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MINISTRYOFEDUCATION &TRAINING MINISTRY OF HOMEAFFAIRS NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PHAM THI THU THUY THE SALARY POLICY FOR COMMUNE-LEVEL CIVIL SERVANTS IN VIETNAM Field of study: Public Management Code: 34 04 03 SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL THESIS HA NOI, 2021 The thesis is completed at: NATIONAL ACADEMY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Instructors: Assoc Prof Dr Le Chi Mai Dr Nguyen Tien Dinh Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: The thesis will be defended in front of the Thesis Committee at Academy Level Location: Doctoral thesis defense room - Meeting room … floor … National Academy of Public Administration No.77, Nguyen Chi Thanh Road, Dong Da District, Ha Noi Time: at… hour … date … month … year… The thesis can be found at: - Vietnam National Library - Library of the National Academy of Public Administration PREAMBLE The urgency of the topic Salary policy always plays an important role in the country's socio-economic policy system, is a driving force in developing economy, improves the effectiveness of state management, and uses labor resources effectively and each person’s working ability Minimum salary, salary scale, salary payment method, allowance regimes and management mechanism of salary and income of cadres, civil servants are important contents of salary policy, which is the basis to legalize, protect the interests of them and reflect the socioeconomic development speed and common living standards of each country at the same time The issue of salary reform for civil servants was determined by the Party and State since the 7th Congress (1991) and discussed at the next congresses, especially the 7th Resolution of the VIII Session (in 1999) identified the viewpoints and principles for settling salary and incomes of cadres, civil servants and employees in the transition process: "paying the right salary to employees is an investment in development" Implementing this policy, in the Master Program on State Administration Reform (2001-2010), the Government has oriented salary reform from the point of view: Considering salary as an investment form for people, investment for socio-economic development, contributing to improving the quality of cadres and civil servants and public service activities Simultaneously, the Government identified salary reform as one of the nine specific objectives in the PAR Program (2001-2010) with the following requirements: basic reform of civil servants' salary, ensuring reinvestment of working strength, raising family and have savings This is really an important goal, contributing to improving the labor competitiveness among the public sector, the private sector and the foreign-invested sector in the socialist-oriented market economy and international intergration In the cadres and civil servants system, commune-level cadres and civil servants account for a large number (about over 25% of the total number of cadres and civil servants) They have their own particular characteristics besides the characteristics of cadres and civil servants in general Therefore, the issue of basic reform of salaries for cadres and civil servants in general, and commune-level cadres and civil servants in particular at present and in the coming period is posing as a challenge and an urgent requirement, to find strong, breakthrough and feasible solutions Aware of the importance and urgent significance of perfecting the salary policy of communelevel civil servants in our country in the new period, I chose the topic: "The salary policy for commune-level civil servants in Vietnam” as a doctoral thesis Research purpose and mission 2.1 Research purpose Base on theory, analysis and assessment of the current situation of the salary policy of commune-level civil servants in Vietnam, the thesis proposes possible solutions and appropriate steps to perfect the salary policy for commune-level civil servants in the upcoming time 2.2 Research The thesis will focus on researching and solving basic theoretical and practical problems for the reform of salary for commune-level cadres and civil servants in our country, including: (1) Theoretical basis of salary policy for commune-level civil servants in Vietnam in the new period; (2) Summarizing and evaluating the process of reforming the salary policy for cadres and civil servants in general and the salary policy for commune-level cadres and civil servants in particular; (3) Analysing and assessing the current status of salaries and incomes of Vietnamese communelevel cadres and civil servants; (4) Summarizing the experience of reforming civil servants' salaries of some countries in the world and lesson for Vietnam; (5) Proposing perspectives and solutions to reform salary policy for Vietnamese commune-level cadres and civil servants in the new development period Object and scope of the research 3.1 Object of the research The salary policy for commune-level civil servants in Vietnam 3.2 Scope of the research * Content: Evaluating the salary policy for commune-level civil servants and proposing solutions to improve that policy * Places: Communes in the provinces of our country * Time: Research on salary policy through salary reform 1986, 1993, 2004 and data on salary and income of commune-level civil servants, data on commune-level cadres and