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Giáo án tiếng anh 8 kì 2 soạn chuẩn cv 5512 mới

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Giáo án tiếng anh 8 kì 2 soạn chuẩn cv 5512 mới Giáo án tiếng anh 8 kì 2 soạn chuẩn cv 5512 mới

Week 20 - Period 58 Date of preparing: 10 /01/2021 Date of teaching: UNIT 9: A FIRST-AID COURSE Lesson 4: Write Subject: English 8; Class: 8A, 8B Time: period A.Objectives: 1.Knowledge : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a thank-you note to their friend Competencies: coperation, creativeness, self study Behavior: SS are excited about writing a thank-you note II Teaching aids: Teacher:English 8, reference book, poster Students: English 8, notebook III Procedure 1.Activity 1: Warm up( 5') a.Aims: Help students to review how to write an an informal letter, then lead in the lesson b.Contents: write an informal letter c.Outcome: Ss’answers d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Brainstorming - discuss the questions in groups of - asks Ss two questions: + How many parts are there in an informal letter? - call out the answers + What should each part include? - calls some groups to check - answer the questions(WC ) - gives feedback and corrects, then asks Ss some more questions: + When you write a thank-you note? + Have you ever written or received a thank-you - pay attention note? - introduces the lesson: Today you are going to learn to write a thank-you note 2.Activity 2: Pre- writing (12’) a.Aims: Students understand the content of the thank-you note and know how to write a thank-you note b.Contents: Complete the thank-you note c.Outcome: Ss’ answers d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Gap-fill: Ex1-P84 - gives instructions: Complete the thank-you note Nga sent to Hoa after she left the hospital Use the correct tense forms of the verbs in brackets - asks Ss to complete the letter - gets feedback and corrects Answer key was came were am helped will phone Comprehension questions: (poster) - asks Ss some questions What did Hoa sent Nga? When did she sent her? What were they like? How does Nga feel now? Does she want to invite Hoa to her place on the weekend? How will she contact Hoa? - gives feedback and corrects - explains some more about how to write a thank-you note - pay attention - work in pairs - call out the answers - answer the questions (WC) - pay attention 3.Activity 3: While- Post writing (20’) a.Aims: Ss can write an complete thank –you letter b.Contents: write a thank-you note to a friend Invite your friend to go on a picnic with you and arrange to contact your friend c.Outcome: Students’answer d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Exercise 2- P85 - gives instructions: Now write a thank-you - pay attention note to a friend Invite your friend to go on a picnic with you and arrange to contact your friend Use the guiding questions and refer to - work individually the model letter in Ex1-P84 - asks Ss to write their letters - monitors and helps weaker students Correction - swap and correct mistakes for - asks students to swap their writing and each other - read aloud the letter correct mistakes for each other - calls on some Ss to read out their letters - gives feedback and corrects mistakes 4.Activity 4: Application ( 8') a.Aims: further practice b.Contents: Write another letter to another friend for other occasions c.Outcome: students’ answer d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Exercise 3- P85 -Write another letter to another friend for other occasions - Pay attention to T - work in groups using the same format - asks Ss to work in groups to write their letters - Write the letter - monitors and helps weaker students Correction - asks students to swap their writing and correct mistakes for each other - calls on some Ss to read out their letters - gives feedback and corrects mistakes - Copy - Write the letter in your notebook - Prepare Unit 9: Language focus Week 20 - Period 59 Date of preparing:10/01/2021 Date of teaching: UNIT 9: A FIRST-AID COURSE Lesson 5: Language focus Subject: English 8; Class: 8A, 8B Time: period I.Objectives: Knowledge: Giving students further practice in “Future Simple tense, making requests, offers & promises and in order to/ so as to” to talk about purposes - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to all the exercises using these grammar items Competences: Co-operation, communication, self-study, creativeness, solving problems, using language + Totalizing knowledge to exercises Speaking, reading and writing 3 Behavior: Ss love English and take part in the lesson actively and effectively II Teaching aids: - Teacher: Textbook, workbook, handouts - Students: Prepare Language focus + Prepare some grammar items “in order to; so as to”, revise the future simple tense and model will to make requests, offers and promises III Procedure: Activity Warm up (5’) a Aim: Check students’ knowledge from the privous lesson And lead in the new lesson b Content: read out the thank-you note they wrote at home c Outcome: the grammar items in unti d Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Setting the class: Check the old lesson: - Call some Ss to read out the thank-you T- St - Read the thank – you note note they wrote at home - Listen, comment and give marks - Run through the grammar items in unti - Pay attention and introduce the lesson Activity Presentation: (10') a Aim: Students can understand the structures well b Content: In order to/ so as to/ future simple tense/ requests/ offers/ promises c Outcome: Ss’ answers d Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities In order to/ so as to - Elicit the model sentence: - Give the model sentence I always keep the window open in order - Repeat in chorus - Take note to/ so as to let fresh air in - Give form and use Concept check Form: S + V + in order to/ so as to/ to + - Copy V(inf) Use: we use in order to/ so as to/ to before a verb clause to talk about purposes Future Simple - Give the model sentence - Elicit the model: - Repeat in chorus They will go to Ha Noi next week - Take note Concept check - Give form and use Form: S + will/shall (’ll ) + V(inf) S + won’t/ shan’t + V - Copy Use: we use the Future Simple to talk about future actions or events *Note: The Future Simple is also used to make requests, offers and promises - Work individually Requests/ offers/ promises - Ask students to repeat sentences about - Repeat - Copy requests/ offers and promises Requests: Can you/ could you ? Wil you/would you ? Sure/ Ok/ I’m sorry I can’t I’m afraid not Offers: Would you like _? What can I get for you? Shall I _?/ Will you/Won’t you have ? Can I get you _? Yes, please/ That would be nice/ No, thank you Promises: I will _I promise I promise I won’t _/I promise to _ I hope so/ Don’t forget Activity Practice (20’) a Aim: Students can understand, use structure of purpose, the future simple tense and structures of requests, offers and promises to exercises about them well b Content: In order to/ so as to/ future simple tense/ requests, offers, promises c Outcome: Ss’ answers d Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Language Focus 1: P86 - Give instructions: match one part of a sentence from column A with another part - Pay attention in column B, then write a complete sentence by using in order to / so as to - Work in pairs - Ask Ss to the exercise - Call out the answers - Get feedback and correct Answer key - Take note 1-f; 2-c; 3-b; 4-e; 5-a; 6-d Language Focus 2: P86 - Pay attention - Give instructions: Ba is talking to his mother about his aunt Mai Now complete the dialogue by filling the gaps with the correct words given in brackets - Ask Ss to the exercise - Get feedback and correct Answer key 1.will 4.shall 2.will 5.will 3.won’t 6.’ll Language Focus 3: P87 - Give instructions: Nga is helping her grandmother Look at the pictures and complete the sentences, using the words given under each picture and will - Give an example: picture a- in the book - Run through all the pictures - Ask Ss to the exercise - Get feedback and correct Answer key a Will you open the window b Will you give it c Will you answer the telephone d Will you turn on the TV, please e Will you pour a glass of water Will you get me the cushion Language Focus 4: P88 - Give instructions: work with a partner, look at the pictures Make requests, offers or promises Use the words in the box and will or shall - Give an example: picture a T: (The garbage is overflowing Somebody should empty it) So we can make a Request: Will you empty the garbage can, please? Offer: Shall/ Will I empty the garbage can for you? Promise: I will empty the garbage - Run through all the pictures and the words in the box - Ask Ss to the exercise - Get feedback and correct - Work in pairs - Call out the answers - Take note - Pay attention - Work in pairs - Call out the answers - Take note - Pay attention - Pay attention - Work in pairs - Call out the answers - Take note Answer key (suggested ideas) b Will you paint the door, please?/ I will paint the door tomorrow c Will you study harder, please?/ I will study harder d Will you carry the bag for me, please?/ Shall I carry the bag for you? e Will you hang the clothes, please?/ Shall I hang the clothes for you? f Will you cut the grass, please?