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Week 20 - Period 38 Date of preparing: 10/01/2021 Date of teaching:…./01/ 2021 Unit 6: The environment Lesson :Speak + Listen Subject: English 9; Class: 9A, 9B Time: period I Objectives: Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able persuade their partners to protect the environments Competence: Cooperation, persuading their partners to protect the environments Behaviour: Ss are aware of protecting the environments II Teaching aids: posters, book, cassette, projector… III Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities ACTIVITY (WARM-UP) (5’) a Aim: Set the scene, lead students to the main part of the period b Content: Active words and structures c Outcome: Ss’ understanding, ability of using the words and structures d Organization: - Give some ideas on subboard and ask Ss to tick T or F (Subboard) - The student will answer the question: Which actions to protect the environment? ACTIVITY 2: PRESENTATION (15’) a Aim: Students can memorize some new words b Content: pre-reading (vocabulary, set the scene) c Outcome: students can read and write the new words d Organization: a.Pre-teach Vocab - Students pay attention to the teacher prevent (v): ngăn chặn, phòng chống (transl) /pri'vent/ (prevent O from Ving) - Listen and repeat reduce (v): giảm (example) /ri'du:s/ (recycle, reuse) - Copy the new words in their notebooks wrap (v): bọc (mime) - Repeat all the words faucet (n): vòi nước (pictrure) /'fɔ:sət/ leaf (n) – leaves (pl): (realia) dissolve (v) : phân huỷ /dizɔ:lv/ - Listen and repeat harm to : có hại tới * Form keep O adj What/ how about + V- ing raw sewage (n): nước thải chưa qua xử lí I think you should pump(v):bơm, đổ Won’t you drop (v): rơi xuống, bỏ It would be better if you oil spill (n): tràn dầu + Can I persuade you to waste material (n): vật liệu phế thải Why don’t you Why not * Checking: R O R * Use: Express persuasion b Structure - Give a banana leave, a paper, a plastic bag and ask : - Individual work ? Should I use paper to wrap food ? Should I use a banane leave? Why? - Read aloud - Give dialogue on subboard - Ask Ss to call out the expression of persuasion ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (20’) a Aim: - Helps students to speak and listen about enironment problem b Content: - answer the questions in the questionaire - Practise asking and answering * Possible answers b Save plastic bags, clean and reuse them - listen fill the note c Don’t throw waste and garbage into streams, lakes and even oceans c Outcome: ss can the task correctly d Organization: d Discard/ throw garbage in waste bins - Ask Ss to complete the expressions in the e.Use fewer private vehicles and box with the idea cues given don’t release pollutants into the air .Eg: I think you should use banana leaves to f.Try to reuse and recycle things wrap food instead of plastic or paper -The secretary writes down the - Ask Ss to read out one of their sentences opinions in her/his group - Get feedback - After finishing, the Ss give it to the teacher Questionaire - Let Ss work in pairs to answer the questions in the questionaire Take note - Give feedback, teacher can write some - Repeat in chorus possible answers on the board so that weak Ss - Repeat individually can follow - Copy * Eg: a.How can we save paper? - I think we should recycle used paper, newspapers - Control and correct - Ask Ss to listen to the CD twice or three times and check their predictions Answer key: a, b, a, c, a Ask Ss to listen fill the note - Ask Ss to write the correct answers on board - Control and correct mistakes ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION (5’) a Aim: Stundents apply the knowledge about environmental protection they learnt in practice - Work individual to predict - Share with their partners b Content: Discussion c Outcome: knowledge about environmental protection d Organization: Discussion: - Listen and check individual - Divide the class into four groups - Share with their partners - Have students discuss the question: “What we to protect ocean?” - Learn by heart vocabulary - Write the answers to the questionaire in the notebook *Answer keys + Secondly: garbage is + Thirdly: come from ships at the sea + Next: Waste materials come from factories + Finally: Oil is washed from the land Work in group Week 20 - Period 39 Date of preparing: 10/01/2021 Date of teaching:… /01/ 2021 Unit 6: The environment Lesson 3: Read Subject: English 9; Class: 9A, 9B Time: period I Objectives: Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand a poem about the environment and memorize some new words in the