civil servants in the period from 2003 to 2018 Theoretical and research methods 4.1 Theoretical methods Applying Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's thought; economic, political, administrative and state management theory, guidelines and policies of the Party and State to study the theoretical basis of salary, salary policy for commune-levels civil servants 4.2 Research methods The PhD student used a number of specific research methods as follows: - Document research method; - Statistical and analytical method; - Comparative and synthetic method; - Sociological survey method; - Predictive research method Research questions and scientific hypothesis 5.1 Research question The study of the thesis topic needs to answer the following research questions: Question 1: What is the current situation of the salary policy of commune-level civil servants in Vietnam? Question 2: What factors affect the current salary policy of commune-level civil servants? Question 3: What solutions are needed to improve the salary policy of commune-level civil servants in the current context? 5.2 Scientific hypothesis Salary policy has great significance for commune-level civil servants and is affected by many different factors The current policy on salary of commune-level civil servants has certain advantages, but there are still many limitations These limitations negatively affect the attitude and working spirit of commune-level civil servants The implementation of synchronous solutions will contribute to perfecting the salary policy of commune-level civil servants in Vietnam today Attributions of the research 6.1 Theoretical aspect Systematizing the theories on salary, salary policy, salary reform of state civil servants is to get a scientific basis for the orientation of reforming salary for commune-level cadres and civil servants in our country in the current period; and build scientific foundations, new thinking and new approaches for completing the salary policy for commune-level civil servants in Vietnam in the coming time 6.2 Practical aspect - Analysing, evaluating the current situation of the salary policy for commune-level civil servants, specifying the positive and negative aspects of the current policy is a basis for proposing solutions to improve the policy - Assessing the current salary situation of commune-level cadres and civil servants in recent years - Proposing viewpoints and solutions to improve salary policy for commune-level civil servants in Vietnam in the coming period Scientific and practical significance of the thesis topic - The research results of the topic have added significance to the scientific theory of public management, public policy, specifically the theoretical issues of salary policy of communal civil servants - The research results can be used as references in research and teaching on public management science in general and the salary policy of commune-level civil servants in particular - Solutions and scientific conclusions of the thesis can be used as useful references in perfecting the salary policy of commune-level civil servants in Vietnam in the coming time Structure of the thesis The thesis consists of introduction, content (4 chapters), conclusion, list of references, appendices CHAPTER THE OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH SITUATION 1.1 The research overview on salary and salary policy of foreign civil servants Up to now, there have been many researches on salary in general and salary for commune-level cadres and civil servants, which can be divided into the following groups: - Researches by foreign authors on salary - Research on salary and wage policy for civil servants in the modern market economy 1.2 Research situation on civil servants, salary and civil servant salary policy of domestic authors It can be said that the number of articles, domestic research on wages and salary policy of civil servants is quite massive On the basis of an overview of available studies, the thesis author divides the research results of previous authors into research trends including: - Research on civil servants at all levels (province, district, commune) - Research on salaries and wages of civil servants - Research on salary policy, salary management mechanism for civil servants 1.3 Contributions of the authors in the research on salary and salary policy of civil servants It is possible to generalize the research on wages for civil servants, which has reflected the shortcomings of the civil servant payroll system, salary allowances, and methods of determining and adjusting the minimum wage , the salary management mechanism for State employees is not effective; the salary of civil servants is low, the average salary is paid, it does not reflect the working efficiency, so it does not create the motivation for cadres and civil servants to work with peace of mind working in the corporate sector more and more On that basis, the research works also propose a number of reform directions to the wage policy in the new period, such as the need to pay wages according to the market, pay according to the job and pay according to the work performance The results obtained from the above studies are valuable to support the author in the process of researching and completing the thesis On the basis of reference and analysis of these studies, the thesis will inherit and develop the successes of previous