Another reason is that tourists often pollute or litter beauty spots and several famous beaches in Vietnam, such as Cua Lo and Sam Son, have widely argued: if something has been widely
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1 (30/05/2015) Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their country What are the reasons? Solutions to change negative attitudes
It is widely argued that global tourism
has a negative impact on destination
resorts and countries While there is a
strong case for this view, solutions
must be applied to resolve some of the
serious issues which have arisen
There are two primary reasons why
international tourism as a cause of
serious problems in their countries
One reason is that it may have an
adverse impact on traditional customs
and indigenous practices, because
tourists may be insensitive towards the
feelings of local residents For
example, some western holidaymakers
visiting developing Southeast Asian
countries may be rowdy or wear
unsuitable clothes, which might have
an undesirable influence on local
young people who copy immodest or
provocative behaviour and fashions
Another reason is that tourists often
pollute or litter beauty spots and
several famous beaches in Vietnam,
such as Cua Lo and Sam Son, have
widely argued: if something has been
widely argued, it means that lots of people have said the same thing about something
to have a negative impact on: this
means that it is not good for you
destination: a place where tourists like
to visit on vacation
a cause of serious problems: the
reason why something terrible happens
to have an adverse impact on: to have
a negative/bad effect on something
indigenous practices: indigenous refers to the people who are native to a local area; practices are the traditions and customs of a culture; the things they do
insensitive: it means that you don’t
notice what you are doing and the effect that it is having on a person or a place
rowdy: noisy, loud, rough
unsuitable clothing: not suitable,
inappropriate, not the correct or acceptable type of thing
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been spoiled by this lack of respect
for the local environment
governments and international bodies
to change negative attitudes Firstly,
the undoubted economic benefits of
economies ought to be more widely
promoted through the official media
International tourists spend money in
shops and restaurants and create jobs in
service industries and this aspect must
be publicised At the same time, tourist
agencies should urge visitors to
respect the local customs and culture
of their hosts Secondly, bodies such
as the World Tourism Organisation
must enforce strict regulations on the
tourism industry, ensuring that local
operators are responsible for clearing
litter and disposing of waste in ways
that do not harm the environment, and
issuing international Blue Flags to
indicate clean beaches
In conclusion, only by addressing the
concerns of local people will negative
attitudes to international tourism be
295 words
to have an undesirable influence on:
to do something so that it influences someone in a way that is not wanted by somebody else
provocative behaviour and fashions:
provocative means to cause annoyance, anger, or another strong reaction on purpose; fashion refers to the clothing that you wear
to be spoiled by: to be ruined by
lack of respect for: to have no respect
for someone or something; to not pay attention to agreed upon rules or customs
widely promoted: promoted in a big
way; thoroughly or broadly; when you promote something widely you let a lot
of people know about it
urge visitors to respect: to try to get
someone to do something; you urge someone to do or not do something
to enforce strict regulations on: to
make sure an punish people if they do something against the regulation
disposing of waste: to get rid of the
waste or garbage, usually by taking it
to the dump or landfill
addressing the concerns of local people: to listen to what the people are
concerned about and then do something
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about it
2 (03/12/2016) International travel has many advantages to both travellers and the country that they visited Do advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Amended Essay:
It is true that the growth of the
travellers and the host nations which
receive them While there are serious
development, I would argue that these
are outweighed by the advantages
On the one hand, there are some
aspects of international travel –
principally the tourist trade – which
raise cause for concern In terms of the
tourists themselves, they often arrive at
an overseas destination only to find
that the prices of everything are
grossly inflated They may be
overcharged for everything from a