poem Competence: Cooperation, understanding a poem about the environment Behaviour: Ss are interested in protecting the environment II Teaching aids: Pictures, posters, book, cassette, projector… III Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities ACTIVITY (WARM-UP) (5’) a Aim: Set the scene, lead students to the main part of the period b Content: Active words and structures c Outcome: Ss’ understanding, ability of using the words and structures d Organization: - T invites one student to stand up and answer some above questions - Explains the meaning of the word “poetry” if necessary + Do you like poetry? + Which poetry you like best? + Name some poems that are your favorite? + Do you think it is easy to understand a poem? + Have you ever read an English poem? + Do you understand it? + Do you like it? - Introduces the new lesson: Today we are going to read a poem about the environment ACTIVITY 2: PRESENTATION (15’) a Aim: Students can memorize some new words b Content: pre-reading (vocabulary, set the scene) c Outcome: students can read and write the new words d Organization: * Pre-reading a.Vocabulary: - Junk yard /jʌnk jʌd/ (n): bãi rác thải (explanation: a place where people store wastes) - treasure /'trezə/ (n): kho báu (translation) valuable things - hedge /hedʒ/ (n): hàng rào (visual) - nonsense /nʌnsens/ (n): vô nghĩa (translation) something silly or stupid - foam (n): bọt (picture) - Teacher writes each new word on the board then say aloud - Asks students to repeat, then explains the meaning of the words with the method of translation/ visual - The student will answer the question: + Yes, I do/ No I don’t + I like… best + Some of my favorite poems are… + I think it’s difficult/ easy to understand a poem + Yes, I have I have ever read the poem named… / No, I haven’t + Yes, I do/ No, I don’t + Yes, I do/ No, I don’t - Listen and open their books - Students pay attention to the teacher - Listen and repeat - Copy the new words in their notebooks - Repeat all the words - Come to board and write and pay * Checking vocabulary: Rub out and remember b Pre questions - Give students questions and ask them to answer before reading the poem * Set the scene: Two people are going on the picnic They are talking about the pollution Questions: a) Who are the people in the poem? b) What are they talking about? - Have students work in pairs to guess the answers ACTIVITY 3: PRACTICE (20’) a Aim: - Helps students understand the poem, the exercise a & b - Aware of bad effects of pollution and raise awareness of environmental protection b Content: a.Matching (Subboard) b.Comprehension questions c.Discussion c Outcome: ss can the task correctly d Organization: * While- reading: - Have students read the poem and check their answers Questions: a) Who are the people in the poem? b) What are they talking about? attention when teacher gives feedback - Listen to the teacher’s instruction - Guess the answers - Listen - Read and check * Answer key: a) The mother and her son b) They are talking about the environment/ the pollution a Matching (Subboard) - Ask students to practice asking and - Have students practice guessing the meaning answering the questions in pairs of the words by matching each word in column A with an appropriate explanation in - Match column B - Students work individually - Try to memorize the new words A B * Answer key: junk a a row of things forming a 1-c, 2-g, 3-f, 4-e, 5-d, 6-a, 7-b yard fence end up treasure foam stream hedge folk b people c a piece of land full of rubbish d a flow of water e mass of bubbles of air gas f valuable or precious things g reaches of state of b Comprehension questions - Show questions (from 1-6) on p51 - Get students to work in pairs to answer the questions According to the mother, what will happen of the pollution goes on? Who does the mother think pollute the environment? What will happen to the boy if he keeps on asking his mother such questions? Do you think the boy’s question is silly (line 9-10)? Why not? What does the poet want us to learn about keeping the environment unpolluted? c Discussion: - Divide the class into four groups - Have students discuss the question: “What could you in your school/ house to minimize pollution?” - Invites some students stand up and give their answers - Gives feedback ACTIVITY 4: APPLICATION (5’) a Aim: Stundents apply the knowledge about environmental protection they learnt in practice b Content: - Work in pairs to answer questions and write down in their notebooks * Answer key: If the pollution goes on, the world will end up like a second hand junk yard 2.The mother thinks other folk