :

NOT AS/ SO + adjective + AS) = không bằng

Thi du: His bicycle is not as new as mine She is not so careful as you (are)


a) Qui tắc áp dụng cho các tính từ ngắn

adjective + ER THAN = hơn

Trang 15


Thi du: You are thinner than he (is)

This road is narrower than that one

b) Qui tắc áp dụng cho các tính tù đài ty MORE + adjective + THAN = hon

Thi du: A car is more expensive than a motorbike Tom is more intelligent than his classmates


Qui tắc : LESS + adjective + THAN = kém hơn

Qui tắc trên áp dụng cho tính từ ngắn và tính từ dài Thí du : Ha Noi is less big than Ho Chi Minh City

This film is less interesting than the one we saw last Sunday


a) Qui tac ap dung cho các tinh tir ngắn THE + adjective + EST = nhat

Thi du : This street is the busiest

Nam is the youngest student in my class

b) Qui tắc áp dung cho các tính từ dài

THE MOST + adjective = nhất

Thi du : The manager’s office is the most comfortable Mr Brown is the most careful driver of all


Trang 16

I have half as many stamps as my brother

2) Các phó từ (adverbs) cũng theo những qui tắc so sánh như

tính từ

Thí dụ : He speaks English as fluently as my teacher This bird sings the most beautifully of all

3) Các tính từ và phó từ có hình thức so sánh bất qui tắc cấp nguyên so sánh hơn so sánh nhất GOOD / WELL BETTER THE BEST BAD / BADLY WORSE THE WORST MANY / MUCH MORE THE MOST


Thi du : This novel is better than that one

Her pronunciation is worse than her brother’s Sick people eat less than healthy ones



1 English is not difficult to learn as Russian A, more B so C less D.than 2 The Mekong River is river in Viet Nam

A the most longest B the most long C the longest D longest 3 Tan is than his brother

A as stupid B so stupid C very stupid D less stupid 4 Alice knows the teacher than I do

Trang 17



That pupil is by far the of all (by far : nhiều, bỏ xa) A lazier B laziest C so lazy D most lazy Of the two sisters, she is the

A most beautiful B same beautiful C more beautiful D as beautiful Your hobby is different mine

A, with B as C for D from

He bought the same car that your father did A as B with C to D so

Harry’s watch is more expensive than yours

Avery 8B far C, much D Both B and C are correct This book costs as that one

A twice more B two times more expensive

C twice as much D more expensive twice John’s grades are higher than

A his sister’s B his sister C that of his sister D None is correct


John is much (careful) than his brother The Pacific is (large) ocean in the world My cold is (bad) today than it was yesterday They go to the movies (frequently) as their friends He is twice (fat) as you

She takes (same) courses as her husband Which is (good) novel on the shelf ?

His drawings are (perfect) as his teacher's Nam is (noisy) student of all

Trang 18


1 Mẹ tôi là người bận rộn nhất trong gia đình

2 Anh ấy có siêng năng như các bạn học trong lớp không ?

3 Vợ của ông ấy trông đẹp như một ngôi sao điện ảnh tngôi sao điện ảnh = movie star)

4 Cô đâu đã ăn ít nhất trong bữa tiệc cưới

(cô đâu = bride; tiệc cưới : wedding party)

5 Truong cua chị thì to và đẹp hơn trường của chúng tôi

Trang 19


1 Động từ hợp với chủ ngữ (subject) về ngôi (person) và số (num- ber) Thí dụ: He is a teacher

The questions are difficult They save money to buy a house

92 Hai danh từ nối với nhau bằng AND (và) thì chia với động từ số

nhiều :

Thi du: John and Robert are students Water and oil do not mix


Nếu hai danh từ nối với nhau bing AND nhưng liên hệ đến cùng một người hoặc cùng một vật, thì chúng chia với động từ số Ít

Thí dụ: The secretary and treasurer of the club 1s Mrs Clark (Thư ký kiêm thú quï của câu lạc bộ là Bà Clark.) His best friend and adviser is going to arrive tomorrow (Người bạn tốt nhất đồng thời là cố vấn của ông ấy sẽ đến vào ngày mai.)