/ I will cut the grass for you Activity Application(8’) a Aim: To consolidate more about structures of requests offers and promises b Content: Do exercises about structures of requests offers and promises c Outcome: Ss’ answers d Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Complete these dialogues with expressions for the requests, offers or promises - Ask students to read the sentences and - Work in pair the given words to make requests, offers - Write the sentences and promises - Read out the writing - Get feedback and correct A: It’s so cold, (you/ close/ the windows?) Could you close the window, please? B: OK I’ll it now A I feel tired and thirsty B Well………………………………… (you/ like/some cold drink?) A You must bring her back before 4.30 B OK……………………………… (I/promise/we/back/on time) A Oh! I cut myself …………… (you/give/a bandage?) B Sure Here you are A: Please go this way, sir ………………… (I/carry/bags) B: No, thank you Answer key: Would you like some cold drink? I promise I will be back on time Could you give me a bandage? May I carry your bags? Activity Transfer tasks at home (2’) - Write all the exercises in your Ex-book - Do Ex5, 7(P57-58) in the workbook - Prepare Unit 10 – Recycling + Learning about how to protect the environment using recycling vocabulary, practice the dialogue and answer the questions + List the objects that we can recycle ? What can you get from Recycling? Week: 20 - Period: 60 Date of preparing:10/01/2021 Date of teaching: Unit 10: recycling Lesson 1: Getting Started + Listen and Read Subject: English 8; Class: 8A, 8B Time: period I.Objectives: Knowledge: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about how to protect the environment using recycling vocabulary Competences: Listening and reading about how to protect the environment by reusing and recycling things 3.Behavior : SS will raise more awareness about the environment proplems, and they will feel worried about them and have activities to save environment II.Teaching aids Teacher: Tape, cassette Students: English Notebook,… III Procedure 1.Activity 1: Warm up (10’) a.Aims: Help students know how to reduce the amount of garbage, then T introduces the new lesson b.Contents: work in pairs ,make a list of ways that help to reduce the amount of garbage c.Outcome: Ss’answers d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Getting Started Brainstorming - asks Ss to discuss ways we can reduce the amount of garbage we produce using the words given in the box - gives Ss some vocabulary if necessary - gets feedback and corrects - introduces the lesson: One of the activities to protect the environment is recycling, in today’s lesson, you’ll learn this interesting topic 2.Activity 2: Presentation (12’) a.Aims: Students know some new words b.Contents: Students know some new words in the lesson c.Outcome: Read and write the new words d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Vocabulary (to) protect (explanation) : bảo vệ (to) reduce (explanation) : làm giảm (to) reuse (example) : tái sử dụng (to) be overpackaged (e.g) : bọc gói nhiều (to) throw away (mime) : vứt đi, bỏ a product (example) : sản phẩm Checking vocab: Rub out and Remember - sets the scene: you’re going to listen to a representative from “Friends of the Earth”, Miss Blake, talking to the students of Quang Trung school about recycling - asks Ss to read the box and answer the question: What does “Friends of the Earth” do? - gets feedback and corrects Pre-question What “reduce, reuse and recycle” mean? - work in pairs (make a list of ways that help to reduce the amount of garbage) - report the discussion - pay attention Students’ activities - repeat in chorus - repeat individually - copy - rewrite the new words - pay attention - work individually - call out the answer 3.Activity 3: Practice (15’) a.Aims: Help Ss to listen and understand the content of the dialogue b.Contents: Practice the dialogue and answer the questions c.Outcome: Student’s answers d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - asks students to listen to the tape twice and answer the pre-question - gets feedback and corrects Model sentences - elicits the models: It is not difficult to remember I am pleased that you want to know more Forms: S + be (not) adj + to- infinitive S + be + adj + that + S + V - explains some more about the two structures Roleplay - asks students to practice the dialogue (S1 plays the role of Miss Blake, S2 plays the roles of Ba, Hoa and Lan ) - calls on some pairs to practice before the class - gives feedback and corrects Ss’ pronunciation Comprehension questions: Ex2- P90 - asks Ss to read the dialogue again and answer the questions - gets feedback and corrects Answer key a Reduce means not buying products which are overpackaged b We can reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles and old plastic bags c Recycle means not just throwing things away Try and find another use for them d We can look for information on recycling things by having a contact with an organization like Friends of the Earth, going to the local library, or asking our family or friends e (possible answer): We shouldn’t use plastic bags because when we throw them away, they could stay very long and could not be selfdestroyed - listen and answer the question - call out the answers - pay attention -work in pairs - practice again - work in pairs - call out the