what animals are endangered in the tropical rainforest

“Inspiration and success for all learners”: How do Vietnamese efl school teachers perceive their roles and what style of teacher are they in the era of industry 4.0?

“Inspiration and success for all learners”: How do Vietnamese efl school teachers perceive their roles and what style of teacher are they in the era of industry 4.0?

... very interesting, entertaining, and informative The students are listening, perhaps making notes, but are mostly not being personally involved or challenged They often get practice by doing individual ... (unless they work in a setting that demands they and carefully monitor adherence) Instead, the way they teach often reflects their personal interpretation of what they think works best in a given ... interest in the teaching art (p 9) The authors begin their book by examining the notion of teaching (in Chapter 1) They claim that teaching is a complex job and that it is both a science and an art The

Ngày tải lên: 10/01/2020, 05:31

40 53 0
Báo cáo y học: "Reduced proportions of natural killer T cells are present in the relatives of lupus patients and are associated with autoimmunity" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "Reduced proportions of natural killer T cells are present in the relatives of lupus patients and are associated with autoimmunity" ppt

... Because the majority of these cells are not contained within the lymphoid gate, the loss of this cell population had minimal impact on the propor- tions of the other cell populations examined. ... [52-56]. These disparities appear to arise, at least in part, from variations in the cytokines that are secreted by the NKT cells in the different lupus mouse models, with interleukin-4-secreting ... observed in the lupus patients. As shown in Table 2, despite previous reports in the literature indicating increased autoanti- body production in the relatives of lupus patients [10,11], the Table

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 13:21

13 451 0
Báo cáo y học: " Hemoglobin a and b are ubiquitous in the human lung, decline in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis but not in COPD" potx

Báo cáo y học: " Hemoglobin a and b are ubiquitous in the human lung, decline in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis but not in COPD" potx

... phagocytosis in the diseased lung. In contrast, the expression of the Hb monomers in the alveolar epithelial cells is in full agreement with pre- vious findings on the airway epithelium [39]. The distributions ... molecular mass, indicating that Cysa105 was indeed involved in the complex forma- tion (Figure 4C). Overall, the reduced levels of the Hba complexes in the IPF lungs point to the presence of ... analysis. The results showed clear nitrotyrosine positivity, especially in the epithelial cells and inflamma- tory cells but not in the interstitium or fibroblast foci in IPF. In COPD, nitrotyrosine

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 11:22

13 349 0
Báo cáo y học: "B-lymphocyte stimulator/a proliferation-inducing ligand heterotrimers are elevated in the sera of patients with autoimmune disease and are neutralized by atacicept and B-cell maturation antigen-immunoglobulin" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "B-lymphocyte stimulator/a proliferation-inducing ligand heterotrimers are elevated in the sera of patients with autoimmune disease and are neutralized by atacicept and B-cell maturation antigen-immunoglobulin" pdf

... determined from the kinetic rate constants (ka and kd) The binding curves were processed by double referencing and were globally fitted to a 1:1 binding model The stoichiometry of binding was ... of BLyS The molecular mass of the heterotrimers was confirmed by SEC-MALS mass distribution LS/UV/RI 3-detector analysis Binding kinetics and affinity studies The binding affinities and kinetics ... signaling pathway, which plays a pivotal role in regulating diverse aspects of immune function, including mediating inflammatory responses and facilitating adaptive immunity [9-11] The binding

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 12:20

14 461 0
Báo cáo y học: " Tenascin-C and alpha-smooth muscle actin positive cells are increased in the large airways in patients with COPD" pot

Báo cáo y học: " Tenascin-C and alpha-smooth muscle actin positive cells are increased in the large airways in patients with COPD" pot

... membrane of the bronchial epithelium; Tn-C (b): staining present as in Tn-C (a) and in the stroma underneath the basement membrane; Tn-C (c):stainingpresentasinTn-C (b) and in the wider area of the connective ... desmin. In the remaining 12 cases no spindle shaped cells positive for either a- SMA or desmin were found which finding indicate that those cases did not revealed any myofibroblasts. In the cases ... staining was observed in 83% of the COPD patients, in 46% of the smokers and in 41% of the nonsmokers. When data are presented as cumulative number and proportion of individuals with increasing

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 13:22

11 431 0
Báo cáo y học: "Are chiropractors in the uk primary healthcare or primary contact practitioners?: a mixed methods study" docx

Báo cáo y học: "Are chiropractors in the uk primary healthcare or primary contact practitioners?: a mixed methods study" docx