Bacon and egg ¡s my favourite dish

(Thịt kho/ chiên trứng là món ăn ưa thích của tôi.)


1 Nếu hai danh từ hoặc đại từ nối với nhau bằng giới tt OF, IN,

LIRE (giống nhu), WITH (với), ALONG WITH /TOGETHER WITH (cùng với); EXCEPT (trừ ra), BESIDES (ngoài ra), IN ADDITION TO (thêm vào), A8 WELL AS (cũng như), NO LESS THAN (không kém gi), SUCH AS / SUCH AS (như là) , thì động từ chia theo danh từ hoặc đại từ đứng trước giới từ

Thi du: These bottles of wine are very expensive The students in this class are hard-working

Trang 20

Robert, like his brothers, is an engineer A woman with a child is waiting for the bus

Tobacco, along with alcohol, is taxed in most countries All of us, besides John, have come to the party

The manager, as well as his assistants, has arrived They, no less than Tom, were eager to start Some sports, such as motor-racing, are dangerous

Such beauty as hers is rare

2_ Nếu hai danh từ hoặc đại từ nối với nhau bằng OR (hoặc), EITHER OR (hoặc hoặc), NEITHER NOR (cả lẫn đêu không),

NƠT ONLY BUT ALSO (không những mà còn), thì động từ chia

theo danh từ hoặc đại từ đứng ngay trước động từ

Thi du: A car or a taxi is coming Either you or he is wrong

Neither the pupil nor his parents are present Not only John but also his brother has passed the


3 Mếu EACH (mỗi), EVERY (mọi, tất cả), EITHER (mét trong hai), NEITHER (không trong hai) dùng trước danh từ số ít, hoặc dùng với OF trước danh từ số nhiều, thì chúng luôn luôn chia với động từ số ít

Thi du: Each job (Each of these jobs) takes time and patience Either dress (Hither of the dresses) looks good on you

Neither boy (Neither of the boys) has finished his homework



Thi du: Everybody was given a gift Is anyone absent today?

Nobody was there when I arrived

b EACH / EVERY + danh tit sé it, khi nối với nhau bằng AND, cũng chia với động từ số Ít

Trang 21

4 Các từ SOME (vài, một ít), PART (một phan), HALF (phan

nửa), MOST (hầu hết), NONE (không al/ vat 8), ALL (tất cả), NUM- BER (s6) c6 thé chia với động từ số ít hoặc số nhiều tùy theo nghĩa

của chúng

Thi du: All is ready Let us begin


(Mọi việc đều sẵn sàng Chúng ta hãy bắt đầu.)

All are satisfied with the examination results (Mọi người đều hài lòng với kết quả của kỳ thi.) Some of the money was stolen

(Một ít tiên đã bị lấy trộm.) Some of them are students

(Vài người trong số họ là học sinh.) None of this money is mine

(Không có đồng nào trong số tiền này là của tôi.)

None of the guests want to stay

(Không có vị khách nào muốn ở lại.)

Half of the wine has been sold

(Phân nửa số rượu đã được ban.)

He sold me a dozen eggs, half of which were bad

(Ông ấy đã bán cho tôi 12 qua trứng, phân nửa số đó bị hư.)

Most of the money was spent on clothes

(Hầu hết số tiên đó được tiêu xài vào quần áo.) Most of my friends are poor

(Hầu hết các bạn tôi thì nghèo.)

Á number of stuđents are reading in the library (Một số học sinh đang đọc sách trong thư viện.)

The number of jobless people is rather high (Số lượng những người thất nghiệp thì khá cao.) a Á number oŸ chia với động từ số nhiều

The number of chia vdi dong tir sé it

b Các phân số (fractions) cũng được dùng theo qui tắc trên Thi du: One fifth of the books are novels

(Một phần năm số sách là tiểu thuyết.)