answers 4.Activity 4: Application (8’) a.Aims: Students know how to protect the environment b.Contents: Discussion c.Outcome: report the discussion results to the class d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Discussion 10 Students’ activities Activity Presentation (10’) a Aim: review reported speech, change from direct into indirect speech b Content: forms, examples c Outcome: ss can change from direct into indirect speech d Organization: Teacher’activities Students’activities II Presentation ( 13') Reported speech - Ask Ss to tell how to change from direct into - how to change from direct into indirect speech indirect speech - Retell the form of statement and Yes/ No + change tense (one tense back) + change personal pronouns question + change adverbs of places and time Ex: Tom said “I like reading books” - the form of statement > Tom said he liked reading books direct: S + said + clause Ex: “Do you go to school ?” he said indirect: S + said + (that) + S + > He asked me whether/ if I went to school V(one tense back) - the form of yes/ no question S + asked + O + if/ whether + S + V(one tense back) 3.Activity 3: Practice (20’) a Aims: Help Ss to change the sentences into reported speech (poster) b Contents: exercises c.Outcome: ss’ correct answers d.Organization: Teacher’activities Students’activities - Ask S s to change these sentences into reported - exercise speech(poster) Charles said he was living in London then He said we were his best friends.” Johnny said to me he didn't know what Fred was doing She said she would answer the phone.” He said to his friends he had to go home then Liz asked me if I lived there IV Production (10') Hoa asked Ba if he was happy that - Ask Ss to complete the letter with given words day Dear Lan, 122 Charles said, “I’m living in London now.” He said to us, “You are my best friends.” Johnny said to me, “I don’t know what Fred is doing.” She said, “I will answer the phone.” He said to his friends, “I must go home now.” “Do you live here?” Liz asked me " Are you happy today?" Hoa asked Ba "Do you know this man?" he asked me My class/return/trip/ Halong Bay It/about/100 km/my home We/get /there/ coach/ It/sunny/windy On the first day, we/hire/boat/go out / the Bay There/many/ beautiful caves there The next days,we/go swimming/every afternoon We/also/visit Tuan Chau island It/ interesting/see/ dolphins/ perform/ there We/feel/happy/after the trip Love, Minh 4.Activity 4: Application (10’) a Aims: assign homework b Contents: homework c.Outcome: ss’s work d.Organization: Teacher’activities V Homework (2') - Learn by heart the structures - Do more exercises in reference book - Prepare: Consolidation Week 32 Period 99 Date of preparing: 07/02/ 2021 Date of teaching: He asked me if I knew that man - complete the letter Dear Lan, My class has just returned from a trip to Ha Long Bay It is about 100 km from my home We got there by coat It was sunny and windy On the first day we hired a boat to go to the Bay There are many beautiful caves there The next days, we went swimming every afternoon We also visited Tuan Chau island It was interesting to see the dolphins perform there We felt happy after the trip Love, Minh Students’activities - Copy REVISION Lesson 4:Supplementary exercises Subject: English Class 8A, 8B Time: One period A Objectives : - Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to all the exercises and revise for the second semester exam - Skills: Writing - Attitudes: Ss are interested in revising grammar items and vocabulary in Units 915 - Competencies:self-study,using language,creativeness,self-study,co-operation Ss can all exercises well B Teaching aids: handouts of exercises 123 C Procedure: Activity Warm up: (5’) a Aim: make a friendly environment before the lesson b Content: questions c Outcome: Students can answer the teacher’s short questions d Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’activities I.Warm up - Asks Ss some questions - Answer - Gets feedback Activity Presentation: (15') a Aim: ss memorize some new words b Content: new words, mapped dialogue c Outcome: complete the itinerary d Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’activities - Review some knowledge they have learnt: + Tenses: simple present, simple future, past - Pay attention progressive, past simple, present perfect + Direct speech and indirect speech + Passive voice 3.Activity 3: Practice (20’) a Aims: helps ss to consolidate the grammar and get familiar to some types of exercises b Contents: exercises c.Outcome: ss’ work d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’activities - Gives Ss handouts (photocopied sheets of - Answer paper) - Asks Ss to the exercises Choose the best answer by circling A, B, C or D The photographs _during his trip - Do exercises are very pretty A take B were taken 1).1C,2D,3D,4A,5D,6B,7B,8A,9C,10C, C taken D were taking 