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Tổng hợp phrasal verb theo chủ đề

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Tổng hợp Phrasal Verb theo chủ đề PHRASAL VERB LÀ GÌ? Định nghĩa chung cụm từ bao gồm động từ + trạng từ/giới từ hoạt động tương tự động từ câu TỔNG HỢP PHRASAL VERB THEO TOPIC Phrasal Verb Topic Education           Fall behind: chậm thua so với bạn lớp Ex Being addicted to video games makes me fall behind in my class My daughter is falling behind with her classmates Catch up: làm bù để bắt kịp việc bị lỡ (nghỉ học bị bài) Ex I have been trying to catch up on the assignment from last week If you miss a lot of classes, it’s very difficult to catch up Go over: ôn lại Ex I always go over my revision notes before I take the exam Go over your work before you hand it in Read up on: nghiên cứu, học kỹ lưỡng vấn đề Ex If you are interested in taking another course in college, you should read up on it before deciding Drop out: bỏ học nửa chừng Ex Nowadays, many students drop out of college to work and support their families She started a degree but dropped out after a year Hand in/Turn in: nộp Ex I handed my assignment in late as usual I need to read up on my British history I handed my homework in late as usual Sum up: tóm tắt/tổng kết Ex After each lesson, it’s necessary to sum up the main points Be into: Thích Ex: Are you into Maths? Take up: Bắt đầu làm hoạt động Ex: Chris has just taken up baking Copy out: Chép lại giống với gốc Ex: We need to copy out sentences from a book Phrasal Verb Topic Family and Friends          Get along – có mối quan hệ tốt với Ex I found it hard to get along with my cousins, because they always said some very belligerent things Get together – tụ hợp với nhau, họp mặt Ex At the weekend, my family usually hosts a get-together for our relatives to come and have dinner Grow apart – nói mối quan hệ khơng cịn thân thiết xưa Ex As we got older, we just grew apart Look after – nói chăm sóc cho Ex In my country, it is a tradition that the young look after the old in the family Settle down – ổn định sống (thường nói sau kết hơn, muốn có sống ổn định) Ex After marriage, my husband and I will look for a peaceful place to settle down Split up – kết thúc mối quan hệ với (li dị khơng cịn sống chung với nữa) Ex Several years ago, my parents had splitted up and my mom decided to move to America Pass away – nói người Ex My dad passed away 15 years ago Grow up – trưởng thành, lớn lên Ex My children have all grown up and left home now Run into = Bump into: Tình cờ gặp Ex: I ran into Lucy at the concert yesterday  Come between: Can thiệp vào, làm hại đến mối quan hệ hai người Ex: We shouldn’t let her come between us  Let down = Disappoint: Làm thất vọng Ex: They’re relying on me, so I can’t let them down  Stick up for = Defend = Support: Ủng hộ, hỗ trợ Ex: My dad always sticks up for me  Grow apart = Drift apart: Trở nên xa lạ Ex: We used to be best friends in university but we grew apart over the years  Lose touch (with someone): Mất liên lạc Ex: I lost touch with Peter for years Fall out (with someone): Mâu thuẫn với Ex: I had a falling out with my best friend last month and we haven't talked to each other since   Get back together: Quay trở lại với Ex: We decided to get back together after years living apart Phrasal Verb Topic Environment         Clean up – dọn dẹp Ex The residents around the area helped cleaned up the beaches after an oil spillage Cut down – chặt Ex Deforestation requires high considerations since many trees has been cutting down for the last several years Dry up – nóng dẫn đến bốc hơi, có biến Ex Due to prolonged periods of drought, many areas and rivers have dried up Dispose of – vứt bỏ Ex The nuclear waste must be disposed of properly to avoid harmful chemical for human Heat up – làm nóng lên Ex The sun is heating up the Earth’s