AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 8 pptx

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 8 pptx

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 8 pptx

... duoi-giua dong chii'. BR (Botton-Right): can h~ bang diem day du6i-phai dong chii IDnh 5-2 8 minh hQa d.c can Ie do. Top-Left Midle-Left Botton-left • Hlnh 5-2 8 • ... tren-trai. (hlnh 5-3 0) TC (Top-Center); can Ie bang diem tren-giua dong chit 1R (Top-Right): can Ie bang diem tr~n-phai. ML (Middle-Left): din Ie bang diem giCta chie...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 409 0
AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 10 pptx

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 10 pptx

... nlllT hlnh 8- 1 (neu bien CMDDIA d~1 khac 0). 76 Plot Configuration Device and Dehault Information fxl050 -rln =-& apos;~v-:I"~~.~n~d"D :-& apos ;-: f.~U-:It"S~ ,-: 'e~""I~on~."".: ... ~============~ Value: Insertion Point-~ iText Options I Pick ~oint < 1 JUstification: o /\liqn 1)J~I!Jw previ(luG IIttfi h uit~...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 320 0
AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 15 pptx

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 15 pptx

... hlnh I J -2 4 . .:AD . IT ·do2.dwg) I!!I[!] EI J:!elp , , , c- c ,- o 0 0 I I '" ;0 "''' " - - - " •• - ¥. - - - ~ - "".~ ... sau: Vslide hopl delay 1000 Vslide bop2 delay 1000 Vslide hop3 119 CHUONG12 -& apos;? - -& apos; - XUAT BAN VE 3D RA GIAY V...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 235 0
AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 1 pdf

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 1 pdf

... cau la phai 8MB, d6ng thai may phai co b~ d6ng xii ly toan thl!C sv Co-processor 80 87. Cho n~n co the dung may AT 386 dllqc cai th~m Co-processor 80 87. ho~c may AT 486 . AT 586 thi t6t ... iu (Printer). 1.2.3. Giao di~n AutoCAD a. KhOi diing AU/DeAD co 2 cach d6 khiri d~ng AutoCAD : 1- Khffi dQng bang file acad.exe: Gia sit AutoCAD duqc cai d~t...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 288 0
AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 2 pdf

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 2 pdf

... (Constuction Plane), xem hlnh 1-4 . y Y(jt pha,q kien tQo Hlob 1-4 Mloh 1-5 10 + H~ f(j(j d¢ IIg/(oi dllllg UCS : H¢ nay do b,!-n tl! t'!-o va co the d~t a bal ky ... nhau(ducrng li en, duemg dU!, duemg cham gach ). 16 + X 0 0 -$ - l2l: (') D D $- J2,1 [1J D D -$ - f.2l ['J Point ,S.ize: 15_0000 I"...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 365 0
AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 3 pps

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 3 pps

... 2-7 L¢nh ntly de ve dO<p1 thing, duang ga'p khuc co be r~ng net dugc chQo tnroc . • Cich g9i I~nh 1RACE tlr Menu: rl Sc-ree-n-M-en-u->-D-R-A-W->-T-ra-c-e ... dl !-: hloh 2-7 (11(1.10) Command: From point: To point: To point: Command: Center/<Start point>: End point: 2.6, TRACE line 45,50 120,50 .J arc .J @liO<45 -...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 341 0
AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 4 pdf

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 4 pdf

... kich thlJac mai se W d¢ng cilkp nhilkt v~o. 30 * C8ch gQi l¢nh SCALE tu Menu: r ;Sc:-re-e-n-=M :-: -en-u-> ;-= E=D=IT= > ;-= Sc=-a"C}e ' Menu Bar > MODIFY > Scale >l< ... bang I~nh APERTURE, ho~c chinh phim Min-Max Iren h~p tho~i hinh 2-1 4; ho~c go: Command: aperture Ojecl SIl<lP tagel size: <I -5 0 pixels>: • Sa...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 429 0
AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 5 potx

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 5 potx

... thay bang mQt cung tron- co oo.n kinh bang ban kinh cung noi tiep, xem hlnh 3-1 3. . I 1- I I I I I -& apos ;- I ) • a.Hinh,g6c b. Sau Fillet-P Hioh 3-1 1 + N6i ti€p 2 duimg: B~n ... cae dUCmg thang khac nhau se W Il.Ii t~i diem CPd6, xem hlnh 3-1 8. a ffinh g6c , a b Sau Qlangc-CP Hinh 3-1 8 37 ehU y: Nt!"u b~ ch9n dOl...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 278 0
AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 6 docx

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 6 docx

... ticb, chu vi eua hmh kin . • C3ch gQi I~nh AREA til Menu: rl-Sc-ree-n-M'-e-n-U->-IN-Q-U-IR-Y->-Ar-e-a' * Go l¢nh tU ban phim: Command: area <First point>/Entity/ ... P' (lOo,tOO) Command: Displacement: Second JK>int: PAN TnIOc PAN pan -1 50, -1 80 -1 00, -1 00 Hinh 4-2 <clio ~ .• dln> . . , ' '...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 298 0
AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 7 pps

AutoCad - Auto Design Softwares part 7 pps

... thu6c g6m 3 thanh pMn nhu sau: (hlnh 5 -8 ) . Dlmentlon nne \ Dimention text 92 1 - Extention line: dUOng dong - Dimension line: dUOng kich thUdC - Dimenion text: chu so kfch thu6c ... Hinh 5· 18 minh h<;m cac chiJ so kfch thlIdc trucrc va sau khi dung lEDIT hi¢u chinh. 60 40 Hinh goe a) TEDIT -Ang le20" b) Ifmh 5· 18 60 40 ~I TEO...

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2014, 21:21

8 469 0
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