11A,12A,13B,14D,15C My family _dinner when the phone rang A are having B Had C have had D was having 124 She _her homework yet A has finished B haven’t finished C have finished D hasn’t finished This project _at the end of this month A will finish B finishing C will be finished D finished I’d like _a house in the countryside A live B living C lived D to live His new car _in Japan A is make B was made C is making D is to make She is not old enough _a car A drive B to drive C driving D drove _can I for you ? A What B When C Where D How It is easier _ English than any other languages else A learn B learning C to learn D learned 10 Would you mind _the washing up for me tonight ? A B did C doing D to 11 I prefer walking _riding a bicycle A to B than C with D for 12 She used to _ her younger brother when her parents went out A look for B look after C look up D look at 13 Mr Lam asked me _you the dictionary A give B to give C gave D giving 14 The man ……… to the principal is my 125 form teacher A talks B Talk C talked D talking 15 Rice, coffee, fruits and vegetables are Viet Nam’s agricultural ………… A produce B Production C products D productive Put the verbs in bracket into correct tenses or forms Nam _already _his homework (do) I didn't know how to the city (get) It heavily while my family were having dinner yesterday (rain) They anywhere last summer vacation (not go) They were watching The Seven O’clock News on T.V when I _last night (come) 6.The light went out when we …………………………(have) dinner 7.Would you mind if I ……………………… (carry) your language? 8.The boy …………………… (sit) next to me was very nervous 9.…………you…………… (finish) your homework yet, Ba? 10 Nga ask Ba if he ………………… (go) to Sapa by train 11.Do you mind …………………….(help) me to this exercise? Rewrite the sentences as directed The Chinese invented paper in the 1st century A.D @ Paper This factory produces thousands of cars each year 126 2)1.has done 2.to get 3.was raining 4.didn’t go 5.came 6.were having 7.carried 8.sitting 9.have finished 10.went 11.helping 3)1.Paper was invented in the 1st century A.D by the Chinese Thousands of cars are produced each year by this factory Nam said that his sister liked reading old folktales Mary asked me If her sister liked reading old folktales - Do a test again @ Thousands of cars "My sister likes reading old folktales." said Nam @ Nam said that " Is Ha Long Bay in the North of Vietnam?" asked Mary @ Mary asked me 4.Activity 4: Application (5’) a Aims: assign homework b Contents: homework c.Outcome: ss’ homework d.Organization: Teacher’s activities III Homework - Revise for the final test Students’activities - Listen and take note Ngày tháng năm 2021 Ký duyệt BGH Ký duyệt tổ chuyên môn 127 Week 33 Period 100 Date of preparing: 07/02/2021 Date of teaching: UNIT 15: COMPUTERS Lesson 4: Read Subject: English 8; Class 8A, 8B Time: period A Objectives: - Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read for details about how computers work in a university - Skills: Train reading skill - Attitudes: Ss know more about how computers work in a university - Competencies:self-study,language,creativeness,co-operation Ss can read for details about how computers work in a university B Teaching aids: C Procedure: Activity Warm up (2’) a Aim: brainstorm parts of computer b Content: chart c Outcome: write the parts of computers d Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I Warm up: (5’) Brainstorming - Asks Ss to think of the words relating to a - Write on the board computer and write on the board monitor screen mouse Computers printer 128 keyboard - Pay attention - Gives feedback and corrects - Introduces the lesson: Today you are going to read about how computers work in a university Activity Presentation (20') a Aim: help ss to memorize some new words and predict some information in the text b Content: vocabulary and True/ False Prediction c Outcome: Students memorize some new words and predict some information in the text d Organization Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1.Pre-reading(15’) Vocabulary - Repeat in chorus a freshman (exp): sinh viên năm - Repeat individually a jack (realia): phích cắm - Write bulletin board = notice board: bảng thông báo skeptical (adj) (trans): hoài nghi, nghi ngờ impact (trans): ảnh hưởng a concern (trans): mối quan tâm, lo lắng - Work in groups of (to) restrict (trans) giới hạn, hạn chế Checking vocab: Slap the board - Pay attention True/ False Prediction: Ex1: P141-142 - Sets the scene: Where in the library we get or find information? How can we store the information? If we want to discuss something, how can we do? Today, you are going to read a text about how computers work in a university Now you guess the True/ False Statements on P 141-142 - Read and guess - Asks Ss to read the statements and guess - Call out the guesses - Gets feedback and writes some guesses on the board 3.Activity 