... and analysis The findings of the two phases of the study are then integrated during the interpretation phase at the end of the study [21] The flow of this research process is outlined in Figure ... simultaneously developing closer links with other healthcare professionals and promoting interdisciplinary care including becoming more involved with primary healthcare teams within the NHS List of ... healthcare role in the UK than in the USA However due to the differences in the healthcare systems there are other benefits, such as remunerations, to being classed as primary healthcare professionals

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 14:20

12 523 0
Báo cáo y học: "Systems biology-defined NF-κB regulons, interacting signal pathways and networks are implicated in the malignant phenotype of head and neck cancer cell lines differing in p53 status" pps

Báo cáo y học: "Systems biology-defined NF-κB regulons, interacting signal pathways and networks are implicated in the malignant phenotype of head and neck cancer cell lines differing in p53 status" pps

... and indirect physical and functional interactions from peer-reviewed publications. The relation- ships in the network include protein-protein interactions, protein binding to DNA or RNA, protein ... the binding activity on the pro- moters of less studied NF- κ B targeted genes. The promoter of IGFBP3 was predicted to contain NF- κ B_Q6 binding motifs, which can not discriminate the binding ... However, there are several references suggesting other subunits of NF-κB could be involved in the regulation of MYC, including evidence that the RELB/p52 complex can directly bind to the

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20

22 434 0
An investigation into how visual aids are used in the process of teaching english to10th grade classes at krongbuk high school

An investigation into how visual aids are used in the process of teaching english to10th grade classes at krongbuk high school

... study: The study aims to investigate: 1. What kinds of visual aids are used in the process of English at KrongBuk High School? 2. What are they used for and how they are used ? 3. What do the teachers’ ... questions. The study is to answer the following research questions: 1. What kinds of visual aids are used in the process of teaching English 2. What are visual aids used for ? 3. How often they are ... objects: are things in the classroom such as table, fan, window, ect or things brought into the classroom to present vocabulary, practice language and they are often inform of food, clothes, containers,

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2015, 23:05

49 691 2
Effects of landuse change and forest fragmentation on the biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the tropical lowlands of sri lanka

Effects of landuse change and forest fragmentation on the biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the tropical lowlands of sri lanka

... Tradeoffs between income, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning during tropical rainforest conversion and agroforestry intensification Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United ... and for the opportunity to use the scarab beetle collection at the American Museum iii of Natural History Thanks to the ScarabNet research team including Finbarr Horgan for sharing with me their ... College of New York) is kindly acknowledged for extending a generous helping hand in many challenges faced during my PhD study including correcting manuscripts, assisting analytical problems,

Ngày tải lên: 09/09/2015, 18:49

197 560 0
Occurrence and fate of semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in the tropical atmosphere

Occurrence and fate of semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in the tropical atmosphere

... in the environment These SVOCs are of concern as they are potentially carcinogenic, mutagenic, and have endocrine-disrupting impacts even onto mammals at the top of the food chain ... project. My parents deserve special mention for their inseparable support. My Father, HE Xizhong, in the first place is the person who put the fundament for my learning character, showing me the joyness ... bioaccumulation in the lipid fraction of biological... SVOCs in the atmosphere and / or precipitation in various regions including SEA (SEA) In Canada and the United States, the Integrated

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 10:15

231 263 0
Effects of landuse change and forest fragmentation on the biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the tropical lowlands of sri lanka

Effects of landuse change and forest fragmentation on the biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the tropical lowlands of sri lanka

... Royal Tajuria cippus longinu Not endemic x  x  Lycaenidae Plain Hedgeblue Celestrina lavendularis Not endemic x 0 Lycaenidae Pointed Ciliated blue Anthene lycaenina lycaenina Not endemic x  x  Lycaenidae ... 0 Nymphalidae: Satyrinae Ceylon Palmfly Elymnias singala Endemic 0 x Nymphalidae: Satyrinae Cingalese Bushbrown Mycalesis rama Endemic 0 x Nymphalidae: Satyrinae Common Evening Brown Melanitis ... Satyrinae Gladeye Bushbrown Nissanga patnia patnia Not endemic x  x  x  x  Nymphalidae: Satyrinae Mottled Immigrant Catopsilia pyranthe minna Not endemic x  x  Nymphalidae: Satyrinae White Four-ring

Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2015, 06:37

43 265 0
Soil moisture dynamics in the tropical montane forest of northern thailand

Soil moisture dynamics in the tropical montane forest of northern thailand

... Results indicate that soil moisture is more variable during the latter half of the year, that is, the months spanning the wet season and the drying down inter-season thereafter This finding of the ... might explain the variability at different seasonal inflexions were also discussed The practical outworkings of these findings are multifaceted First, and at the onset, the new findings can be ... On the other hand, at the transition out of the wet state into the initial drying, soil moisture was more responsive to the first instances of the lack of precipitation, which took place within