studies on salary policy for civil servants 1.4 The issues that need to be further researched on the salary policy of civil servants in general and the salary policy of commune-level civil servants in particular - The first, evaluate the current situation of commune-level civil servant policies - The second, evaluate the current situation of salary and income of commune-level civil servants on the basis of comparison with the salary and income of civil servants at all levels and the salary and income of workers in the production and business areas business, business unit - The third, basically improve the contents of the salary policy for commune-level civil servants - The fourth, perfecting the bases for paying salaries to commune-level civil servants such as payroll and administrative management funding; design the salary payment plan according to the job position; perfecting the system of analyzing and evaluating the work performance of commune-level civil servants - The fifth, to improve the conditions for implementing the salary policy for commune-level civil servants CHAPTER THEORETICAL BASIS OF THE SALARY POLICY FOR COMMNUNE-LEVEL CIVIL SERVANTS 2.1 The concept 2.1.1 Some basic concepts * The concept of civil servants Civil servants are people who are recruited and appointed to a regular job in a state office and receive a salary from the state budget * The concept of commune-level civil servants - The 2003 Ordinance on Cadres and Civil Servants and Decree No 114/2003/ND-CP stipulated that the contingent of cadres and civil servants in our country has an additional section of commune-level officials and civil servants In which, commune-level civil servants are defined as those who are recruited and assigned to hold a professional title under the commune-level People’s Committee 2.2 The salary policy of communal civil servants The salary policy of commune-level civil servants is a collection of viewpoints, development ideas, general goals and basic methods to pay salaries to commune-level civil servants to ensure fairness, reflect properly quality and working efficiency of communelevel civil servants, ensuring the reproduction of labor power and stimulating the working ability of commune-level civil servants The salary policy of civil servants in general and communelevel civil servants in particular includes the following contents: (i) Minimum salary; (ii) Minimum-average-maximum salary relationship; (iii) Salary allowance; (iv) Payroll system; (v) Salary allowance; (vi) Payment method; (vii) Salary management mechanism 2.3 Criterion for evaluating effectiveness of the salary policy - Ensuring fairness in paying salaries to commune-level civil servants; - Ensure that the salary of commune-level civil servants must be associated with the job position and professional qualifications; - Ensuring efficiency in salary payment; - Ensuring a standard of living for commune-level civil servants and their families in line with the development of the economy; - Ensuring encouragement and motivation for commune-level civil servants 2.4 Factors affecting the salary policy of communal civil servants - Viewpoints of the Party and State on salaries paid to civil servants; - Legal regulations for the contingent of commune-level civil servants; - Financial capability; - Administrative reform; - Performance evaluation system of administrative civil servants; - Policies on socialization of service jobs; - Other factors (Policy on treatment and attraction of talents; policy on training and developing human resources, policy on social security) 2.5 Experiences of some countries on salary policy reform for civil servants and lessons for Vietnam 2.5.1 Experiences of some countries - Korea’s civil servant salary policy; - China's civil servant salary policy; 13 levels (central, provincial, and district) and much lower than the average salary in the manufacturing and business sectors Specifically, the chart below is a comparation between the average salary of commune-level civil servants and civil servants at other levels Evaluation the salary assurance level of commune-level civil servants in association with positions and professional qualifications In terms of position, title, the average salary of communelevel civil servants by titles is as follows: Table 3.4 The average salary of commune-level civil servants by titles Highest Titles Average Salary coefficient Salary Salary coefficient Average salary - - - - Principal official 6.87 8,312,700 4.67 5,650,700 Official 6.02 7,284,200 3.17 3,835,700 Officier 5.42 6,558,200 2.77 3,351,700 Employee 3.96 4,791,600 2.08 2,516,800 Senior official (Source: Investigation results) Table 2.2 shows that the average salary of commune-level civil servants has a large difference by position and title In terms of training level, commune-level civil servants are generally concentrated at intermediate and college levels, a certain number having university degrees and a few having master's degrees and none in the sample at the doctoral level Title PhD Table 3.5 The average salary of commune-level civil servants by training level Highest Average Coefficients Coefficients Average Salary salary salary salary - 14 Master Bachelor College Bachelor Intermediate degree 4.49 6.87 5.42 5.06 5,432,900 3.66 4428600 8,312,700 3.21 3884100 6,558,200 2.69 3254900 6,122,600 2.5 3025000 (Source: Investigation results) of the