taxi, a meal in a restaurant or buying a
souvenir In terms of the host country,
the problems of waste disposal,
pollution and unregulated construction
of hotels and tourist attractions often
result in permanent damage to the
environment Many beach resorts in
Thailand and Malaysia, for example,
have become ‘concrete jungles’ of
high-rise hotels and apartments to
accommodate mass tourism from
host nation [noun]: a country to which
a visitor or immigrant has come
grossly [adverb]: extremely – used to
describe something unpleasant or untrue
inflated [adjective]: higher than is
reasonable or acceptable
overcharge [verb]: make somebody
pay too much for something
controlled by laws or rules
concrete jungle [noun]: an area that is
unpleasant because it has large modern buildings and no trees or natural beauty
high-rise [adjective]: very tall, used to
describe a building
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On the other hand, despite such grave
issues, these are not insurmountable
and must be considered against the
advantages of the growing international
travel industry Firstly, there is
operators to provide value for money
holidays, so that holiday-makers can
enjoy their experience of a foreign
country and culture to the full
Secondly, the influx of foreign tourists
brings money to the host country
through the provision of jobs and
services for the developing hotel and
construction industries Employees in
these sectors generally benefit from
higher wages and improved living
In conclusion, I believe that the
advantages of international travel for
both travellers and host countries are
greater than the drawbacks, serious
though these are
277 words
accommodate [verb]: change a policy
or idea in order to deal with a new situation
grave [adjective]: serious
insurmountable [adjective]: that
cannot be dealt with successfully
to the full [expression]: fully, to the
greatest possible degree
influx [noun]: the fact of a lot of
people, things or money arriving
3 (24/12/2016) Today , more people are travelling than ever before Why is this the case? What are the benefits of travelling for the traveler ?
Amended Essay:
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It is true that in many countries the
number of people travelling has
increased over recent years There are
reasons which can be identified to
account for this trend and travellers
undoubtedly benefit from the chance to
travel more frequently and to visit even
the most far-flung destinations
At least two important factors help to
explain why more and more people are
now able to enjoy domestic and
international travel Firstly, growing
prosperity and a rise in living
standards in many countries has
enabled people to enjoy things which
they could never have before With
greater disposable income, family
luxuries such as holidays have now
competition among tour operators has
reduced the cost of travelling Only a
few decades ago, for example, budget
airlines did not exist, but now they are
used by millions of passengers each
In my view, in the case of both
domestic and international travel, there
are clear advantages for travellers
People now have a wide choice of
places to go and things to see and do
They are now able to experience other
parts of their own countries or to enjoy
far-flung [adjective]: distant
prosperity [noun]: the state of being
successful, especially in making money
living standards [noun]: the amount of
money and level of comfort that a person/people has/have
disposable income [noun]: money that
a person is free to spend after paying taxes and bills
affordable [adjective]: cheap enough
for people to be able to buy it or pay for it
budget airline [noun]: an airline which
offers cheaper tickets
exotic [adjective]: exciting and unusual
because it is connected with other countries
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Thailand, for instance, is immensely
popular with tourists from all over the
world, including Vietnam Visitors
enjoy not only the unique cuisine but
also the rich historical heritage of Thai
advantage for many people, now that
travel is less costly, is the chance to be
reunited with family members who
have moved abroad because of work,
study or simply in search of a better
life Family ties can be maintained and
strengthened thanks to the greater
opportunities to travel
In conclusion, there are clear reasons
why more people are travelling and
there are obvious advantages for
299 words
immensely [adverb]: very much, extremely
cuisine [noun] a style of cooking
costly [adjective]: costing a lot of
family ties [noun]: family links or
4 (22/06/2019): Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not local people Why is this the case and what can be done to
attract more local people to visit these places?