pollute (are responsible for the pollution of) the environment but not her or her son If the boy keeps on asking such questions, his mother will take him home right away No Because he is right; if he throws the bottles that will be polluting the woods The poet wants us to learn that everyone is responsible for keeping the environment from pollution Expected answers: - Always put the trash in the waste basket - Carry the recycled bag to go shopping instead of plastic bags - Walk or go to school - Reuse bottles and cans or bring them to the recycling factories - Apply in practice c Outcome: knowledge about environmental protection d Organization: - Writes the homework on the board Homework: Learn by heart vocab and write - Copy the homework in their notebooks things that they have to to keep the environment unpolluted - Asks students to it at home by the 8th January Thanh khê, ngày 14/ 1/ 2021 TTCM: Bùi Thị Nhiên Week 20 - Period 39 Date of preparing: 10/01/2021 Date of teaching:…………… Unit 6: The environment Lesson 4: Write Subject: English 9; Class: 9A, 9B Time: period I Objectives: Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a complaint letter Competence: Cooperation, self- study, writing a complaint letter Behaviour: Ss have right attitude in protecting the environment II Teaching aids: Teacher: Subboard Students: Book, notebook III Procedure: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities ACTIVITY 1: WARM-UP (5’) a Aim: Set a friendly environment and review the previous lesson b Content: Greet, check attendance and check the knowledge of protecting the environmen c Outcome: knowledge of environmental protection d Organization: - Greets - Ask Ss what they can to minimize the pollution - Check their grammar and pronunciation - Greet - Answer teacher’s questions ACTIVITY 2: PRESENTATION (10’) a Aim: Students can memorize some new words b Content: - Vocabulary - Ordering - Reading & matching c Outcome: memorize and write the new words, ability of reading comprehension Expected answers: - Always put the trash in the waste basket - Carry the recycled bag to go shopping instead of plastic bags - Walk or go to school - Reuse bottles and cans or bring them to the recycling factories - Clean the streets, roads where we live d Organization: Pre- writing a Pre-teach Vocabulary(5ms) - complain (v): phàn nàn (translation) /kəm'plein/ complaint (n) complication (n): điều phàn nàn / kəmplə'keiʃən/ - resolution (n): (translation) /rezə'luʃən/ - float (v): trôi , (picture) /fləut/ - prohibit (v): cấm ( translation) (O + not to V) /'prɒhəbit/ * Checking vocabulary: Rub out and Remember b Ordering(4ms) - Ask them to keep their books closed - Provide students five section of a complaint letter (with their definitions) in random order on sub board - Get them to put the sections in a correct order a Action: talks about future action b Situation: states the reason for writing c Politeness: ends the letter politely d Complication: mention the problem e Resolution: makes a suggestion c Reading and matching(8ms) - Have students read the letter on page 52 * Set the scene: Mr Nhat wrote a letter to the director of L & P Company in Ho Chi Minh City The five sections of the letter are not in the right order Label each section with the appropciate letter: S, C, R, A or P - Ask students to work in pairs - Give feedback: Teacher gives ideas if necessary - Let students read the production 6b on page 53 - Explain the excercise - Ask some questions to make sure the students know what there have to * Questions (subboard) a What people in the lake behind your 10 - Read and put the letters in the correct order * Answer key: 1-b 2-d 3-e 4-a 5-c SCRAP * Answer key: Dear Sir/Madam R I would suggest your company to tell your drives to clear up all the trash on the ground before leaving S I am writing to you about the short stop of your trucks around my house on their way to the North A I look forward to hearing from you and seeing good response from your company C When the trucks of your company have a short break on the streets around my house, the drives have left lots of garbage on the ground after their refreshment When the trucks might * Form : May/Might + infinitive (without to) *Use: * May/Might is used to talk about present or future possibility * Might is normal a little less sure than May * Drill: - Have students look at the pictures on page 89-90 to exercise in Language Focus - Get students to work in pairs They have to practice asking and answering a Ex: S1: What may it be? S2: It may be a book or it might be a game b What may it be? It may be a box of crayons or it might be