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TRƯỜNG THCS NGUYÊN XÁ ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN TẬP MÔN TIẾNG ANH Phần 1: Grammar and structures Present simple tense( Thì đơn ): a Form (cấu trúc): (+) I/ We/ You/ They + V(bare-inf) + O He/ She/ It + V(s/es) + O (-) I/ We/ You/ They + not (don’t) + V(bare-inf) + O He/ She/ It + does not (doesn’t) + V(bare-inf) + O (?) Do + I,We,You,They + V(bare-inf) + O ? Does + He/She/It + V(bare-inf) + O ? * Cách chia động từ đơn với chủ ngữ số (Quy tắc thêm s, es): - Thêm “S” vàtwftaanj hầu hết động từ: Vd: live  lives, speak  speaks, play  plays, - Thêm “S” vào động từ tận CH, O, S, SH, X, Z: Ví dụ: watch  watches, go  goes, miss  misses, … - Những động từ có tận “Y,” phải đổi “Y” thành “I” thêm “ES”: Vd: study  studies, fly  flies, … NHƯNG: PLAY  PLAYS - Ngoại lệ: be  am/ is/ are, have  has * Cách phát âm s, es: Có cách /iz/, /s/ /z/ - Nếu từ kết thúc bằng- s, -ss,- ch,- sh,- x,-z (-ze),- o,- ge,- ce ta phát âm /iz/ Mẹo ♥ "sẵn-sàng-chung-shức-xin-z-ơ-góp-cơm" vd: changes/ iz/ ; practices/ iz/ - Nếu từ kết thúc :-/ð/,-k,-p- t,- f phát âm /s/: cooks /s/ ; stops / s/ Mẹo ♥ : 'thời phong kiến phương tây" Lưu ý : 'laugh' phiên âm : [la: f ] nên chia : laughs đọc /s/ ( từ đặc biệt cần nhớ) - Những từ lại phát âm /z/ : plays /z/, stands /z/ b Use (cách dùng): - Diễn tả việc tại, thói quen Vd: I oFten get up at o’clock - Diễn tả thật, tượng tự nhiên Vd: The sun rises in the East and sets in the West - Diễn tả kế hoạch định sẵn tương lai (lịch trình) Vd: They collect and empty garbage on January c Từ kèm (dấu hiệu nhận biết): always / usually / often / sometimes / everyday,… Past simple tense (Thì khứ đơn): a *Form (cấu trúc): (+) S + V(ed/ cột 2) + O Với động từ tobe: S + was/ were ………… * Cách thêm (Quy tắc) ed với động từ có quy tắc: - Thêm –ed vào sau hầu hết động từ nguyên mẫu e.g visit > visited work > worked watch > watched - Nếu động từ tận –e thêm –d: live -> lived, race > raced - Nếu động từ tận phụ âm + y đổi y thành i thêm ed: dry > dried Nhưng : stay > stayed enjoy > ẹnoyed - Nếu động từ có nguyên âm + phụ âm, gấp đôi phụ âm cuối thêm ed: shop > shopped wrap > wrapped plan > planned - Nếu động từ có hai vần trở lên, tận nguyên âm đơn + phụ âm, có trọng âm cuối cùng, gấp đơi vần cuối thêm ed: e.g occur > occurred prefer > preferred; Nhưng : enter > entered - Không gấp đôi phụ âm cuối x, w, y: snow > snowed fix > fixed * Đối với động từ bất quy tắc: động từ khứ chia cột bảng động từ bất quy tắc e.g > did give > gave go > went (-) S + did not (didn’t + V(bare-inf) Với tobe: S + was not (wasn’t)/ were not (weren’t) … e.g - You didn’t understand me e.g - That was not a good story (?) Did + S + V(bare-inf) Với to be: Was/ Were + S + … e.g - Were you sick? - What did you at Christmas? b Use (cách dùng): Thì khứ đơn dùng để chỉ: - Hành động, kiện xảy thời điểm xác định khứ e.g Tom visited China last year - Hành động thực khoảng thời gian khứ, hoàn toàn chấm dứt e.g He lived in Hanoi from 1990 to 2000 (hiện khơng cịn sống Hà Nội) - thói quen khứ e.g When I was young, I ofen went swimming in that river c Từ kèm (dấu hiệu nhận biết): trạng từ thời gian: ago, last night/ week/ month…, yesterday… d Phát âm: cách phát âm động từ có quy tắc dạng khứ đơn –ed: - Nếu động từ tận âm /t/ /d/, ed thêm vào đọc /id/ need > needed want > wanted decide > decided - Nếu động từ tận âm /f/, /k/, /p/, /s/, /∫/, /f∫/, / ks/, ed thêm vào đọc /t/ wash > washed book> booked stop > stopped watch > watched wash > washed fax > faxed laugh > laughed - Nếu động từ tận âm khác hai trường hợp trên, ed thêm vào đọc /d/ play > played plan > planed offer > offered Thì hoàn thành (Present perfect tense): a Form (cấu trúc): (+) I/ You/ We/ They + have She/ He/ It + has + PP(ed/ cột 3) (-) I/ You/ We/ They + have She/ He/ It + has + NOT + PP(ed/ cột 3) (?) Have + You / We / They Has + She/ He/ It + PP(ed/ cột 3) Cách thành lập khứ phân từ PP (past participle): - Động từ có quy tắc: thêm –ed vào sau động từ nguyên mẫu: visit > visited, finish >finished - Động từ bất quy tắc: động từ chia cột (V3- past participle) bảng động từ bất quy tắc: > done give > given go > gone see > seen know > known - Rút gọn: have not > haven’t, has not > hasn’t b Use (cách dùng): Thì hồn thành dùng để diễn tả: - Hành động vừa xảy e.g I have just bought some English books - Hành động chưa xảy không đề cập đến thời gian e.g Have you eaten dinner yet? Yes, I have already eaten dinner/ No, I have not eaten dinner yet - Chỉ trải nghiệm e.g Daisy has read that novel several times eg Thís is the first time I have met thís man eg, I have never seen this film before - Hành động bắt đầu khứ, kéo dài đến có khả tiếp tục tương lai Cách dùng thường dùng với for since e.g Mary has lived in the town for ten years - Hành động xảy kết thúc qúa khứ để lại kết qủa eg The car looks clean because he has washed it c Từ kèm (dấu hiệu nhận biết): Các trạng từ thường dùng với hồn thành: just, recently, lately, ever, never, already, yet, since, for, sofar, until now, up to now, up to the present - For: + khoảng thời gian e.g I haven’t seen him for six days - Since: + mốc thời gian e.g I haven’t seen him since 1986 - Ever : có bao giờ, đùng câu hỏi, câu khẳng định e.g Have you ever played cricket? - Never: dùng với động từ khẳng định mang nghĩa phủ định (never = not ever) e.g I’ve never ridden motorbike in my like - Already: ….rồi: thường dùng câu khẳng định để diễn đạt điều xảy sớm mong đợi để nhấn mạnh hành động hoàn tất already thường đứng câu e.g What time is Sandra leaving? She has already left - Yet: Vẫn chưa: dùng câu phủ định câu hỏi Not….yet thường dùng để diễn đạt điều mong đợi tương lai hay khứ để nhấn mạnh hành động chưa hoàn tất e.g I haven’t received a letter from him yet Trong câu hỏi, yet dùng để hỏi xem điều người nói mong đợi xảy chưa e.g Has the postman come yet? Be going to: a Form (cấu trúc): S + am/ is/ are + going to + V(bare-inf) b Use (cách dùng): Diễn tả dự định chắn thực tương lai gần Vd: - I am going to buy a new hat for my sister Tôi mua mũ cho em gái - They are going to go fishing this afternoon Họ dự định câu cá chiều - I’m going to visit my grandma this weekend - She is going to be a singer Use to: từng, thường a Form (Hình thức): (+) S + used to + V(bare-inf) (-) S + didn’t + used to + V(bare-inf) (?) Did + S + used to + V(bare-inf) ? b Usage (cách dùng): Diễn tả hành động, việc thường xảy khứ, khơng cịn c Example (Vd): - Last year, I used to go swimming Năm ngoái ,tôi thường bơi - My father used to drink beer,but now he doesn’t Cha thường uống bia, khơng - I didn’t use to get up early a year ago Cách năm không thường thức dậy sớm Trạng từ mức độ “ENOUGH” (adv): đủ để a) The house is big enough for us to live in (Ngôi nhà lớn đủ để ở) b) She is beautiful enough to become Miss World (Cô đẹp đủ để trở thành hoa hậu giới) S + be + adj + enough + (for + O) + to- inf Trạng từ mức độ “TOO” (adv): (too…to-inf: Quá….không thể) a) He is too young to ride a motorbike b) The weather was too cold for us to go out S + be + TOO + adj + (for + O) + toinfinitive Quá ………không thể MODAL VERBS (Động từ khiếm khuyết): must , have to , ought to , should a) must : phải We must go now Tôi phải (sự cần thiết) You mustn’t talk in class Các em khơng nói chuyện lớp (sự bắt buộc) There are big clouds It must rain soon Có đám mây lớn Trời mưa (sự suy luận) b) have to : phải I have to my homework Tôi phải làm tập (sự cần thiết) c) ought to You ought to obey your parents Các em phải lời bố mẹ (bổn phận) You ought to study harder Các em nên học hành chăm (lời khuyên) d) should You should study harder Các em nên học hành chăm (lời khuyên) You shouldn’t stay up late Bạn không nên thức khuya (lời khuyên) Giới từ thời gian: (Hs cần bổ sung thêm vào phần để trống) - at ( lúc, vào lúc) dùng cho thời gian ngày vào ngày lễ e.g at o’clock, at 11:45, at midnight, at Christmas - on ( vào) dùng cho ngày, ngày tháng, ngày tháng năm ngày cụ thể e.g on Wednesday, on 15 April, on 20 July 1992, on Christmas day , on Friday morning, on my birthday - in ( trong, vào): dùng cho tháng năm mùa kỷ buổi ngày ( ngoại trừ at night) e.g in 1998 in September in March 1999 in the winter in the 21st century in the 1970s in the morning - after: sau, sau e.g shortly after six ( sau sáu chút) after lunch, half after seven in the morning( nửa tiếng sau bảy vào buổi sang) I’ll see you after the meeting - before: trước, trước e.g before lunch, two days before Christmas , the day before yesterday She regularly goes for a run before breakfast - between: hai khoảng thời gian e.g between pm and am, between Monday and Friday I’m usually free between Tuesday and Thursday Lưu ý: - Không dùng giới từ in, on, at trước every, last, next, this, tomorrow, yesterday… - Các giới từ thời gian: about, by, during, for, from, since, till, until, to, - for (trong khoảng) + khoảng thời gian e.g for two hours ( hai giờ), for 20 minutes ( 20 phút), for five days( năm ngày), for a long time, for ages( khoảng thời gian dài)… - since ( từ, từ khi) + mốc thời gian: e.g Since ten past six( từ 6h10), since Monday ( từ thứ hai), since yesterday ( từ hôm qua), since 1987 ( từ năm 1987), since we were children ( từ chúng tơi cịn nhỏ),… - till/ until: đến, e.g He’ll be at work until/ till half past five Anh làm việc đến 5h30 I slept from 9am till/ until 4pm Tôi ngủ từ 9h sang đến 4h chiều - up to: đến, e.g Up to now he’s been quiet Cho đến anh im lặng 10 SO AS(not) TO = IN ORDER (not)TO : (cụm giới từ) SO THAT (liên từ): S + V + so as (not) to – infinitive S + V + so that + S + can (not) / could(not) + V Ex : We study hard so as to get good marks Chúng tơi học hành chăm để đạt nhiều điểm tốt We study hard in order to get good marks We study hard so that we can get good marks 11 REPORTED SPEECH (Câu tường thuật gián tiếp): Câu tường thuật câu kể lại lời người khác nói A- Câu tường thuật với yêu cầu mệnh lệnh (requests & commands): asked / told S + / warned + O (not) + to-infinitive ordered / requested a) She asked her son ,”Do your exercices carefully”  She asked her son to his exercices carefully b) He said to me, “Don’ make so much noise”  He asked me not to make so noise B- Câu tường thuật với lời khuyên (advice): S + said (that) + S + should / shouldn’t + V told + O S + advised Sb + to + V/ not to V a) My mother said to me,”You should go to bed early” Mẹ nói với tôi, “Con nên ngủ sớm.”  My mother said that I should go to bed early Mẹ nói nên ngủ sớm b) The police said to him , “ You shouldn’t ride your bike too fast” Chú cơng an nói với cậu ấy, “Cháu khơng nên đạp xe nhanh.” ) The police said that he shouldn’t ride his bike too fast Chú công an nói cậu khơng nên đạp xe q nhanh 12 Reflexive pronouns (Đại từ phản thân hay nhấn mạnh): Subject I you We They He she It Reflexive Yourself/ Myself Ourselves Themselves Himself Herself Itself pronouns yourselves - Theo sau động từ (enjoy, look at, cut, dress, serve ) làm O(tân ngữ) động từ; cho biết chủ ngữ tân ngữ người Oh I cut myself I look myself in the mirror - Đặt sau chủ ngữ hay tân ngữ để nhấn mạnh cho chủ ngữ hay tân ngữ I myself was new here last year I saw Tan himself yesterday - Đặt sau từ BY mang ý nghĩa You should it by yourself 13 Comparison (so sánh): Comparison Comparative (So sánh hơn) Superlative ( So sánh nhất) Short adj S +V+ adj _er + than + S2 S + V + the adj –est + n ( tÝnh tõ small → smaller; big → small → the smallest; big → the biggest bigger ng¾n) Long adj S +V+ more + adj + than + S2 S + V + the most + adj + n ( tÝnh tõ expensive → more expensive expensive → the most expensive beautiful → more beautiful beautiful → the most beautiful dµi) * So sánh - S1 + be (not) + as + adj + as + S2 Vd: Tam is (not) as tall as his brother * So sánh giống khác - S1 + V(not) the same as + S2 Vd: My book is (not) the same as yours - S1 + V + different from + S2 Vd: My hat is different from yours 14 Adverbs of manner (trạng từ thể cách): * Cấu tạo: Adj + ly= Adv of manner Một Số từ đặc biệt - Hard- hard / hardly: không - Late- late / lately:gần - Fast- fast - early- early - good- well * Cách dùng - Đứng sau động từ hoạt động sau O động từ bổ nghĩa cho động từ eg She can speak English well eg I can dance beautifully Note: Some adverbs have two form but have different meanings and uses Phần 2: Exercises (Hs làm giÊy) I Điền hình thức động từ ngoặc: 1/ The Sun (rise) in the east and (set) in the west 2/ My grandma (use) to tell me the folktales 3/ She (not like) playing soccer 4/ Where you (be) going to visit next summer? I (visit) Hue 5/ They (work) in this company for ten years 6/ My mother has to (clean)the floor everyday 7/ He (not write)to his friend since Monday 8/ Students must (go) to school on time 9/ I (get) a letter from my old friend yesterday 10/ Where he (use to)live before he moved here? II Hồn thành câu sau, dùng hình thức so sánh phù hợp: 1/ My house isn’t as (big) her house 2/ Milk is (expensive) than mineral water 3/ This hotel is (cheap) in the town 4/ She is wearing a hat (same) mine 5/ Ho Chi Minh City is (big) than Ha Noi 6/ February is (short) of the year 7/Life in the city is (busy) 8/ Nam is (intelligent) in my class 9/ Lan is (pretty) as her sister 10/ Her hobbies are (different) from yours IV Điền vào chỗ trống với giới từ 1/ They have built this house………… a long time 2/ We have lived … An Lao… 14 years 3/ There are some books…… the table…… the right corner…….the room 4/ The course begins……January and ends … April 5/ I usually watch TV ……the evening 6/ The stadium is in…………of my house 7/ He often gets up……….5.30……… the morning but…….Sunday morning he gets up late 8/ English learners learn words ………… different ways 9/ Thank you very much ……… lending me your bike 10/ I got good grades………….English and Math last semester 11/ All students enjoy taking part …………outdoor activities 12 Should should learn …………heart these new words V Hoàn thành câu sau dùng đại từ phản thân phù hợp 1/ My brother can repair the bike ……………… 2/ They have a great time They really enjoy ………………… 3/ Don’t worry about us We can look after ……………… 4/ This exercise isn’t difficult Do it ……………… 5/ She cut ……………… 6/ I made this shirt ……………… VI Đặt câu hỏi cho từ gạch chân: Hoa went to school late this morning because her bike broke down I have to tidy the living room everyday She’ll be home after dinner Lan used to live on the farm when she was young My mother gave me a new bike on my 14th birthday Nam often walks to school I need to improve Math and English Nga studied well this semester We have studied English for years 10 My best friend is very helpful and friendly VII Viết lại câu sau cho nghĩa không đổi “Can you carry these chairs into the house?” Mrs Lan asked me “Please give me your book?” He told me You shouldn’t make noise in class.” The teacher said “Can you help Tam with his English pronunciation?” Mr Hung asked me My hobbies are playing sports and reading books I love She was born on May 10th, 1996 Her birthday Nga must wash the dishes everyday Nga has We began to study English years ago We have No one in class is as tall as Tam Tam is the 10 Women often did the house work without the help of modern equipment in the past In the past women used VIII Dùng từ gợi ý viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh Thanh / tall / thin/ long/ straight/ hair His father / generous / friendly They/ going to/ have a meeting/ the weekend We / must/not/ let/ children / the kitchen/ because/ it/ dangerous place The Y&Y members/ going to/ take part/ recycling program /save natural resources /and/ money / the organization I/ a favor/ you help / carry this bag? The town / becoming/ beautiful My father / used / drive a car/ work/ now /go / bus I / spend/ hours/ day/ study English 10 Alexander Graham Bell / born / Edinburgh / March 3, 1847 IX Mỗi câu sau có lỗi sai, gạch chân sửa lỗi sai Ba and Song plays football every afternoon with Khai and me We buy two new rackets yesterday We are going to play tennis this afternoon I’m not going to the homework for you you should it itself Our neighbors invited my friend and I to dinner with them You should try your best learning hard to pass the exam Bob lived in Rome for three years and he doesn’t want to move to other city They write the meaning of new words by their mother tongue How many countries will participate on the Olympic Games? This job is a lot different with what I’m used to 10 Not only the bathroom was flooded, and also the rest of the house TEST I Phonetics: Choose the word whose underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others A late B half A close B no A what B where D who A wanted B played returned A.deaf-mute B.bead D.meaning A.enough B.cough D.laugh A.appeared B.underlined D.called A.lives B.works C after C how C when D hard D so C learned D C.steamer C.night C.highlighted C.starts D.likes A sight B sink C seaside D knife 10 A how B now C know D cow II Word form: Fill in each blank with the correct form of the words in brackets I am ………………………… in learning English (interest) Don’t go to see that play It’s not very (interest) They made an to see her yesterday morning (arrange) III VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR: Choose the best answer: We should recycle used things such as bottles, cans, paper …… save natural resources A so that B in order that C so as to D in order Graham Bell was born 1847 A in B on C at D during What …… your new teacher ? - He’s tall and strong with short black hair A is / like B does / like C does / look like D is / look like …………… … our parents ………… work hard when they were young ? A Do / used to B Were / use toC Did / use to D Were / used to He is not to be in my class A old enough B veryold C too old D enough old I think you shouldn ‘ t spend too much time ……… video games A to play B playing C play D played Vietnamese language is different English language A as B with C like D from th She’ll take a flight … 1:30 p.m … Thursday , November 14 A at / in B at / at C at / on D in / on 10 Would you like a message? A leave B leaving C to leave D left 11 We cannot it together because your opinion is mine A different from B the same as C the same D different with 12 Could I speak Nga, please? A to B at C with D for 13 The weather isn’t good enough for us …… in the garden A to play B play C playing D played 14 They’ve studied English years A at B since C on D for 15 Hoa would like …………… us to her birthday party A to invite B invites C inviting D invited 16 We often play soccer Sunday afternoon A in B on C at D after 17 My father used to .book before going to bed A to read B reading C reads D read 18 Mr Brown is the same age Mrs Brown A as B like C from D with 19 Hung is student in my class A good B better C the best D a best 20 Mr Smith likes _ to music in his free time A listens B listened C listen D listening 21 They built this house _1990 A from B in C at D for 22 Ba is not to dive a car A old enough B enough old C many old D old many 23 Lan enjoys A draw B drawing C to draw D drew 24 When my uncle was young, he used - fishing on Sunday A go B went C going D to go 25 She has bought this