level of living standard of employees and their family in line with the development of the economy * Assessment of commune-level civil servants about their salary and income compared to the average living standard of the society According to the survey results by questionnaire, it was found that: Among 500 commune-level civil servants who answered the interview, up to 91.86% of administrative civil servants in communelevel departments said that their salary income is currently now lower than the average living standard of the society (in which, 46.23% is much lower), This shows that the salary of commune level cadres and civil servants is currently low and not guaranteed * Evaluation of commune-level civil servants on the salary each time increase for civil servants Besides the low salary, the salary increase of commune-level civil servants after each time is also very low, reduces the motivation of commune-level civil servants, not stimulate them to stick for a long time in the administrative sector Specifically, the survey results of 500 commune-level civil servants show that: Of the 500 civil servants who answered the interview, up to 93% think that the salary increase for each promotion of civil servants is low and very low (in 60% considered low and 33% considered very low) * Assessment of commune-level civil servants on reasonableness of the current salary policy for civil servants the 15 The survey results of 500 commune-level civil servants show that: Of the 500 commune-level civil servants interviewed, 89.20% think that the current salary policy for civil servants is unreasonable Nearly a third think that the current salary policy for civil servants is completely unreasonable The reasons are: (1) The salary of civil servants is lower than that of the business sector; (2) Salary increase of civil servants is not based on work results; (3) the gap between low salary ranks; (4) bonus not yet combined with salary Assess the impact of the current salary policy on the quantity and quality of the commune-level civil servants contingent The current civil servant salary policy with many shortcomings has greatly affected the quantity and quality of administrative staff In terms of quantity, the more number of cadres and civil servants in general and communal civil servants is increasing, the more number of administrative cadres and civil servants with good capacity leaves the commune-level state administrative agencies Besides, it is more difficult to recruit good candidates to work in commune-level state administrative agencies This greatly affects the quality of commune-level civil servants when good and dynamic ones leave the state administrative agencies to work in the production and business areas with a high salary, higher income, while limited capacity cadres and civil servants want to work in state administrative agencies because of stability, less stressful work Impact of salary policy on attitude and working spirit of commune-level civil servants (1) Regarding the extent of exploiting the working capacity of the current salary policy for civil servants Among 500 administrative civil servants who answered the questionnaire, 54.60% of them said that the current salary policy for administrative civil servants only exploits the working ability of administrative civil servants at an average level; 37.20% think that exploitation is only low and very low 16 (2) About the degree of impact on responsibility at work of the current salary system for state administrative civil servants Among 500 commune-level civil servants who answered the questionnaire, 56.80% said that the current salary policy for civil servants only affects and stimulates the sense of responsibility at an average level; 30.20% consider the impact is low and very low * Causes leading to negative phenomena, lack of responsibilities in performing work, not working hard The reason is due to low, inadequate salaries, and inadequate living standards for them Specifically, out of 500 commune-level civil servants who answered the questionnaire about the causes leading to negativity, lack of responsibility and no effort to complete the work, 464 people (accounting for 92.80%) believe that the salary is not satisfactory 3.4 Analysis of the main factors affecting the salary policy for commune-level civil servants in recent years 3.4.1 The Party and the State’s viewpoint on salaries It can be said that the Party's point of view has increasingly come closer to the true nature of salary and its nature in the market economy, in line with the development trend of the world These views are the guideline and foundation in the design and implementation of the salary policy in Vietnam during the past decades 3.4.2 Legal regulations for the contingent of commune-level civil servants To manage commune-level civil servants, the state has very clearly stipulated the determination of the number and structure of commune-level cadres and civil servants, depending on the population size of each commune according to Decree 92/2009/NDCP, Decree 34 /2019/ND-CP In particular, the larger is the population size of the communes, the larger the number of communelevel cadres and civil servants is determined The strict regulation of the structure, titles and number of commune-level cadres and civil 17 servants has a great impact on the number of commune-level civil servants, avoiding the