Trang 22

5, Các danh từ CLASS (lớp), GROUP (nhóm), CROWD (đám đông), TEAM (di), FAMILY (gia dinh), COUNCIL (hội đồng), COMMIT- TEE (iiy ban), JURY (ban héi thém), AUDIENCE (khan gia), CABI- NET (néi cac), MAJORITY (da s6), PUBLIC (công chúng), GOVERN- MENT (chinh guyén), COUPLE (dai, cặp) có thể chia với động từ số ít hoặc số nhiều Chúng chia với động từ số ít khi được đùng như những đơn vị riêng lẻ, và chia với động từ số nhiều khi được xem như những cá nhân tạo nên đơn vị đó

Thi du: My class consists of 30 students -

(Lớp tôi gồm có 30 học sinh.)

Class 5B are intelligent but difficult to teach

(Các học sinh lớp 5B thì thông minh nhưng khó dạy.) An immense crowd has collected outside the embassy gates

(Một đám đông rất lớn đã tụ tập ngoài cổng đại sứ quan.) The crowd were deeply affected when they heard about the news

(Đám đông rất xúc động khi họ được thông báo tin đó.) His family is a happy one

(Gia đình ông ấy là một gia đình hạnh phúc.) My family are early risers

(Những người trong gia đình tôi đều thức dậy sớm.) A transport committee was organized last week (Một ủy ban vận tải đã được tổ chức tuân trước.) The committee have expressed differences of opinion

(Các thành viên ủy ban biểu lộ sự khác biệt ý kiến.)

The audience is quite a large one for this time of the year (Khán giả thì khá đông vào thời gian này trong năm.) The audience are returning to their seats

(Cac khan giả đang trở về chỗ ngồi của họ.)

The Government majority in the parliament is very large Thành phần đa số thân chính phủ trong quốc hội thì

rất lớn.)

The majority of the strikers are resuming work (Đa số những người đình công đang trở lại làm việc.)

Trang 23


Việc phân chia ý nghĩa các từ trên đôi khi mang tính chủ quan, do đó động từ theo sau, trong nhiều trường hợp, có thể dùng ở số ít huạc số nhiều

Thi du: Our discussion group is / are meeting this week The local council is / are in charge of repairing roads His team always play / plays well at the beginning of a game

The public is / are not allowed to enter that area The majority was / were in favour of the proposal The committee has / have decided to dismiss him 6 Các danh từ tập hợp (collective nouns) được thành lập bằng THE + ADJECTIVE thì chia với động từ số nhiều

Thi du: The sick need medical care and tenderness (Người bệnh cần sự chăm sóc y tế và sự địu hiển.) The poor get poorer; the rich get richer

(Người nghèo trở nên nghèo hơn; người giàu càng giàu hơn.)

The French like to eat well (Người Pháp thích ăn ngon.)

The wounded were taken to hospital

(Những người bị thương đã được đưa vào bệnh viện.) 7 Một chữ số (numeral) theo sau là một danh từ số nhiều chỉ thời gian (tìme), tiên bạc (money), khoảng cách (đistance) hoặc đo lường (measurement) thì chia với động từ số ít

Thí du: Five years is a long time

Ten thousand dollars is a great sum of money Three miles is a reasonable walk

Two pounds of sugar is is enough for a big birthday cake 8 Một số danh từ là tên của bệnh tật, môn chơi, môn thể thao, môn học, khoa học hoặc quốc gia, tuy có hình thức số nhiều, nhưng

lại chia với động từ số ít, Một số danh từ thuộc loại này la: RICKETS

(bệnh còi xương), MUMPS (bệnh quai bị), MEASLES (bệnh sởi), BIL- LIARDS (mén bi da), ATHLETICS (dién kinh), POLITICS (chinh tri), MATHEMATICS (toan hoc), STATISTICS (thong ké), PHYSICS (vat

Trang 24

ly), NEWS (tin tic), THE UNITED STATES (nước Mỹ), THE PHIL- TPPINES (nước Phi Luật Tân)