surface Use up – sử dụng Ex Humans have been using up the Earth’s resources Wipe out – xóa bỏ, xóa khỏi Ex Natural disaster had wiped out many valuable properties in Japan Throw away – vứt bỏ Ex People needs to develop a habit of not throwing away trash on the street Phrasal Verb Topic Travel and Holidays       Drop off someone/something– đưa đến nơi chở đến Ex I really appreciated the man who dropped me off at the airport I’ll drop you off on my way home Pick someone up – đón từ địa điểm định Ex My dad was waiting to pick me up when my flight landed I’ll pick you up at the station Check in – làm thủ tục nhận phòng khách sạn sân bay Ex It was my first time to check in such a luxury resort Please check in at least an hour before departure Look forward to – mong đợi, trơng mong làm việc Ex I’m looking forward to hearing your news as soon as possible I’m looking forward to the weekend Take off – máy bay cất cánh Ex My favourite moment on the airplane when it takes off The plane took off an hour late Look around – nhìn xung quanh     Ex I would prefer to travel by motobike on short journeys so I could look around the stunning sights during the trip People came out of their houses and looked around Get in – máy bay hạ cánh đến địa điểm Ex The airplane gets in around pm I got in just after eight o’clock Get away – đến nơi để nghỉ ngơi, nghỉ dưỡng Ex Last summer, I got away for a short trip to London We’re hoping to get away for a few days at Easter Stop over – dừng chân nơi khoảng thời gian ngắn Ex Every time I travel to America, I stop over in Japan for a few days to enjoy its traditional cuisine I wanted to stop over in India on the way to Australia See off: Tiễn/ Chia tay/ Tạm biệt Ex: They’ve gone to the airport to see their son off  Set off: Khởi hành Ex: We set off for Paris just after ten  Hold up: Trì hỗn Ex: Sorry I’m late – I was held up at work  Get off: Leave a bus, train, plane Ex: We get off at the next station  Check out: Leave the hotel after paying Ex: We checked out at noon  Get on: Lên xe, lên tàu, etc Ex: I think we got on the wrong bus  Set out: Bắt đầu chuyến dài Ex: They set out on the last stage of their journey  Speed up: Tăng tốc Ex: Can you try and speed things up a bit?  Hurry up: Vội vã/ Nhanh lên Ex: Hurry up! We’re going to be late  Go back: Quay trở lại Ex: Dave and I go back twenty years  Touch down: Hạ cánh/ đáp xuống Ex: Our plane touched down at half-past seven in the morning I TRANSPORT (Giao thông) Part What are the main means of transport in Vietnam? (Những phương tiện giao thơng chủ yếu Việt Nam gì?) Sample answer Vocabulary (Answer) There are quite a few means of transport in Vietnam, but Means of motorbikes are taking the lead (Reason) People prefer to travel by transport (n) motorbike because it is more economical and the most important Phương tiện giao thông Taking the lead (v) thing is that when it comes to traffic congestion, it takes ages for car to move on the road but it is much easier for a motorbike to wend its way forward and escape the bad traffic Chiếm phần lớn Traffic congestion (n) Tắc đường Wend its way forward Đi chậm chậm phía (v) trước Part Describe a time you travelled by public transport (Mô tả thời gian bạn di chuyển phương tiện công cộng) Sample answer Vocabulary MRT journey (Mass (Answer) Well, today I would like to tell you about an MRT journey in Rapid Transport Singapore that I took several years ago Actually, I was a junior in Hanoi University when I took my summer vacation journey) (n) there After a month of planning, I decided to embark on the journey alone (Reason) I already knew that car rent in Singapore would be prohibitively Embark on the expensive to a student like me, so I chose MRT to travel around the city, journey (v) which was both fast and economical (Example) I boarded a train at Lavender station which headed