swelling of the commune-level civil servant payrolls, increasing the salary fund from budget In addition, the specific regulations on functions, duties, powers as well as working principles of the commune-level government, specific regulations on assessment and classification of civil servants will be an important basis for buiding criteria for evaluating work efficiency, and as a basis for paying salaries to commune-level civil servants 3.4.3 National financial capacity Economic growth rate increased rapidly: in the period of 2016 - 2019, an average increased by 6.8%, 2016 is 6.2%,; 2017 is 6.8%, 2018 is 7.1% and 2019 is 7% Despite high economic growth, which serves as the basis for salary increase However, the beneficiaries of salaries from the state budget are too large, leading to a very low increase in the salaries of civil servants in general and especially commune-level civil servants 3.4.4 Administrative reform The administrative reform process also leaves many negative impressions in terms of state apparatus reform, administrative procedure reform and public financial management The above inadequacies lead to difficulties in perfecting the salary policy due to the cumbersome apparatus, the number of people receiving salaries from the budget is large while the state budget used to pay salaries for civil servants is still very limited 3.4.5 The implementation evaluation system of civil servants in the public sector at present, the performance evaluation of civil servants has not been paid attention, the performance is still formal and there is no separate performance evaluation, usually included in system of evaluation criteria for cadres and civil servants Evaluation results are often skewed due to the subjective opinions of the evaluators, the evaluation results not accurately reflect the work efficiency and the level of task completion of the civil servants The evaluation is still formal, the evaluation results are not used for 18 salary payment, therefore, the impact on labor motivation for civil servants is very low 3.5 General assessment of the current situation of the salary policy for commune-level civil servants 3.5.1 Achievements - The general minimum salary (base salary) has been adjusted over the years, contributing to raising the salary of civil servants - The new payroll system promulgated under Decree 204/2004/ND-CP dated December 14, 2016 has been improved in the direction of increasing the salary coefficient of civil servant ranks, reducing the number of ranks to make a payroll system for civil servants more compact, easier to apply and closer to reality - The State has changed the salary payment system for commune-level civil servants from monthly living expenses (very low) to salary according to the salary table promulgated with Decree Decree 204/2004/ ND-CP dated 14/12/2016 like civil servants at other levels (districts, provinces, ) - Clearly define the principles of salary arrangement and salary increase - The allowance regimes have also been revised and adjusted in the direction of removing some allowances that are no longer suitable with the actual figures and adding some new types of allowances In which, allowances for commune-level civil servants are allowances for concurrently holding titles and according to commune type 3.5.2 Limitations and reasons * Limitations On the basis of studying the actual situation, the thesis has pointed out the limitations of the salary policy of commune-level civil servants, specifically: (i) The salary arrangement and salary increase is still heavy on qualifications, 19 seniority, not according to job requirements; (ii) The gap coefficient among salary grades is low, increasing the average in paying and reducing the stimulus of salary for civil servants; (iii) The salary is not calculated on the basis of job complexity and work efficiency has not encouraged civil servants to work actively to improve work efficiency; (iv) The salary and annual salary increase are very low, affecting the attitude and working spirit; (v) Specific allowances not fully reflect the level of labor waste of commune-level civil servants; (vi) The current salary policy for civil servant does not have a reward system associated with civil servants' achievements, so it has not had the effect of encouraging civil servants to strive to work hard; (vii) The salary policy does not have an open and decentralized direction for localities to take the initiative in expanding the salary fund * The cause of the limitations The thesis identifies the causes leading to the above limitations, including: (i) The state budget is still limited, making it difficult for each salary increase; (iii) The administrative reform is still slow and not effective, leading to the administrative apparatus in the localities being still cumbersome and ineffective, increasing the number of civil servants; (iv) The performance evaluation of civil servants is still a formality, not attaching to the performance of civil servants, which is the cause leading to unfair, inaccurate salary payment CHAPTER VIEWPOINTS AND SOLUTIONS FOR IMPLEMENTING THE SALARY POLICY FOR CIVIL SERVANTS 4.1 Viewpoints on improving salary policy for commune-level civil servants in Vietnam - Viewpoint 1: We must consider the salary policy for commune-level civil servants in particular as an investment policy in human capital and development 20 - Viewpoint 