Pesticide Residues in Coastal Tropical Ecosystems: Distribution, fate and effects - Chapter 9 ppt
... % of pre- in field 1 IPM a in field 2 IPM Pre-IPM 197 0 138, 698 100 118,2 59 100 197 1 1 39, 401 112 ,99 5 197 2 1 49, 197 114,354 IPM implemented in some areas 197 3 132,847 93 .27 92 ,228 80.06 197 4 101,728 ... (supple- ment):107–11. Richardson, B.J. and Zheng, G.J. 199 9. Chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminants in Hong Kong surficial sediments. Chemosphere 39( 6) :91 3–23. S...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23
... period 199 3 to mid- 199 5 238 9. 4 Some pyrethroid pesticides produced in China during 199 1 94 2 39 9.5 Listing of pesticides produced in China by year of commercial production 240 9. 6 The half-life ... 69 4.11 Dissipation of DDT, DDE, and lindane in Kenyan soils 71 5.1 Pesticide residues in marine, estuarine, and fresh waters of India 98 5.2 OC pesticide residues...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23
... Sediment 9 December 199 4 2. 39 – a –– –– 18 February 199 5 11.63 14.46 12 .96 13.51 19. 45 12.44 25 April 199 5 4.62 23.15 11.20 17.65 23.80 21.00 25 July 199 5 ND b ND 12 .90 ND 14.74 ND 17 November 199 5 ... Pesticide Chemistry, held 5 9 July 199 4 in Washington, DC, USA. Dierksmeier, G., Hernández, R., Moreno, P.L., Martinez, K. and Ricardo, C. 199 6. Organochlorine pesticides...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23
Pesticide Residues in Coastal Tropical Ecosystems: Distribution, fate and effects - Chapter 2 ppsx
... Ghana. PESTICIDE RESIDUES IN BIOTA AND NON BIOTIC MATRICES IN THE INLAND, COASTAL, AND MARINE ECOSYSTEMS OF GHANA OC residues in the interior of Ghana Osafo Acquaah ( 199 7) measured lindane and endosulfan ... Kumasi in the Ashanti Region. Aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, 2,3,5-TCB, p,p´-DDD, and p,p´-DDT were not detected in any of the samples. However, endosulfan sulfate,...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23
Pesticide Residues in Coastal Tropical Ecosystems: Distribution, fate and effects - Chapter 3 pps
... sprayed (km 2 ) 196 2 2 46,273 90 0 196 3 2 45,5 69 1,160 196 4 3 75,645 1,300 196 5 5 174 ,90 7 2,070 196 6 6 2 19, 026 1,530 196 7 9 1,613,80 2,130 a Note: a 830 km 2 in Zimbabwe and 1,300 km 2 in Mozambique. Table ... 1.26 4 .95 4.37 31.28 18/F 17. 69 0 .90 36.65 – 3 .91 3 .94 45.40 19/ F 82 .99 0.52 14.73 – 3.13 3.03 21.41 20/F 6.80 0.24 16. 69 – 1.24 1.30 19. 17 21/M...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23
Pesticide Residues in Coastal Tropical Ecosystems: Distribution, fate and effects - Chapter 4 pot
... 501 .9 5,108.8 199 4 1,0 49. 9 747.4 1,671.8 563.3 4,032.4 199 3 8 39 882 1,503 3 09 3,533 199 2 1,670 1,122 2,634 1,164 6, 590 199 1 1,072 844 1,568 570 4,054 199 0 1,572 1,134 1,330 857 4, 893 198 9 1,571 ... maize and cotton while other OCs, e.g. lindane, aldrin, and dieldrin, were used for seed dressings. DDT was last imported into Kenya in 198 5, aldrin and dieldrin i...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23
Pesticide Residues in Coastal Tropical Ecosystems: Distribution, fate and effects - Chapter 6 ppsx
... Consumption has risen from 2,510 T in 198 2 to 198 3 and 5,150 T in 198 8 to 198 9 (Rahman et al., 199 5) to 7,800 T in 199 3 and just over 8,000 T in 199 5 (Matin, 199 5). The value of these agrochemicals was ... consumption for granular and conventional products since 197 2 and 197 3. With the lifting of subsidies beginning in 197 4 and ending in 197 9, there was a sh...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23
Pesticide Residues in Coastal Tropical Ecosystems: Distribution, fate and effects - Chapter 7 potx
... abamectin, the chitin synthesis inhibitor teflubenzuron, and the biological insecticide Bt (Lee et al., 199 6; Iqbal and Wright, 199 7; Verkerk and Wright 199 7). However, Iqbal and Wright ( 199 7) did ... C. and Hillebrand, M.T.J. 199 1. Cyclic chlorinated hydrocarbons in benthic invertebrates from three coastal areas in Thailand and Malaysia. J Sci Soc Thailand. 17:31– 49....
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23
Pesticide Residues in Coastal Tropical Ecosystems: Distribution, fate and effects - Chapter 12 potx
... a.i. and formulated pesticides utilized per ha (in kg), and quantity of a.i. (in kg) per person imported by Costa Rica from 199 2 97 Year 199 2 199 3 199 4 199 5 199 6 199 7 hectares of cultivated land ... controlled with pesticides. 0 4,000 8,000 12,000 16,000 197 0 197 2 197 4 197 6 197 8 198 0 198 2 198 4 198 6 198 8 199 0 199 2 199 4 199 6 Year Tonnes importedD Figure...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23
Pesticide Residues in Coastal Tropical Ecosystems: Distribution, fate and effects - Chapter 15 doc
... Robinson, 199 7 Hydrolysis Laboratory 24.7 Robinson, 199 7 Field 64 .9 132.8 Robinson, 199 7 Ethoprophos Photolysis Laboratory 14.4 Robinson, 199 7 Field 4.7 Robinson, 199 7 Microbial Laboratory 10 .9 Robinson, ... Lawrence, 198 4; Mansingh et al., 199 5, 199 7, 2000; Robinson and Mansingh, 199 9; Witter et al., 199 9; Table 15.6). In many instances, residue levels in the water and s...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 02:23