Thí dụ: Rickets has made these children unable to develop Billiards is not only a men’ s game

Athletics builds strong muscles Politics is an uncertain career The news is not true

The United States is a very powerful country

9 Tựa một câu chuyện, một bài báo, một cuốn sách hoặc một bài hát, mặc dù hình thức có thể ở số nhiều, nhưng chia với động từ số it

Thi du: “Thirteen Days In The Desert” sounds like the best title “Gulliver’ s Travels” has been enjoyed by most readers “Seven Days’ Wait” is one of my favourite songs

10 Các danh từ PEOPLE (ngudi ta), POLICE (canh sat), POUL- TRY (gia cam), CATTLE (trau bd, gia suc) tuy có hình thức số ít nhưng chia với động từ số nhiều

Thi du: Don’t mind what people say

The police are investigating the murder The poultry have been fed

Cattle were allowed to graze in the cemetery

11, Các danh từ FURNITURE (dé dac), LUGGAGE (hanh ly), EQUIPMENT (thiét bi), MACHINERY (máy móc), TR.AFETC (sự lưu thông), INFORMATION (su thong tin), KNOWLEDGE (kiến thức), ADVICE đời khuyên), SCENERY (phong cảnh) luôn luôn ở đạng số ít và chia với động từ số Ít

Thi du: The furniture in this room is very expensive Her luggage was over the normal weight

The traffic has increased rapidly in the downtown areas The information on this matter was inaccurate

Much new machinery has been imported My advice to you is to wait until he returns The mountain scenery attracts all tourists

Trang 25




1 The millionaire, along with his wife and children, often (travel/ travels) abroad

2 The equipment in these factories (is / are) very modern

3 Physics (has / have) made enormous progress in this century 4 Ten dollars (was / were) what he owed

5 The police (want / wants) to interview Fred about a robbery 6 A number of reporters (was / were) at the conference yesterday

7 Every other girl except you (is / are) wearing jeans

8 Mumps (is/are) a very unpleasant disease

9 Neither you nor I (was / were) invited to her wedding party

10 Almost every family in the village (own / owns) a television 11 What time (is / are) the news on television?

12 Everybody (is / are) satisfied with the exam results 13 Half of the money (belong / belongs) to me

14 The group (is / are) complaining about their working conditions

15 The blind (walk / walks) in complete darkness 16 My information (is / are) that they have all left

17 Doyle’s THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES (has / have) been enjoyed by most readers

18 The number of people who attended the meeting (was / were) surprisingly small

19 The class (was / were) confused by the tricky questions on the


20 Every article and every illustration (has / have) been approved Il WRITE THE CORRECT TENSE FORM OF THE VERB, AS DIRECTED 1 My grandfather, as well as my parents, (COME ~ Present per- fect) to my graduation

2 Too much food and rest (MAKE ~ Simple present) circus ani- mals lazy

Trang 26

3 Two hours and a half (BE — Simple past) the time allowed for the test

4, Neither they nor their opinion ever (CHANGE - Simple present) 5 Not only Mr Parker’s neighbours but also his wife (BEGIN — Present continuous) to wonder at his behaviour

6 Every man, woman and child (INFECT — Simple past, passive) with cholera

7 John and I (BE ~ Simple present) going to play tennis

8 The producer and director, Mr David, (BE — Simple present) the speaker

9 The young (BE ~ Simple present) enthusiastic, but they (LACK Simple present) wisdom

10 The rocks in the soil (MAKE — Simple present) ploughing dif- ficult

11 The news of the victories (CAUSE — Present perfect) great excitement

12 The children (ENJ! OY — Present continuous) themselves; none (BE — Simple present) ready to leave

13.The number of times that our team (TRY — Present perfect) to win the game (BE — Simple present) fantastic

14 Either the doctor or the nurses (TAKE — Simple present) care of changing the bandages every day

15 Everybody who (HAVE — Simple present) a fever must go home immediately

16 There (BE — Simple past) lots of furniture on display in the furniture department

17 Economics (TEACH — Simple past, passive) by Professor X 18 If either of my friends (NOT GO - Simple present), I'll have room for you