dress Saturday A for B since C next D last IV Combine each pair of sentences ,using “enough”: Kết hợp câu , dùng trạng từ “enough” He is strong He can carry these boxes She is very beautiful She can take part in a beauty contest Mr.Brown isn’t rich He can’t buy a house Those bananas aren’t ripe You can’t eat them The weather was fine We could go camping V Finish the second sentences: Hoàn thành câu thứ hai mà nghĩa không đổi He is young, so he can’t drive a car →He is not ………………………… ………………………………… No city in Viet Nam is bigger than HCM city → HCM city is the…………………… ……………………………… Tuan is the most intelligent in our class → No one in our class is ………………………………………………………… My school is not like yours 10 → Your school is …………………………………………………………………… It started in June → It has ……………………………………………………………………… I began to study English in 2008 → I have …………………………………………………………………………………………… How long have you lived here? → When did………………………………………………………………………………………? Playing sport is good for your health → It is …………………………………………………………………………………………… They play volleyball very well → They are ……………………………… ……………………………………………………… 10.Ba is the same as his father → Ba is not………………………………………………………………………………………… 11.Yen usually had a lot of friends → Yen used ………………………………… …………………………………………………… 12 The water in this river was cold, so we can’t swim in it →The water in this river isn’t………… ……………………………………………………….… 13 My sister is four years old , so she can’t go to school alone → My sister isn’t ………………………………………………………………………………… 14 She can’t work hard because she is very old → She isn’t ……………………………………………………………………………………… … 15 We couldn’t go out at night because the weather was very cold → The weather wasn’t ………………………… ………………………………………… …… VI Put these sentenses into reported speech : Chuyển sang câu tường thuật He said to me, “Keep silent, please” The teacher told the students, “Please study harder” “Please wait for me outside my room”, she said to me She said to me, “Bring me a cup of tea” She said to her students, “Don’t talk in class.” VII Use the given words to write meaningful sentences (1.0 p) Minh/ like/ play/ chess/ and/ watch/ television ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Nam/ live/ here/ for/ ten years …………………………………………………………………………………………… ……… VIII / Find out the mistakes and correct them: Tìm lỗi sai sửa 1.She would like going out with her Mom 11 ……………………… A B C D 2.Our Dad is interest in watching film ……………………… A B C D We used to going out when we were in high school ……………………… A B C D She said me to work hard on the next semester ……………………… A B C D 5.Our granddad will come with us in Saturday evening ……………………… A B C D We are going to held a summer camp this month ……………………… A B C D 7.I often use a dictionary so that as to learn new words and pronunciation ……………………… A B C D 8.Some people learn a language by read passage aloud ……………………… A B C D 9.Do you mind to go out with her to buy some ice - creams? ……………………… A B C D 10.The policeman told her not to driving her car so fast again ……………………… A B C D 11.Tim promised trying his best in learning Spanish ……………………… A B C D IX Supply the correct form / tenses in brackets( 1,5pts) Hoa enjoys (watch) ………………… the cartoon “ Tom and Jerry “ so much My father (join) ………………… the army since 1996 How long you (live) …………………here ? For 15 years You (use) ………………… to play chess when you ( be )……………… younger? They (build)…………………… a new road in our city at present TEST I A Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others: A pancake B stadium C tasty D change A grocery B money C month D comfort A effect B delicious C president D selection A just B summer C much D humid 12 A started B helped C watched D decided B Find the word which has different stress from the rest: A humid B airmail C discuss D pancake A notice B effect C contact D surface