towards Marina Bays station Luckily, I managed to findCar rent (n) a seat before it was filled up The trains here were notoriously jampacked in rush hours Boarded (v) To my surprise, it was so silent on the train, everyone tried to keep their voice low so that they wouldn’t bother others, and I have to say that was a strange Filled up (v) thing when compared to buses in some countries Moreover, the train went unbelievably fast, so it took me just about 15 minutes to arrive at my Jam-packed (adj) destination I felt that such a long distance was made shorter thanks to this means of transport That was my first time I went on a public transport and I hope that there will be more modern underground systems that are built in our Rush hours (n) country in the near future Chuyến MRT (Tàu điện ngầm số nước Singapore, Đài Loan) Thực chuyến Phí thuê xe ô tô Lên (tàu/xe) Lấp đầy Đông người Giờ cao điểm Part How you think people will travel in the future? (Bạn nghĩ tương lai, người di chuyển gì?) Sample answer Vocabulary (Answer) Well I think, electric mini-bus will be the prevalent Electric mini-bus (n) means of transport in the future (Reason) One reason could be that it still carries the same number of passengers but being small and agile to get its way out of a traffic jam (Example) In addition, carpooling may be a good idea (Reason) as people can not only save a great amount of money spent on fuel for their private car but they also help protect the environment Many Carpooling (n) people travel in the same car means there will be less emission and less traffic jam and this may be a dominant way of transporting in the future Xe buýt mini chạy điện Hình thức chung xe NOTICE Glossary box Means of transport (n) /miːnz//əv//ˈtræn.spɔːt/ Phương tiện giao thông Take the lead (v) /teɪk/ /ðiː/ /liːd/ Chiếm phần lớn Traffic congestion (n) /ˈtræf.ɪk//kənˈdʒes.tʃən/ Tắc đường Wend one’s way forward (v) /wend//wʌn/ /weɪ/ /ˈfɔː.wəd/ Đi chậm chậm phía trước Chuyến MRT (Tàu MRT journey (Mass Rapid Transport journey) /mæs//ˈræp.ɪd//ˈtræn.spɔːt//ˈdʒɜː.ni/ điện ngầm số nước (n) Singapore, Đài Loan) Embark on the journey (v) /ɪmˈbɑːk//ɒn//ðiː//ˈdʒɜː.ni/ Thực chuyến Car rent (n) /kɑːr//rent/ Phí th xe tơ Board (v) /bɔːd/ Lên (tàu/xe) Fill up (v) /fɪl//ʌp/ Lấp đầy Jam-packed (adj) /dʒæm//pækt/ Đông người Rush hour (n) /rʌʃ//aʊər/ Giờ cao điểm Electric mini-bus (n) /iˈlek.trɪk//ˈmɪn.i.bʌs/ Xe buýt mini chạy điện Carpooling (n) /ˈkɑːˌpuː.lɪŋ/ Hình thức chung xe II VACATION (Kỳ nghỉ) Part Where you like to go on your vacation/holiday? (Bạn thích du lịch đâu?) Sample answer Vocabulary (Answer) Honestly, I am really into going to the countryside, especially mountainous areas on my summer vacation (Reason) because I think the tranquillity here is the best remedy to help me get away from the rat race and recharge my battery Tranquillity (n) Sự yên bình Rat race (n) Cuộc sống xô bồ Recharge my battery (v) Nạp lại lượng Part Describe a recent vacation that you went on (Mô tả kỳ nghỉ gần bạn) Sample answer Vocabulary (Answer) Well, I would like to talk about a trip that I took with my family to Da Nang last July Worth-living cities (n) (Reason) We chose Da Nang because it took only 1,5 hours to fly from Hanoi to Da Nang International Airport and more importantly, it is considered one of the most worth-living cities in Vietnam with Local cuisine (n) specatacular scenery and delicous local cuisine (Example) During days and nights staying there, we visited Tourist attractions (n) famous tourist attractions in the city such as Dragon Bridge, Administration Tower, Linh Ung Pagoda, Ba Na Hills and all of Những thành phố đáng sống Ẩm thực địa phương Địa điểm thu hút khách du lịch Breath-taking (adj) Đẹp đến nghẹt thở Aerial walkway (n) Cầu cao Coastal city (n) Thành phố biển Superb (adj) Tuyệt hảo Local specialty (n) Đặc sản địa phương