19 The traffic (INCREASE — Present perfect) recently, but little (DO — Present perfect, passive) to improve parking facilities

20 Someone who (SMOKE — Simple present) cigars (BE — Present perfect) here recently

Trang 27



1.| Subject + USED TO + INFINITIVE | = da thuong, da tung Thi du :He used to visit me on Sundays last year

When I was young, I used to swim in this river Mrs Lan isn’t as beautiful as she used to

2 [| Subject + BE/ GET USED TO + VERB-ING / NOUN = quen / tro nén quen voi Thi du : My mother is used to getting up early in the morning

You will get used to speaking English They are not used to hot weather 3 | Subject + HAVE + OBJECT + INFINITIVE + OBJECT (person) (thing)

= nhờ, sai, bảo Thi du :I had him repair your motorbike yesterday

The manager always has his secretary type the letters Ghi chú : Nếu thay động từ HAVE bằng GET, TELL, ASK, ORDER, thì phải dùng TO-INFINITIVE theo sau

Thi du :I got him to repair your motorbike yesterday

4, | Subject + HAVE / GET + OBJECT (thing) + PAST PARTICIPLE | = nhờ, sai, bảo (+ By + Agent) Thí dụ :I have my hair cụt once a month

Trang 28

It will take our plane 30 minutes to arrive in Ha Noi It took him several days to repair the car

6 [Subject + Verb + TOO + Adjective / ‘Adverb (+ FOR Somebody) = qua khéng thé Ỉ + TO - INFINITIVE

Thi du : He is too young to go to school He spoke too fast to understand,

The questions are too difficult for us to answer The box was too heavy for the child to carry

Ghi chú :Nếu bổ ngữ của động từ theo sau thuộc cùng một người hoặc vật với chủ ngữ của động từ đi trước, thì ta không nhắc lại nó

Thi du : The book is too expensive for me to buy (Khéng ding IT sau BUY.)

7 [ Subject + Verb + SO + Adjective / Adverb + THAT - Clause |

= qua dén néi

Thi du :I am so busy that I have no time to visit you My father was so sick that he couldn't go to work

He spoke so fast that I couldn't understand him 8 [ Subject + Verb + SUCH (a/an) + Adjective + Noun + THAT - Clausel

= qua đến noi

Thi du : It was such hot tea that I couldnt drink it She is such a kind girl that everybody loves her He asked me such difficult questions that I couldn't answer them

9 | Subject + Verb + Adjective / Adverb + ENOUGH (+ FOR Somebody? |

= kha / đủ nên / để | + TO - INFINITIVE Thi du-: She is sick enow, h to need a doctor

The policeman ran quickly enough to catch the thief

The questions wer: easy enough for them to answer

He will speak English slowly enough for us to understand

Trang 29

Ghi chú : Nếu bổ ngữ của động từ theo sau thuộc cùng một

người hoặc vật với chủ ngữ của động từ di trước thì ta không

nhặc lại nó

10 | BECAUSE + Clause (Subject + Verb) | _ vì / bởi vì

BECAUSE OF + Adjective + Noun

Thí dụ : He is absent because he is sick

——> He is absent because of his sickness

Because it rained heavily, he didn’t go to work, ——— Because of the heavy rain, he didn’t go to work,

Ghi chu : Sau BECAUSE OF đôi khi có thể dùng một cụm

từ bắt đầu bằng VERB-ING

Thí dụ : Because of being lazy, he was punished by the teacher

(Because of his laziness, he was punished by the teacher.) 11 | THOUGH / ALTHOUGH + Clause (Subject + Verb )

DESPITE / IN SPITE OF + Adjective + Noun

= cho dù, mặc dù Thí dụ : Though it rained heavily, they went to the meeting

——— Despite the heavy rain, they went to the meeting Although the weather was cold, he went out swimming —— In spite of the cold weather, he went out swimming