3: Practice (10’) a Aims: help ss to understand the text and the exercises b Content: reading text, True- false task c Outcome: ss’s completed exercises d Organization 129 Teacher’s activities While-reading(17’) - Asks students to read the text and check their predictions - Gets feedback and corrects Answer key a-T; b-T; c-T; d-F; e-T; fT Comprehension questions: Ex2- P 142 - Asks Ss to read the text again and answer the questions - Asks Ss to compare their answers with their partners - Gets feedback and corrects Answer key a) It has no library All the information normally found in a library is now stored in the university’s computers b) All the information normally found in a libraryor messages normally found on a bulletin board c) A computer and a telephone (line) d) With a bulletin board on the Internet, a great number of people (over 20 million) can get access to the bulletin and exchange information quickly e) (Student’s answer) Post-reading(7’) Recall - Gets Ss to recall the story by answering the question: How can computers work in a university/ school? Or:What are the advantages of the computers in a school? - Calls on some Ss to recall before the class - Gives feedback and corrects Activity 4: Application (5’) a Aims: assign homework 130 Students’ activities - Read silently and check the predictions - Call out the answers - Work in pairs - Swap and correct - Call out the answers - Work in groups of 4/ - Report to the class b Content: homework c Outcome: ss’s homework d Organization Teacher’s activities Students’ activities III Homework(1’) - Learn the new words by heart - Write all the exercises and the recalling in your - Listen and take note exercise book - Prepare new lesson: Unit 15- Write Week 33 - Period 101 Date of preparing: 07/ 02/ 2021 Date of teaching: UNIT 15: COMPUTERS Lesson 5: Write Subject: English 8; Class 8A, 8B Time: period A Objectives: -Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a set of instructions on how to use the printer - Skills: Train writing skill - Attitudes: Ss know more about how to write a set of instructions on how to use the printer - Competencies: self-study,language,creativeness,co-operation Ss can write a set of instructions on how to use the printer B Teaching aids: C Procedure: Activity 1: Warm- up (5’) a Aims: review some vocabulary b Content: jumbled words c Outcome: ss can write the correct words d Organization Teacher’activities Students’activities I Warm up: (7’) Jumbled words - Informs the topic: Words related to a computer - Writes the jumbled words on the board TERPRIN = (printer) SEUMO = (mouse) - Work in teams RECSNE = (screen) 131 NIMOROT = (monitor) BDOARYKE = (keyboard) - Pay attention - Divides the class into teams and asks each team to go to the board to write their answers as fast as possible - Gives feedback and corrects - Introduces the lesson: In today’s lesson, you are going to learn to write a set of instructions on how to use the printer Activity Presentation (10’) a Aim: ss can memorize some new words and computer parts b Content: vocabulary and matching task c Outcome: ss memorize some new words and match the computer parts with numbers d Organization: Teacher’activities Students’activities 1.Pre-writing(10’) Pre-teach - Uses the picture on P142 to elicit words from Ss - Repeat chorally paper input tray : khay đựng giấy Individually power button : nút điện nguồn - Write an icon (picture) : biểu tượng output path : lối giấy to remove (trans) : tháo ra, bỏ Checking vocab: Matching Ex1-P 142 - Work in pairs - Gets Ss to look at Exercise 1- P 142 and the - Call out the answers matching - Gets some students to give their answers and corrects Answer key a-3; b- 1; c- 4; d- 2; e- f- 3.Activity 3: Practice (20’) a Aims: Help Ss to write the instructions on how to use the printer b Contents: exercises c.Outcome: make sentences d.Organization: Teacher’activities Students’activities While-writing(15’) Exercise 2: P 143 - Gives instructions: Look at the pictures and - Pay attention 132 the words Write the instructions on how to use the printer - Has Ss work in pairs to outline the instructions - Calls on some Ss to say out the instructions first - Asks Ss to write the instructions - Monitors and helps weaker students Post-writing(12’) Correction - Asks students to swap their writing and correct mistakes for each other - Calls on students to write the instructions on the board - Calls on some other students to read out their writing - Gives feedback and corrects mistakes Answer key Plug in the printer and turn on the power Remove the old paper and load the new paper in the paper input tray Wait for the power button to flash Have the pages appear on the computer screen Click the printer icon on the screen and wait for a few seconds The printed paper will come out of the output path in a minute 4.Activity 4: Application (10’) a Aims: assign homework b