2: Completing the salary policy of communelevel cadres and civil servants must be associated with the socioeconomic development of the country, the locality and in relation to other areas in the national economy - Viewpoint 3: The salary policy must be associated with job position, quality and work efficiency - Viewpoint 4: Completing the salary policy must go hand in hand with administrative reform and streamline the administrative apparatus at all levels - Viewpoint 5: Perfecting the salary policy must be done in a synchronous and consistent manner according to a predetermined schedule - Viewpoint 6: Improving the salary policy for communelevel civil servants in association with the orientation of the salary policy reform according to the Resolution No 27-NQ/TW 4.2 Solutions improving the salary policy for commune-level civil servants 4.2.1 Paying for commune-level civil servants according to job position and working efficiency The goal of the solution Implement salary payment for commune-level civil servants according to job position and working efficiency in order to overcome the limitations of the current salary payment method The content of the solution With the above goal, the author proposes a method of paying salary according to job position and working efficiency of communelevel civil servants according to the following formula: TLi = MLvt x Ki In which: - MLvt: Salary according to job position - Ki: Coefficient to evaluate the working efficiency of the ith civil servant 21 Conditions for implementing the solution *Firstly, determine the job position: The basis for paying salary according to the job position is to identify the job positions * Secondly, manage payroll by job position * Thirdly, recruite for job positions, not apply automatic rank-raising and rank-raising exams 4.2.2 Completing the salary system for commune-level civil servants The goal of the solution Building and perfecting the allowance system of communelevel civil servants, taking into account specific factors of communelevel civil servants Content of the solution Review all types of allowances, remove duplicate and irrelevant ones and add specific allowances for commune-level civil servants In addition, it is necessary to develop additional local growth allowances and specific sub-modes for commune-level civil servants Conditions for implementing the solution Implement decentralization so that localities can actively expand salary funds and allowances Decentralize the local government on the use of payroll associated with the budget to pay salaries for cadres and civil servants in the area in the direction that localities with revenue sources, economic development , are paid increased salaries and allowances compared to general salary 4.2.3 Completing the salary and income management mechanism of commune-level civil servants The goal of the solution Assigning autonomy and self-responsibility to localities for management, employment and payment for civil servants at all levels (including commune level) in association with payroll, their positions and efficiency And make deductions for each uncompleted task at the same time Publicize the salary and income levels for each position of commune-level civil servants 22 Content of the Solution In addition to solutions to improve the form of salary payment to ensure fairness and reasonableness of commune-level civil servants, the State needs to implement solutions to strictly manage salaries and incomes of commune – level civil servants That is: - The first, decentralize salary and income management in the direction of giving autonomy to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee in using and paying to local administrative officials (province, district, commune) - The second, implement effective supervision to eliminate the mechanism of asking, privileges in enforcing duties of civil servants at all levels - The third, contract public services and monetization of in-kind expenditures for civil servants - The fourth, speed up the implementation of e-government in order to limit corruption in implementing public service - The fifth, strengthen ethics education for civil servants in general and commune-level civil servants in particular, resolutely dismiss and impose appropriate punishments on cadres and civil servants who commit corruption, even the smallest acts Conditions for implementing the solution promote administrative reform in order to reduce administrative costs and reduce the number of people receiving salaries from the state budget, thereby increasing salaries for civil servants, at the same time promote the implementation of the payroll mechanism and administrative management funding in order to save resources on the basis of increasing autonomy for localities in managing, evaluating and paying salaries for civil servants 4.2.4 Implement measures to create sources to increase salary fund for civil servants Target of the solution 23 Increase the budget source to pay salaries for civil servants in general and commune-level civil servants in particular, thereby making the salaries of commune-level civil servants higher than the average living standard of the society, and then create motivation for them Content of the solution In order to increase the salary fund for civil servants in general and commune-level civil servants in particular, the Government needs to synchronously implement