12 | EITHER OR ~= hoặc hoặc (một trong hai)

Thí dụ : She is either a doctor or a nurse

He is living either in Paris or in London Either you or lạm wrong

Ghi chu ‘Dong từ dùng sau OR được chia với chủ ngữ đứng ngay trước nó

Thi du :She’s neither a singer nor an actress

Trang 30

Neither you nor he was invited to the party

Ghi chú :Động từ dùng sau NOR duoc chia với chủ ngữ đứng

ngay trước nó

14.| BOTH AND = vừa vừa cả lẫn Thí dụ :He is both a doetor and a professor

Both he and his wife are teachers

15 | NOT ONLY BUT ALSO = khơng những mà cưn Ạ ~ vây


Thí du : She is not only beautiful but also kind ———» She is not only beautiful but kind as well

He not only visited me but he also gave me a present —— + He not only visited me but he gave me a present as well

16 | NO SOONER (past: perfect) + THAN (simple past) HARDLY (past perfect) + WHEN (simple past)

= vừa mới thì Thí dụ : He had no sooner left the office than the phone rang

I had, hardly got out when it began to rain

Ghi chú NO SOONER va HARDLY thường được đặt ở đầu câu với sự đảo ngược của chủ ngữ và động từ theo sau

Thí dụ :No sooner had he left the office than the phone rang Hardly had J got out when it began to rain

17 | Subject + Verb + TOO

Trang 31

18 | Subject + Verb (negative) + EITHER = cũng không

NEITHER + Verb (affirmative) + Subject

Ghi chú :Qui tắc trên được dùng sau một câu nói phủ định Thí dụ : | He dịdnt either

T didn't go to the movies | Neither did he

| Her friends can't either She can't speak Chinese | Neither can her friends

19 | IT + BE + Adjective (+ FOR somebody) + TO - INFINITIVE |

= Thật là để

Thi du -.Itls difficult to speak English fluently It_is not easy for you to look for a good job

It_was hard for me to find an banana when I was living in France

20 | IT + IS + Time + SINCE (simple past) = Thời gian là

Thi du : It is 2 years since my grandfather died It_is over 6 months since they left for France

31 [TT + BE + Adjective + OF somebody + TO - INFINITIVE |

= Người nào đó thật là khi

Thí dụ : It is kind of him to help us

It_was stupid of her not to follow the doctor’s advice

22, [ IT + BE + NOT UNTIL THAT - Clause | = Cho dén méi

Thi du : It is not until 2002 that I will graduate from university It was not until my sister was 30 years old that she got married

23 [Subject + DO/DOES/DID + INFINITIVE | = That su,

vô cùng (để nhấn mạnh vào động từ) Thí dụ : He does speak English fluently

We do want to see you again

I did see your sister at the theatre last Sunday

Trang 32



My parents will them build a new house

A.ask B hire C tell D have

The book is too expensive for me

A not to buy B not buy C to buy D can’t buy Mr Clark is used to tea after meals

A drinking B drink CC be dtunk —D have drunk Tt a two hours to translate the letter into English A spent B needed C took D asked It was hot weather that we couldn't sleep A so B very C too D such Please have this parcel to the manager

A send B sending C sent D to be sent They couldn’t cross the street the heavy traffic A because B because of _-C despite D although Her brother is a worker nor a farmer

A neither B either C both D nor - Either you or I going to be chosen for the job A are B, am C have ‘Dz to be

No sooner had he arrived he began to make trouble A so B as C when D than

Despite the plane took off on time A the fog was heavy C the heavy fog

B having heavy fog D there was heavy fog He plays tennis on Sundays

A His friends play so C His friends do too

B So do his friends D Both B and C are correct

You are to pass the examination A too good C very good

Trang 33

14 15

B so good D good enough It is easy you to find her address

A for B so C with D in order to

I couldn’t answer the questions My classmates couldn't A neither B either C too D so