Contents: homework - Work in pairs - Call out the outline - Work individually - Swap and correct mistakes for each other - Write on the board - Read aloud c.Outcome: ss’ homework d.Organization: Teacher’activities Students’activities III Homework(1’) - Write the instructions in your exercise book - Prepare the new lesson: Unit15:Language - Listen and take note focus 133 Week 33 Period 102 Date of preparing: 07/02/ 2021 Date of teaching: UNIT 15: COMPUTERS Lesson 6: Language Focus Subject: English Class 8A, 8B Time: One period A Objectives: -Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the Present Perfect with yet/ already to some exercises and recognize the difference between the Present Perfect and the Past Simple - Skills: Practice some grammar items to some exercises and make sentences -Attitudes: Ss are interesred in practising English grammar with the Present Perfect with yet/ already and recognize the difference between the Present Perfect and the Past Simple - Competencies:self-study,language,creativeness,co-operation Ss can exercises well B Teaching aids: poster C Procedure: Activity Warm up: (5’) a Aim: review some tenses b Content: make sentences c Outcome: Students can make sentences d Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’activities I Warm up( 4’) - Write some words on the board: yet, already, yesterday, last week, next week - Then ask ss to make sentences with these - Make sentences words Activity Presentation: (15') a Aim: help ss to review the present perfect b Content: complete the conversation c Outcome: ss can complete the conversation d Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’activities I Present Perfect with yet/ already(15’) - Sets the scene: Ba’s mother has just been back from the market She wanted him to some - Pay attention housework while she was at the market Ba made notes in his diary and checked (√) the work he 134 has done Look at Ba’s diary - Shows the chart (Ba’s diary) on the board - Pay attention Do homework ệ Tidy the room x Turn off the washing machine ệ Call and tell Aunt Le to have lunch ệ - Asks questions and elicits the answers from Ss: - Answer the questions T: Has Ba done his homework yet? S: Yes, he has already done his homework T: Has Ba tidied the room yet? S: No, he hasn’t tidied the room yet - Gets Ss to repeat and writes the sentences on - Repeat chorally the board Individually Concept check - Write Form: The Present Perfect with yet/ already Use: + Yet: used in questions and negative - Pay attention statements + Already: used in positive statements Positions: + yet: at the end of the sentence - Write + already: between the auxiliary have/ has and past participle or at the end of the sentence 3.Activity 3: Practice (20’) a Aims: ss can the exercises 3, page 146 using the prsent perfect b Contents: exercises c.Outcome: ss can the exercises d.Organization: Teacher’s activities Students’activities Language Focus1: P 144 - Gives instructions: Complete the dialogue using yet/ already - Pay attention - Asks Ss to the exercise - Gets feedback and corrects - Work in pairs Answer key - Call out the answers Ba: Yes, I have (already) finished it (already), Mom Ba: I haven’t cleaned and tidied it yet Ba: I have (already) turned it off already Ba: Yes I’ve already called and told her to have 135 lunch with us, Language Focus2: P 144-5 - Gives instructions: Work with a partner Ask and answer questions about the flights - Gives an example: in the book - Asks Ss to the same - Calls on some pairs to demonstrate the exchanges before the class - Gives feedback and corrects III Further Practice(8’) Exercise 4: P.130 (Workbook 8) - Gives instructions: Complete the sentences with yet/ already - Asks Ss to the exercise - Gets feedback and corrects 4.Activity 4: Application (5’) a Aims: assign homework b Contents: homework c.Outcome: ss’ homework d.Organization: Teacher’s activities IV Homework(2’) - Write all the exercises in your Ex-book - Do Ex5- (Workbook 8) - Prepare the new lesson - Pay attention - Work in pairs - Practice again - Pay attention - Repeat chorally Individually - Write Students’activities - Listen and takenote Ngày tháng năm 2021 Ký duyệt BGH Ký duyệt tổ chuyên môn 136 ... 28 Week 22 - Period 65 Date of preparing: 27 / 01/ 20 21 Date of teaching: 05/ 02/ 20 21 UNIT 11: TRAVELING AROUND VIETNAM Lesson 1: Getting Started + Listen and Read Subject: English 8; Class 8C... tháng năm 20 20 Ký duyệt tổ chuyên môn Ký duyệt BGH Week 22 Period 64 Date of preparing: 24 / 01/ 20 21 Date of teaching: UNIT 10: RECYCLING Lesson 5: Language Focus Subject: English 8; Class 8C... Ngày tháng năm 20 20 Ký duyệt BGH Ký duyệt tổ chuyên môn Week 21 Period 61 Date of preparation: 17/1 /20 21 Date of teaching: UNIT 10: RECYCLING Speak + Listen Subject: English 8; Class 8A, 8B Time:

Ngày đăng: 14/02/2022, 20:33

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