It would be a miss (not Sẽ thật phí (nếu them were breath-taking Among them, the most impressive place to) không) that we visited was the Golden Bridge, which was opened for tourists last June It is an aerial walkway which looks like a bridge that is lifted by two giant hands In addition, Da Nang is a coastal city so it is such a great feeling when we can walk along the beach after having dinner Blast (n) Một kiện vui vẻ (Example) In terms of food, I have to say that it was superb We tried street food such as Nem lui, Banh xeo or avocado ice cream… which are local specialties and it would be a miss not to try them In short, the trip was a real blast and it was a great opportunity for me and my family to share great memories together I hope that one day I can Part come 3back to Da Nang to be immersed again in the wonderful What factors people have to consider before a trip? (Đâu yếu tố khiến người phải cân nhắc trước du lịch?) Sample answer Vocabulary (Answer) In my opinion, there are a range of factors that people have to Unexpected expenses Chi phí phát sinh take into account when planning for a trip The first thing is the budget (n) (Reason) One should be able to have a detailed plan on how to allocate the available amount of money to minimalize the unexpected expenses (Reason) Another aspect that can not be overlooked is the accommodation (Example) I think people should choose a place which Cost-effective (a) is cost-effective and situated in a safe place so that they can enjoy their trip to the utmost Phrasal Verb Topic Weather       Clear up – thường dùng cho trời quang mây tạnh sau mưa Ex According to the weather forecast, it will clear up later in the day Cool down – dịu lại sau nắng gay gắt Ex After the pouring rain, the temperature has cooled down a little Come out – nói xuất mặt trời, mặt trăng, bầu trời Ex As we were about to leave the campsite, the sun came out Go in – nói biến mặt trời sau đám mây mà khơng thể nhìn thấy Ex The sun had gone in and it was starting to get darker Warm-up – thời tiết trở nên ấm áp Ex I love spring because the weather starts to warm up Blow up – nói gió mạnh bão mạnh kéo tới thổi tung vật với gió mạnh Ex During the storm, many trees were blown up by the vigorous wind - Cloud over – mây xuất che hết mặt trời Ex The weather in my city is usually pleasant but sometimes it clouds over    Pour down – mưa to Ex All of a sudden, the rain starts to pour down and everyone is seeking for shelter Rained off – kiện trời (outdoor activities) bị hoãn lại trời mưa Ex You should plan ahead and listen to the weather forecast in case things get rained off Snow in – khơng thể ngồi hay di chuyển tuyết dày đặt (dùng nói chuyến du lịch nước ngồi) Ex I got snowed in for days on my trip to Korea last month Trên số Phrasal verbs theo topic hay mà IELTS Fighter chia sẻ cho bạn Chúng tiếp tục cập nhật thêm cụm động từ hay khác thời gian tới nên lưu trang lại để học Ex We often start different hobbies throughout our life, but we don’t always keep them up for very long Topic Food/Cooking        Boil down – đun sôi, nấu cho đặc lại Ex My mom boiled down the leftover sauce to make it more flavorsome Boil over – đun sôi làm tràn Ex Jenny was cooking her chicken noodles soup on high heat and it boiled over Chop up – chặt nhỏ, băm nhỏ Ex The chef is chopping up the truffle mushroom for his signature dish Cut back – giảm bớt, cắt bớt phần ăn Ex Steve is lactose intolerance and he has to cut back on dairy Eat out – ăn hàng, nhà hàng, hàng quán Ex My family and I eat out once a week on Sunday Whip up – chuẩn bị bữa ăn thời gian ngắn (thường sử dụng trường hợp khách đến nhà bất ngờ chưa có chuẩn bị) Ex My family had surprise visitors yesterday, but my mom managed to whip up a light meal for them Cut out – tỉa gọt để tạo hình Ex After preparing the fruits, my sister cut them out to decorate