Il REWRITE THESE SENTENCES, BEGINNING WITH THE GIVEN WORDS 1, 6 10 11 12 He may be living in Paris He may be living in London He is living either I couldn't hear the speaker's voice because it was very noisy Recause of My sister got married 3 years ago It is We had hardly talked about him when he arrived Hardly Although Nam is poor, he studies very hard In spite of My sister doesn’t like him I don’t like him

Neither :

My parents will ask him to cut down that tall tree My parents will have

Trang 34

13 The water was very cold The chỉldren couldnt swim ïn it It was such 14 He is rather rich He can buy a new house He is rich enough 15 She is very beautiful Her sister is very beautiful Both she Ul BUILD A COMPLETE SENTENCE WITH THE GIVEN WORDS

house / be / expensive / parents /-to buy it / take / years / build / school

grandfather / so weak / not carry / suitcase Mr Brown / not only / engineer / also / artist we / have / house / paint / every year

brother / not silly / as / used to you / tall enough / play / basketball though / he / 4 years / play / guitar / well Miss Alice / neither / teacher / doctor I/ not / used / sleeping late / night




Trang 35


MẠO TỪ (trang 7 - 8)

I 1 The/ the/— 8 the/— 15 —/an

2 the 9 —/the 16 the/a

3 the/a 10 the/the/— 17 the/the

4, —/a 11 — 18 —/a/—

5 the 12, —/the 19 the/an

6 —/a 13 —/the 20 the/—

7 —/the/a 14 the/a

I 1A 2D 3B 4B 5D 6C 7.D 8A 9C 10C CAC THi CAN BAN (trang 11)

1 drinks 6 doesn’t rain

died 7 are having

is writing 8 Did you find

taught 9 returns




is leaving (will leave) 10 danced

My father usually plays tennis at (on) weekends They are building a (the) bridge at the moment

I get up at 6 o’clock every morning

The workers go to the (their) factory by bus every day Mr Brown bought the (a) car two weeks ago We are having (will have) a party next Sunday The baby is sleeping in the room now

Lan and I didn’t go to the movies last Sunday My sister worked for (in} this company from 1980 to 1985 The (That) pupil is often late for class

_ c

Trang 36

CÁC THỈ CĂN BẢN (TIẾP THEO 1) (trang 14 - 15)

1 have ridden 6 has taught (has been teaching) was shopping 7 have slept (have been sleeping) was writing 8 have ever seen

haven't known 9 Have you received was driving 10 met / have been

11 My brother has just graduated from university The farmers have been working in the fields for two hours So far he has made good progress in his studies Ben Pa RON This is the second time J have seen Michael Jackson on television

When it rained, the children were playing in the garden The bell rang while we were having dinner

John has repaired the (his) bicycle since 7 o'clock



My parents have already bought a new house in the countryside

9 We haven't heard from her during the last two weeks 10 Mr Green has just left London for Paris

CAC THi CAN BAN (TIEP THEO 2) (trang 19 - 20)

I 1 should use 6 will have returned 2 would meet 7 shall (will) be swimming 8 will be working 8 had already left 4 will have recovered 9 would visit 5 will go (am going/am going to go) 10 had they visited Il 1 I will have been studying English for five years by

the end of this month :

2 My sister won't get married until she is 25 years old 3 The child had died before he was brought to hospital

Trang 37

There will be an English class in this room tomorrow morning

5 The secretary had typed the letters before 5 p.m yesterday 6 You should be carful when crossing (you cross) the street

BAI TAP ON CAC THi (trang 21 - 22 - 23) : LC 6.D 11B 16.A 2LA

2.A TA 12.C 17.B 22B 3.B 8.C 18.C 18.C 23.D 4.D 9.A 14.D 19.D 24.4 5.C 10.D 15.C 20.C 25.C

DONG TU NGUYEN THE (trang 25 - 26)

1 1, 2 3 4 5, 6 7 8 9 10 I 1 2 3 4 5 6

He promised to go to your birthday party

Her address is easy to find / It is easy to find her address We get up early to review the lesson