A concern B comfort C product D market A customer B grocery C resident D delicious 10 A organize B community C restaurant D neighborhood II Choose the best answer to complete these sentences I a letter from my old friend last week (sent / gave / received / took) We must be there 7.30 and 10.30 (at / before / between / after) I find Peter is not communicative He’s rather in public (kind / reserved /sociable / humorous) She has over 30 pages since yesterday (written / wrote / write / writing) You have a bad toothache You go to see the dentist ( must/ have to/ can/ ought to) My farther used us to the park three years ago (took / taking / to take / take) Can you fill this form for me? (out / on / at / to) “Would you to go to the movies with me?” “I’d love to” (like / want / love / mind) 10 We need to finish our job _ 4.30 pm and 5.30 pm (before/ between/ after/ at) 11 When I was a child, I follow my mum to the market (used to / liked / hated / loved) 12 His parents are always proud him (about / of / on / with) 13 have you lived in this town? – For nearly 20 years (When / Where / How far /How long) 14 The new shopping mall is quite the present shopping area (different from/ the same/ like to/ similar) 15 They have studied six o’clock (for / at / since / to) 16 “ ?” – “It’s 20.000 dong” (How much is this parcel cost / How much does this parcel take / How much does this parcel / How much does this parcel cost) 17 This person is short and thin She has…………… hair (a long black/ black long/ black short/long black) 18 They have studied three hours (for / at / since / to) 19 He does morning exercises regularly in order to his health (have / improve / get / take) 20 Don’t let your child with matches (playing / to play / plays / play) 21 They from Canada to America to find work (started / demonstrated / delivered / migrated) 22 Last night I watched the movie Romeo and Juliet At last they killed (together/ each other/ themselves / one another) 23 My mother is tired cook tonight (enough – to / too – to / so – that / very – to) 24 He went to school late because he was stuck in the this morning.(rush-hour / traffic-light / traffic-jam / cross-road) 25 Airmail is expensive than surface mail (the most / most / much / more) 27 Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union is an ………….for Vietnamese teenagers (organizational/ organizationally/ organization/ organizatic) 28 John came an old school friend in the street this morning (with / along / across 13 / off) 29 She asked her children (to stop playing / stop to play / stop playing / stopping to play) 30 He is not ride a motorbike (enough old to / enough old for / old enough to / old enough for) 31 I don’t talk much in public I am rather (kind / sociable / reserved / humorous) 32 The children go to school ( myself/ himself/ herself/ themselves) 33 You must look in the (advertisement / recreation / diversion / participation) section of the newspaper to find out what films are showing 34 The moon around the earth (went/ goes/ go/ going) 35 (Would / Could / Do / Will) you like to go to the movies? – I’d love to 36 Don’t go , it is too cold (inside/ outside/ downstairs/ upstairs) 37 They have waited for her (for / since / at / from) o’clock 38 This neighborhood is (different / the same / as / like) from that one 39 What does she look like? (She look beautiful / She is beautiful / She looks like beautiful) 40 The calendar is (on / under / behind / in) the clock 41 Minh and I didn’t enjoy (myself / ourselves / himself / themselves) at the party 42 When my father was young, he used to (singing / sang / sings / sing) very well 44 You should work (hardly / hard / good / badly) in order to pass the exams 45 It is too dark (to take / take / taking / took) photographs here 46 Jim is not old enough (read / reading / to