many solutions to increase GDP and increase the proportion of budget revenue,… Conditions for implementing the solution Consolidate the great political determination of the whole Party, State and People in finding ways to create sources to increase salary for civil servants in general and commune-level civil servants in particular, considering it as an urgent and effective investment for the development of the whole society 4.2.5 Implement a reward system for excellent achievements of commune-level civil servants thereby stimulating and motivating them The goal of the solution In addition to the salary and allowance regimes, the State also needs to study to have a reward policy for the excellent achievements of commune-level civil servants in order to stimulate and motivate them Content of the solution The reward policy for commune-level civil servants in the coming time needs to be adjusted towards: - Firstly, the commendation organizing for commune-level civil servants needs to be carried out monthly, quarterly, annually or after finishing an important job or task based on the results of performance evaluation in each period - Secondly, the commendation decisions of civil servants need to be considered in many aspects However, the most important 24 and primary basis is the results and effectiveness of civil servants based on the results of periodic evaluation - Thirdly, it is necessary to consider choosing a appropriate reward form and value with each object of civil servants according to the level of their achievement Conditions for implementing the solution - Build objective and detailed standards to evaluate the result of work performance of each position - Standardize the method and process of work performance evaluation for civil servants - Regarding the commendation level, the commune-level administrative units will set up a large enough reward fund to reward individuals with excellent achievements in the period 4.3 Recommendations for the State and related organizations 4.3.1 Recommendations for the State - Strictly implementing the policy of investing in salaries for civil servants as an investment for development - Gradually increase salary for civil servants in general and commune-level civil servants in particular - Perfect the regimes for raising ranks and salary levels of civil servants to ensure transparency and create equal opportunities for excellent individuals to increase their salaries quickly commensurate with their qualifications and contributions - Improve the legal system on cadres and civil servants, especially commune-level civil servants 4.3.2 Recommendations for local government - Rearrange the job positions of the civil servants to ensure the appropriateness among the capacity, professional title and job position in order to ensure the salary commensurate with their effort - Complete the system of internal regulations and human resource policies in line with the organization and operation of the commune-level government apparatus 25 CONCLUSION For the purpose of researching and evaluating the salary policy for commune-level civil servants through the reforms, clarifying the achieved results and limitations of the policy, thereby proposing solutions to improve the salary policy for them in the new development period, the thesis has researched deeply and focused on the following basic issues: (1) On the theoretical side - Systematizing and clarifying basic theories characteristics and roles of commune-level civil servants about - Systematizing and clarifying the basic theories on the salary policy for civil servants, the criteria for evaluating the salary policy of commune-level civil servants serve as a basis for assessing the actual situation of the commune-level civil servant's salary policy (2)On the practical side - The thesis has analyzed the salary reforms for civil servant in general, pointing out the new point for the salary of communelevel civil servants in each time The thesis also analyzed the current salary and income situation of commune-level civil servants through using 500 questionnaire in 10 provinces and cities - The thesis also analyzed a number of key factors affecting the process of planning and implementing the salary policy for civil servants in the reform period (3) Solutions and recommendations On the basis of the analysis and assessment of the current situation of salary policy for commune-level civil servants, the thesis has proposed a number of viewpoints, solutions as well as recommendations to improve this policy These are urgent and appropriate solutions to the new context when our country is gradually transitioning to manage civil servants by job position 26 LIST OF WORKS TO DISCLOSURE ... CIVIL SERVANTS 10 3.1 Vietnam's socio-economic context in the process of salary policy reform 3.1.1 The socio-economic context of Vietnam in the period before 1986 3.1.2 Vietnam's socio-economic context... incomes of Vietnamese communelevel cadres and civil servants; (4) Summarizing the experience of reforming civil servants' salaries of some countries in the world and lesson for Vietnam; (5) Proposing... attitude and working spirit of commune-level civil servants The implementation of synchronous solutions will contribute to perfecting the salary policy of commune-level civil servants in Vietnam

Ngày đăng: 17/03/2022, 16:10

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