a box of paints c What may it be? It may be a football or it might bad a basketball d What may it be? It may be a boat or it might be a train e What may it be? It may be a flying saucer or it might be a meteor f What may it be? It may be an evening star or it might be a spacecraft * Guessing game: - Prepare some things such as : a key, a doll, 117 a book, a pair of glasses, a comb… - Put a thing in a box and ask students to guess what it is by asking the questions: May it be a book the students who has the correct guess will get good marks or get a present - The game goes on until the time is over II Revision of conditional sentences type * Form: If clause: simple present tense main clause: simple future (will + verb (infinitive)) * Use: We use this structure when there is a possibility that the situation in the if – clause will happen in the future or is true in the present Activity 3: Practice (18’) a.Aims: helps Ss to practice some grammar propblems b.Contents:do the exercises c.Outcome:Ss’answers d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Have students work in pair to the exercise in Language Focus on page 90 Pair work - Ask students fives sentences, using conditional sentences type - Call on some students to read their sentences before the class - Give feedback and correct * Answer keys: b Lan will miss the bus if she does not hurry 118 Give answer c If Ha is not careful, he’ll drop the cup d Mrs Nga will join us if she finishes her work early e If Mrs Binh writes a shopping list, she won’t forget what to buy III Conditional sentences type 2(13ms) - Set the scene: Ba is not rich so he can’t travel around the word Pay attention - Ask students to complete the sentences: * If Ba ………………………rich, he ……………………………………around ………………… Complete the sentences * Answer keys:  If Ba were rich, he would travel around the world * Form : Main Clause: would/ could/ might + verb If Clause: past simple tense/ past subjunctive Give form, use Copy * Use: We use this structure to talk about unreal or unlikely present of future situations We often use “If I were you” to give advice ( = You’d better) - Ask students to Language Focus exercise on Pair wok page 91 They have to work with a partner and make conditional sentences type - Give an example first (3a) - Let students work in pairs - Give feedback and correct * Answer keys: a If Mr Loc had a car, he would drive to work b If Lan lived in Ho Chi Minh City, she would 119 Give answers visit SaiGon Water Park c If Nam had an alarm clock, he would arrive at school on time d If Hoa lived in Hue, she would see her parents every day e If Nga owned a piano, she would play it very well f If Tuan studied harder, he would get better grades g If Na had enough money, she would buy a new computer (Na would buy a new computer if she had enough money) Matching game - Divide the class into two teams, team A and team B - Ask each students from team A to write on if clause (of the conditional sentences type 2) on a small piece of paper - Get each student from team B to write one main clause - Take pieces of paper from team to have complete conditional sentences - Call on some students to pick up pieces of paper from teams and call out the sentences - This game helps students to practice writing conditional sentences and make them feel relax Activity 4: Application (10') a Aims: futher practice b Contents: write the topic 120 Teamwork c.Outcome: Ss’answers d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Writing Group work - Give the topic and ask students to discuss in groups before writing Write sentences in Type “What would you if you met an alien from outer space?” - Give an example first If I meet an alien from outer space, I would invite him/her to my home and talk to him/her - Have each student write things he/she would like to - Get students to share with their partners - Call on some students to call out their sentences before class Take note - Give feedback and correct - Get students to write some more sentences they get from their friends in class V Homework(1m) Do all exercises in WB Theory : Revise conditional sentence type 1, connectives, suggest structure Week 33 Period 65 Ôn tập Preparing date: ………… Teaching date: ……………… A Objectives : 121 Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to revise the grammar content and vocabulary in Unit 6,7 Competencies: Co-operation, self-study, using language Behavior: Ss work hard B Teaching aids: Teacher: Book, reference book Students: Notebook, book III Procedure: Activity 1: Warm up (5') a Aims: Check the lesson, lead in the new lesson b Contents: Brainstorming c.Outcome: students' answers d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Brainstorming Come to board and write vocabulary Give two topics on the board and ask Ss to come to board and write as much words as possible The environment Saving energy Activity 2: Presentation (12’) a.Aims: help ss to memorize some grammar problems b.Contents: Type 1, 2, Suggestion, Since/ as/ because, Phrasal verb… c.Outcome: Ss can apply to the exercises d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Type 1, Give form, use 122 - Ask Ss to come to board and write form and give use of Type and 2 Suggestion Write structure Ask Ss to come to board and write suggestions S + suggest + Ving Give form, use and give examples that S2 + should + Vinf Since/ as/ because Say VietNamese Ask Ss to give form, use and give some Meaning examples Phrasal verb Ask Ss to give meanings of these phrasal Give use verbs Turn on, turn off, turn up, get on, look for, look after, look at, look on, keen on, go on… Connectives Give form, use Ask Ss to give use of some connectors: or, so, however, therefore, but, and, although, though, even though Adj, Adv - Ask Ss to give form of adv of frequency - Ask Ss to give use of Adj and Adv Activity 3: Practice a.Aims: helps Ss to practice some grammar propblems b.Contents: the exercises c.Outcome:Ss’answers d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Give exercises on subboard Do exercises 123 Choose the correct words Answer key If you can’t find your place, I…………… you get there with this map A A helped helping A B will help C would help D If we …… hard, we’ll make this beach a clean place again A will work B working C work D works C C B D The pupils are going to collect all the bags and take them to the……… A A garbage dump B forest lake therefore C field D 10.joining 4.Mrs Ha is worried about her A electricity bill B job family C water bill 11.on D 5.Mrs Mi suggested a plumber to make sure there are no cracks in the pipes A to get got B getting C get D “ Turn the lights before going out” A on off B of but C up D A is a person who repairs the pipes A mechanic B engineer C plumber D doctor I’d like to watch TV I have to finish my homework ( and / but / so) 9.Mary’s eyes are weak, ., she has to wear glasses ( however/ therefore/and) 10She suggested the English speaking club ( join/ joining/ to join) 11“ Turn TV for me, will you? I want to watch the news.” ( off/ on/up) 124 Choose and write the sentences from the list the to complete the dialoge a We can reduce car exhaust fumes, can’t we b What should we to protect our environment? c That is a good idea! d How can we reduce air and water pollution? A: (1) ……………………………… B : I think we should reduce water and air pollution A: ( 2) ……………………………… 1b B: How about reducing the amount of garbage we 2c produce? 3a A: Well! ( 3)………………………… B : Why don’t we persuade people to use public 4d buses instead of motorbikes and cars ? A: In this way, ( 4)……………………… B: Yes, that’s right Activity 4: Application (10') a Aims: futher practice b Contents: the exercises c.Outcome: Ss’answers d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Use the words given in the box to fill in the blanks to make a meaningful passage down - air - save - dirty - pollute Students’ activities dirty air 3.pollute We are all destroying the Earth The seas and down rivers are too (1)………to swim in There is so much smoke in the ( 2) ……… that it is save 125 unhealthy to live in many of the world’s cities In one well - known city, for example, poisonous gases from cars (3)…… the air so much that policemen have to wear oxygen masks We have cut (4)………so many trees that there are now vast areas of wasteland all over the world We must act now before it is too late to anything about it Join us now (5)……….the Earth Answer the questions How many sections are there in a complaint letter ? What are they? What you write in Situation? Ss’ answers What you write in Resolution? What you write in Action? Complete the following sentences using the words given If / I / study / hard pass / final exam Because /Lan / be/ sick / she/ go / bed/ 1.If I study hard, I will pass the finel early exam His parents/ happy /he win/ first prize 2.Because Lan is sick, she goes to bed Question: True or False? Then early underline the false information and 3.His parents are happy that he won the correct first prize In Western countries, electricity, gas and water are luxuries People can reduce the amount of electricity by using energy- saving bulbs Lighting accounts for 10 percent to 20 percent of the electricity bill in North American households 126 Take note The labeling scheme for household