read) this book 47 Could you me a favor? (What can I for you / Thanks a lot / It’s very kind of you / No, thank you I’m fine) 48 I (haven’t met / don’t meet / didn’t meet / won’t) since 2008 49 The doctor said he (should go/ to go /going/ goes) to bed earlier 50 They got married and lived (happy / happily / happiness) III Supply the correct tense of the verbs in brackets Mary and John (be) _ neighbors They (know) _ each other for a long time Mary (move) _ into her house in 1990, and John (live) _ next door since he (come) _ to the area in 1988 Today (be) _ Sunday Nga (not go) _ to school She (stay) _ at home She (do) _ her homework now She (do) _ it for two hours I (be) _ in New York I (come) _ here two years ago My friend, Nancy (live) _ here since 1982 So she (know) _ the area very well Trung usually (go) _ to the library three times a week Yesterday I (be) _ busy, so I (not have) _ time to phone you Mrs Trang (not go) _ to work last week She (not be) _ feeling well I (do ) _ all the housework The flat is really clean now How long you (live) _ here? – Since 1997 Mr Quang (teach) _ in this school since he (graduate) _ from the university in 1989 10 My brother (leave) _ home 10 years ago I (never meet) _ him since then 11 Where you (spend) _ your summer holiday last year, Tam? 12 When we (be) _ young, our family (live) _ in the countryside 13 I (read) _ an interesting book at the moment 14 How long you (know) _ Mrs Chi? – I (know) _ her for five years 14 15 We (not see) _ her since we (be) _ on holiday in Ha Long bay 16 Phuong (finish) _ her homework tonight 17 It’s three years since I last (see) _ Nam 18 You (be) _ away? – Yes I (go) _ to the country last Sunday 19 I (not eat) _ anything for two days 20 They (move) to Ho Chi Minh City in 1990 and (live) _ there since then IV Writing A Rewrite these sentences “Could you help me with my English speaking, Ba?” Minh told “You shouldn’t make noise in class, Trung” The teacher said “Can you wait for me here, Jerry?” Tom told _ “Could you buy me an English exercise book, Ha?” Nam asked _ “ Get up early to learn your lesson, Toan” Toan’s father told him _ “ You should improve your English pronunciation, Nga” Nga’s teacher said _ “ You should stay in bed for a few days, Mr Hoang” The doctor said Hung is strong He can carry that heavy box Hung is The fire isn’t very hot It won’t boil the kettle The fire 10 The weather wasn’t warm We couldn’t go swimming The weather 11 Jane is a skillful swimmer Jane _ 12 Lan learns English very well Lan is 13 Loan is a good swimmer Loan _ 14 Hung run very fast Hung is _ 15 Plays are not as interesting as films Films are 16 English isn’t as difficult as French French is 17 Jill is more intelligent than Bill Bill isn’t _ 18 I’m lucky I have a friend like you I’m lucky enough _ 19 My father often smoked 20 cigarettes a day, but now he doesn’t smoke any more 15 My father used _ 20 Tom is very strong He can lift that heavy table Tom is strong 21 Nam’s father drank a lot of wine ten years ago but now he doesn’t Nam ‘s father used to B Write complete sentences from the following sets of words and phrases I/ be / proud/ my sister / because/ she/ always / study well Yesterday/ teacher/ say/ I/ work harder/ improve/ my English pronunciation Jenny/ have/ Math/ three times/ a week We/ receive/ report/ ago mother/ tell me/ spend more time/ History Last semester/ she/ get good grades/ Science/ but/ chemistry results/ poor grandmother/ tell him/ write/ her once His mother/ very sad/ he/ study/ badly every semester Bao/ spend/ free time/ doing volunteer work 10.Song/ always/ play soccer/ every Saturday afternoon, but/ last Saturday afternoon/ he/ play basketball 11.we/ raise/ funds/ by/ collect/ waste paper/ and break/ glass 12.We/ going/ clean/ lakes’ banks/ weekend 16

Ngày đăng: 18/03/2022, 01:41