It is true that tourists from many parts
of the world pay more visits to
museums and historical places than
local inhabitants Resulting from a
number of reasons, this situation
historical sites: an official location
where pieces of political, military, cultural, or social history have been
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should be solved by attracting the
locals in some practical ways
There are two main reasons why
museums and historical sites are
preferred more by tourists than by local
residents One reason is that museums
are too familiar to nearby inhabitants
If museums do not change anything,
there will be nothing new for the locals
to discover Like eating the same dish
every single day, they feel bored with
visiting the same places Furthermore,
entrance tickets at some historical sites
are expensive for the local inhabitants
to afford For example, in Dien Bien, a
province in northwestern Vietnam, it is
rather hard for the residents to make
ends meet, let alone to spend money
on visiting some famous historical
attractions there
The governments should take some
measures/steps to tackle this issue
effectively Firstly, museums ought to
to refresh the exhibits The fresher the
museums are, the more local residents
are interested in them Secondly,
historical relics need to be free for all
the local people Without worrying
about additional expenditure, those
residents will pay more and more visits
to historical sites in order to broaden
preserved due to their cultural heritage
local residents/ inhabitants/people: the inhabitants of a place are the people who live there
attractions: a place which draws
visitors by providing something of
interest or pleasure
to discover: to find information, a
place, or an object, especially for the
first time
spend money on sth/doing sth: to use money to pay for things
relic: an object from the past that has been kept
to take action; do things to accomplish
a purpose
to tackle: to make a determined effort
to deal with a difficult problem or
situation invest in: to put money, effort, time,
etc into something to make a profit or
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their knowledge about their home
In conclusion, there are some evident
reasons that bring about this trend
However, something should be done to
attract more visits of the locals by the
260 words
get an advantage
exhibit: an object or collection of
objects on public display in an art
gallery or museum or at a trade fair expenditure:
an amount of money, time,
or effort that is spent
to broaden knowledge: to increase
your knowledge
5 (24/07/2019): International travel is becoming cheaper and cheaper , and more countries are now opening their doors to foreign visitors Do you think that the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages ?
It is true that it is now less expensive to
travel to other countries than it was in
the past New travel destinations
appear in tourist brochures to attract
visitors from abroad While there are
advantages, I believe that these are
outweighed by the disadvantages of
these trends
On the one hand, international travel
has experienced phenomenal growth,
and many people can now enjoy
exploring places which in the past only
the rich could visit After all, many
people on limited incomes have a thirst
brochure: a small magazine or book
containing pictures and information
to experience phenomenal growth: to
experience an extremely successful or special development, especially in a surprising way
to have a thirst for something: to
have a strong desire for something
far-off: a long distance away
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for seeing far-off destinations, and this
should not only be the privilege of
wealthy people For example, many
Asian countries now welcome foreign
visitors who can book an affordable
package holiday to experience the
holiday of a lifetime More and more
people are able to go sightseeing along
the Great Wall of China, discover the
temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia or
simply to get away from it all on a
beach in Malaysia So, now the many
can enjoy experiences that in past only
a few could afford
On the other hand, there are two
major disadvantages associated with
these developments Firstly, the green
movement argues convincingly that
there are environmental costs of the
growth in international travel It is
necessary to fight climate change, but
air travel pollutes the atmosphere, and
the construction of new airports and
tourist facilities such as hotels and
roads inevitably results in habitat
destruction Secondly, international
travel destinations are increasingly
crowded At the height of the tourist
season, even remote beaches now
swarm with tourists The beauty of
such places is now destroyed in the
interests of moneymaking
In conclusion, I would argue that the
privilege: a special right or advantage
that a person or a group of people has
to book: to reserve something, such as
a hotel room or a ticket
a package holiday: a holiday that is
organized by a company at a fixed price, including the cost of a hotel,
travel etc
the holiday of a lifetime: a special
holiday that you are unlikely to repeat
to go sightseeing: to look around the
places that tourists like to visit
to get away from it all: to have a
holiday in a very quiet place where you can relax
protection of the environment
to fight climate change: to try to
prevent changes in climate patterns, such as rainfall, temperature and winds
habitat destruction: the process that
occurs when a natural habitat, like a forest or wetland, is changed so dramatically by humans that plants and animals which live there
the height of the tourist season: time
of year when the greatest number of people visit a place and when the prices
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outweigh the benefits of these trends
289 words
are at their highest level
to swarm with tourists: when people
swarm somewhere, they move there in
a large group or in large numbers
moneymaking: producing or making a
large profit
process or fact of the environment becoming worse
6 (14/09/2019): Some people think that cultural traditions will be
destroyed if they are used as money-making attractions aimed at tourists Others, however, believe that is the only way to save these traditions Discuss both these views and give your own opinion