appliances helps people choose the suitable and energy- saving products Homework Redo all exercises Prepare new lesson Week 33 Period 66 Ôn tập Preparing date: ……………… Teaching date: …………… A Objectives : Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to revise the grammar content and vocabulary in Unit 8,9 Competencies: Co-operation, self-study, using language Behavior: Ss work hard B Teaching aids: Teacher: Sub board, reference book Students: Book ,notebook III Procedure:ss Activity 1: Warm up (5’) a Aims: Check the lesson, lead in the new lesson b Contents: Brainstorming c.Outcome: students' answers d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Warm- up Brainstorming Give two topics on the board and ask Ss to 127 Students’ activities Come to board and write vocabulary come to board and write as much words as possible The celebrations Natural disasters Activity 2: Presentation (10’) a.Aims: help ss to revise some grammar problems b.Contents: Relative clause, Adv clause of concession c.Outcome: Ss can apply to the exercises d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Relative clause Answer - Ask students to distinguish between defining and non-defining Relative clauses - Defining Relative clauses identify nouns; these clauses tell us which person or thing the speaker means Adv clause of concession Although/ Though/ Even though Activity 3: Practice (15’) a.Aims: helps Ss to practice some grammar propblems well b.Contents: the exercises c.Outcome: Ss’answers d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Join two sentences using relative clauses 128 He is a person He is trusted by his all friends Do exercises On women’s day, we gave our mother a big bunch of the flowers The flowers are cut from the garden Call out the answers I’m looking for a book The book tells us about life on the other planet My father works for a company It makes cars A dictionary is a book It gives you meaning of words He met amny friends The friends encouraged him in his work The train broke down twice on the way It arrived two hours late A man has gone to prision He short two policemen A scientist has won a Nobel prize He dicovered a new planet 10.A bom caused a lot of damage It went off this morning 11.A little girl has been found safe and well She has been missing since Tuesday Activity 4: Application (15') a Aims: further practice b Contents: the exercises c.Outcome: Ss’answers d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Rewrite the second sentences keeping the 129 Students’ activities same meanings Unless someone has a key, we can't get into the house ->We Unless he phones immediately he won't get any information ->If You can't visit the United States unless you get a visa ->If Take note I'll only help you if you promise to try harder- >Unless If it doesn't rain soon, millions of pounds' worth of crops will be lost ->Unless Because of his laziness, Tom failed his exam -> Because “ Let’s use fewer plastic bags.” , he said -> He suggests In spite of the fact that it was cold, we went swimming -> Though If you don’t study hard, you will surely fail the next exam -> Unless 10.We last saw our grandparents five months ago -> We haven’t 11Would you like me to finish the work tonight? -> I will 12.It’s a pity our teacher isn’t here at the moment -> I wish 13.It may rain on your way home, so take th raincoat with you -> In case 14 A man used to work with me when I lived in New York -> That is 130 Homework Redo all exercises Prepare new lesson 131 ... saving energy Duyệt giáo án ngày: 25 / 01/ 20 21 Tở trưởng kí dụt 24 Phạm Trọng Điệp Week 22 Period 43 THEME: SAVING ENERGY Date of preparing: 24 /01 /20 21 Date of teaching: Lesson 2: Speak and Listen... tháng năm 20 20 Ký duyệt của BGH Week 21 Date of preparing: 18/01 / 20 21 Unit 6: The environment Lesson 5: Language Focus Subject: English 9; Class: 9A, 9B Date of teaching: 26 /01 / 20 21 Time:... đề: Week 21 Period 42 Date of preparing:18 / 01/ 20 21 Date of teaching: 28 / 01/ 20 21 THEME: SAVING ENERGY Lesson 1: Getting Started + Listen and Read Subject: English 9; Class: 9A, 9B Time: period

Ngày đăng: 14/02/2022, 20:33

Xem thêm:

Mục lục

    - Explain functions of the connectives :

    + So , therefore : to give an effect

    + Or : to give an alternative

    - Ask Ss the meanings of the phrasal verbs through examples:

    + It is dark here. Can you turn on the light?

    The meanings of the phrasal verbs:

    - Turn on = switch on / start

    - Turn off = switch off / stop

    - Look for = try to find

    - Look after = take care of


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