The police asked them not to play football in the street They will arrive at 5 p.m

You should study this lesson carefully His parents made him tell the truth Let me carry this heavy box for you I heard her sing on (the) radio

She felt something creeping on her back T hope to see the doctor at the meeting

The teacher ordered his students to keep silent in class When he got home, he saw his children sitting on the floor

It’s not easy to meet the manager in his office My parents always make me go to bed early You are good enough to pass the examination

DANH DONG TU (trang 29)

Il 2 3 86

They sold their house before going abroad His arriving (coming) late upset our plan

Trang 38

I: Cwm rì Œ ÔN wà 10 Tek ENP >

You should avoid going out at night

By practising English every day, you can speak it fluently He was near dying in a car accident

We are considering giving her a present (gift) for her birthday Please stop making noise in the hospital !

I couldn't help buying some beautiful roses for my mother I remember reading this book when I was a child I look forward to receiving your letter

We don't mind waiting for some more minutes She likes reading romantic stories

My father is used to drinking tea after meals The children are busy collecting shells on the beach We enjoy spending our summer vacation in Da Lat

THE BI DONG (trang 33 - 34)

1 OW Ø TỊ Ơ CB 0 bọ ï Pe PO 13 14

Our house is painted every four years

We have been disappointed very much by the movie The lecture was attended by many people yesterday Your things may be left here

The house couldn’t be sold at that price by Mr Clark Several new schools are being built in our town ~ He has been niade to work like a horse by his parents

When we first came here, this bridge hadn't been built yet

TV programs should be made more interesting for children She was prevented from taking the medicine

She is believed to be living in London It is believed that she is living in London He is said to be the richest man in our town It is said that he is the richest man in our town Researches on AIDS began to be carried out by scientists

in 1980

Trang 39

15 a PF WON All the dinner had been eaten before the conversation was finished

The bridge has been built since 1995

I was asked many questions by the manager yesterday A new dress was made for my daughter by Miss Lee The chairs will be carried into the house by the boy tomorrow The report is being typed by the secretary at the moment He is said to be a great leader

CAC CAU DIEU KIEN (trang 38 - 39)

88 1 IL Til _

HI Tp ww

_ ro

On R wn,

invited 11 would be

will go 12 had risen

wouldn't have punished 13 would have had

will you do 14 were

passed 15 was

rains 16 would have got

would make 17 will go

had had 18 would get

would get 19 wouldn't come

wouldn’t have got 20 had played / would have won " he is busy

fees you could have passed the examinations sex, you promised to keep it carefully " she wouldnt have been late for cÌass se were a holiday, I would go to the movies

If they attend class regularly, they won’t worry about the examinations

If you eat too much, you will be sick

Unless your uncle stops smoking, he may die of lang cancer If they know the truth, they will be unhappy

Trang 40

THỂ GIÁN TIẾP (trang 44 - 45)

1 1 > to œ m0 0œ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

se, he had already read that book

tru that he wanted to buy a gift for their mother " where they were living

" if I knew the girl over there " Nam why he didn’t go to bed " if he might use my telephone " to come into his office

sua not to get off the bus while it was going tenes to take a look at himself in the mirror va not to put my elbow on the table

He said that they had gone away the day before Tom said that he had lived there for ten years The manager told his assistant that he was going to Paris the following week

My friend said that he (she) hadn’t done his (her) homework

Mother said that she thought it wouldn't rain that evening Mr Clark asked John why he was so sad

She wondered if it was time to go

They asked me if I slept in the afternoon

Mary asked me why I hadn't come there the Sunday before The, traveller asked me how long it took to get to Hanoi

by plane

Susan told Tom not to sit on her bed

The teacher ordered us to leave our books on the table She told me not to call her again at that late hour Father told his children to hurry up if they wanted to go with him

The driver asked me if I was ready to start and told me that the car was waiting at the gate

The woman told me to open the windows and said

that/because it was s0 hot in that room

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2022, 13:45