Ngày tải lên: 16/10/2015, 15:38

150 326 0
Single and dual task tests of gait speed are equivalent in the prediction of falls in older people  a systematic review and meta analysis

Single and dual task tests of gait speed are equivalent in the prediction of falls in older people a systematic review and meta analysis

... determine whether dual task walking paradigms involving a secondary cognitive task are superior to single walking tasks in predicting falls in older people Additional aims were to compare the Page ... stopping walking te Since then, many studies have investigated cognitive/ motor interference while walking and its relationship to fall risk in elderly and clinical populations Some of these findings ... to predict falls than single walking us tasks The meta-analytic findings indicate single and dual task tests of gait speed are an equivalent in the prediction of falls in older people and sub-group

Ngày tải lên: 25/08/2016, 23:09

53 372 0
Rock samples of pebble to cobble size are used in the every pebble tells a story activity

Rock samples of pebble to cobble size are used in the every pebble tells a story activity

... contain rock or mineral fragments h Veins, weathering, staining Common igneous processes and rock characteristics: a Melting, subsequent cooling resulting in crystals of distinct mineral ... crys tals (“coars e grained”) Layers are wide bands Fine grained matrix Rhyolite (I) Coarse grained Granite (I) Fine grained matrix; black,... distinct layers e Mineral sorting f Chemical sedimentary ... determine the origin of the rock sample – igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic) sometimes colored, may show cross bedding Fine grain, surface is not shiny, thin flat layers, usually dark color Grains

Ngày tải lên: 30/11/2016, 16:54

33 366 0
Give definition of marketing and explain why marketing is so important . What things are include in marketing ? Suggest some best marketing methods or techniques.

Give definition of marketing and explain why marketing is so important . What things are include in marketing ? Suggest some best marketing methods or techniques.

... Marketing definition Part Importance of marketing + Sales increasing, reputation maintaining + Competitive keeping in the market, Part Main factors of marketing The 4Ps of Marketing: Product, ... definition of marketing and explain why marketing is so important What things are include in marketing ? Suggest some best marketing methods or techniques topic: TEAM outline Part Marketing ... Popular marketing method +Hooray for Free Advertising + The Bottom Line I.Marketing definition The activity of institutions The purpose of promoting or Delivering and exchanging selling that product,

Ngày tải lên: 05/12/2016, 15:08

12 702 1
Things merely are   philosophy in the poetry of wallace stevens

Things merely are philosophy in the poetry of wallace stevens

... may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information ... its descriptions of particular things and their difficult plainness, poetry evokes the ‘mereness’ of things Poetry brings us to the realization that things merely are, an experience that provokes ... allows the imagination to press back against the pressure of reality Critchley also argues that this calm defines the cinematic eye of Terrence Malick, whose work is discussed at the end of the book

Ngày tải lên: 25/02/2019, 17:14

152 34 0
Đề tài " Axiom A maps are dense in the space of unimodal maps in the Ck topology " doc

Đề tài " Axiom A maps are dense in the space of unimodal maps in the Ck topology " doc

... there are only finitely many connected components which contain points of the orbit of the critical point. Indeed, since c is recurrent the ω-limit set contains the orbit of c; since ω(c)is minimal ... necessarily coincide. Therefore, the jets of the maps φ λ | J − and φ λ | J + are different. However, the exponents of the leading terms of these jets do coincide. So, in the neighborhood of the point b ... that there is a critical point of g in the central domain), • All other components of B are mapped univalently onto A by the map g, • The iterates of the critical point of g never leave the domain...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

44 413 0


... players. But she sees the strongest trend in branding outside the traditional market- ing arena – companies’ investments in sustainability for the environment and in the social arena. “If brands ... what distinguishes them and makes them in- teresting and thus makes people want to choose them,” he says. The challenge in all branding work is to whittle out what is the unique DNA of the ... untreated.” Among the innovations this year are new wood stains and methods of joining wood. Another trend is to combine differ- ent types of wood, a common practice in Denmark in the 1950s. Light...

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 00:20

36 485 0
What Every MBA Student in the World Needs to Know pdf

What Every MBA Student in the World Needs to Know pdf

... analysis. What you are learning in school is analysis. You are being taught tools and techniques. Analysis is just one of the ingredients in the recipe. You may have the best analysis in the room. ... with the best answers sit in the back of the room while hacks run the show. If you enjoy the view from the back, getting an MBA will not change anything. A MBA degree only works if you are ... an Indian electrical engineer who grew up in a typical middle-class family. What made him different was that he dreamed of building a world-class company. In 2006, the annual revenue of Infosys,...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 03:20

12 425 0