for the dessert dish Topic Work        Carry out – làm việc Ex The crews are planning a five-hour spacewalk to carry out necessary repair work on the shuttle Take over – tiếp quản, giành lấy quyền điều khiển Ex In the next few years, ABC Company will take over the small businesses Take on – mướn, thuê thêm người Ex Our company is taking on new staffs at the moment Hand in – nộp, báo cáo công việc, giấy tờ Ex John has already handed in his report Layoff – sa thải Ex Due to bankruptcy, the company has to layoff 200 employees Call off – gọi xin nghĩ làm (gấp không báo trước vài ngày) Ex Jenny’s daughter admitted to the hospital this morning, so she decided to call off from work Slack off – lười làm việc làm việc khơng có lượng Ex Most of the workers usually slack off on Friday Topic – Free time/Hobbies      Chill out/rest up – thư giãn/nghỉ ngơi Ex At the end of the year, many people decided to go on vacation to rest up and chill out after a competitive season Take up – bắt đầu sở thích Ex I took up volleyball as I felt I had to lose some weight Get into – bắt đầu quan tâm việc Ex I believe that when you get into a particular kind of work or activity then you will manage to become involved in it Give up – từ bỏ hồn tồn sở thích/hoạt động/thói quen Ex He suffered a serious injury that obliged him to give up on playing soccer Join in – tham gia vào   Ex In the summer, I usually engage in outdoor activities by joining in community service group Hang out – chơi Ex In my leisure time, I usually hang out with my friends at the shopping mall Keep up – tiếp tục sở thích/hoạt động Ex We often start different hobbies throughout our life, but we don’t always keep them up for very long Phrasal Verb Topic Party  Party animal: Người thích tiệc tùng Ex: “Did you see Jimmy at the party last night?” - “Of course He’s a real party animal At one point, I saw him drinking wine out of a vase in the pool.”  Social butterfly: Một người dễ hòa nhập buổi tiệc, kiện, hịa vào đám đơng; giao thiệp rộng Ex: Jessie is such a social butterfly I feel like every time we go to a party she spends the whole time talking to people she’s never met  Throw a party: Tổ chức bữa tiệc Ex: I’m throwing a party next weekend at my place Can you make it?  Party pooper: Người có thái độ mệt mỏi, cau có , khiến cho người đến dự tiệc vui Ex: She is such a party pooper She just complained about the subway all night and then fell asleep on the couch  Dress up: Diện đồ đẹp lên thường ngày Ex: I hate dressing up for parties  To crash a party: Đến dự tiệc mà không mời Ex: “Did you guys see Tom at the wedding? I thought he wasn’t invited” - “Yea, I think he crashed it…”  Bottoms up: Cạn ly! Ex: Here’s to the bride-to-be Bottoms up!  Drink like a fish: Uống rượu hũ chìm Ex: Marry drinks like a fish I think she’s already finished two bottles of wine  In Full Swing: Hoạt động mức độ cao Ex: The party was in full swing by the time I arrived The place was packed ... chuyến du lịch nước ngồi) Ex I got snowed in for days on my trip to Korea last month Trên số Phrasal verbs theo topic hay mà IELTS Fighter chia sẻ cho bạn Chúng tiếp tục cập nhật thêm cụm động từ... Throw away – vứt bỏ Ex People needs to develop a habit of not throwing away trash on the street Phrasal Verb Topic Travel and Holidays       Drop off someone/something– đưa đến nơi chở đến Ex... cost-effective and situated in a safe place so that they can enjoy their trip to the utmost Phrasal Verb Topic Weather       Clear up – thường dùng cho trời quang mây tạnh sau mưa Ex According

Ngày đăng: 14/03/2022, 01:09

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    Tổng hợp Phrasal Verb theo chủ đề



    1. Phrasal Verb Topic Education

    2. Phrasal Verb Topic Family and Friends

    3. Phrasal Verb Topic Environment

    8. Topic – Free time/Hobbies

    9. Phrasal Verb Topic Party


